Cypher Query Issues Neo4j C# Client - neo4jclient

I am getting an error on the following code that says:
Here is the code, I need this method to return the Max Value? is it an IEnumerable or an int?
public IEnumerable<int> GraphGetMaxVersion(IEnumerable<Node<VersionNode>> nodeId)
IEnumerable<int> nodes = null;
clientConnection = graphOperations.GraphGetConnection();
var query = clientConnection
n = nodeId
.Return((maxVersion) => new
MaxVersion = Return.As<int>("max.Version")
nodes = query.Results;
return nodes;
Here is the query I would like to perform:
START n=node(2,3,4)

You want this:
public int GraphGetMaxVersion(IEnumerable<NodeReference<VersionNode>> nodes)
return graphClient.Cypher
.Start(new { n = nodes })
.Return(() => Return.As<int>("max(n.Version)"))
I haven't tested that. I just bashed it out here in the textbox, but it should work.
If you don't need to return a complex type, don't. That is, turn Return(() => new { Foo = All.Count() }) into Return(() => All.Count()).
If you don't need to use an identity in your return lambda, don't pass it in. That is, this argument is pointless: Return((somePointlessIdentityHere) => All.Count())
Use either Neo4jClient or above, or change .Start(new { n = nodes }) to .Start(new { n = nodes.ToArray() }).

You should so the following:
// Return Max follwoer node ID:
public float ReturnMaxFollowerID(IGraphClient Client)
return Client.Cypher
.Return(() => Return.As<float>("max(n.userID)"))

No errors are thrown when I made these changes to the method after reading this post.
public int GraphGetMaxVersion(int nodeId)
int nodes = 0;
clientConnection = graphOperations.GraphGetConnection();
var query = clientConnection
n = nodeId
.Return((maxVersion) => new
MaxVersion = Return.As<int>("max(n.Version)")
nodes = query.MaxVersion;
return nodes;


Using the generic type 'PagedList.StaticPagedList<T>' requires 1 type arguments

I am working on user roles using MVC. I am stuck while working on Admin section. I have mentioned one question above and the second question is similar which is Using the generic type 'System.Collections.Generic.List' requires 1 type arguments
Here is my code.
public ActionResult Index(string searchStringUserNameOrEmail, string currentFilter, int? page)
int intPage = 1;
int intPageSize = 5;
int intTotalPageCount = 0;
if (searchStringUserNameOrEmail != null)
intPage = 1;
if (currentFilter != null)
searchStringUserNameOrEmail = currentFilter;
intPage = page ?? 1;
searchStringUserNameOrEmail = "";
intPage = page ?? 1;
ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchStringUserNameOrEmail;
List col_UserDTO = new List();
int intSkip = (intPage - 1) * intPageSize;
intTotalPageCount = UserManager.Users
.Where(x => x.UserName.Contains(searchStringUserNameOrEmail))
var result = UserManager.Users
.Where(x => x.UserName.Contains(searchStringUserNameOrEmail))
.OrderBy(x => x.UserName)
foreach (var item in result)
ExpandedUserDTO objUserDTO = new ExpandedUserDTO();
objUserDTO.UserName = item.UserName;
objUserDTO.Email = item.Email;
objUserDTO.LockoutEndDateUtc = item.LockoutEndDateUtc;
// Set the number of pages
// Error appears here
var _UserDTOAsIPagedList =
new StaticPagedList
col_UserDTO, intPage, intPageSize, intTotalPageCount
return View(_UserDTOAsIPagedList);
catch (Exception ex)
ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Error: " + ex);
List col_UserDTO = new List(); // Error appears here
return View(col_UserDTO.ToPagedList(1, 25));
StaticPagedList is generic. You need to supply the type of collection(for col_UserDTO), in your case List:
var _UserDTOAsIPagedList =
new StaticPagedList<List<ExpandedUserDTO>>
col_UserDTO, intPage, intPageSize, intTotalPageCount
You may need to change List col_UserDTO references to List<ExpandedUserDTO> col_UserDTO
Use this instead
var _UserDTOAsIPagedList =
new StaticPagedList<ExpandedUserDTO>
col_UserDTO, intPage, intPageSize, intTotalPageCount

Please help me out to figure what is making my Functions Slow

Using Unit of Work Repository pattern
private UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
private Entities _Entities = new Entities();
var filing_xml = unitOfWork.T_FILING_XMLRepository.Get().Where(a =>
a.filing_id == filingID).FirstOrDefault();
This is taking around 10 seconds to fetch data
var filing_xml = _Entities.T_FILING_XML.Where(a => a.filing_id == filingID).FirstOrDefault();
This is taking around 2 seconds to fetch data
Is there any solution to make the unit of work faster?
public virtual IEnumerable<TEntity> Get(
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null,
Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>> orderBy = null,
string includeProperties = "")
IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet;
if (filter != null)
query = query.Where(filter);
foreach (var includeProperty in includeProperties.Split
(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
query = query.Include(includeProperty);
if (orderBy != null)
return orderBy(query).ToList();
return query.ToList();
The unit of work class
public GenericRepository<T_FILING_XML> T_FILING_XMLRepository
if (this.t_filing_xmlRepository == null)
this.t_filing_xmlRepository = new GenericRepository<T_FILING_XML>(context);
return t_filing_xmlRepository;
Code #1
private Entities _Entities = new Entities();
var filing_xml = unitOfWork.T_FILING_XMLRepository.Get().Where(a =>
a.filing_id == filingID).FirstOrDefault();
You are fetching all the records from the database then you filter the result in the application to get only one record. Your Get method has a filter parameter, why not using it?
Using the code below, you will only fetch only one record from the database.
var filing_xml = unitOfWork.T_FILING_XMLRepository.Get(a =>
a.filing_id == filingID).FirstOrDefault();

