How to initialize and persist Castle ActiveRecordStarter per session for multi tenancy apps? -

I am using Castle ActiveRecord in my / MVC 2 / Multi-tenancy application with SQL Server as my backend.
For every user logging in, the app loads the corresponding DB, dynamically at run time like below:
IDictionary<string, string> properties = new Dictionary<string, string>();
properties.Add("connection.driver_class", "NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver");
properties.Add("dialect", "NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect");
properties.Add("connection.provider", "NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider");
properties.Add("proxyfactory.factory_class", "NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle");
properties.Add("connection.connection_string", strDBConnection);
InPlaceConfigurationSource source = new InPlaceConfigurationSource();
source.Add(typeof(ActiveRecordBase), properties);
ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(new System.Reflection.Assembly[] { asm1 }, source);
The strDBConnection string comes from another small database that holds the user info, corresponding DB, etc.
When a user logs in, his DB gets loaded, he can do his CRUD jobs -- No Probs !
Another user logs in (from another remote machine) his DB gets loaded -- No Probs !
Now, when the first user reads from DB, he sees new data from the second user's DB
My little understanding for this behavious is : ActiveRecordStarter is a Static object.
Could someone help me with a solution for this situation ?
The expected behaviour:
each user should access his own DB only, securely, in parallel / at the same time.
Thanks a lot !

ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize should only be called once in your app (in Application_Start in Global.asax).
To achieve what you want, create a class that inherits from NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider:
public class MyCustomConnectionProvider : DriverConnectionProvider
protected override string GetNamedConnectionString(IDictionary<string, string> settings)
return string.Empty;
public override IDbConnection GetConnection()
// Get your connection here, based on the request
// You can use HttpContext.Current to get information about the current request
var conn = Driver.CreateConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = ... // Retrieve the connection string here;
return conn;
Then set the connection.provider property to the name of your class:
properties.Add("connection.provider", "MyCompany.Domain.MyCustomConnectionProvider, MyCompany.AssemblyName");


Web api not returning newly added records from EF 4.1 DbContext

I have a simple MVC4 / EF 4.1 project created with VS 2011, with a layer for my domain model and one for my database that contains the DbContext. I have one basic domain class called Batch and a BatchController with the standard CRUD functionality using Index / Create / Edit actions. I add two default records with the overridden Seed method. All this works fine I can add / edit / delete records using the out of the box MVC template:
public class BatchController : Controller
private readonly MyContext _context = new MyContext();
public ActionResult Index()
return View(_context.Batches.ToList());
public ActionResult Create(Batch batch)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(batch);
I added a new MVC4 Web api project to the solution with the intention of exposing the domain object so the data can be retrieved via json. This uses an api controller that I've called BatchesController, and I added a reference to my domain and database layers. I have two Get() methods, one to return all Batches and one to return a single batch given an id. I'm using IIS Express to host the main MVC app and the Web api. To retrieve all the Batches I run this in a browser:
Here's my Web api Controller :
public class BatchesController : ApiController
private readonly MyContext _context;
public BatchesController()
_context = new MyContext();
// GET /api/batches
public IEnumerable<Batch> Get()
var batches = _context.Batches.ToList();
if (batches == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return batches;
// GET /api/batches/5
public Batch Get(int id)
var batch = _context.Batches.Find(id);
if (batch == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return batch;
My problem is that when I add a new record and try to retrieve it via a browser, only the existing records aded with the Seed method are returned - I can't get any newly added record to be returned. The DbContext seems to be caching the initial records and not going to the database to get the do I return newly added records?
Just to clear out the obvious, you have surely rewired to Web API project to point to the same database, right? Because by default Web API will attach its own SQL Compact DB. Meaning that you could effectively be using 2 separate databases
There is an answer, which It doesn't solve my problem:
Also, there is a same question at here:
and I find this useful:
ASP.Net Web API showing correctly in VS but giving HTTP500
You can not send the proxy object to webapi serializer. So it should be project to a new dynamic class or a predefined class which there is no virtual (or maybe IList, ICollection,...).
// GET api/ProfileGame
public dynamic GetProfileGames()
return db.ProfileGames.Select(pg => new

