Embed OpenCV framework inside another xCode project without linking - ios

I have developed an xCode static library for an iPhone App using OpenCV.
Now I want to give my static library to them but I don't want them to go through the hassle of making OpenCV work in their project by changing build settings and all that, that's what I already had to do myself in the static library.
I usually use the 'Projectception' method by dragging my static-library-project into my main xCode project. However when I use this method I usually need to add all the frameworks I use in the static library project again in my main project in the 'Link Binary with Libraries' build phase.
So my question is: is there a way that the OpenCV is only in my static library project and that a new project that imports this static library does not have to do anything extra for OpenCV to work?

Yes. Clone(copy) opencv inside your project (headers and implementation)*, desclare the copied files inside your project and don't use any c/c++ include folder and any library linkage.
*implementations are in modules/.../src/


Convert a static library target into a framework target in an Xcode project

I have a an Xcode project which produces a static library. My team plans all new development in Swift. It is not possible to add Swift files to the static library project. We are dropping support for iOS 7, so it is now possible to include frameworks in our iOS app. Therefore, I intend to convert my static library project to a framework project.
I have looked but I cannot find any tools or advice for how to perform this conversion. The static library is large (more than 100 .m files).
I'm hoping for a better answer than create a new parallel framework target. I've attempted this twice. The first time as a swift target, but I wasn't able to easily import all the Objective C files. Next, as an Objective C target, but there is no .pch anymore.
To convert the static/dynamic linked framework from static linked library,
Add a new cocoa touch framework as a TARGET in your existing static linked library project.
In the Build Phases, adding all the .m, .mm, .c, .cpp, .metal, etc. into "\Build Phases\Compile Sources" phase of your static linked framework target.
Put the headers that you want to exposed in to "\Build Phases\Headers".
For dynamic linked framework, remember to check the Mach-O Type setting in your Build Settings. If you are going to use swift, you need to make sure the Mach-O type is set as dynamic library so that it will become a dynamic linked framework. For static linked framework, you'll need to set the Mach-O type as static library, but you cannot use swift in the converted static linked framework (only objective-c, objective-c++, C++, C, etc. are allowed).
Then for the app that wants to use this framework just need to include the headers as #import and add the framework into "Build Phases\Link Binary With Libraries" of your App Target. If the converted framework is dynamic linked framework, you will need to put it into "Embedded Binaries".
I saw that someone created the framework manually, creating a module.framework file and copying all the header files in a module.framework/Headers folder. This solution seems to work, the project can import correctly the files and see them as a framework correctly.
I'm not sure this is the best way to do it tough, I'm trying it on a big project that ATM is importing the static library through cocoapods, but it seems like I have some problem with the visibility of some of the classes using the framework.

Compile FFmpeg as iOS 8 Framework

I successfully compiled FFmpeg with iOS 8.2 SDK thanks to https://github.com/kewlbear/FFmpeg-iOS-build-script and last version of gas-preprocessor (https://github.com/libav/gas-preprocessor).
However, I would like to package FFmpeg libraries as a iOS 8 dynamic framework due to legal constraints. I found resources to create iOS 8 dynamic framework however I cannot find any solution for FFmpeg.
Can anyone help me to package these librairies ?
As far as I know, FFmpeg-iOS repo in Github can build static libraries from FFmpeg source code. But I search throughout the network, no one show me how to compile with dynamic libraries.
But I wonder if we can create a new cocoa touch framework project, and drag all header files and libraries into this project, and do some header declaration into the base .h file, and drag the framework project into an existing iOS project as a sub project, add it as an embedded framework, and compile the whole project.
The reason why I use sub project, instead of giving out a final .framework file, is that static symbols can only be linked only if them are been using somewhere.
I will demonstrate this later. If anyone has better ideas, it will be grateful.
After several days's researching, I found it is not easy to build dynamic framework easily, but I find a workaround to achieve the target:
Build a static libraries of FFmpeg
Create a new iOS dynamic framework project
Create a class that encapsulate the basic usage of the FFmpeg, such as encoding/decoding video
Copy static libraries into this dynamic framework project
Make sure your project build without error
Add this project as a subproject to your existing project
Add dependency in embedded binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries
Build and run main project
Open source this project as LGPL2.1+, the same as FFmpeg itself.
Through it is not perfect, but at least it works, and it complies with FFmpeg's LGPL license.

How to reuse Swift code in other projects?

