How to include custom javascript function in Server Mobile Application HTML5 Builder - html5builder

We are developing a Server Mobile Application, currently there are no server side implementation as yet.
I would like to use my own function on a Javascript MButton1JSClick event, like in the code below:
The question is, where do I put the actual function code for myFunction()
//Class definition
class MPage1 extends MPage
public $MButton1 = null;
function MButton1JSClick($sender, $params)
//begin js
global $application;
global $MPage1;
//Creates the form
$MPage1=new MPage1($application);
//Read from resource file
//Shows the form
Any help will be much appreciated, thanks.

You can define your JavaScript functions in a separated client unit (JavaScript file).
Documentation: Client Unit.


Returning anonymous JS function which returns javascript plain object from Dart

Dart Code
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
void main() {
var data = new AddLocationData(locationName: "Location1", locationPath: "ThisFolder");
var func = () => data;
class AddLocationData {
external String get locationName;
external String get locationPath;
external factory AddLocationData({String locationName, String locationPath});
You would assume that func will be a js function but its not. Its type/name is main_closure. See the screenshot
So the first two lines were printed from Dart code then I used Chrome Inspect Element window and right clicked on main_closure' and selected "Store as global variable" which then printedtemp1` and then I used it to display some information about the generated code.
So it is clear Dart returned an object and not a js function and so is the reason of asking this question.
So I want temp1 to be a function instead of$0 so that I can get the data by calling temp1() and not$0().
See js package doc:
Passing functions to JavaScript.
If you are passing a Dart function to a JavaScript API, you must wrap it using allowInterop or allowInteropCaptureThis.

how to print the contents of an iframe using dart?

The dart version of contentWindow does not have a print method.
If printing directly from dart is not possible, how could I use regular javascript to print an iframe using js interop?
What dart:js this should work:
import 'dart:js';
final iframe = querySelector('iframe') as IFrameElement;
(new JsObject.fromBrowserObject(iframe)['contentWindow']['print'] as JsFunction).apply(<dynamic>[]);
With package:js
library maps;
external JsWindow query(String selector);
class JsWindow {
external JsWindow get contentWindow;
external void print();

Symfony1.2 component issue

I am struggling to call a component in another module where a called component using its own actions::functionname
For example
module/user/actions/actions.class.php have function like getUserName()
I am calling userActions::getUserName() function in same module's component, its working fine i.e
file: module/user/actions/components.class.php
public function executeShowUsername () {
$this->userName =userActions::getUserName();
in template of component (module/user/templates/_showUsername.php)
echo $userName; (working fine )
Now, problem is:
When including ('user','showUserName') component in other module like
file: module/generate/template/indexSuccess.php
<?php include_component('user', 'showUserName'); ?>
I am getting error:
Fatal error: Class 'userActions' not found in /myproject/apps/frontend/modules/user/actions/components.class.php on line 86
How can I resolve it?
Can't we call component in other module if it is calling function like
If you are working with the user session, you may just access it directly in your layout templating ( see User Session section in
<?php echo $sf_user->getAttribute('nickname') ?>
Otherwise, to pass variables to the component (see the Component section in
[from Listing 7-13 - Passing Parameters to a Component and Its Template]
// Call to the component
// rather than calling userActions::getUserName() in the component.class
// put your code from userActions::getUserName() into the model (or other accessible place)
// then call the component
<?php include_component('user', 'showUserName', array('MyUserName' => 'myuser')) ?>
// In the component itself
echo $this->MyUserName;
/* results in */ => 'myuser'
// In the _show_user_name.php partial
echo $MyUserName;
/* results in */ => 'myuser'

How do I include or autoload external libraries in a TYPO3 Extbase Extension? + Dependecy Injection?

