Time Profiler for asynchronous requests - ios

Hi am try to figure out how to use Time Profiler for asynschronous requests. Currently I use NSDate and NSTimeInterval to track the time it takes for a request to return. Here is the code for what I am doing now:
NSDate * start = [NSDate date];
[FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#/photos?fields=images", albumName] completionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, FBGraphObject *result, NSError *error) {
NSTimeInterval timeBetweenDates = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
NSLog(#"Facebook Album Request Time: %f", timeBetweenDates);
Seems like there should be a way to do this Time Profiler. Does time profiler provide this a way to do this? Also, how do I get the profile of events taking place running inside the async request?

No, Time Profiler doesn't measure the amount of time that has passed between two points in your code. It samples what your threads are doing at various points. Over a given sampling period, it tells you how your threads allocated their time which is a different question than how much time elapsed between two points in your code. Also, it's statistical in nature.
You can use the DTPerformanceSession framework to start and stop profiling or emit flags, but I'm not sure that will achieve what you're looking for either.
As to "how do I get the profile of events taking place running inside the async request", the time profiler should already be effectively showing that. However, you should recognize that the answer may be "nothing". Async APIs are usually asynchronous precisely because they have to wait for some external events and, while they're waiting, your code or even the frameworks are doing nothing. For example, if a request is sent to a remote server and the frameworks are waiting for a reply, they will be idle until the server sends the reply back.


iPad Pro 3rd Gen Killing Foreground App Without Cause

I have an app that has been out in the wild for many years.
This app, in order to be 100% functional while offline, needs to download hundreds of thousands of images (1 for each object) one time only (delta updates are processed as needed).
The object data itself comes down without issue.
However, recently, our app has started crashing while downloading just the images, but only on newer iPads (3rd gen iPad Pros with plenty of storage).
The image download process uses NSURLSession download tasks inside an NSOperationQueue.
We were starting to see Energy Logs stating that CPU usage was too high, so we modified our parameters to add a break between each image, as well as between each batch of image, using
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:someTime];
This reduced our CPU usage from well above 95% (which, fair enough) to down below 18%!
Unfortunately, the app would still crash on newer iPads after only a couple of hours. However, on our 2016 iPad Pro 1st Gen, the app does not crash at all, even after 24 hours of downloading.
When pulling crash logs from the devices, all we see is that CPU usage was over 50% for more than 3 minutes. No other crash logs come up.
These devices are all plugged in to power, and have their lock time set to never in order to allow the iPad to remain awake and with our app in the foreground.
In an effort to solve this issue, we turned our performance way down, basically waiting 30 seconds in between each image, and 2 full minutes between each batch of images. This worked and the crashing stopped, however, this would take days to download all of our images.
We are trying to find a happy medium where the performance is reasonable, and the app does not crash.
However, what is haunting me, is that no matter the setting, and even at full-bore performance, the app never crashes on the older devices, it only crashes on the newer devices.
Conventional wisdom would suggest that should not be possible.
What am I missing here?
When I profile using Instruments, I see the app sitting at a comfortable 13% average while downloading, and there is a 20 second gap in between batches, so the iPad should have plenty of time to do any cleanup.
Anyone have any ideas? Feel free to request additional information, I'm not sure what else would be helpful.
EDIT 1: Downloader Code Below:
//Assume the following instance variables are set up:
self.operationQueue = NSOperationQueue to download the images.
self.urlSession = NSURLSession with ephemeralSessionConfiguration, 60 second timeoutIntervalForRequest
self.conditions = NSMutableArray to house the NSConditions used below.
self.countRemaining = NSUInteger which keeps track of how many images are left to be downloaded.
//Starts the downloading process by setting up the variables needed for downloading.
//If the operation queue doesn't exist, re-create it here.
self.operationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[self.operationQueue addObserver:self forKeyPath:KEY_PATH options:0 context:nil];
[self.operationQueue setName:QUEUE_NAME];
[self.operationQueue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:2];
//If the session is nil, re-create it here.
self.urlSession = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration ephemeralSessionConfiguration]
if([self.countRemaining count] == 0)
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(startDownloadForNextBatch:) withObject:nil];
self.countRemaining = 1;
//Starts each batch. Called again on observance of the operation queue's task count being 0.
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:20.0]; // 20 second gap between batches
self.countRemaining = //Go get the count remaining from the database.
if (countRemaining > 0)
NSArray *imageRecordsToDownload = //Go get the next batch of URLs for the images to download from the database.
[imageRecordsToDownload enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSDictionary *imageRecord,
NSUInteger index,
BOOL *stop)
NSInvocationOperation *invokeOp = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self
[self.operationQueue addOperation:invokeOp];
//Performs one image download.
-(void)downloadImageForRecord:(NSDictionary *)imageRecord
NSCondition downloadCondition = [[NSCondition alloc] init];
[self.conditions addObject:downloadCondition];
[[self.urlSession downloadTaskWithURL:imageURL
completionHandler:^(NSURL *location,
NSURLResponse *response,
NSError *error)
//Record error below.
//Move the downloaded image to the correct directory.
NSError *moveError;
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtURL:location toURL:finalURL error:&moveError];
//Create a thumbnail version of the image for use in a search grid.
//Record the final outcome for this record by updating the database with either an error code, or the file path to where the image was saved.
//Sleep for some time to allow the CPU to rest.
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.05]; // 0.05 second gap between images.
//Finally, signal our condition.
[downloadCondition signal];
[downloadCondition lock];
[downloadCondition wait];
[downloadCondition unlock];
//If the downloads need to be stopped, for whatever reason (i.e. the user logs out), this function is called to stop the process entirely:
//Immediately suspend the queue.
[self.operationQueue setSuspended:YES];
//If any conditions remain, signal them, then remove them. This was added to avoid deadlock issues with the user logging out and then logging back in in rapid succession.
[self.conditions enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSCondition *condition,
NSUInteger idx,
BOOL * _Nonnull stop)
[condition signal];
[self setConditions:nil];
[self setConditions:[NSMutableArray array]];
[self.urlSession invalidateAndCancel];
[self setImagesRemaining:0];
[self.operationQueue cancelAllOperations];
[self setOperationQueue:nil];
EDIT 2: CPU usage screenshot from Instruments. Peaks are ~50%, valleys are ~13% CPU usage.
EDIT 3: Running the app until failure in Console, observed memory issue
Alright! Finally observed the crash on my iPhone 11 Pro after over an hour downloading images, which matches the scenario reported by my other testers.
The Console reports my app was killed specifically for using too much memory. If I am reading this report correctly, my apps used over 2 GB of RAM. I'm assuming that this has to do more with the internal management of NSURLSESSIOND, since it is not showing this leak during debugging with either Xcode or Instruments.
Console reports: "kernel 232912.788 memorystatus: killing_specific_process pid 7075 [PharosSales] (per-process-limit 10) 2148353KB - memorystatus_available_pages: 38718"
Thankfully, I start receiving memory warnings around the 1 hour mark. I should be able to pause (suspend) my operation queue for some time (let's say 30 seconds) in order to let the system clear its memory.
Alternatively, I could call stop, with a gcd dispatch after call to start again.
What do you guys think about this solution? Is there a more elegant way to respond to memory warnings?
Where do you think this memory usage is coming from?
EDIT 4: Eureka!! Found internal Apple API memory leak
After digging I 'killing specific process' memory-related console message, I found the following post:
Stack Overflow NSData leak discussion
Based on this discussion surrounding using NSData writeToFile:error:, I looked around to see if I was somehow using this function.
Turns out, the logic that I was using to generate a thumbnail from the original image used this statement to write the generated thumbnail image to disk.
If I commented out this logic, the app no longer crashed at all (was able to pull down all of the images without failure!).
I had already planned on swapping this legacy Core Graphics code out for the WWDC 2018-demonstrated usage of ImageIO.
After recoding this function to use ImageIO, I am pleased to report that the app no longer crashes, and the thumbnail logic is super-optimized as well!
Thanks for all your help!

