UITableViewController with SearchBar - ios

I have tried both ways below to place SearchBar on UITableView.
TabBarController > UITableViewController(Put SearchBar)
TabBarController > UIViewController > UITableViewController(Put SearchBar)
When I try the second way, then it doesn't work.
(SearchBar cannot show on UITableViewController)
Can anyone tell me what happend?
Here is my xcode project file:

the usual way to do this would be to put the saerch bar in the header-section of the uitableview its supposed to search. you can do this using the
-tableview: viewForHeaderInSection:
method from the UITableViewDelegate-Protocol. his works in both TableViewControllers and regular ViewControllers that just have a TableView on them. see the mail app on the iphone for an example of this.
if you really NEED the search bar to be outside of the tableview, then you will have to use a regular view controller and just place the search bar in a view above/under the tableView.
other than that, i dont know what to tell you. And what is a TabbedViewController? Do you mean TabBarController? What does that have to do with search bars? Im kinda lacking the time to go through your project, so if you rephrase the question, maybe i can give a better answer?
tableviewcontrollers will do that to you. basically, they will allow ONE tableview to be inside them at a time. also, this tableview WILL ALWAYS fill out the entire space available. Now, there is an exception to this that you cam make use of: Elements like a NavigationBar or a TabBar are allowed alongside the tableview, since they are required for navigation. So if you can put your stuff in one of these, its entirely fine. This my seem counterintuitive, since when do i want just a naked tableview on my screen? the answer is: more often than not. Tableviews are HIGHLY customizable using the UITAbleVIewDelegate-Protocol specified here:
Do yourself a favor and read that doc, i almost guarantee that you will save time in the long run.
For Example: You know the contacts app on your iphone? If you go into the details of one specific contact, you will find a pertty sophisiticated presentation of the data, that will even go into editing mode if you tap edit. It has a header, multiple segments, and a footer.
Surprise: ALL OF THAT is just a single tableview in a tableviewcontroller, customized via the protocol. Let me repeat: you are wasting your own time if you try to do it any other way. tableviewcontrollers exist for a reason. usem them


cellForRowAtIndex not being called in UITableViewController?

I've currently got a single working UISearchController implemented inside the header view of a UITableViewController. I wish for my other views to also follow suit but some are UICollectionViewControllers. Is there a way to create one UISearchController and just call them across all the views within the headers? All of the results must show in a table.
I had attempted to create one for each view but the UICollectionViewController was giving me some problems. I couldn't figure out how to set and update a table for the search controller. It wouldn't allow me to override the tableView methods as i guess the controller is a CollectionView.
Any help is appreciated.
Should also add that the search method/data will be the same across all of the views. See how the stock iOS Music app uses search bars as an example.
I've nearly cracked it (I think). I've setup a singleton "SharingManager", within this i have 3 arrays. Now I have 2 views, one named ArtistsView and one SearchTableViewController. The Search view contains all of the table methods and the ArtistsView communicates with that using:
self.searchResultsController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: SearchTableViewController())
I also copy the variables within the singleton to variables that are within the SearchTableViewController.
The issue i'm having now is that the cellForRowAtIndexItem method is not being called. All the other ones are, i can even see the section headings are being displayed. I have set up various println() statements to see where i could've gone wrong, the numberOfRowsInSection is also returning the correct numbers. Any ideas?
What I have done in the past to solve this kind of issue, and what seems to be the most flexible is to have it so that when you tap on the searchbar, your app actually transitions to another view controller that handles the search and search results.
Fake search bar button on each screen you wish to use it.
When tapping the search bar, screen cap your current view controller.
Set the screen cap to the background of your search results controller, blurred or darkened a bit if you like, so it doesn't interfere with the search results.
Transition between your previous view controller and the new search results controller with a fade.
You'll be able to give the user the impression that they never left the original screen they were on.

ios cocoa: How to adjust the size of the popover depending on the number of rows in uitableview

This is related to this question
ios filter options similar to the apple store (dropdown list)
I tried using a uitableviewcontroller instead of a pickerview as I couldn't understand how to use the picker view if I need it popping out (any info on it would be appreciated).
Now this is what I did.
I have a VC that calls out a "FilterVC". I only have one FilterVC that is called by 3 different "filter buttons", and I will just populate the VC depending on the button. The issue is, one button might have just 2 items that is needed to be shown, another one might containg up to 50. Was wondering how do I adjust the height of the popovercontroller that contains the uitableview? Also, is this the right way in dealing with popovers, 3 segues connected to one VC??? (It needed an anchor point)
Here's what it looks like
As a follow up question:
Is this the right way to do it on an ipad? I feel like most people prefer the uipicker. The guy that answered my first question said it's more of a design thing. Now since I'm no designer, as a user, do you think uitableview is more appealing?
Thanks for your time!!
In the view that you're showing in the popover, set self.contentSizeForViewInPopover as soon as you know the size and before the view is displayed.
The main benefit of using a table view over a picker is that it has a scroll indicator so you can see how long the list of options is. Also obviously that you can control exactly how the list is displayed. So the table view should be better if it fits in with your UI style and particularly if the list of options is long.

