Accepting payment on behalf of someone else - ruby-on-rails

I have organizations who have users that pay to join. I need to be able to accept payments on my rails app and send the money(minus a potential charge that goes to me) to the organization's bank account.
Currently I have only found services to accept payments(fee #1) and then separate services that distribute payments(fee #2). I am looking for a service that is easy to implement and combines these steps; preferably wrapped up in a nice ruby gem.

I suggest Stripe, I've implemented it before, the documentation is very clean and the gems worked fine
How you could use it:
Organizations needs to create an account on stripe
You will implement in your platform a way to organizations login on stripe through your platform, when they do that they will create a permission to your platform to receive payment in their behalf
You can set a value you will receive for each transaction
Stripe will distribute the money automatically after each payment


iOS - Allow my app's users to take payment from their own customers?

I currently have an app that allows users to manage their customers. That said, I want my app's users to be able to take payment from their own customers, and have the funds deposit to their own bank accounts. Does anyone know if Stripe, Paypal, or Square has an SDK that would allow users to login to their own payment accounts to take payment? Any help and/or tips are super appreciated!
For PayPal, use a regular Checkout integration (Web JS SDK, Native SDK, and/or server-side REST API integration, as desired) and when creating the order specify a payee object with an email_address or merchant_id that is to receive the payment
See the documentation for details.

Stripe allowed for split payments to vendor direct to bank account in India?

I need to integrate the Payment gateway to the React Native mobile app India.
I am using rails 6 in Backend. As per my application, I need to do a split payment between the vendor and the platform.
The important thing is that the vendors are very small and they do not have the stripe account so I need to make the payment to their Bank Account directly without getting into their stripe account.
As per my research, I can do that here but it's not possible for India.
Am I missing something, is it possible with stripe?
I also did research with razorpay and there is a gem for that here.
Does anyone have experience with that?
To make payouts to vendors you must use Connect and fund recipients must have connected accounts. Note there are some limitations on platforms in India. You can use, for example, Custom accounts that you manage and take advantage of Connect Onboarding to collect identity information, then you can collect payout bank account information on your platform and manage payouts to your vendors.

Stripe Connect with React and API only Rails

I'm having some issues with Stripe Connect. I have an API only backend in Rails and a frontend in React. I have successfully created Connect Accounts for new businesses which register in my frontend. However when a customer wants to buy something from the business, the payment doesn't work.
I create a Stripe::PaymentIntent in my rails backend when the frontend calls /business/payment_secret and return the client secret which is provided by the Payment Intent. The frontend then calls stripe.confirmCardPayment with the given client secret and the card which was used in the form. However, I always get "No such payment intent" error.
I've read somewhere that I need to add the stripeAccount config to the stripe object which is plugged into Elements. I tried to plug in the stripe account id of the business the customer is purchasing from but it didn't work.
Also it was very awkward to create the stripe object which has the business the customer is purchasing from can change depending on which items the user adds to the cart. Is there a standard way of doing that?
Or how does the payment process for connected accounts look like with an API only backend and a react frontend?
Thanks in advance
You need to review the various charge types to determine which fits your business needs, combined with the account type(s) you're using.
It sounds like you might be creating "direct charge" payment intents using the stripe-account header on your server then trying to confirm them in the client without that. You'll need to initialize Stripe.js using the same stripeAccount option.
The issue you're referring to with multiple potential accounts is one to think about in your customer flow. What if a customer wants to buy two items from two different connected accounts? For that flow you'd need to change your integration to use separate charges and transfers.

How to send payment to the customer from Stripe account using API in Rails?

One of my client Ruby on Rails project have a functionality of get payment from customer in his stripe account.
Now, He needs to pay that payment to the item owner after deducted commission. So, how we can pay from stripe account to particular customer account using API in Rails?
I have checked many API's but not clear which exactly use for it.
Any one have a idea or experience in it?
See the Stripe guide on Using Checkout with Rails.
I am not positive if a customer token can be used to send funds to, but if so or not, the following still applies.
If the customer has a connected account (or customer token), you can then use "transfer" to transfer the funds to them.

ios Stripe payment(Account to Account Transfer)

I am making an application in Objective-C(iOS). I want to transfer some amount from my account to the other account using my application.
Case: The transfers will be user specific.
1.There will be a user who will post his need for money.
2.The other person who wants to help him will contact him in personal chat.
3.There will be a payment option from where the donator will send money to the person in need.
Please help if anybody is having knowledge about it, as I haven't worked with stripe before.
Thanks in advance.
The first step would be setting up Stripe
The tutorial uses Heroku which handles the backend side of the payments.
Here is the documentation
Just incase you're looking for a way to do this with Firebase, check out my answer here Swift Firebase Stripe Connect
The next step would be altering your Stripe project to work for Stripe Connect
The documentation for Stripe connect is here
You basically need to setup your account to allow for users to sign up as 'Connected accounts' that can receive payments. Your stripe account takes the payment and then dishes out to the connected account accordingly, it needs to be setup in the node server.
Stripe has an example project that uses Stripe connect which is what you're looking for, this handles marketplace style payments.
Take a look at their project. The concept is that users can sign up online and be accepted for payments.
Here is the project
and the demo website