Can Firebase send and receive in the background on iOS 7?

My Objective C app on iOS 7 gets location updates in the background from either the startUpdatingsignificantLocationChanges or startUpdatingLocation delegate (which one depends on the mode that the app is in, but I don't think it matters).
In the delegate, I gather the location info, write it to a dictionary, and then write the dictionary to a Firebase.
// this code is in the location update delegate routine
// the code that gathers the various elements that go into the dictionary
// are omitted for clarity, I don't think that they matter
// we may be running in the background on iOS 7 when we are called!
NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[[NSNumber numberWithFloat:newLocation.coordinate.latitude] stringValue], #"Latitude",
[[NSNumber numberWithFloat:newLocation.coordinate.longitude] stringValue], #"Longitude",
[[NSNumber numberWithFloat:newLocation.horizontalAccuracy] stringValue], #"Accuracy",
formattedDateString, #"TimeNow",
[dateFormatter stringFromDate:newLocation.timestamp], #"TimeStamp",
[[NSNumber numberWithDouble:interval] stringValue], #"Date",
self.mode, #"Mode",
// Write it once to CurrentLocation
[ref setValue:dictionary];
// yes, I know this is clumsy
fbTmp = [NSMutableString stringWithString: fbRoot];
[fbTmp appendString : #"/locationHistory"];
ref = [[Firebase alloc] initWithUrl:fbTmp];
// Now write it again to the locationHistory list
ref = [ref childByAutoId];
[ref setValue:dictionary];
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't (i.e. in the same run of the app, sometimes the location gets written to the Firebase successfully as expected, and sometimes it doesn't. There isn't any obvious rhyme or reason to when it seems to work and when it doesn't).
I suspect that the issue is that the Firebase write is not completing successfully in background mode, but I'm not sure. I am very new to iOS and Objective C and Firebase.
My app is marked in its Capabilities as requiring background services for Location updates and Background fetch (the latter my random attempt to fix this problem, the former I know that I need).
My suspicion is that I need to tell the OS that I need time to complete the write with a backkgroundTask, and then terminate the background task in the completion block of the firebase write - has anyone verified that that will work when running in background mode?
If so, do I just need to do that in the second write (assuming that they are completed in order), or in both (with a counter that I count down as each write completes)?
Any hints most appreciated.
Yes, you need to finish your task in background. It says so in the Apple Documentation:
If your app is in the middle of a task and needs a little extra time to complete that task, it can call the beginBackgroundTaskWithName:expirationHandler: or beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: method of the UIApplication object to request some additional execution time. Calling either of these methods delays the suspension of your app temporarily, giving it a little extra time to finish its work. Upon completion of that work, your app must call the endBackgroundTask: method to let the system know that it is finished and can be suspended.
Just put your code in a background task, give it maximum time (3 minutes I think).
Read up on Apple app lifecycle and everything should clear up for you for future reference.

