Changes in Orbix Idl compiler flags from 3.3 to 6.3 - corba

I am quite new to the IDL compiler and am trying to port a decade old code from 3.3 to 6.3 (C++) and I see that the old compiler flags like -A -B -N are no longer valid in the new compiler. Can some one point me to a link which lists or maps the flags.
Appreciate your help on this.

See page 799 of the PDF documentation.
Note that Orbix was recently acquired by MicroFocus, so you could ping them for support.


Why Cygwin has old Clang (v8)?

Are there any special reasons why Cygwin Clang is so outdated (see here), version 8, while already version 13 exists?
For example Ubuntu (apt), MSYS2, MSVC all have version 12.
Also does anyone know (any links?) if there is any very simple way (like docker-based) to build recent Clang for Cygwin? Maybe Clang has no support for Cygwin anymore, that's why Cygwin has outdated version?
The reason is very simple, there is no current maintainer.
The previous one has no more available time to dedicate to the project.

Unable to Load Dart SDK on Raspberry Pi Zero W

I'm trying to get the Dart SDK on a Pi Zero W.
When I download the SDK archive, extract it, and put it in the /usr/lib folder manually, I get segmentation faults when I try to run any of the command line tools. I reflashed the memory card (32GB, so plenty large) from scratch from an x64 machine and pre-loaded the SDK as well to help ensure that there wasn't any funky Pi file corruption and got the same result.
Though I was sure it wouldn't work, I loaded the ARM7 version of the SDK, and got executable file format incompatibility errors that were not surprising.
I downloaded the .deb package, and got a warning that the file was not meant for my Pi and that I might break things, so I didn't try to install it.
I used the apt-get instructions from the Dart website and that failed with the error "E: Unable to locate package dart" which seems to indicate that I had the incorrect name for the package (note: I copied and pasted it directly from the Dart website). I tried to look through the repository contents, and assuming that I looked at the correct file, there were not any Dart entries in it, so the error is not surprising.
My Linux competence is suspect, so I could use any ideas. I'd prefer not to build the SDK from scratch as, in my experience, open source build instructions almost always assume that the user needs to know/do something that is not explicitly listed in the instructions, so that tends to be a 2-hour effort that ultimately fails (pretty sure I'm not the only one who's had that experience).
Thoughts, anyone?
That is not going to work. Your problem is that "Pi Zero W" is a "1GHz single-core ARMv6 CPU (BCM2835)" CPU which means it can only execute programs for the ARMv6 architecture or lower.
Dart does have a minimum requirement for ARMv7 since they removed support for ARMv6 early this year:
The support was never that great for ARMv6 (I did have an old Raspberry Pi) and programs was running really slow with missing support for FFI. So my recommendation is to get a board which supports ARMv7 or ARMv8 (ARM64) which works really great.

Complete and isolated LLVM/musl toolchain

What I'm trying to achieve is to compile an GNU independent and isolated LLVM toolchain using musl as clib.
Recently LLVM 4.0 has been released with lot's of new cool features, including production ready LLD, so also the linking step could be handled by LLVM.
More or less the stack is:
Following this, it is actually possible to do so without much patching or such (apart from compiling musl), but sadly, there is no good documentation about that.
Any suggestions?
There is an example of using Clang + Musl together to compile "Hello World" in C here:
It only requires wget, tar and make to be installed. Clang and Musl are downloaded as part of the build process.
The key is to disable the usual include paths using -nostdinc and then add the Musl ones using -isystem.
I was solving the same problem with my NGTC (Non-GNU toolchain) project. Please take a look at my build scripts and patches.
I used this toolchain to build a small Linux distro without any code from GNU project: nenuzhnix.

clang/clang++ not detecting standard header files like iostream.h and stdio.h

I ran clang++ -v testfile.cpp and found that many standard headers were missing from the directory C:\LLVM\lib\clang\3.9.0\include. I downloaded a pre-built binary of clang 3.9.0 for 32 bit windows from this link.
Can someone please help me sort out this mess and explain me why the standard libraries are missing in the pre-build version of clang? I've searched the web for hours to get the answer and solution to this problem but couldn't find one. Thanks in advance.
why the standard libraries are missing in the pre-build version of clang?
Your Windows binary download comprises only binary build tools
plus a handful of clang-specific headers because you are supposed
to use clang, on Windows, in lieu of another native compiler that provides your
standard library. Similarly if you install clang on Linux you'll build against
the GCC standard library by default.
Your internet search seemingly failed to lead you to Installing clang++ to compile and link on Windows, which
explains how to integrate clang with the mingw-w64 GCC standard library for 32- and/or 64-bit work
in the manner that clang for Windows expects and supports.

Building Clang, libstdc++4.6 to libstdc++4.7

I am trying to build Clang following this:
At step 6 the command ../llvm/configure runs a series of checks and one tells me:
checking whether Clang will select a modern C++ standard library... no
configure: error:
We detected a missing feature in the standard C++ library that was known to be
missing in libstdc++4.6 and implemented in libstdc++4.7. There are numerous
C++11 problems with 4.6's library, and we don't support GCCs or libstdc++ older
than 4.7. You will need to update your system and ensure Clang uses the newer
standard library.
If this error is incorrect or you need to force things to work, you may pass
'--disable-compiler-version-checks' to configure to bypass this test.
I don't know how to resolve this and google searches for libstdc++4.7 did not produce anything useful to me or something I understand. How do I go about replacing / upgrading this? I am on a Mac (10.7.5)
I ran into the same problem. The easiest way to build Clang is to use libc++ instead of libstdc++. If you don't have libc++, you can obtain it by installing XCode 4.2 (or newer) or you can build it yourself by following the instructions here:
After you have libc++ installed, you can use the --enable-libcpp=yes flag with the configure command.
Just this week, the LLVM & Clang project upped the minimal compiler version requirement to gcc 4.7, with its libstdc++. You'll need to install or build a newer gcc.
Here's a blog post I wrote earlier today about building gcc 4.8 on Ubuntu 12.04 and using that to compile trunk LLVM & Clang. Hope this helps!
i have the same error on mac 10.8.5 xcode 5.0
configure option --enable-libcpp resolve my problem
../llvm/configure --enable-cxx11 --enable-optimized --enable-libcpp
For me this happened because I had the old clang and clang++ that I'd previously built from source (the one I was attempting to build to replace) coming first in my PATH. These were too old. Removing those two files so that the build process would use the clang and clang++ that comes with XCode's Command Line Tools and then rebuilding worked fine.
