Change Bundle ID iOS - ios

I set up my application in iTunes Connect. It has not been submitted yet (Ever). Later, I saw that my bundle identifier was not matching with the one in my Xcode project and iTunes Connect. I cannot change the bundle identifier in Xcode because it is faded out.
So I tried changing it in iTunes Connect by making a brand new app id with the correct bundle identifier. I go into my application within iTunes Connect and selecting a brand new bundle identifier from the drop down list but I do not see the one I just recently made.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or how I can change the bundle identifier within iTunes Connect?

The same thing happened to me, but I was able to see the new bundle id after logging out of iTunes connect and refreshing the page. I believe this is a problem with the new developer portal... It took 5 minutes once then refreshed and it appeared in the dropdown list.
Hope this helps, good luck!
UPDATE: Make sure you press the SUBMIT button after creating the new Bundle ID in the developer portal then press DONE... the log back into iTunes connect and it should be there.

It is probably less effort to change the bundle ID in your Xcode project instead of registering a new one with iTunes Connect.
You may change the bundle identifier by editing the Info.plist file.


Why am I having so much trouble submitting my app to Apple?

This is my first time trying to submit an app to Apple, and I'm having a bunch of issues. I'm pretty sure I've generated all my certificates, AppID's, etc... I've been running the app on my phone just fine, then all of a sudden I started getting errors submitting. My first error was this:
But as you can see, the Bundle ID's are the same:
The ID in Xcode:
And the ID in iTunes Connect:
So I tried changing the Bundle ID, and made sure the Bundle ID's were the same across iTunes connect, Xcode, etc. I started out the project with a different name. Should I just start a new project with consistent naming?
Should the Bundle Identifier in Info read com.Kaen.M01eskin ?
It doesn't work with Application Loader either:
Somewhere the bundle identifier is getting M01eskin---prepended to it. As you can see in the dialog. I would check in your info.plist if perhaps there is something in Bundle identifier before the $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).
You could try hard coding it there and see if that resolves your problems.
Or try looking in your build settings for the target under Product Bundle Identifier and check there as well.
Make sure bundle id is same on your application & iTunes Connect.
Try using the Application Loader utility instead of the Archive upload to the App Store. It's available in the menu under Xcode... Open Developer Tool... Application Loader. You still have to create an Archive first; main difference is that you have to pick out your Archive via a Finder interface. Plus, you can get an active timeline for all the tasks, with current task and elapsed times. change bundle ID

I have an iOS project which is listed on, so it has a certificate, but it has no bundle ID. It has never been submitted to iTunes Connect. I have added the ID to Xcode, but iTunes Connect does not see it. Therefore I cannot submit it. I can't see any way to add the ID on So as far as I can see, there is no way to get iTunes to let me submit it.
It turned out that somehow, the app had been changed from targeting iPhone/iOS to targeting Mac/Os/X. Therefore the bundle identifier did not show up in XCode. So I could not even assign one to the app. After I figured that out and put in a proper bundle ID, I did basically as ldindu suggested: deleted the old app ID and created a new one with the correct bundle ID, and got new profiles.

iTunes Connect can't see my BundleID

I am trying to submit a revised iPhone app for release on iTunes. I’ve tested the app in as many configurations as possible and created and saved an iTunes Connect record. But I can’t find a way to get the latest build to appear in the dialogue window of iTunes connect. When I click on Build ⊕ or click on the link Select a build before you submit your app I only see the previous build. I’ve renamed the bundleID for the latest build in Xcode but I can’t make this appear in the iTunes Connect dialogue window. What do I need to do ?
Your app's bundle id (i.e. com.yourcompanyname.appname) is tied to the admin page for your app. Changing the bundle id for your app effectively disassociates it from your app's admin page. Changing back your bundle id should resolve the problem if this was indeed your issue.
Your bundle id (Bundle Identifier) is displayed under the general tab for your app settings right above version and build numbers:

