How to get jenkins to build my code even if there are no changes [closed] - jenkins

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am using the Jenkins matrix plugin for testing my project. I have an upstream, kick-off build that is fired of every night at a fixed time. This build performs a checkout and part one of the tests. It then passes the subversion url (SVN_URL) and revision (SVN_REVISION) to a downstream build. The downstream build then uses the passed in subversion url and revision to checkout the source (this way, I know that both the upstream and downstream builds are targeting the same revision), and performs part two of the tests.
The problem I have is that the downstream job sometimes doesn't run anything saying that there were no changes in the checked out source since the last build (no change for since the previous build). I would like to get the downstream build to build every single time it is invoked, even if there are no changes. Any pointers on how to do that?
(Edited in reponse to question)
Detailed jobs description:
1. Kickoff job. Run periodically. Captures SVN_URL and SVN_REVISION. Fires of part1-job and part2-job. Does not do anything else.
2. part1-job and part2-job are matrix jobs that do not have any triggers on them. They are merely run by the kickoff job.
part2-job is where I have the problem. Curiosly, the problem mentioned above does not happen for part1-job.

You may find that storing the build output from the initial build and running the downstream job based on that artifact to be a solution to this problem. I'm making some assumptions here about what you're doing in the initial and subsequent jobs, but our experience might be helpful.
For some tests where we perform a longer test after an initial build & test are successful, we now use the Artifact system to store the build results from the first build and then retrieve those at the beginning of the next test for execution. This works particularly well for lengthy build processes where you may need more than one test to run in parallel.
For example, our system looked something like this:
Build task
GUI Test on OS X 10.6
GUI Test on OS X 10.7
GUI Test on OS X 10.8
Initially, we ran these serially (all in one big build task), but then we changed our testing systems so that we could run the GUI tests in parallel and needed an efficient way to take the build output from a specific job and run it on each of the test environments in parallel.
Our new system runs like this:
Build task with Post Build action to Archive Artifacts
3 different tasks that each run the GUI tests in one environment, each of which begins by copying the artifacts from the first build stage (using Upstream Build that triggered this Job) and then using those artifacts as the execution targets for the test.
Now our tests run in parallel and are guaranteed to use the identical build. This has the added bonus that the each build is only run once.
As an added bonus, we reduced the 3 tasks doing the GUI test to a single matrix task, but that's probably not relevant for your purposes (however, it's sure saved a lot of work for us).


Use Maven Artifacts Installed by Jenkins Job A in Job B

I have a multi-module Maven project that installs a whole bunch of artifacts (with different classifiers) into the local Maven repository. I also have a second Maven project that uses the Maven Dependency Plugin to collect those artifacts into a number of different directories (for installer building purposes). And finally I have a Jenkins that I want to do all that for me.
There are a number of requirements I would like to see fulfilled:
Building the source code (and running the tests) and building the installers should be two separate jobs, Job A and Job B.
Job A needs to finish quickly; as it contains the tests the developers should get feedback as fast as possible.
The artifacts of Job B take up a lot of space but they need to be archived so this job should only run when the results of Job A do meet certain requirements (which are not a part of this problem).
Job B needs to be connected to Job A. It must be possible to tell exactly which Job A instance created the files that were used in the build of Job B. (It is also possible that I need a run of Job B for a particular build of Job A which was three weeks and 200 builds ago.)
And finally both jobs should be able to be executed locally on a developer’s machine so I would love to keep most of the configuration within Maven and only relegate to Jenkins what’s absolutely necessary. (Using the Copy Artifacts Plugin I can collect the artifacts from Job A into the required directories in Job B but when removing the collection from the Maven project I also take away the developer’s ability to do local builds.)
Parts of 3 and 4 can be achieved using the Promoted Builds plugin for Jenkins. However, I cannot seem to make sure that the files collected in Job B are exactly the files created by a certain run of Job A. During development all our version numbers of all involved projects are suffixed with “-SNAPSHOT” so that an external job has no way of knowing whether it actually got the correct file or whether it was given a newer file because another instance of Job A has been running concurrently. The version numbers are then increased directly before a release.
Here are some things I have tried and found to be unsatisfactory:
Use a local repository in the workspace directory of Job A. This will, upon each build, download all of the dependencies from our Nexus. While this does not have a huge impact on the diskspace it does consume way too much time.
Merge Job A and Job B into a single job. As Job B takes more time than time A, developers have to wait longer for feedback, it still uses a lot of diskspace—and it doesn’t really solve the problem as there is still the possibility of another Job A+B running at the same time.
Am I missing something obvious here? Are Maven or Jenkins or the combination of both unable to do what I want? What else could I try?

