Rails 3: Where to put a Rails.cache.fetch "cache warmer" call? - ruby-on-rails

Assume you want to do some low level caching in Rails (with memcached, for example) and that you'd like to have just 1 call somewhere in your app, like...
Rails.cache.fetch('books', expires_in: 1.day) do
.select('title, author, number_of_pages')
...to warm up your cache when you boot your app, so you can just use a simple call like...
...anywhere and multiple times throughout your app (in views, controllers, helpers...) to access this "books" collection.
Where should one put the initial "fetch" call to make it work?

After your comment I want to clear up a couple of things.
You should always be using fetch if you require a result to come back. Wrap the call in a class method inside Book for easy access:
class Book
def self.cached_books
Rails.cache.fetch < ... >
You can have a different method forcing the cache to be recreated:
def self.write_book_cache
Rails.cache.write < ... >
Then in your initializer, or in a rake task, you can just do:
This seems more maintainable to me, while keeping the succinct call to the cache in the rest of your code.

My first thought would be to put it in an initializer - probably one specifically for the purpose (/config/initializers/init_cache.rb, or something similar).
It should be executed automatically (by virtue of being in the initializers folder) when the app starts up.


Best practice for a big array manipulation with values that never change and will be used in more than one view

What would be the best and more efficient way in Rails if I want to use a hash of about 300-500 integers (but it will never be modified) and use it in more than one view in the application?
Should I save the data in the database?, create the hash in each action that is used? (this is what I do now, but the code looks ugly and inefficient), or is there another option?
Why don't you put it in a constant? You said it will never change, so it fits either configuration or constant.
Using the cache has the downside that it can be dropped out of cache, triggering a reload, which seems quite useless in this case.
The overhead of having it always in memory is none, 500 integers are 4KB or something like that at most, you are safe.
You can write the hash manually or load a YAML file (or whatever) if you prefer, your choice.
My suggestion is create a file app/models/whatever.rb and:
module Whatever
1 => 241
This will be preloaded by rails on startup (in production) and kept in memory all the time.
You can access those valus in view with Whatever::MY_HASH[1], or you can write a wrapper method like
module Whatever
1 => 241
def self.get(id)
And use that Whatever.get(1)
If the data will never be changed, why not just calculate the values before hand and write them directly into the view?
Another option would be to put the values into a singleton and cache them there.
require 'singleton'
class MyHashValues
include Singleton
def initialize
#results = calculation
def result_key_1
def calculation
Cache it, it'll do exactly what you want and it's a standard Rails component. If you're not caching yet, check out the Rails docs on caching. If you use the memory store, your data will essentially be in RAM.
You will then be able to do this sort of thing
# The block contains the value to cache, if there's a miss
# Setting the value is done initially and after the cache
# expires or is cleared.
# put this in application controller and make it a helper method
def integer_hash
cache.fetch('integer_hash') { ... }
helper_method :integer_hash

Class variables VS constants in Rails models

In my application there can be only one current Event which defaults to the nearest date event. I need to retrieve this event in various places and since it doesn't change it makes sense to cache it. There are two ways of doing it known to me:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
CURRENT_EVENT = Event.where('starts_on >= ?', Time.now).
order('starts_on ASC').limit(1).first
# OR
def self.current_event
##current_event ||= Event.where('starts_on >= ?', Time.now).
order('starts_on ASC').limit(1).first
Which one would be the best? Or any other alternatives? I know that using ## class variables is not recommended since they are not thread safe.
I guess you aren't right about your approach: this way your app will keep your cached value forever. New events won't affect it which is completely wrong. It may be the situation when some event already passed but it is still cached as "current".
By the way: limit(1).first does the same as the only first.
Neither first nor second approach are correct. If you define constant - it will find Event, actual on Rails initialization process time. Second approach will not cache your record.
As for me, this is not so fat data to cache.

Permanent variable in Rails

Lets say that on top of my Rails app there is a bar with piece of text displayed - latest hot deal, scheduled downtime notfication, something like that. It's a single, on of a kind information that needs to be accessed on basically every request, and may be updated from time to time. What is the best way to achieve this?
What I'd like to do is some kind of permanent global variable (accessible from controllers).
It will be updated very rarely, so there's no problem if for some time after update there will be an inconsistency between workers.
On the other hand, it should be persistent in case of server fault (periodic backup is enough).
It will be accessed really often, so it should be as fast as possible - preferably stay in memory.
Also, it's only one of a kind, so I'd really prefer not to bloat the app with a dedicated database model.
Something like that is damn easy in Node.js for example, but I couldn't find a single way to achieve this in Rails. What shall I do?
Thanks for the answers so far, but while they're inspiring, I think that I should stress out one key functionality that they're all missing. The variable should be editable inside the app and persistent. While it's possible to edit your variables, in case of server restart I'm back to the default - which is bad.
It really depends on what you are looking for. You could do something very simply by putting it in your application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def system_message
"Come buy our amazing .99 iphone chocolate bar apps, with 100% more gamification!"
That function (and string) is then accessible from any controller in your application. You could also specify something in the after_initialize block in your application.rb file.
config.after_initialize do
You could also create your own file under the initializers directory, which is preloaded in rails.
so siteAnnounce.rb
You may also want to check out this Railscast video about site wide announcements
I would store it in the database and let caching take care of it.
I feel that global variables are fine, when appropriate, for code that needs to share that common value in many places but that is the code, not the the user view.
This is clearly true in this case as the OP has bolded 'editable by the app'. So I would have a view that lets the users enter it, it gets stored in a db table and then recalled as needed (as cached once used once).
Well I had faced a similar problem.
My problem was I needed a global variable in all the levels (MVC).
We went to use Memcache to store the variable.
May be you can go for a similar solution.
And as an added bonus you can change it throughout the program.
You could declare it as a constant in an initializer:
MYVARIABLE = 'some string'
Accessible from anywhere in your application as MYVARIABLE
Ok, so here's what I did. Instead of just putting the value to an initializer, I've made there a simple class that handles it. The variable itself is stored in a predefined file. Besides of reading the file upon the initialization, the class updates file when the value is changed, and also re-read the file periodically to maintain consistency across workers. I've also put there some basic JSON handling and backup functionality to make life easier.
For anyone interested, here's the important code:
class Pomegranate
def initialize
#delay = 30.minutes
#path = "db/pomegranate.json"
#valid = Time.now - 1
def get(*p)
p.inject(#data) {|object,key| object[key] if object}
def set(*p, q, v)
hash = p.inject(#data) {|object,key| object[key]||={}}
hash[q] = v
def save
#valid = Time.now + #delay
File.open(#path,"w") {|f| f.write(#data.to_json)}
def validate
if #valid < Time.now
#data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(#path)) rescue {}
#valid = Time.now + #delay
#valid = Time.now - 1 if #data.empty?
$pom = Pomegranate.new
Where to put Global variables in Rails 3
Try putting it in your applicaton.rb like this:
module MyAppName
class Application < Rails::Application
Then you can call it with the namespace in your controllers, views or whatever..
Another alternative would be using something like settingslogic. With settingslogic, you just create a yml config file and a model (Settings.rb) that points to the config file. Then you can access these settings anywhere in your rails app with:
I've started putting constants and variables like this in the configuration object, e.g.
TestApp::Application.config.foo = 'bar'
TestApp::Application.config.something = { :a => 1, :b => 2 }

