Datalabel placement - Opposite of of chart data (positive and negative values) - highcharts

I'm creating a bar chart with positive and negative values and display the xAxis (category name) of each data point (See Fiddle:
Here's what I have for plot options but I'm not sure what else I need (Really only putting this code in here because I need to include some code to link to a jsfiddle)
plotOptions : {
series : {
dataLabels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.x
enabled: true
I'm trying to place the label so that it's aligned with the start of each bar on the chart. I photoshoped my desired result:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can iterate on each datalabel and use translate() function to move SVG element.
position = chart.yAxis[0].toPixels(0);
if(data.y < 0)

I think this would help you:
Here's more info: high-charts datalabel position needs to change when value is too small
You must play with the X value:
plotOptions : {
series : {
dataLabels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.x
x: ?,
enabled: true


Hightcharts: Set series label in last point

I want to use Accessible line chart of Highcharts (
In demo, I saw some series label position on last point, some in middle and first point.
How can I set all series label on last point?
Sorry for my bad English!
You can use data labels instead of series labels.
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function() {
if (this.point.index === this.series.points.length - 1) {
Live demo:
API Reference:

Show plotlines in highcharts with hidden axis?

Is there a way to show plotlines even when the associated axis has visible: false? Is seems that hiding the axis also hides the plotlines.
More details...
I'm drawing a diagram of a day, like this:
I simply want to add a vertical line at certain times, line the "Now" time, etc.
If I do that using a plot line, then the axis shows up too:
I definitely do not want the axis to show.
My plan now is to draw my own line on the chart using render.rect or render.path. Is there another option?
I found a relatively trivial solution... just hide it with css:
.highcharts-xaxis {
display: none;
and in js:
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
enabled: false
You can extend Highcharts by wrapping the method responsible for redrawing an axis.
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'redraw', function(p) {;
var axis = this,
each = Highcharts.each,
options = this.options;
// move plot lines and bands
if (!axis._addedPlotLB) { // only first time
each((options.plotLines || []), function(plotLineOptions) {
axis._addedPlotLB = true;
each(this.plotLinesAndBands, function(plotLine) {
The solution above is not very elegant, though. Much better ways to do it is using Renderer or hide particular axis elements (labels, ticks, etc.).
Depending on what you need from plot lines functionality, using renderer requires to do some calculations.
var customPlotLines = [{
value: 5,
color: 'red',
width: 3
}, {
value: 10,
color: 'yellow',
width: 3
function renderPlotLines() {
var axis = this.xAxis[0],
top = axis.chart.plotTop,
bottom = top + axis.chart.plotHeight,
path = [
'M', null, top,
'L', null, bottom
if (!this.customPlotLines) {
this.customPlotLines = => {
return this.renderer.path([]).add();
this.customPlotLines.forEach((plotLine, i) => {
var opt = customPlotLines[i];
path[4] = path[1] = axis.toPixels(opt.value);
d: path.join(' '),
'stroke-width': opt.width,
stroke: opt.color
Hook into load/redraw event, so the elements will resize.
chart: {
zoomType: 'xy',
events: {
load: renderPlotLines,
redraw: renderPlotLines