Jenkins CI workflow with separate build and automated test both in source control

I am trying to improve our continuous integration process using Jenkins and our source control system (currently svn, but git soon).
Maybe I am thinking about this overly complicated, or maybe I have not yet seen the right hints.
The process I envisioned has three steps and associated roles:
one or more developers would do their job and ultimately submit the code changes for the actual software ("main software") as well as unit tests into source control (git, or something else). Jenkins shall build the software, run unit tests and perhaps some other steps (e.g. static code analysis). If none of this fails, the work of the developers is done. As part of the build, the build number is baked into the main software itself as part of the version number.
one or more test engineers will subsequently pickup the build and perform tests. Some of them may be manual, most of them are desired to be automated/scripted tests. These shall ultimately be submitted into source control as well and be executed through the build server. However, this shall not trigger a new build of the main software (since there is nothing changed). If none of this fails, the test engineers are done. Note that our automated tests currently take several hours to complete.
As a last step, a project manager authorizes release of the software, which executes whatever delivery/deployment steps are needed. Also, the source of the main software, unit tests, and automated test scripts, the jenkins build script - and ideally all build artifacts ("binaries") - are archived (tagged) in the source control system.
Ideally, developers are able to also manually trigger execution of the automated tests to "preview" the outcome of their build.
I have been unable to figure out how to do this with Jenkins and Git - or any other source control system.
Jenkin's pipelines seem to assume that all steps are carried out in sequence automatically. It also seems to assume that committing code into source control starts at the beginning (which I believe is not true if the commit was "merely" automated test scripts). Triggering an unnecessary build of the main software really hurts our process, as it basically invalidates and manual testing and documentation, as it results in a new build number baked into the software.
If my approach is so uncommon, please direct me how to do this correctly. Otherwise I would appreciate pointers how to get this done (conceptually).
I will try to reply with some points. This is indeed conceptually approach as there are a lot of details and different approaches too, this is only one.
You need git :)
You need to setup a git branching strategy which will allow to have multiple developers to work simultaneously, pushing code and validating it agains the static code analysis. I would suggest that you start with Git Flow, it is widely used and can be adapted to whatever reality you do have - you do not need to use it in its pure state, so give some thought how to adapt it. Fundamentally, it will allow for each feature to be tested. Then, each developer can merge it on the develop branch - from this point on, you have your features validated and you can start to deploy and test.
Have a look at multibranch pipelines. This will allow you to test the several feature branches that you might have and to have different flows for the other branches - develop, release and master - depending on your deployment needs. So, when you have a merge on develop branch, you can trigger testing or just use it to run static code analysis.
To overcome the problem that you mention on your second point, there are ways to read your change sets on the pipeline, and in case the changes are only taken on testing scripts, you should not build your SW - check here how to read changes, and here an example of how to read changes and also to prevent your pipeline to build all the stages according to the changes being pushed to git.
In case you still have manual testing taking place, pipelines are pausable which means that you can pause the pipeline asking for approval to proceed. Before approving, testers should do whatever they have to, and whenever they are ready to proceed, just approve the build to proceed for the next steps.
Regarding deployments authorization, it is done the same way that I mention on the last point, with the approvals, but in this case, you can specify which users/roles are allowed to approve that step.
Whatever you need to keep from your builds, Jenkins has an archive artifacts utility. Let me just note that ideally you would look into a proper artefact repository such as Nexus.
To trigger manually a set of tests... You can have a manually triggered job on Jenkins apart from your CI/CD pipeline, that will only execute the automated tests. You can even trigger this same job as one pipeline stage - how to trigger another jobs
Lastly let me say that the branching strategy is the starting point.
Think on your big picture, what SDLC flows you need to have and setup those flows on your multibranch pipeline. Different git branches will facilitate whatever flows you need within the same Jenkinsfile - your pipeline definition. It really depends on how many environments you have to deploy to and what kind of steps you need.

Jenkins workspaces and concurrent builds, how do they work?