iOS: how to execute an high number of reverseGeocoding request?

i have to execute a high number of reverseGeocodeLocation request,
i use this method for doing that:
for (Photo *photo in arrayWhitPicture) {
CLGeocoder *geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];
[queue addOperationWithBlock:^{
[geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:[[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:[photo.latitude doubleValue] longitude:[photo.longitude doubleValue]] completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) {
if (error){
NSLog(#"Geocode failed with error: %#", error);
CLPlacemark *myPlacemark = [placemarks objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *city = myPlacemark.locality;
NSLog(#"My country code: %#", city);
this code actual work, but the problem is that some of these request (like half) get this error:
Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=2
after a few research i think this happen because i do a lot of request in short amount of time in fact the apple documentations say:
Send at most one geocoding request for any one user action.
When you want to update the user’s current location automatically
(such as when the user is moving), issue new geocoding requests only
when the user has moved a significant distance and after a reasonable
amount of time has passed. For example, in a typical situation, you
should not send more than one geocoding request per minute.
so my question is: my error is really caused by the fact that i do a lot of request, and in that case what can i do to resolve this problem, do you know other system apart to use the reverseGeocoding?
I have had exactly this problem, and my solution was to throttle down the number of reverse geocode queries that I performed (i.e. temporarily suspend the queue if already processed a whole bunch). This worked so well that I did not have to implement plan B, which was to switch to a different service.
See for example this question for discussion of alternate services. Google has a similar limit of 2500 requests per API key and 24 hour period. There is also Bing.
Apple most definitely limits how many geocoding requests you can issue at a time. Other users are reporting that the limit is around 50, though that could change at any time. The recommendation seems to be to do the geocoding in batches and to issue only one batch at a time, starting each batch only after the previous one completes.
Apple limits to perform number of Reverse GeoCode requests your application can make at a time. Sometimes I have seen this limited to ONE.
The solution is to implement your own Reverse Geocoder Queue (you can implement it as a separate class), in which you can add all of your requests. This queue need to execute one request at a time and after first is done, execute next. You can add callback blocks to notify you once the reverse geocoding is done for each request.
Example API in the Reverse Geocoder queue class can be like:
- (void) reverseGeocodeLocation: (CLLocation *) location completion: (CLGeocodeCompletionHandler) completionHandler
// Create some queue (NSMutableArray) in the class
// Create some ReverseGeoLocationObject with location and completionHandler as members
// Add ReverseGeoLocationObject to queue
// Check is queue is not already processing. If NO then process next request. You have have API named processNextRequest which you can call here (put code you posted in this API for single request)
Also call processNextRequest when CLGeocoder returns.

