Is the Youtube IFrame API Embedded Player broken on iPhone? - youtube-api

Recently I noticed that I am unable to click play on an embedded YT video in a web page on Iphone. I think they recently may have updated the API.
To verify, visit this link I found out in the wild, with an iphone:
news article w/youtube embed
Tested on both Mobile Safari and Mobile Chrome.
The bug is that you cannot tap on the play button and have the video play. Interestingly enough, I tried this on an iPad and it worked fine.
Also of note, if you go grab the youtube-api example source code and try that it works... so that's where I'm getting stumped.
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix/solve this?


Embedded videos from Vimeo in iOS app: “Sorry, because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here”

I have developed an iOS app that gets webviews from a Wordpress page. These Wordpress pages has embedded Vimeo videoes, which are hidden from Vimeo search and can only be seen and embedded on my domain.
I have a Wordpress plugin for embedding the Vimeo videos. Lately, in the app (not at the webpage/desktop view where the content also can be viewed), instead of showing the video I get the message “Sorry, because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here”. When I go back to the menu, and then back to the video page (web view) a few seconds later, the video is shown and everything's working.
Is it something wrong with the plugin I use?(
Or maybe a cache delay?
Update: Can it have something to do with iOS9?
Update II:
I got an answer from Vimeo:
Hi there, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are currently aware of an issue where videos with domain-level embed privacy are not playable on Chrome and Safari for iOS 9.3, or Safari 9.1 for OSX due to a bug with Apple's WebKit browser engine.
We have confirmed that the next update to iOS, v9.3.2, will fix this issue. There is no ETA for the update, however, as Apple does not comment on the timing of their future releases. In the meantime, you should be able to work around this by temporarily disabling domain-level privacy for your videos.
Puffin works fine.
Download a browser app named PUFFIN from AppStore, it is able to run the videos which showed the privacy error in ios 9.3.

How to play video on an ios captive portal pop up browser

I've setup a Captive Portal with dd-wrt, wifidog, authpuppy and some plugins from authpuppy as well as my own web app.
I've found that video tag from html 5 could not be played on ios popup broswer(I think it's a UIWebView), while android works fine.
Is it possible to make video play-able on this reduced version browser from ios?
It works in ios 7.
It seems that ios 6 (or below) cannot load some resource types (such as mp4 or zip and so on) in the popup web browser.
Here mention a method to how to solve these kind of problems.(it skips the popup browser)
But if you really want to play videos in the popup browser, I'm also researching it...:P

MP4 Videos on website embed with html5 does not play on iOS

So I have a couple of videos on my website that I shot using the iPhone 4 and then converted to mp4, webm and ogg, so that I can use them with html5. Thing is, the video does not play at all on the 4 iOS devices that I tested and neither on Chrome for Android.
The Chrome issue could be because some of the mp4 are actually m4v files, but still after encoding with handbrake a video to the iphone 4 presset and in mp4 format, it still does not play.
What happens, you ask? Well, it shows the play button crossed out with a diagonal bar, the debug console on Safari does not show any message untill I try to access the video directly. Then it says: QuickTime Movie could not be played.
What can I do? I have been trying to encode with ffmpeg, have tried a handful of different solutions, some even found here on stackoverlow, but to no avail. The videos do get shorter, both in display size and MBs, but nothing works to fix the issue at hand.
I've been trying to get this corrected for a couple of weeks now. Any help and/or suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.
By the way, all the videos are on a registred users section of the website, but I have one for debugin on the main page, so feel free to test.
It seems the issue is caused by the iOS' need of an Intermediate Certificate trusted by the iOS to play videos through an SSL connection. After disabling the re-routing of the website to its ssl counterpart, the videos display correctly on iOS.

Youtube video on Ipad - How to disable related videos (rel=0 ignored)

Is there anyway to disable related videos showing at the end of an embedded youtube video for iPad?
When testing the following link, I still see related videos on iPad even though rel=0 is set:
Am using iOS5
Found link on Youtube API forum stating that fix was added in last couple of days and should be live by 2/11 at latest

YouTube video fails to load with iOS UIWebView

W're developing an iPad app (iOS 4.3.5) that uses UIWebView to load YouTube videos. About once in five times a YouTube video will fail to load and I only see the following blank screen with YouTube's logo:
Looking in the debug logs I can only see the following warnings:
warning: Unable to read symbols for /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.3.5 (8L1)/Symbols/System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin (file not found).
warning: No copy of QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin found locally, reading from memory on remote device. This may slow down the debug session.
I've read about this warning ( and don't think it effects this problem.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Try with video tag of HTML 5. I have done the same thing with video tag and its working perfect with my application.
Below is the sample code for the same...
<html><head><video controls=\"controls\"><source src=\"%#\" type=\"video/mp4\" height=\"%0.0f\" width=\"%0.0f\"/></video></body></html>
(Answering my own questions)
OK. I'm pretty sure I figured this out. Some videos don't have a mobile player. You can look at the JSON output here:
And here:
Notice how the second video (cd4jvtAr8JM) doesn't have the mobile player link. I guess this means that YouTube hasn't encoded it yet for mobile. Or it's restricted for mobile. Regardless, these type of videos all won't play for me.