Rails 3: Caching to Global Variable

I'm sure "global variable" will get the hair on the back of everyone's neck standing up. What I'm trying to do is store a hierarchical menu in an acts_as_tree data table (done). In application_helper.rb, I create an html menu by querying the database and walking the tree (done). I don't want to do this for every page load.
Here's what I tried:
config.menu = nil
def my_menu_builder
return MyApp::Application.config.menu if MyApp::Application.config.menu
# All the menu building code that should only run once
MyApp::Application.config.menu = menu_html
def create
# whatever create code
def expire_menu_cache
MyApp::Application.config.menu = nil
Where I stand right now is that on first page load, the database is, indeed, queried and the menu built. The results are stored in the config variable and the database is never again hit for this.
It's the cache expiration part that's not working. When I reset the config.menu variable to nil, presumably the next time through my_menu_builder, it will detect that change and rebuild the menu, caching the new results. Doesn't seem to happen.
Is Application.config a good place to store stuff like this?
Does anyone see an obvious flaw in this caching strategy?
Don't say premature optimization -- that's the phase I'm in. The premature-optimization iteration :)
I would avoid global variables, and use Rails' caching facilities.
One way to achieve this is to set an empty hash in your application.rb file:
MY_VARS = {}
Then you can add whatever you want in this hash which is accessible everywhere.
MY_VARS[:foo] = "bar"
and elsewhere:
As you felt, this is not the Rails way to behave, even if it works. There are different ways to use caching in Rails:
simple cache in memory explained here:
Rails.cache.read("city") # => nil
Rails.cache.write("city", "Duckburgh")
Rails.cache.read("city") # => "Duckburgh"
use of a real engine like memcached
I encourage you to have a look at http://railslab.newrelic.com/scaling-rails
This is THE place to learn caching in all it's shapes.

Use find to initialize a constant?

Something like this:
class Category
SOME_CATEGORY = find_by_name("some category")
tried without a problem, but want to know if it is a bad idea, and the reasons if any..
If you don't want to hit the database each time you'll have to cache the model. There are several ways to do this, but one quick way is using Memoization. This was introduced in Rails 2.2.
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable
def named(name)
memoize :named
Use it like this.
Category.named("some category") # hits the database
Category.named("some category") # doesn't hit the database
The cache should stay persistent across requests. You can reset the cache by passing true as the last parameter.
Category.named("some category", true) # force hitting the database
What do you want to do?
class Category
def self.some_category
Category.find_by_name("some category")
So you can call:
=> <Category#2....>
It's not a terrible idea, but it's not really a good one either. It doesn't really fall in line with the way Rails does things. For one thing, you'll end up with a lot of ugly constant code. Too many ALL_CAPS_WORDS and your Ruby starts to look like C++. Bleah.
For another, it's inflexible. Are you going to make one of these constants for every category? If you add a new category two months from now, will you remember to update your Rails code, add a new constant, redeploy it and restart your server?
If it's important to you to be able to access categories very easily, and not repeat DB queries, here's a bit of metaprogramming that'll automatically look them up and create static methods like Lichtamberg's for you on first access:
def self.method_missing(category, *args) # The 'self' makes this a class method
#categories ||= {}
if (#categories[category] = find_by_name(category.to_s))
class_eval "def self.#{category.to_s}; #categories[#{category}]; end"
return #categories[category]
With this method in place, whenever you first call Category.ham, it'll create a class method that returns the value of find_by_name("ham") -- so that neither the query nor method_missing() runs again the next time you call it. This is pretty much the way the OpenStruct class works, BTW; look it up in the Pickaxe book if you want to learn more.
(Of course you'll still have the risk that, because these are all memoized, your Rails app won't reflect any changes you make to your category objects. This makes the assumption that changes won't happen or don't really matter. It's up to you to determine whether that assumption is valid for your app. You could always put an after_update callback in your code that resets ##categories if that's a problem; but at that point this starts to get complicated.)