Playing sound at interval with GCD timer not behaving as expected

Hi !
I'm building a timer using GCD for the purpose of playing a sound at a specific interval, to be more precise, it's a metronome sound. I've been trying for days to solve my issue but nothing. Everything is good but when I set my tempo to a bigger value , let's say 150 bpm or 200 bpm, when the sound starts for the first time, it fires very quickly(almost like two sounds in the same time meaning it does not have the expected interval) and after this , it calibrates. I start the sound the second time , all is good... so this happens only the first time I resume my dispatch source so I'm guessing it has something to do with loading the sound from the disk , like in this post : Slow start for AVAudioPlayer the first time a sound is played . For my sound I used at first an instance of AVAudioPlayer with prepareToPlay and play and also created it in the AppDelegate class, it hasn't work...I have even tried the SoundManager class developed by #NickLockwood,same issue. At present, I'm using a SystemSoundID. As for the timers, this is my first GCD timer , I've already tried the classical NSTimer, CADisplayLink and other timers found on git... all in vain.
Another interesting issue is that with the other timers , everything is perfect on the simulator but on the device the same glitch.
Here's the code, I hope someone will bring me to the light.
-(void)playButtonAction //
if (_metronomeIsAnimatingAndPLaying == NO)
[self startAnimatingArm]; // I start my animation and create my timer
metronomeTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0));
dispatch_source_set_timer(metronomeTimer,dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, duration * NSEC_PER_SEC),duration * NSEC_PER_SEC,duration *NSEC_PER_SEC);
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(metronomeTimer, ^{[self playTick];});
_metronomeIsAnimatingAndPLaying = YES;
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(appDeleg.soundID); // soundID is created in appDelegate
In my application didFinishLaunching
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"tick"
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]
, &_soundID);
And BPM setter and getter :
- (NSUInteger)bpm
return round(60.0 / duration);
- (void)setBpm:(NSUInteger)bpm
if (bpm >= MaxBPM) {
bpm = MaxBPM;
} else if (bpm <= MinBPM) {
bpm = MinBPM;
duration = (60.0 / bpm);
This arrangement will fundamentally never work.
GCD is a thread-pool designed to facilitate task-level parallelism. It is usually asynchronous and non real-time. These are almost precisely the opposite characteristics to those required in an audio application.
Each thread servicing a GCD queue is contending with other threads in the system for an opportunity to execute. Furthermore, the queue may be busy at requested time processing something else. If that something else is long-running - and long-running tasks are precisely the kind of thing that GCD is made for - the scheduler may pre-empt the thread before the operation has completed and penalise the queue; it may wait a long time for service.
The Manpage for GCD states the following about timers on GCD queues:
A best effort attempt is made to submit the event handler block to the target queue at the specified time; however, actual invocation may occur at a later time.
NSTimer will not be any better. Its documentation states A timer is not a real-time mechanism. Since you'll probably run this on the application's main run-loop, it will also be very unpredictable.
The solution to this problem is to use lower-level audio APIs - specifically Audio Units. The advantage of doing so is that soft-syth units have an event queue which is serviced by the unit's render handler. This runs on a real-time thread, and offers extremely robust and predictable service. Since you can queue a considerable number of events with timestamps in the future, your timing requirements are now quite loose. You could safely use either GCD or a NSTimer for this.

How to Throttle CoreMIDI in Objective-C

My CoreMIDI connection on iOS is apparently fast enough to handle ANYTHING that hits it... if I'm just doing some simple object creation and NSLog. In the UI, I don't have time to handle everything that comes in. The UI would blow up, or just finish processing too late.
However, I need to do real processing and UI display in response to CoreMIDI inputs. What I'd like is to process the latest messages every, say, 1ms or 2ms. I've been doing this with a collection that gets emptied by a timer-fired method every 1ms (processFromServerAsync). One problem is that some messages might fall through the cracks, I think, if I grab and substitute:
NSDictionary *queueCopy = [self.queue copy];
// here the dictionary could get messages not in the queue copy!
self.queue = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
I realize that I could handle this by synchronizing with a lock, which is easy to screw up:
-(NSMutableDictionary *)messageQueue {
#synchronized(self) {
if (!messageQueue_)
self.messageQueue = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
return messageQueue_;
-(NSDictionary*)clearMessageQueueAndReturnCopy {
#synchronized(self) {
if (!messageQueue_)
return [NSDictionary dictionary];
NSDictionary *retVal = [messageQueue_ copy];
self.messageQueue = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
return retVal;
However, I'm not convinced that I'm even handling this in the correct way. How is throttling typically done (even outside of Obj-C)? I surely cannot process all those messages in the UI nor the program.
There are some well-established patterns for throttling streams of incoming data. This comes up a lot in finance, where you might have a data feed throwing 100K messages/sec at a system.
You employ a sliding window mechanism to discard redundant messages while ensuring that the client has the latest possible copy of the data. You set your window up over some time period (a few milliseconds) then set up a queue for each data stream (meaning a particular CC, midi note etc.) You start a global timer when the first message comes in. You send that message to the client immediately. If anything else comes in during the window you push it to its queue. The queue has just one entry - the latest value - so you overwrite the queued value with each subsequent update. When the timer ticks (the window is over) you send the latest message out to the client. Then, you send the next message out as soon as it comes in, start a new window and repeat. This gives a reasonable balance between swamping the client and avoiding aliasing of update intervals to the timer window. Aliasing is less of an issue with 1-2ms intervals so a cruder rigid timer approach might work for you.
The critical thing is ensuring that you have separate windows for each data stream. You can't risk overwriting or ignoring, say, a note off because a control change came in. One timer, one single-entry queue per Midi message number.
