i wrote a tiny function to switch between shaders, but unfortunatelly it doesn't work.
I create the shaders and return them as shader objects.
program = gl.createProgram(vs, fs, "VertexPosition", "TextureCoord", "VertexNormal");
depthprogram = gl.createProgram(vs, fs, "VertexPosition", false, false);
I use the switch function in my update function which consists of :
function Update(){
gl.Draw(Teapot, cam);
All buffers of the model are bind in the draw function, (parameters: the model, camera position)
this.switchProgram = function(program){
if (this.program !== program){
this.lastprogram = this.program;
this.program = program;
Here is the resulting error: WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: drawElements: attribs not setup correctly
If i comment all works fine, but i'm unable to switch :(
depthprogram = gl.createProgram(vs, fs, "VertexPosition", false, false);
Do both shaders use same attributes?
As far as I could conclude from your code, first shader uses:
attribute vertexPos;
attribute vertexNormal;
attribute textureCoord;
while second uses only
attribute vertexPos;
If you try to send attribute that isn't being used in vertex shader of the program, or you don't send attribute that vertex shader requests, then you'll get the warning.
I would say that you don't send vertexNormal and textureCoord for the first shader, although shader needs them.
Hope this helps.
Problem constraints:
I am not using three.js or similar, but pure WebGL
WebGL 2 is not an option either
I have a couple of models loaded stored as Vertices and Normals arrays (coming from an STL reader).
So far there is no problem when both models are the same size. Whenever I load 2 different models, an error message is shown in the browser:
WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: drawArrays: attempt to access out of bounds arrays so I suspect I am not manipulating multiple buffers correctly.
The models are loaded using the following typescript method:
public AddModel(model: Model)
model.VertexBuffer = this.gl.createBuffer();
model.NormalsBuffer = this.gl.createBuffer();
this.gl.bindBuffer(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, model.VertexBuffer);
this.gl.bufferData(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, model.Vertices, this.gl.STATIC_DRAW);
model.CoordLocation = this.gl.getAttribLocation(this.shaderProgram, "coordinates");
this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(model.CoordLocation, 3, this.gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
this.gl.bindBuffer(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, model.NormalsBuffer);
this.gl.bufferData(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, model.Normals, this.gl.STATIC_DRAW);
model.NormalLocation = this.gl.getAttribLocation(this.shaderProgram, "vertexNormal");
this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(model.NormalLocation, 3, this.gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
After loaded, the Render method is called for drawing all loaded models:
public Render(viewMatrix: Matrix4, perspective: Matrix4)
this.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.viewRef, false, viewMatrix);
this.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.perspectiveRef, false, perspective);
this.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.normalTransformRef, false, viewMatrix.NormalMatrix());
// Clear the canvas
this.gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
this.gl.viewport(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.gl.clear(this.gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | this.gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
// Draw the triangles
if (this.models.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < this.models.length; i++)
var model = this.models[i];
this.gl.bindBuffer(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, model.VertexBuffer);
this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(model.CoordLocation, 3, this.gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
this.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.modelRef, false, model.TransformMatrix);
this.gl.uniform3fv(this.materialdiffuseRef, model.Color.AsVec3());
this.gl.drawArrays(this.gl.TRIANGLES, 0, model.TrianglesCount);
One model works just fine. Two cloned models also work OK. Different models fail with the error mentioned.
What am I missing?
The normal way to use WebGL
At init time
for each shader program
create and compile vertex shader
create and compile fragment shader
create program, attach shaders, link program
for each model
for each type of vertex data (positions, normal, color, texcoord
create a buffer
copy data to buffer
create textures
Then at render time
for each model
use shader program appropriate for model
bind buffers, enable and setup attributes
bind textures and set uniforms
call drawArrays or drawElements
But looking at your code it's binding buffers, and enabling and setting up attributes at init time instead of render time.
Maybe see this article and this one
I've attached a SCNProgram to a SceneKit's geometry, and I'm trying to pass uniforms to the fragment shader. In my simple code snippet I just pass the output color to the fragment shader as a uniform, which returns it as an output value.
I've already tested the shaders and they work, in the sense that I can succesfully rotate an object in the vertex shader, or draw an object in a different color in the fragment shader, etc... but the problem is when I pass the uniforms. This is my fragment shader:
struct Uniforms
float4 color;
fragment float4 myFragment(MyVertexOutput in [[ stage_in ]],
constant Uniforms& uniforms [[buffer(2)]])
return uniforms.color;
And this is how I try to pass the uniforms in my SceneKit+Swift code:
cube.geometry?.setValue(NSValue(SCNVector4:SCNVector4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0)), forKey: "uniforms.color")
But my object (it's a cube) is not even drawn (it's black), and I get this error:
2016-04-01 01:00:34.485 Shaded Cube[30266:12687154] SceneKit: error, missing buffer [-1/0]
I tried to follow #lock's suggestions, but I'm still getting the same error. This is the full project repository: https://github.com/ramy89/Shaded-Cube.git
Your shader code looks fine, and the way you're passing the uniform in is close to working.
