How to get Youtube's Trending Music Feed using its API - youtube-api

Basically, what I want to get is Youtube's Trending Music in UK. I want to get the videos that are recently uploaded and is trending starting with few views.
I am confused which one of the feeds below is more applicable to me.
Please help me with this. Your answer and ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Youtube channels usually start with the prefix UC. In this case the channel starts with HC what for as for I know means hidden channel. This means that you can only access them via the api if you have the right credentials.
This channels are maintained by youtube and they do not share that info for third party apps.
So if you want to rip it you will have to make a own webservice that searches the youtube site and stores the video id's or build an html parser or something like that in your application.


Get all the data with the Youtube API

I'm creating a fullstack project for a school that have a active Youtube channel. My project is suppose to help maintain and combine videos and information from Youtube into the website.
The problem is - every API request, as noted in the documentation, is limited to 50 units of data at max. This Youtube channel has been going for years, and now i'm stuck without any access to the pre-latest-fifty videos on the channel.
Recommendations anyone?
I hope someone from the youtube team could help me with this issue, or even be provided with an alternative online, instead of hand-scraping or bruteforcing my way to the data

Can I get a YouTube user's session data from the YouTube API?

I am a teacher and I have a YouTube channel with videos for my students. Every time one of my students see a video, I would love to know how he interacted with it: where he has paused it , where he has rewinded it, etc. This would help me in knowing the parts of the video that are difficult to understand.
My question is: is it possible to get all this data from a user's session? Specifically, can I get these detailed raw data from YouTube APIs?
From what I have explored so far, it seems that it is not possible, as YouTube APIs only seem to send "aggregated" data (example: total number of views of a video) or "properties" (example: title of the video).
I would really just need a Yes/No answer to my question, just to know if I am not waisting my time in exploring the APIs as a solution to my problem.
Thank you.
Yes and no,
But here is a more detailed explanation.
The YouTube Analytics api will give you analytics data on your own YouTube channel, but it wont be user specific you cant track who exactly did something. You may however be able to get some basic information about each video and what was clicked and how much was viewed. video reports But its not going to be user specific you wont know what Mike did as opposed to what Jane did.
The YouTube Data api will allow you to manage your own YouTube Channel for example upload videos and see subscriptions. It will also let you search for public videos on YouTube.
If you do want user specific then What you are looking for is session data related to user activity. Something like this is not publicly available. Google couldn't share your students activity without the students permission due to GDPR not to mention the fact that tracking anyone under the age of 13 would also be against some GDPR laws if i remember correctly.
Even Google analytics doesn't offer websites a decent way of tracking individual users activity on their websites. You can do it but you have to add additional tracking data to your website, and notify users that you are doing it.
SO your answer is yes kind of

Brightscript: how to pull my Youtube videos from my own channel onto the Roku?

I'm making a youtube channel for some meteorologists who hired me for an internship.
They want to use Youtube to pull their videos and display them onto the Roku Channel. How would I do this? also, I need to make a list of the videos from the youtube channel. one more thing if anyone knows how to pull information from a website that would be wonderful.
We have to figure out how to pull information for weather services and we have a few websites that use XML and RSS data tables, but theres so many different Weather stations that it would be a frustration to write so many If statements to contain those stations. is there a way to find their local weather station? If only one of these questions can be answered, I would prefer it be how to pull videos from youtube and play them on your channel.
While there are ways to pull YouTube videos for playback on Roku, it is disallowed by the YouTube Terms of Service. If you want to stream videos, you'll need to host them on your own CDN.
Per the YouTube TOS, Section 4.C.:
You agree not to access Content through any technology or means other than the video playback pages of the Service itself, the Embeddable Player, or other explicitly authorized means YouTube may designate.
As for weather services, you'll need to provide more information on what you're trying to do. Most weather services (e.g., Weather Channel, Weather Underground, AccuWeather, etc.) have APIs that can identify the user's location based on IP address, but these services typically cost money, especially if you intend to use them in a commercial application.

How do I use YouTube API to upload private videos for a product that will be sold?

So I have a video product that I am about to start selling. Once people pay, they will be able to download the videos, or ideally stream it via YouTube.
But...I don't want them to be able to share the link with every Tom, Dick and Harry.
I know that an unlisted video can still be made public, so that won't work for me. But apparently there can be 'private videos' too.
Where can I learn more about this in the API docs? Or what is the best way to approach this? Especially given that I don't want them to have to have a Google+ account.
Ideally, they should be able to login to my app, and watch the embedded videos there. But they should not be able to share the direct YouTube link.
I know they can always share their account info, that's fine...I will do other things to keep track of and monitor that. It's really the anonymous sharing of the YouTube link I am worried about.
Read the API terms of service and check with your legal folks. Specifically, you will want to make sure that your sale of private content uploaded to YouTube is in compliance with #2 in the Terms of Service:
You agree not to use the YouTube API for any of the following
commercial uses unless You obtain YouTube's prior written approval:
the sale of the YouTube API, API Data, YouTube audiovisual content or
related services, or access to any of the foregoing;

how to ensure that a youtube API response only contains videos that are suitable for playback on a mobile device

I am trying to add some youtube videos from my Admin page to database. So that mobile application can make use of them to play.
I want to filter the result from YouTube API link so that i can make sure that whatever videos i add to the database will be able to play on mobile devices like IOS and Android.
I tried
&format=5 and &format=1
but no use.
I also went through Youtube API v2.0 Docs but unable to find the correct way to assign fields parameter to my query string
can anyone guide me to fix this?
What you need is videoEmbeddable and videoSyndicated.
Here's my answer to original question: retrive only mobile-supported video from YouTube API