Task.assignee is always null [asana]

I'm using AsanaNet - which works great, but task assignee is always null, even though the Asana console shows these tasks as having an assignee.
var asana = new Asana("zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", AuthenticationType.Basic, errorCallback);
asana.GetWorkspaces(o =>
foreach (AsanaWorkspace sp in o)
asana.GetUsersInWorkspace(sp, u =>
foreach (AsanaUser user in u)
//Get a List of WORKSPACES
asana.GetTasksInWorkspace(sp, user, t =>
foreach (AsanaTask task in t)
asana.GetProjectsOnATask(task, p =>
foreach (AsanaProject project in p)
bool bSuccess = ProcessTask(task, project);

Delete a context record from grid in kendo UI using LINQ

Hi Im using kendo ui grid in my project.
This is my code to insert records in database.
public static void Insert(StudentViewModel student)
student.StudentId = All().OrderByDescending(p => p.StudentId).First().StudentId + 1;
//All().Insert(0, student);
UniRegEntities uniRegEntities = new UniRegEntities();
Student stu =new Student();
stu.FName = student.FirstName;
stu.LName = student.LastName;
stu.Gender = uniRegEntities.Genders.Where(x => x.Title == student.Gender).FirstOrDefault();
stu.Id = student.StudentId;
And this is my update statement.
public static void Update(StudentViewModel student)
UniRegEntities context = new UniRegEntities();
var studentToUpdate = context.Students.Where(x => x.Id == student.StudentId).FirstOrDefault();
studentToUpdate.FName = student.FirstName;
studentToUpdate.LName = student.LastName;
studentToUpdate.Gender = context.Genders.Where(x => x.Title == student.Gender).FirstOrDefault();
Anyone can suggest me the delete method?
You can either get an entity from the DB and then delete it or create one and then delete it.
var e = // Get
var e = new Foo() { FooId = id };
Applied to your situation:
You are getting a record so you want to use DeleteObject()
public static void Update(StudentViewModel student)
UniRegEntities context = new UniRegEntities();
var studentToDelete = context.Students.Where(x => x.Id == student.StudentId).FirstOrDefault();
Can you please try with below code snippet?
using (var db= new AppContext(ConnectionStr))
con.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
var o = new Student { StudentId = student.StudentId };
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.InnerException.Message);
con.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;

Neo4jClient - query relationship

Trying to look at a relationship in a query like this:
var query = _graph.Cypher.Start(
me = Node.ByIndexLookup("node_auto_index", "id",
.Where((Person friend) => ==
Here is the FriendsWith class. I can't add a parameterless constructor for FriendsWith, because the base class (Relationship) doesn't have a parameterless constructor.
public class FriendsWith : Relationship,
public FriendsWith(NodeReference<Person> targetNode)
: base(targetNode)
__created = DateTime.Now.ToString("o");
public const string TypeKey = "FRIENDS_WITH";
public string __created { get; set; }
public override string RelationshipTypeKey
get { return TypeKey; }
But I get the error "No parameterless constructor defined for this object." when I try to run it. What is the proper way to return a relationship for a query?
Stack trace
at Neo4jClient.Deserializer.CypherJsonDeserializer1.Deserialize(String content) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\f1c4cf3efbf1b05e\Neo4jClient\Deserializer\CypherJsonDeserializer.cs:line 53
at Neo4jClient.GraphClient.<>c__DisplayClass1d1.b__1c(Task1 responseTask) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\f1c4cf3efbf1b05e\Neo4jClient\GraphClient.cs:line 793
at System.Threading.Tasks.ContinuationResultTaskFromResultTask2.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
Just deserialize it into a POCO that represents the data structure:
public class FriendsWith
public string __created { get; set; }
var query = _graph.Cypher
.Start(new {
me = Node.ByIndexLookup("node_auto_index", "id",
.Where((Person friend) => ==
.Return(r => r.As<FriendsWith>())
You actually don't need the FriendsWith : Relationship, IRelationshipAllowingSourceNode<Person>, IRelationshipAllowingTargetNode<Person> class at all.
Create relationships using Cypher:
.Start(new {
me = Node.ByIndexLookup("node_auto_index", "id",,
friend = Node.ByIndexLookup("node_auto_index", "id", + 1)
.CreateUnique("me-[:FRIENDS_WITH {data}]->friend")
.WithParams(new { data = new FriendsWith { __created = DateTime.Now.ToString("o") } })
You'll see more examples on the Neo4jClient wiki. Basically, in this day and age, everything should be Cypher.