Highchart - show / hide an y-Axis without hiding the series

I'm working with Highchart.
I've got a multiple series graph in which each series have their own y-axis.
pretty much like this one (jsfiddle)
when we click on the legend item for a series, it hides it and the associated y-axis
(using showEmpty:false helped hiding also the name of the axes)
What I'm trying to achieve is hiding the y-Axis of a given series without hiding the series itself.
I tried to hide it by modifying the showAxis property like this :
serie.yAxis.showAxis = false;
but it doesn't work.
Anyone knows how I should do ?
EDIT : I managed to edit the text so I can remove the axis title by setting the text to null but its not enough to hide the whole axis and its values.
here's what i did to edit the text:
text: null
Highcharts 4.1.9+
Since 4.1.9, there is an option Axis.visible which can be used to show/hide an axis, demo:
Older versions of Highcharts
It's a new feature for Highcharts 3.0 - that allows to update axes in realtime: chart.yAxis[0].update(object) - as object takes the same options as for creating chart. For example:
labels: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: null
And jsFiddle:
Use below snippet to hide/show axis by just calling axis.hide() and Live demo:
(function (HC) {
HC.wrap(HC.Axis.prototype, 'render', function (p) {
if (typeof this.visible === 'undefined') {
this.visible = true;
if(this.visible) {
this.min = this.prevMin || this.min;
this.max = this.prevMax || this.max;
} else {
this.prevMin = this.min;
this.prevMax = this.max;
this.min = UNDEFINED;
this.max = UNDEFINED;
this.hasData = this.visible;;
HC.Axis.prototype.hide = function () {
this.visible = false;
HC.each(this.plotLinesAndBands, function (plotLine) {
}; = function () {
this.visible = true;
HC.each(this.plotLinesAndBands, function (plotLine) {
It's actually gotten simpler. You only have to set the yAxis title attribute to false:
yAxis: {
title: false
Here is an example: jsfiddle example
We can hide Yaxis label without hiding the y-Axis without hiding the series by returning the empty string as follows:
yAxis: {
title: '',
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return '';
style: {
color: '#4572A7'
For newer versions (I'm using the 6.2.0), the yAxis property has a parameter called gridLineWidth. Just set it to 0 and the grids for that axis are going to disappear. In this JSFiddle there is an example of it.
However, if you are in styled mode this it's trickier. Here, you have to set a className for the target axis and then set the CSS like this:
.highcharts-yaxis-grid {
&.right-axis {
path {
stroke: none;
For example, this will make dissapear the grids of the axis with a className set as right-axis. This allow to have different styles for the multiple axis.

Highcharts - labels inside and outside a pie chart

I know it's possible to put pie chart labels either inside or outside the pie by changing plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.distance. I am trying to figure out whether it's possible to change that on a point by point basis:
if slice is smaller than 15%, place labels inside the slice
else place the label outside the slice
Is this possible in Highcharts? Below is one of my attempts, which doesn't work; the plain jsfiddle is here:
plotOptions: {
pie: {
dataLabels: {
distance: -30,
color: 'white',
formatter: function() {
if (this.y < 15 ) {
this.point.dataLabels.color = 'red';
this.point.dataLabels.distance = 20;
} else {
This post can helps you to acomplish your work :
Is it possible to position Highcharts dataLabels depending on the value?
$.each(chart.series[0].data, function(i, point) {
// using the value or calculating the percent
if(point.percentage < 30) {
This can be achieve using events as well.
Working fiddle : Outside Fiddle
Here if data point is less than five the show labels outside the charts.
chart: {
type: 'pie',
events: {
load: function() {
var series = this.series[0];
(series.points).forEach(function(point, i){
if (point.y < 5) {
point.update({dataLabels:{distance: 2}});
}, 200);

Highcharts Pie Chart Label Threshold

Is there a preferred way to eliminate or aggregate labels below a certain threshold when using HighCharts pie chart? I'd rather not have to rollup all values below a certain percentage into 'other' if I can. I've checked the docs and can't find anything. It would be very useful!
Thanks in anticipation.
The best way to achieve this is to use dataLabels formatter for pie chart like this:
plotOptions: {
pie: {
dataLabels: {
formatter: function(){
if (this.percentage < SOME_VALUE) return "";
Replace SOME_VALUE and VALUE_TOSHOW with desired values. But there will be some problems if you're using connector for you labels (it is always visible).
A very late answer to this question:
If instead of returning empty string, you instead return null, the label AND connector will not show, and you'll be able to achieve this effect without removing the connector:
Example: jsfiddle
plotOptions: {
pie: {
dataLabels: {
formatter: function(){
if (this.percentage < SOME_VALUE) return null;
