Rails : instance variables does not remain when reload page - ruby-on-rails

I have a HTML page, in that page, there some options for User to select, this will affect how content will display.
I save those options by using instance variable in controller. For example :
class ShopController < ApplicationController
def index
#option1 = option1 # instance variable option1, contains some information on the form
In this page, I have a form for user input information. When user presses submit button, ShopControler will process those information. But at that time, when I check #option1 variable --> NIL. It means : this is an another instance of ShopController.
Please give me a solution for the problem that I meet, that I can save information, and can reuse although user has summit form.
Thanks :)

Have you thought about storing it in a session variable?
session[:option1] = option1
Then when you're done with it just do a
This will allow you to use it through multiple requests.

Typically when a user submits a form it will be routed to the create or update action. Unless you specifically have it routed to the index action your problem is most likely that you're not setting #option1 in the action the form is being submitted to.
If you find you are setting it in every action consider using a before_filter to set it.


Why does the object id change following failed validations in a rails controller?

I've generated a simple rails app using scaffolding. In the user model I have added a validation for the presence of name. I am using debug(#user.object_id) and showing at the top of my user edit page in edit.html.erb
I've purposefully left the name blank and tried to submit the form. The usual errors are rendered but every time I submit the form, the #user's object id changes. Could someone please explain why the object_id is changing? My assumption was that the #user is still the same object (since we're in the same page, just adding errors and re-rendering the edit.html.erb on failed update)
You probably confused by the fact, that render :edit in the update method just renders the edit template, but doesn't redirect to the edit page - that's right.
But, actually this is what happens in your scenario:
edit page is visited, #user assigned in the edit method of UsersController
form is submitted, update action is called and found #user is assigned in the update method and renders edit template
Thus, on submitting a form different method is called and the state changes
No, your assumption is not correct. HTTP calls are stateless, meaning that state does not persist between calls (i.e. every call is independent of each other). Every time your form is submitted, a new object is created and assigned to the variable #user. Since a new (and different) object is created during each call, their object_ids will be different.

Rails. Save pass parameter from action to action

For example, user visiting home with invitation link localhost:3000/home?invitation=invitation_token and I want to keep in params while user is browsing site till he visit registration page.
I know there is possibility to add params to link_to method but there is to many where I need to put this and it's not possible to predict user behavior.
But what I'm looking it's custom method what I will place in before_action what will check if there is params[:invitation] and pass it to next, unpredictable, method.
PS. I know that I can save to cookies, but this is not quite what I'm looking for.
You should save it in a session variable such as session[:invitation_token], otherwise you'll have to pass the param in every link. You can then use the variable directly such as:
before_action :check_token
def check_token
redirect_to registration_url unless session[:invitation_token]

Landing Page for Age check in Rails App

I have built a marketing site for an alcohol brand and I need to check the user's age by adding a landing page before they can enter the main site. What is the best way to tackle the form, submit and validation functionality inside my existing rails app?
Should I just create a raw html form and use javascript?
Add a before_action to ApplicationController that checks if the verification has already taken place (i.e. if it is stored in a cookie, then check for the cookie, etc):
class ApplicationController
before_action :check_age
def check_age
# check if the user has already confirmed their age.
If it doesn't find this, then redirect the user to a controller action that renders a page with the age check form (i.e. AgeVerificationController#new)
Upon submit, set the cookie (or whatever you are doing to store this data), and redirect the user back to the page they were intending to visit (or kick them off the site if they say they are under age!)
You will need to include a skip_before_action on the controller you are using to handle the rendering and submission of the form, i.e.
class AgeVerificationController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :check_age
Using before_action is sometimes a bit of an anti-pattern if you start using it to do a lot of complex stuff, but in this case it is a fairly simple way of doing what you are looking to do.
even if you use javascript,you will need to store the age of the guest to help him out next time for a better user experience.So i will suggest you to save it along with the ip-address to recognise the guest,if you are not storing a unique parameter for login(such as email,mobile number etc).
Once you have the table ready to store this details...you have many options such as:-
first option is to that,before submit get the age of guest using jquery validation and pass it to the controller using form and store it.Use ajax for form submission so that
you can validate other elements as well
second option is to let the user visit the page and show a modal window popup in the middle,after five seconds when page has loaded by using settimeout to call ajax which in turn will call a controller method to render js file which will call a modal such as $(".myModal").show(); or render your own view to get user details such as:
$('#myModal').find('.modal-body').html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'users/get_details')) %>");

How to trigger modal when event occurs in Rails

I'm sure that there is an answer to this out there, but I'm not entirely certain how to properly phrase this question, so my apologies if this is repetitious.
I am working on implementing a badge/achievement system for a site. The backend stuff is there, but I'm working on the front-end now, and I'm basically trying to figure out how to redirect to a sort of "Congratulations!" page when someone gets a new badge.
The congratulations page is going to be a modal, but for simplicities sake, if anyone has an idea of how to trigger an action like this only once when a new Badge is created, that would be a huge help. Right now, when a user performs a given action, say... adding money to their account, a user_badge is created (adds a Badge ID to an array).
Thanks in advance!
You can use before_filter for actions, where you want to check that new badge appears (probably you don't want to check it in auth actions, so you can't use global before_filter). Then you can use redirect_to in this before filter, if user has a new badge.
But I don't recommend to do so, since you'll break the users flow. It's better to show alert/modal on the next requested page. To achieve this you can define a new instance variable in your before_filter (like #show_modal) and include the partial with modal to your footer.
#before filter
def check_for_new_badges
if current_user.has_new_badges?
#show_modal = true
#included in layout
- if #show_modal
= render 'shared/congrats_modal'

Ruby on Rails - Submitting Form Data Directly to a Session Variable

I have spent hours trying to find a resource that explains the process of submitting form data directly to a session variable, but I have had no luck finding anything!
Essentially I am not wanting to store the data in the database when the user submits in this particular form, I just want it to be assigned to the session[:member_pin] variable when the user submits the form, so I can then check if the pin they entered matches the pin on the members database record.
Please let me know if you need anymore clarification for what I am trying to do, and thank you so much for your help!
You don't have to save the data to database every time a form is submitted. In your controller 's action, get the params you want and store them in the session. Eg.,
def some_action
session[:user_id] = User.find_by_pin(params[:pin]) if params[:pin]
Then in your application controller, make a helper method like this. Then you should be able to access "current_user" method in your views. (It will be nil if you haven't got any user verified with pins.
def current_user
User.find(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id].present?
maybe something like this in your controller method:
session[:member_pin] = params[:member_pin_input_name]