I am currently learning the ins and outs of Jenkins and Pipeline.
One thing I do not yet understand is the following:
A Jenkins job by default can be executed concurrently (I can check the checkbox "Do not allow concurrent builds" if I don't want that).
What I don't understand is the following:
Let say Jenkins checks out code in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/my-project-workspace/
Now how would it be possible to run concurrent builds without conflicts?
Let's say that build nr 1 checks out code in that path and starts testing it, and while doing that, build nr 2 is started and checks out code in that same path.
How will that not conflict with build nr 1?
I am probably missing something obvious here... Please help :)
The subdirectory inside the workspace/ folder will not always be your project name, but a (randomly) generated directory name. That's all the magic.
When this option is checked, multiple builds of this project may be executed in parallel.
By default, only a single build of a project is executed at a time — any other requests to start building that project will remain in the build queue until the first build is complete.
This is a safe default, as projects can often require exclusive access to certain resources, such as a database, or a piece of hardware.
But with this option enabled, if there are enough build executors available that can handle this project, then multiple builds of this project will take place in parallel. If there are not enough available executors at any point, any further build requests will be held in the build queue as normal.
Enabling concurrent builds is useful for projects that execute lengthy test suites, as it allows each build to contain a smaller number of changes, while the total turnaround time decreases as subsequent builds do not need to wait for previous test runs to complete.
This feature is also useful for parameterized projects, whose individual build executions — depending on the parameters used — can be completely independent from one another.
Each concurrently executed build occurs in its own build workspace, isolated from any other builds. By default, Jenkins appends "#" to the workspace directory name, e.g. "#2".
The separator "#" can be changed by setting the hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList Java system property when starting Jenkins. For example, "hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList=-" would change the separator to a hyphen.
For more information on setting system properties, see the wiki page.
However, if you enable the Use custom workspace option, all builds will be executed in the same workspace. Therefore caution is required, as multiple builds may end up altering the same directory at the same time. enter image description here

How To Abort Another Jenkins Job?

I have two Jenkins jobs, COMPILE and TEST, COMPILE triggers TEST, COMPILE is quick, TEST is slow. COMPILE re-creates data which is used by TEST, so if COMPILE runs while TEST is running, TEST might fail due to the necessary data being temporarily unavailable or incomplete.
Sometimes, COMPILE gets triggered a lot (via CMS, busy development). The standard way would be to synchronize COMPILE and TEST via a lock, so that both never run at the same time but instead wait for the other to finish before starting. This waiting does not really suit me as it delays the COMPILE jobs too much.
An alternative might be to turn TEST to concurrent running, but in my case TEST requires too many resources to be able to run concurrently.
So my approach now is to configure COMPILE so that it first aborts a running TEST job (in case one is running) and then starts its work (eventually triggering TEST again in the end). Several quickly performed COMPILE builds will then each start a TEST build which will all be aborted (gray bubble). Only the last TEST build will be completed and show a decent red or green (or yellow) bubble. But that will be enough in my case (and I accept the drawback that this way I cannot detect exactly which commit broke the build).
Now the question is: How can I make COMPILE abort a TEST build? (Preferably in an elegant way.)
I only found a way to generally abort a job from the outside using Jenkins's REST interface, but that doesn't seem to be very elegant. Is there a more elegant way, maybe using a Jenkins-internal feature I don't know or maybe by using a suitable plugin?
I would suggest consolidating the two jobs into a single job. That would allow for multiple simultaneous executions and will still fail if the compile fails.
You can set the number of Executors for the node to "1" . By this we can make sure only one jobs run at a time in the node , even if it is executed in parallel it will wait for the 1st job to complete and then start the second

When should I "Release" my builds?

