Running iOS App In the background for getting data from Twitter - ios

I am in the process of developing a Twitter App on iOS, which will connect Twitter API in every 15 minutes, to Collect some data. I'm really not planing to have any server side script to Collect that data as I want everything inside the app itself.
Any idea on how to keep the app Running in Background?

You can follow the Apple's guideline before proceeding to create such background jobs. If it fits with all such requirements then you can go ahead. Follow this link for further details:


Relaying data between iOS devices with app in background

This might be asking for the moon but here goes...
Is it possible to have an iOS app receive data and then forward it all while running in the background?
We're a restaurant currently using an ordering system that uses a main iPad as the till, with a second iPad in the kitchen to receive orders, and another third iPad used by the servers to take orders. Orders are sent to the main till which relays orders to the kitchen.
Works great... Unless someone switches app on the main till iPad to our other (necessary) hosting app, then all hell breaks loose and all orders stop getting sent.
Developer (small team) has told us it's impossible to solve but I have done some digging into recent Apple APIs that allow simple tasks to run in the background and have seen a few promising options, or perhaps it's possible via the External Accessory Framework, or even syncing via iCloud? A question for the more knowledgable than me, but is there currently a workaround to solve this that I could suggest or are they right in that it's currently impossible in iOS?
Yes there are ways to have an app in the background receive data, generally using either:
Take a look at the Background Execution section in the documentation for more info...

Need guideline about IOS notification process with php api

I'm php developer, and i developed an api which is fetching the data from database and converting into json encode for ios app.
According to ios developer ios app hitting api file for notification once user open the app and kill it.
What we need to do?
According to requirement once ios app hit the api and received the data from database then ios app should not received the data again till 20 minutes, in other words i can say that app shouldn't hit again the api file.
What I wanted to know?
I want to know is this possible to do that above mention task (IOS app shouldn't received any notification or data from server till 20 minutes once received it.) in ios app. Ios developer said to me its not possible inside the app, it can be done by server and php side. Can anyone guide me its possible inside the app ? I would like to appreciate.
Yes it is possible from iOS app. Developer can use NSTimer and set time limit to 20 mins.

Run a task when the application is in background Ionic and Native Approach

I am building an Ionic application and one of the features involves taking down the notes in the app. The notes taking can be performed when the app is offline. The data is stored in the local storage.
Now, I want that when the customer comes online the data that is stored in the local storage (PouchDB) is pushed to the server. The problem is that the app might not be in the foreground. The app can be in suspended state. How can I wake the app up when the user comes online and then push the data to the server or perform any task?
I would be interested in hearing the Ionic approach and also native approach. Thanks
Your problem can be solved with Data PushNotifications in IONIC...

Data push from server to iOS device

I want to send updates from server to iOS device without using APNS when application is not active (not even running in background). Any ideas regarding how can I accomplish that? One thing I want to mention is that it's not a web application to which I want to send updates. Is there any free API that could be used to meet my requirement?
Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
No, there is no such service. If there was one, it would be a service provided by Apple as it would need to run on the system level.
If the app is still running in the background (i.e. not killed), you could use background-app refresh introduced in iOS7 (c.f. this post for an example).

Phonegap 2.3 watchposition ios Background data upload to server

i have created an phonegap app for IOS that tracks the position of the user. At this time it is possible to use it in the Background. But if i like to upload theses data to an Server it will only work when the app is in the foreground.
Is it possible to call a js function in the Background or another way to transfer theses data to an REST Server in an continous Intervall, when the app is in the background?
I has searched for many times about this problem and i can't meantion that nobody has it in the past. I read many about plugins for phone gap, but don't understand how to create on that could help me.
Sorry for my bad english
In short no - IOS only has limited background processing for 3rd party apps.
You can get limited background processing with a VOIP app or using push notifications but I guess this isn't suitable for you