I wrote a class in Swift. I want to use this code in two separate iOS app projects that I wrote. Both the shared code and the apps are written in Swift. What is the best way of doing that?
I tried to create both a framework and a library in Swift and then add it as a sub-project to my app. In both cases I could not make the app see the module. I tried to add the shared module to "Target Dependencies" and "Link Binary With Libraries" of the main app's target. No luck - the app still can not see the classes of the shared module.
Using Xcode6 Beta6 at the moment.
As Konstantin Koval and Heliem pointed out, all I needed is to use public in my class and method declarations, in the shared module. Now all works, both if I use workspace and if I add the module as a subproject.
I just found an excellent easy solution for reusing code between projects in Swift. It is called Carthage (https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage). This is not a plug as I am not affiliated with it in any way, I just really like it. It works in iOS 8+.
Create a new project (iOS Cocoa Touch Framework) for your reusable code
Move your classes to that Framework project
Mark your methods and classes, that should be visible to others as public
Create Workspace.
You can create a workspace on step 1. When you create new Framework project, Xcode will ask you if you want to create new workspace and add that project to workspace. This is the best approach
Add both your project and Framework to the workspace
Select you project target -> General tab. Add Framework and Libraries (add your library here)
When you want to use code from your Library in swift file, import it using import 'LibTargetName'
You can take a more programatic approach by using SWM (Swift Modules): https://github.com/jankuca/swm
It is very similar to npm (node.js package manager) or bower (client-side module manager); you declare your dependencies in a swiftmodule.json file like below. It does not have a central module registry like the two mentioned JS solutions, it only accepts git URLs.
"name": "ProjectName",
"dependencies": {
"Dependency": "git://github.com/…/….git"
…run swm install and have the Dependency module (compiled into a *.swiftmodule binary) ready for import in the .modules/ directory.
import Dependency
And if you prefer to skip Xcode for app development, you can also build your whole app using swm build (more info in the project's readme).
The project is still in early stages but it makes itself useful a lot for me at least. It provides the most clean (and clear) way of creating importable modules.
Here is a video which is very straightforward: http://eonil-observatory.tumblr.com/post/117205738262/a-proper-way-to-add-a-subproject-to-another-xcode
The video is for OS X instead of iOS. But you will get it and figure out the process for iOS.
Let's assume that AppA needs to reused code from SharedProject.
The following process works for me in Xcode 7 Beta:
Create SharedProject. Project type must be Framework instead of Application. You write common code in this project and mark the code as public.
Open AppA in Xcode, open the folder which contains SharedProject in Finder. Drag the .xcodeproj file of SharedProject from Finder and drop it into the root folder of AppA in Xcode Project Navigator.
AppA --> Build Phases --> Link Binary with Libraries. Add SharedProject.
import SharedProject and reuse code from SharedProject!
Nowadays I suggest you use Carthage. It's better than the home made solution above.

How do I add this C library to my iOS Xcode 4 project?

I'm trying to add the openjpeg library to my XCode 4 project so that I can compress images taken by the iPhone's camera to jpeg2000.
I built the static library (libopenjpeg.a) using Cmake on OS/X. (I'm guessing this may have been the first error, that it needs to be built by XCode so it's built for iPhone architecture and not OS X).
I have the library added in the Link Binary with Libraries of my target.
The project builds successfully but I can't seem to import any of the headers from the library into any of my Objective-C classes. I've tried manually adding the folder that contains the libopenjpeg header files to the User Header Search Path but that did not seem to do anything.
Any suggestions?
for the simplest solution
Import the head files to you project's source.
You can still build it on the command-line with CMake, you'd just have to modify the CMakeLists.txt file so the right flags are passed when compiling.
However as Gavin indicates, it may be simpler just to drag the header and source files from the library into your Xcode project, and forego the building of a static library.

How to create static library from an existing framework in iOS?

I have been provided with a framework by a third party vendor for an iPhone hardware accessory. So I have a folder like Device.framework. Inside that folder is a binary file and a set of .h files. There are instructions for how to add this to an iOS project and use the classes contained within. However, I'm actually using MonoTouch and want to use a static library.
Is there a way to create a static library that makes all the classes from the framework available in the static library? So in my MonoTouch project I would link in the static library and have access to that framework.
A *.framework is simply a package containing: the static library, headers, associated meta data. Copy and paste the .framework and extract the static *.a file and related header files.
Then it's simply a matter of using the MonoTouch btouch tool to bind the static library for use in your MonoTouch project. There is a great example of how to bind a native library to MonoTouch on Github. With guidance on targeting simulator + device and using the LinkWith attribute to embed the static library in a single *.dll:
Also, make sure to check out the btouch Reference documentation here:
Rename that binary file to Device.a. You can do that as the framework you mention is not done by Apple, hence it has to be a static library and not a dynamic one.
Make sure your project links that library (Device.a).
Include the headers in your project and reference them where appropriate.