We just started using Visual Studio Release Management for one of our projects, and we're already having some problems with how we are doing things.
For now, we've created a single release stage, which is responsible for deploying our build artifacts to a dedicated virtual machine for testing. We intend to use this machine to run our integration tests later on.
Right now, we have a gated checkin build process: each checkin fires all the unit tests and we configured the release trigger to happen on this build also. At first, it seemed plausible that, after each checkin, the project was deployed and the integration tests were executed. We noticed that all released builds were polluting the console on Release Management, and that all builds were being marked as "Retain Indefinitely" and our drop folder location was growing fast (after seeing that, it makes sense that the tool automatically does this, since one could promote any build to another stage and the artifacts need to be persisted).
The question then is: what are we doing wrong? I've been thinking about this and it really does not make any sense to "release" every checkin. We should probably be starting this release process when a sprint ends, a point that can be considered a "release candidate".
If we do that though, how and when would we run our automated integration tests? I mean, a deployment process is required for running those in our case, and if we try to use other means to achieve that (like the LabTemplate build process) we will end up duplicating deployment code.
What is the best approach here?
It's tough to say without being inside your organization and looking at how you do things, but I'll take a stab.
First, I generally avoid gated checkin builds unless there's a frequent problem with broken builds. If broken builds aren't a pain point, don't use gated checkin. Why? Simple: If your build/test process takes 10 minutes to run, that's 10 minutes that I have to wait to know whether I can keep working, or if I'm going to get my changes kicked back out at me. It discourages small, frequent checkins and encourages giant, contextless checkins.
It's also 10 minutes that Developer B has to wait to grab Developer A's latest changes. If Developer B needs that checkin to keep working, that's wasted time. Trust your CI process to catch a broken build and your developers to take responsibility and fix them on the rare occasions when they occur.
It's more appropriate (depending on your branching strategy) to do a gated checkin against your trunk, and then CI builds against your dev/feature branches. Of course, that opens up the whole "how do I build once/deploy many when I have multiple branches?" can of worms. :)
If your integration tests are slow and require a deployment to succeed, they're probably not good candidates to run as part of CI. Have a CI/gated checkin build that just:
Runs fast unit tests
Runs high-priority, non-deployment-based integration tests
Then, have a second build (either scheduled, or rolling) that actually deploys and runs the whole test suite. You can schedule it according to your tastes -- I usually go with one at noon (or whatever passes for "lunch break" among the team), and one at midnight. That way you get a tested build from the morning's work, and one from the afternoon's work.
Using the Release Default Template, you can target your scheduled builds to just go as far as your "dev" (/test/integration/whatever you call it) stage. When you're ready to actually release a build, you can kick off a new release using that specific build that targets Production and let it go through all your stages normally.
Don't get tripped up on the 'Release' word. In MS Release Management (RM), creating a Release does not necessarily mean you will have this code delivered to your customers / not even that it has the quality to move out of dev. It only means you are putting a version of the code on your Release Path. This version/release can stop right in the first stage and that is ok.
Let's say you have a Release Path consisting of Dev, QA, Prod. In the course of a month, you may end up releasing 100 times in Dev, but only 5 times in QA and once in Prod.
You should drive to get each check-in deployed and integration tested. If tests takes a long time, only do the minimal during (gated or not) check-in (for example, unit tests + deployment), and the rest in your second stage of Release Path (which should be automatically triggered after first stage completes). It does not matter if second stage takes a long time. As a dev, check-in, once build completes successfully (and first stage), expect the rest to go smoothly and continue on your next task. (Note that only result of the first stage impacts your TFS build).
Most of the time, deployment and rest will run fine and so there won't be any impact to dev. Every now and then, you will have a failure in first stage, now the dev will interrupt his new work and get a resolution asap.
As for the issue that every build is kept indefinitely, for the time being, that is a side effect of RM. Current customers need to do the clean up manually (or script it). In the coming releases, a new retention policy for releases/builds will be put in place to improve this. This has not been worked on yet, but the intention would be to, for example, instruct RM to keep all releases that went to Prod, keep only the last 5 that went to QA and keep only the last 2 that went to Dev.
This is not a simple question, so also the answer must be articulated.
First of all, you will never keep all of your builds; the older a build, the less interesting to anyone; a build that doesn't get deployed in production is overtaken by builds that reaches that stage.
A team must agree on the criteria that makes a build interesting to keep around and how long to keep it. Define a policy for builds shipped to production or customers: how long do you support them? Until the next release, until the following one, for five years? Potentially shippable builds, still not in your customers' hands, are superseded by newer, so you can use a numeric or a temporal criteria (TFS implements only the first, as the second is more error-prone). Often you have more than one shippable build, when you want a safety net option and being able select from a pool which deliver (the one with more manageable bugs).
The TFS "Retain Indefinitely" should be used when you cannot automate the previous criteria, so you switch to a manually implemented policy. Indefinitely is not forever, means for an unknown time interval.