No suitable records were found verify your bundle identifier is correct

I have created an app in App Store Connect and it has been in the "prepare for submission" state for more than 3 days. When I try to archive my app, and submit it to the app store it, displays this message:
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier is correct.
Just found the Error. I used one capital letter in bundle id. but I have used small letters in Xcode's bundle id. now I changed that as like in the app id. and now I successfully uploaded my app to Appstore Connect.
generally this happens when you have not created your app from apple developer account->iTunes Connect->Click on My App->click on plus sign (+)->New App->And fill up the whole info and Choose Your Bundle Id for the app you are uploading now.
Just check that app you configured on iTuneconnect is having same bundle identifier that you are using to upload app.
iTunes Connect || App Store Connect (website):
In your browser, go to iTunes connect/ App Store Connect.
Add your New App / edit your existing app.
Go to App information.
Check the Bundle ID name.
If there is no bundle ID, make sure you create one.
I used the WildCard bundle ID. That means, your complete bundle ID is likely to be com.organizationName.* and the suffix (exampleApp).
Go to your Workspace / Project.
Go to your project.
Select the General Tab.
Ensure the Bundle Identifier is the name you set in iTunes Connect.
For example: com.orgnanizationName.appName
It seems you have to start the App Store submission process in iTunesConnect.
What did the fix for me is to allow app access to all users:
Go to AppStore Connect
Go to My App
Under Additional Information, click on 'Edit User Access'
Select 'Full Access'
This allowed me to upload the app the first time (via Xcode & Application Loader)
After the initial upload, i can switch back to 'Limited Access' and upload just fine.
I believe you can found the answer here Xcode 5 - "No application records were found" when trying to Validate an Archive from #Bamsworld.
As you already mentioned and as per the documentation - App Distribution Guide
Important: You can’t validate your app unless the app record in iTunes Connect is in the “Waiting for Upload” or later state
After you add a new app in iTunes connect there will be an amber light along with its status. It will most likely read "Prepare For Upload". To get it to the "Waiting For Upload" state click view details for the app and in the top right there should be a blue button that says "Ready to Upload Binary". Click this and follow the given directions.
If you use Application Loader, then check if you are logged to the correct account. It was my case and it can happen if you manage account for various clients.
In my case, I had 2 Apple IDs in my Xcode preferences (Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts), so I had to remove one. After I removed Apple ID that I didn't need, validation process worked just fine.
Wasted a few hours, just because the error message is useless. This is so frustrating.
Double check the Bundle OS Type code in your App's info.plist, for me, the only way around this error was to set it to APPL.
The weird thing is that the error was regarding to my frameworks bundle id, tho changing the above in my app solved it.
Using Application Loader worked in my case.
Chek your app ID in the Apple Developer Center. Then, use exactly the same name in Bundler Identifier.
I have to manually sign the app. Created new certificate and new profile. Set code signing to Manual. Only then i was able to upload. Moreover select Manual sign in from organizer while uploading build.
Once check this.
Open your .plist file and check for "Bundle OS Type code" key. If that is not there, add a row and give that key and check the type it should be a string. And give "APPL" as value.
Clean the project and go for Archive.
I hope it will work for you.
I've changed the Version number but forgot to change the Build version. Changing the Build version resolved the issue. Such a silly mistake. Smh...
Make sure this is included in your Info.plist:
I had APPL misspelled as AAPL. Once I fixed that and signed into Application Loader and Xcode with the same Apple ID, everything worked.
Since this is question obviously has different potential answers depending on the individual circumstances I thought I'd add my problem and what solved it:
Problem: I had someone copy the binary archive, make some changes and then pass the binary onto me. This caused a binary conflict.
Solution: I had to create a new certificate. I copied the bundle ID from the develop consul, pasted into xcode and was able to upload.
Side note: You can regenerate a new bundle id by turning on "In-App Purchases" under Capabilities.
After few days I realize that, I've set Bundle ID wrong.
Here is how I correct,
Go App Store Connect > Your App > App Information > General Information
Select the Bundle ID you create and assign at xcode before.
Now you can Upload without error.
Firstly, check that you're using the same accounts in both Application Loaded (or XCode) and iTunes connect. Secondly, check that Bundle Id in error message and in iTunes connect are match, including tHe cAsE!
Make sure you follow these steps in order:
Generate the App ID at
Generate your app from iTunes Connect selecting the Bundle ID created in step one
Upload the IPA from Application Loader or XCode
if your bundle id carried a capital letter and you've changed it to a lower case letter, you must run the application in the simulator before attempting to archive and upload to app store connect (this was the issue and solution for me).
For me, what fixed it was to enter the required details in App Store Connect -> TestFlight -> Test Information.
Once I'd done that it seemed that Xcode realised there was a new app to allow uploading to and succeeded.
(Also check your caps in your Bundle ID though. 😉)
iMessage Extension: For everyone that is fighting with this problem with an messages extension (or any other extension) make sure you enter in "App Store Connect" -> "General Information" -> the Bundle-ID of the application target and not the extension target. We fought 2 days to find this out.
For me : Just tried uploading using Application Loader and it worked
If after you confirm your Bundle ID's match across App Store Connect, Apple Developer Portal, and Xcode and you are still having issues try this:
Remove the Apple ID associated with the Bundle ID you're experiencing issues with from your Accounts list in Xcode (Menu Bar -> Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts). Then, add the Apple ID back to the Accounts list in Xcode.
For me, it was because I forgot to create a "Provisioning Profile" on Apple developer portal. I created a profile here for "App Store", then downloaded and opened the file and it worked!
In my case I got it worked with opening the Application Loader inside the XCode.
Steps : XCode -> Open Developer tool -> Application Loader
When I opened it with Launchpad it failed to identify the correct account for the app. Therefore, it asked me to create an account.
With XCode , Application Loader could list down the accounts I'm entitled for. You have to select the correct account from the drop down.
In my case the app was already set up, but the app version was already in use (waiting for review), I just needed to increase the version number.
In my case the problem was that my application had literally no information filled in the App Store Connect
In my case I was using a different account, I created an app on Itunes but selected different account on Xcode. So just Selected the right account on Xcode and it worked for me.
In my case
Checked if same user in itunes and xcode
Checked bundle ID is same
Go to itunes inside the page of my app and inside the first tab "App Information" under the right hand side has a section "Others Information" click on the "edit user permission" and grant xcode user the permission to read the information of the app.