The name of the shader uniform must match that which is used in setValue. In this case your Metal variable name is uniforms and the value you use in setValue is uniforms.color. These don't match, hence the error you see. Suggest changing the swift code to simply use uniforms in the setValue call.
Next you need to ensure the data passed in as the value to setValue is the same in both Metal and Swift. A SCNVector4 is a struct of four 64bit doubles (CGFloats), whereas Metal's float4 is a struct of four 32bit floats. The documentation seems to indicate you can pass in a SCNVector as a NSValue but I've never got it to work.
In your swift code I'd create a struct to contain the uniforms you want to pass in. There's not a lot of documentation on the vector_float4 struct, but it matches the Metal float4 struct in that it is four 32bit floats.
struct Uniforms {
var color:vector_float4
Pass this into the setValue function as NSData.
let myColor = vector_float4(0,1,0,1)
var myUniforms = Uniforms(color:myColor)
var myData = NSData(bytes:&myUniforms, length:sizeof(Uniforms))
cube.geometry?.setValue(myData, forKey: "uniforms")
I'm not sure you need the SCNTransaction calls, I've not needed them in past and they could be costly performance wise.
After looking at Ramy's code it seems there is an issue with setValue and SCNPrograms when applied to the geometry. I can't tell you why, but setting the custom shader to the material seems to fix this, eg;
func makeShaders()
let program = SCNProgram()
program.vertexFunctionName = "myVertex"
program.fragmentFunctionName = "myFragment"
//cube.geometry?.program = program
cube.geometry?.firstMaterial?.program = program
var uniforms = Uniforms(color: vector_float4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0))
let uniformsData = NSData(bytes: &uniforms, length: sizeof(Uniforms))
//cube.geometry?.setValue(uniformsData, forKey: "uniforms")
cube.geometry?.firstMaterial?.setValue(uniformsData, forKey: "uniforms")
I want to copy BasicEffect's fog method to use in my own shader so I don't have to declare a basiceffect shader and my own. The HLSL code of the basic effect was released with one of the downloadable samples on XNA Creators Club a while ago and I thought the method needed would be found within that HLSL file. However, all I can see is a function being called but no actual definition for that function. The function called is:
ApplyFog(color, pin.PositionWS.w);
Does anybody know where the definition is and if it's freely acceptable. Otherwise any help on how to replicate it's effect would be great.
I downloaded the sample from here.
Edit: Stil having problems. Think it's to do with getting depth:
VertexToPixel InstancedCelShadeVSNmVc(VSInputNmVc VSInput, in VSInstanceVc VSInstance)
VertexToPixel Output = (VertexToPixel)0;
Output.Position = mul(mul(mul(mul(VSInput.Position, transpose(VSInstance.World)), xWorld), xView), xProjection);
Output.ViewSpaceZ = -VSInput.Position.z / xCameraClipFar;
Is that right? Camera clip far is passed in as a constant.
Heres an example of how to achieve a similar effect
In your Vertex Shader Function, you pass the viewspace Z position, divided by the distance of your farplane, that gives you a nice 0..1 mapping for your depthvalues.
Than, in your pixelshader, you use the lerp function to blend between your original color value, and the fogcolor, heres some (pseudo)code:
cbuffer Input //Im used to DX10+ remove the cbuffer for DX9
float FarPlane;
float4 FogColor;
struct VS_Output
//...Whatever else you need
float ViewSpaceZ : TEXCOORD0; //or whatever semantic you'd like to use
VS_Output VertexShader(/*Your Input Here */)
VS_Output output;
//...Transform to viewspace
VS_Output.ViewSpaceZ = -vsPosition.Z / FarPlane;
return output;
float4 PixelShader(VS_Output input) : SV_Target0 // or COLOR0 depending on DX version
const float FOG_MIN = 0.9;
const float FOG_MAX = 0.99;
//...Calculate Color
return lerp(yourCalculatedColor, FogColor, lerp(FOG_MIN, FOG_MAX, input.ViewSpaceZ));
I've written this from the top of my head, hope it helps.
The constants i've chose will give you a pretty "steep" fog, choose a smaller value for FOG_MIN to get a smoother fog.
I've been asked to split the question below into multiple questions:
HLSL and Pix number of questions
This is asking the first question, can I in HLSL 3 run a pixel shader without a vertex shader. In HLSL 2 I notice you can but I can't seem to find a way in 3?
The shader will compile fine, I will then however get this error from Visual Studio when calling SpriteBatch Draw().
"Cannot mix shader model 3.0 with earlier shader models. If either the vertex shader or pixel shader is compiled as 3.0, they must both be."
I don't believe I've defined anything in the shader to use anything earlier then 3. So I'm left a bit confused. Any help would be appreciated.
The problem is that the built-in SpriteBatch shader is 2.0. If you specify a pixel shader only, SpriteBatch still uses its built-in vertex shader. Hence the version mismatch.
