Drawing a horizontal line till first candlestock - highcharts

I want to plot a horizontal line starting from the right but then stopping at the first candlestick.
I am showing what I managed to do till now in image below (had to include a link rather than an image) but I do not wish that the line goes through all the candlesticks since I might be having more than one candlestick in the same graph. So I wish to that the line stops at the very first candlestick and does not go through all the candlesticks.

You can use plotLines for yAxis


Possible bug in zooming in on Vaadin charts when more than 1 series present?

Earlier, I asked how to create "spectra" charts in Vaadin (see How to create a "spectrum" chart using Vaadin 14+). It turned out that one didn't actually need to create barcharts -- the only real need seemed to be to set the pointwidth to 1. (This solved the "very wide" widths lines when zooming.)
HOWEVER: I think there's a bug in vaadin charts when one has more than 1 series presents and when one zooms: the line moves to an inccorrect position on the x-axis (or the x-axis is no longer placed correctly.) Any thoughts on how to resolve? Here are two screenshots showing the problem. In the first one, only ONE series is visible and the line is at the correct x-axis point of ~598.36. In the second screenshot, though, (where the only change I have made is to enable the 2nd series), the line moves to an INCORRECT x-axis coordinate (it seems like it's ~598.25!!!).
One theory I have is that adding the second series somehow confuses the chart from determining the correct x-axes....maybe because each series has it's own x axis logic in some way? Not sure....(I'm using Vaadin 14 and I tested this both in my dev env and on production.)

In Highcharts, how do we propertly place multi-pyramid charts?

For example, there are 4 pyramid, I want to place them like 2 * 2. So their centers should be ['25%','25%'], ['75%','25%'], ['25%','75%'],['75%','75%'],
you can see the second row of pyramids fly to the top of first row.
then I came out with an idea that "why not try second row centers with ['25%','-25%', '75%','-25%']?"
Yeah! It works! Wait! Where are my datalabels?
So, I'm wondering how do we place them propertly without losing datalabels?
Here is a fiddle:

Shinobi Charts iOS - Rotate Pie Chart by code

I am displaying pie chart and drawing labels outside of chart itself. Sometimes I must display odd data, that one point takes up 90% of chart so the rest must "mash up" into remaining 10% of the chart. Everything is okay, but the labels (slice names) are also "mashing up". So I implemented mechanism that "sorts out" those labels not to collide with each other. Now I have a "word cloud" above my chart, since the biggest slice is always facing down, leaving all other slices facing up. That is my problem: I want to rotate the chart so that the biggest value data point would be facing left (leaving me right side of chart for labels).
So my question is:
How I could rotate pie chart around its center by code?
And rotating whole chart view is not an option since labels must remain horizontal.
So i found the solution myself:
you can use this code:
[(SChartDonutSeries*)[[chart series] firstObject] setRotation:-1.570];
To rotate first (the only in my case) DonutSerie by approx -90 degrees with this line of code. I use it in this delegate method:

Highcharts highstocks - candlestick graph has last value partially cut

In a candlestick graph i am building, the latest bar is cut-off partially such that even the bar is not visible. Thus it's difficult to judge the high and low by seeing the bar.
I'm unable to post a pic now but it's like the last rectangle being cut in half.
I'm tried a lot of options in the api but can't figure out why this is not showing correctly. The chart margin and axis offset options havent' helped. Is there a way i can set the series margin from the plot area so that it displays right.
For this problem, the best solution is to insert a dummy series which should be hidden from every aspect of the chart. So try this, insert a dummy series from the last point of the data series to some extra buffer(as per need). Then remove this series from the chart by explicitly removing it from the legends (using showinlegend),chart(setting linewidth to 0) and from tooltip by having a check in formatter. Hope this solves your problem.
I had the same problem and couldn't figure it out, because no matter how I changed the xAxis.maxPadding or changed the xAxis.max, it would always cut off the last candlestick when I clicked on the range selector.
To solve it, (hack) I just added an extra data point in my series and set it 1 day past the last day and set all values to null.
Without any code or a pic, it's hard to tell the problem, but it sounds like you need to use the max padding option. http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#xAxis.maxPadding. You may also want to look at endOnTick as well as whether you are setting max on the axis.

Teechart with Candlestick for Delphi

I am using the TeeChart VCL Delphi module. I am trying to plot a candlestick chart. I have the following questions:
When I run the code it shows me the last date data on the right hand side. However, the y-axis is not automatically scaling at all. If I scroll backwards, it automatically adjust the y-axis scales. However, if I go far to the right which is the end, it does not auto-scale the y-axis anymore. What am I doing wrong?
The x-axis is the days of the week. However, I have no data for the weekend. It shows as empty space. How do I remove that?
How do you change the cursor so it shows the date/time for the X,Y you choose?
When I run the code it shows me the last date data on the right hand
side. However, the y-axis is not automatically scaling at all. If I
scroll backwards, it automatically adjust the y-axis scales. However,
if I go far to the right which is the end, it does not auto-scale the
y-axis anymore. What am I doing wrong?
What about setting the Y axis (left axis) to be automatic? For example:
A more drastic solution would be also forcing the chart to repaint after adding each point.
If any of that helps please send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here. You can attach your files here.
The x-axis is the days of the week. However, I have no data for the
weekend. It shows as empty space. How do I remove that?
You should do as in the All Features\Welcome!\Chart Styles\Financial\Candle (OHLC)\Axis Labels no Weekends example in the new features demo. This demo is included with registered and evaluation versions. Otherwise you can download it here.
How do you change the cursor so it shows the date/time for the X,Y you
There are two examples in the demo that can help you on this:
All Features\Welcome!\Tools\Annotation\Annotation Callout
All Features\Welcome!\Tools\Cursor\Synchronizing Two