The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value error

I made iPhone app, now i want to upload this app in Appstore.
When i try to upload archive file from organizer it shows me this error:
Bundle identifier in my target project is com.Appname
What changes i need to do ?
Please help and thanks in advance.
So it shows that both identifiers are not same,
Create new identifier like, com.cmpny.appname
Set up again itunes app using this identifier
Use this identifier in xcode and create archive
So here's what's happening:
You have previously registered an app ID in iTunes connect which is "waiting for upload," and you've forgotten about it.
You have just made another app which you are trying to validate, but the status in iTunes connect is "prepare for upload."
When you hit "validate", the Organizer shows the old App name as the Application name, where it says "Application:" which you are probably overlooking.
And here's what you need to do:
Go to iTunes connect and change your NEW app's status from prepare to upload, to waiting for upload, by hitting the blue button "ready to upload binary" on the top right corner of the screen.
Go back to the Organizer window and hit "validate." Xcode will now recognize the new app and you won't get the error message you reported above.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Your bundle identifier should be com.companyname.appname
Set this identifier in Xcode project settings.
Create App id using this Bundle ID in iTunes connect.
Create a provisioning profile using the new app id.
Take a new ipa file using this profile. and try validation.
Make sure that the bundle identifier used in your xcode project target settings and the bundle identifier in app details in iTunes connect should be same.
Note: Please create new app in iTunes with the new bundle identifier.
Go to iTunes Connect -> Menu More -> About this app and change the Bundle ID and bundle ID Suffix.
In my case the problem was the lowercase / uppercase bundle ID which was set in the app and in iTunes. Make sure they are the same - change the iTunes one from More->About this app