The solution, then, is to also specify a vertex shader yourself. Fortunately Microsoft provides the source to XNA's built-in shaders. All it involves is a matrix transformation. Here's the code, modified so you can use it directly:
float4x4 MatrixTransform;
void SpriteVertexShader(inout float4 color : COLOR0,
inout float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0,
inout float4 position : SV_Position)
position = mul(position, MatrixTransform);
And then - because SpriteBatch won't set it for you - setting your effect's MatrixTransform correctly. It's a simple projection of "client" space (source from this blog post). Here's the code:
Matrix projection = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0,
GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, 0, 0, 1);
Matrix halfPixelOffset = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0);
effect.Parameters["MatrixTransform"].SetValue(halfPixelOffset * projection);
You can try the simple examples here. The greyscale shader is a very good example to understand how a minimal pixel shader works.
Basically, you create a Effect under your content project like this one:
sampler s0;
float4 PixelShaderFunction(float2 coords: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
// B/N
//float4 color = tex2D(s0, coords);
//color.gb = color.r;
// Transparent
float4 color = tex2D(s0, coords);
return color;
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction();
You also need to:
Create an Effect object and load its content.
ambienceEffect = Content.Load("Effects/Ambient");
Call your SpriteBatch.Begin() method passing the Effect object you want to use
spriteBatch.Begin( SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack,
Inside the SpriteBatch.Begin() - SpriteBatch.End() block, you must call the Technique inside the Effect
Well basically,I'm not quite sure how to properly use the Set and Get Parameter methods in DX to use the .fx files.I mean I can't find a good tutorial anywhere.I even had a book about D3D9 and while I got most of it,I'm still unable to use effect files.What's worse is the DirectX Samples provided by microsoft are packed with some DX Utility classes by microsoft and all sorts of other needless complications and I can't quite get it trough the 2k lines of code.I mean I get the basic idea(load,begin,loop with passes,end),but can anyone please point me out to a good tutorial on some simple example.The main thing I don't understand is how to work with the effect parameters :(
Here is a reference sheet I wrote back when I was first learning how to use HLSL shaders in DirectX9. Perhaps it will be of assistance.
Declare needed variables:
ID3DXEffect* shader;
Load the .fx file:
D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( d3dDevice,
Clean up the effect object (some people use a SAFE_RELEASE macro):
shader = nullptr;
Use the shader to render something:
void Application::Render()
unsigned passes = 0;
for(unsigned i=0;i<passes;++i)
// Set uniforms
shader->CommitChanges(); // Not necessary if SetWhatevers are done OUTSIDE of a BeginPass/EndPass pair.
/* Insert rendering instructions here */
Declare the uniforms (variables you want to set from within the application):
float4x4 gWorld : WORLD;
float4x4 gViewProj : VIEWPROJECTION;
float gTime : TIME;
Texture2D gDiffuseTexture; // requires a matching sampler
sampler gDiffuseSampler = sampler_state // here's the matching sampler
Texture = <gDiffuseTexture>;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;
Define the vertex shader input structure:
struct VS_INPUT // make this match the vertex structure in Application
float3 untransformed_pos : POSITION0;
float3 untransformed_nrm : NORMAL0;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 uv_coords : TEXCOORD0;
Define the pixel shader input structure (vertex shader output):
struct PS_INPUT
float4 transformed_pos : POSITION0;
float4 transformed_nrm : NORMAL0;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 uv_coords : TEXCOORD0;
Define a vertex shader:
PS_INPUT mainVS (VS_INPUT input)
PS_INPUT output;
/* Insert shader instructions here */
return output;
Define a pixel shader:
float4 mainPS (PS_INPUT input) : COLOR
/* Insert shader instructions here */
return float4(resultColor,1.0f);
Define a technique:
technique myTechnique
// Here is a quick sample
pass FirstPass
vertexShader = compile vs_3_0 mainVS();
pixelShader = compile ps_3_0 mainPS();
// Setting a few of the many D3D renderstates via the effect framework
ShadeMode = FLAT; // flat color interpolation across triangles
FillMode = SOLID; // no wireframes, no point drawing.
CullMode = CCW; // cull any counter-clockwise polygons.
Can you be a bit more specific about where you're having problems?
The basic idea with the API for Effect parameters is to load your .fx file and then use ID3DXEffect::GetParameterByName() or GetParameterBySemantic() to retrieve a D3DXHANDLE to the parameters you want to modify at runtime. Then in your render loop you can set the values for those parameters using the ID3DXEffect::SetXXX() family of functions (which one you use depends on the type of the parameter you are setting, e.g. Float, Vector, Matrix), passing the D3DXHANDLE you retrieved when you loaded the effect.
The reason you work with D3DXHANDLEs and not directly with parameter name strings is performance - it saves doing lots of string compares in your render loop to look up parameters.
A simple example of how you might use this is defining a texture2D parameter called diffuseTex in your .fx file. When you load the .fx file, use
D3DXHANDLE diffuseTexHandle = effect->GetParameterByName(NULL, "diffuseTex");
and then in your render loop set the appropriate diffuse texture for each model you draw using
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 diffuseTexturePtr = GetMeTheRightTexturePlease();
ID3DXEffect::SetTexture(diffuseTexHandle, diffuseTexturePtr);