Custom UITableViewCell class in Xcode 4.2

I've been following this Apple Doc to add a custom UITableViewCell that I layed out in an .xib to my project. One problem with the doc is that it seems like it was written for an older version of Xcode.
I'm able to load my UITableViewController that the custom cells are on, but the cells are all blank. My custom cell contains several UILabels, and has a non-default background color. The table that appears when I run has the default white background and no labels. If I change the UITableView's View -> Background on my storyboard, the color of the cells' background changes, but the labels still don't appear.
Of interest is the fact that the data is still in my table's cells. The UITableViewController is itself called as a popover from another controller. When I select one of the cells, the strings from the various label.texts are supposed to be loaded into their own labels on the popover's delegate, and that code works fine (except when I try to include a UINavigationBar in my popover, but that's probably another issue entirely).
I'm still pretty new to iOS developement, so if there's anything I'm leaving out or being unclear about let me know.
Edit - cleaned up code, now is completely different question than when I originally posted, but is still on the same topic. Should I have deleted the old question and posted this as a new question all together, or is it alright that I just edited it?
I'm still not entirely sure what was wrong with what I was doing before, but I managed to get what I wanted. I originally dropped a UITableViewController onto my storyboard set up a popover segue (also on the storyboard) and tried to display the popover with performSegueWithIdentifier. Instead, I now create the popover completely in my code (which I found a nice tutorial for here on SO, by goggling "show popover programmaticly"), without having anything for it on my storyboard. That seems to be the most documented and stable way to show a popover. Once I displayed it that way, my custom cells showed up exactly like I wanted.

table view is covered with an empty table view when integrate TTCatalog to a Tabbar template project

I created a project with Tabbar template. The First View of my Tabbar project just wants the same function of the TTCatalog sample project. The Second View will integrate a Map function.
I integrate some code from TTCatalog sample project to do so. But when my App starts, only an empty tableview displayed in my first view. It's just a white table with some empty rows. nothing else.
When I quit my App from emulator, and start it again from emulator,first I can see a table view like that of TTCatalog ( with blue titles and labels), But soon the table view is covered with an empty table view.
Please help
There is no need to inherit CatalogController, if the only thing you need is a tableView inside a tabBarController then there is even no need to use three20 at all. To get started I would recommend you use a simpler approach. While three20 and the TTTableViewController can help a lot with a certain kind of setups, it is not the general best way to do things.
Let your FirstViewController inherit from UITableViewController, implement the UITableViewDataSource methods. If you are experiencing problem or need with a specific problem feel free to ask here.
If you got this working and you really need something that three20 can help you achieve, read through the TTTableViewController sources, TTModel, TTTableViewDataSource, find a tutorial and go on.
Maybe this question may help you: Three20's URL-based navigation + tab bar example? especially this link: http://three20.pypt.lt/url-based-navigation-and-state-persistence

implementing uitabbar to uitableview

I want to put a uitabbar into a section in uitableview, I have hard time looking a way for it, since I just started doing XCODE in less than a month. Anyone there know the solution for it? Any help is appreciated, and if possible, could you share a link for the tutorial or examples as well. Thanx in advance.
You can't do it in this way. They both are different things but you can have UITableView inside the uitabbar view. But vica-versa is not allowed ...this is not feasible and also not proper as per apple's guideline. So, please make sure not to use in this way...rather go for some other alternative :
like put Custom UIToolBar in header of tableView , having look & feels like Tabbar.
You cannot put a tab bar into a tableview.
I you want to use a tab bar, use it as a sub view of a UIView.
The UITabBar is supposed to contain other views. So no, you cannot add it to your table view. To get the look and feel of the Groupon app, there are two things you could do:
1. Create a custom tableviecell as advised above.
2. Since the toolbar (which looks like a tabbar) is outside the actual table, you can have it as a separate view and reduce the size of the table to accommodate it. Or add the toolbar to the footer view of the table.