I'm developing a TYPO3 4.6 Extension with Extbase 1.4 and im trying to include an external library. The library, in my case the facebook PHP SDK, is under $_EXTKEY/Resources/PHP/facebook-php-sdk/facebook.php. I would like the library to autoload and automatically inject (Dependecy Injection) where I need it.
Some comments I found online suggest that one should include libraries with require_once():
if it's just a tiny helper library, it's intended to be stored in {PackageRoot}/Resources/PHP/{libraryName} and just included via require. is this suspected by the problem however?
if the FLOW3 package mainly represents the foreing library at all, like it's the case in Imagine or Swift package, the library code is put below {PackageRoot}/Classes directly."
"I would include the class (using require_once) from within a specific action to handle this. That way you have access over those functions and the class becomes your library."
I tried this and it works like this:
require_once( t3lib_extMgm::extPath('extkey') . 'Resources/PHP/facebook-php-sdk/facebook.php');
class Tx_WsLogin_Domain_Repository_FacebookUserRepository extends Tx_WsLogin_Domain_Repository_UserRepository {
protected $facebook;
public function __construct() {
$this->setFacebook(new Facebook(array(
'appId' =>'',
'secret' => '')
public function setFacebook(Facebook $facebook) {
$this->facebook = $facebook;
public function sampleFunction() {
$userId = $this->facebook->getUser();
But how can I get it to autoload and automatically inject the library with the injectFacebook function?
Like #alex_schnitzler and #sorenmalling mentioned about autoloading:
#PeterTheOne Put all the files inside ext_autoload.php and then use DI or the object manager.
#PeterTheOne put the class definition into ext_autoload.php in your extension?
I tried it like this (file: ext_autoload.php):
$extPath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath('extKey');
return array(
'facebook' => $extPath . 'Resources/PHP/facebook-php-sdk/facebook.php',
It seems to find and include the right file. But when I try to user Dependency Injection (like peter answered) I get an error:
not a correct info array of constructor dependencies was passed!
InvalidArgumentException thrown in file /var/syscp/webs/web1/dev/typo3_src-4.5.15/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Object/Container/Container.php in line 247.
I think this is because the constructor of the Facebook class has a required $config argument.
I did what peter said in his answer and with the help of #alex_schnitzler and #sorenmalling, who pointed me to the ObjectManager, my FacebookService looks like this now:
class Tx_Extkey_Service_FacebookService implements t3lib_Singleton {
* #var Tx_Extbase_Object_ObjectManagerInterface
protected $objectManager;
* Facebook from #link facebook-php-sdk
* #var Facebook
protected $facebook;
* #param Tx_Extbase_Object_ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager
public function injectObjectManager(Tx_Extbase_Object_ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager) {
$this->objectManager = $objectManager;
public function initializeObject() {
$this->facebook = $this->objectManager->create(
'appId' =>'input appId here',
'secret' => 'input app secret here'
* #return Facebook
public function getFacebook() {
return $this->facebook;
For more help read: the parts about initializeObject() and Creating Prototype Objects through the Object Manager
First create ext_autoload.php in extension root folder
and add your code,it contain single dimension array with key as class name(class name must be prefix with extension key) and value as path to file.
make sure clear your site
$extensionPath = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('rent_system');
return array(
'rent_system_TCPDF' => $extensionPath.'Resources/Private/PHP/tcpdf/tcpdf.php',
In controller file
$pdf = $this->objectManager->create('rent_system_TCPDF');
Extbase injection is pretty simple. Here's the actual implementation. Using external libraries, however, is not.
Once you figure out how to load the library, have you tried just injecting it? Like so:
* #var Facebook
protected $facebook;
* inject the facebook
* #param Facebook facebook
* #return void
public function injectFacebook(Facebook $facebook) {
$this->facebook = $facebook;
NOTE: You need the #param in the comment and you also need to clear your configuration cache after adding this code.
I don't know about the Facebook SDK API, but hopefully you can instantiate the Facebook object with the default constructor and then add the arguments later with setter methods. You might want to create a FacebookService class (singleton) that loads the Facebook PHP and sets the essential arguments. Then you can inject a FacebookService to get the actual Facebook object whenever you need it.

Symfony: Sharing a partial between two component actions

I have a component that has been happily building and rendering menus for a while now. Now I have to provide for a special case that shares all of the same logic, but requires a little bit of work in front of what already exists. What I'd like to do is create a new component action that will do the necessary preprocessing, punt to shared logic to complete the computational side and then render through the existing template partial (when all is said and done, it's still a menu like any other--it just take a little more work to build it).
Unfortunately, I can't find any way of doing this.
Here's the high level file/code breakdown that I have right now:
# navigation/actions/components.class.php
public function executeMenu() {
* This method runs most of the menus and does most of the work
* that's required of the special case.
* Once complete, of course, it renders through navigation/templates/_menu.php
public function executeSpecialMenu() {
* Do some preparatory work and delegate to executeMenu()
* to finish up and render the menu. I'd like this action
* to render through the _menu.php partial as well.
# templates/layout.php
<?php include_component( 'navigation', 'menu', array( 'menu' => 'Entity Type' ) ) ?>
/** SNIP */
<?php include_component( 'navigation', 'SpecialMenu' ) ?>
Any input would be much appreciated.
A simple if non-optimal way would be to create the _SpecialMenu.php partial and just place an include inside it:
<?php include_partial('navigation/menu', array('menu' => 'Entity Type', 'other_var' => $other_var) ?>
Where each of your variables will need to be passed to the partial as in $other_var. Does this at least solve the problem?
A more elegant solution is to use the get_partial inside the "second" component's execute function, like so:
public function executeSpecialMenu() {
//forces SpecialMenu to render _menu.php
echo get_partial('menu', $this->varHolder->getAll());
return sfView::NONE;
The call to varHolder->getAll gets all the variables that were going to be passed to the "normal" partial, since get_partial requires that.
Or, as a new method:
public function executeSpecialMenu() {
return $this->renderAlternatePartial('menu');
protected function renderAlternatePartial($partial) {
echo get_partial($partial, $this->varHolder->getAll());
return sfView::NONE;
Also there exists a renderPartial('xxx') method in the action class which is useful when it is needed to generate a part without template in cases such as XmlHttpRequest s:
if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest())
return $this->renderPartial('module/action', array('param' => 'value'));
I haven't tested if this works in the component execute methods. If this does not work it is a good idea to add such a functionality to symfony sfComponent class.
In the action/template mode, there exists a $this->setTemplate('xxx') method (in the action class) which can use a same template for different actions. (e.g same template for new or edit actions). Would that there was such a method in the component classes.
I wouldn't recommend to use different actions to render the same entity. Try to combine them and call a component with different parameters, and if it is heavy, move all the logic to a separate class.