Repository Connection Pooling

I'm in a hoo-ha with my boss as I can't shift to using newer technologies until I have proof of some outstanding issues. One of the main concerns is how repositories deal with connections. One of the supposedly largest overheads is connecting and disconnecting to/from the database. If I have a repository where I do the following:
public ContractsControlRepository()
: base(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AccountsConnectionString"].ToString()) { }
with the class like so:
public class ContractsControlRepository : DataContext, IContractsControlRepository
with functions like:
public IEnumerable<COContractCostCentre> ListContractCostCentres(int contractID)
string query = "SELECT C.ContractID, C.CCCode, MAC.CostCentre, C.Percentage FROM tblCC_Contract_CC C JOIN tblMA_CostCentre MAC ON MAC.CCCode = C.CCCode WHERE C.ContractID = {0}";
return this.ExecuteQuery<COContractCostCentre>(query, contractID);
Now if in my controller action called _contractsControlRepository.ListContractCostCentres(2) followed immediately by another call to the repository, does it use the same connection? When does the connection open in the controller? When is it closed?
I'm using hand-written LINQ as suggested by Steve Sanderson in his ASP.NET MVC book.
To clarify, I'm using LINQ as my ORM, but I'm using raw SQL queries (as shown in the extract above) for querying. For example, here's a controller action:
public ActionResult EditBusiness(string id)
Business business = _contractsControlRepository.FetchBusinessByID(id);
return View(business);
I'm not opening/closing connections.
Here's a larger, more complete extract of my repo:
public class ContractsControlRepository : DataContext, IContractsControlRepository
public ContractsControlRepository()
: base(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AccountsConnectionString"].ToString()) { }
public IEnumerable<COContractCostCentre> ListContractCostCentres(int contractID)
string query = "SELECT C.ContractID, C.CCCode, MAC.CostCentre, C.Percentage FROM tblCC_Contract_CC C JOIN tblMA_CostCentre MAC ON MAC.CCCode = C.CCCode WHERE C.ContractID = {0}";
return this.ExecuteQuery<COContractCostCentre>(query, contractID);
Then ContractsControlRepository is instantiated in my controller and used like _contractsControlRepository.ListContractCostCentres(2). Connections aren't opened manually, DataContext deals with that for me.
Without knowing the details of your ORM and how it connects the SQL database drivers will connection pool. When a connection is closed it is released back to the pool and kept open for X number of seconds (where X is configurable). If another connection is opened and all the parameters match (the server name, the application name, the database name, the authentication details etc.) then any free, but open connections in the pool will get reused instead of opening a brand new connection.
Having not read the book in question I don't know what "manual linq" actually is. If it's manual means you're getting the tables back youself then obviously you're doing the connection open/close. Linq to SQL will use a new connection object when a statement is finally executed at which point connection pooling comes into play - which means a new connection object may not be an actual new connection.

NHibernate -failed to lazily initialize a collection of role

I have the following seemingly simple scenario, however I'm still pretty new to NHibernate.
When trying to load the following model for an Edit action on my Controller:
Controller's Edit Action:
public ActionResult Edit(Guid id)
return View(_repository.GetById(id));
public SomeModel GetById(Guid id)
using (ISession session = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession())
return session.Get<SomeModel >(id);
public class SomeModel
public virtual string Content { get; set; }
public virtual IList<SomeOtherModel> SomeOtherModel { get; set; }
I get the following error:
-failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: SomeOtherModel, no session or session was closed
What am I missing here?
The problem is that you create and also close the session in you models GetById method. (the using statement closes the session) The session must be available during the whole business transaction.
There are several ways to achieve this. You can configure NHibernate to use the session factories GetCurrentSession method. See this on or this post on Code Project.
public SomeModel GetById(Guid id)
// no using keyword here, take the session from the manager which
// manages it as configured
ISession session = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession();
return session.Get<SomeModel >(id);
I don't use this. I wrote my own transaction service which allows the following:
using (TransactionService.CreateTransactionScope())
// same session is used by any repository
var entity = xyRepository.Get(id);
// session still there and allows lazy loading
entity.Roles.Add(new Role());
// all changes made in memory a flushed to the db
However you implement it, sessions and transactions should live as long as a business transaction (or system function). Unless you can't rely on transaction isolation nor rollback the whole thing.
You need to eagerly load the SomeOtherModel collection if you intend to use it before closing the session:
using (ISession session = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession())
return session
.CreateCriteria("SomeOtherModel", JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq(Projections.Id(), id))
By default FluentNHibernate uses lazy loading for collection mappings. Another option is to modify this default behavior in your mapping:
HasMany(x => x.SomeOtherModel)
Note that if you do this SomeOtherModel will be eagerly loaded (using an outer join) every time you load the parent entity which might not be want you want. In general I prefer to always leave the default lazy loading at the mapping level and tune my queries depending on the situation.
"If we want to access the order line items (after the session has been closed) we get an exception. Since the session is closed NHibernate cannot lazily load the order line items for us. We can show this behavior with the following test method"
public void Accessing_customer_of_order_after_session_is_closed_throws()
Order fromDb;
using (ISession session = SessionFactory.OpenSession())
fromDb = session.Get<Order>(_order.Id);
// trying to access the Customer of the order, will throw exception
// Note: at this point the session is already closed
string name = fromDb.Customer.CompanyName;
"Eagerly loading with the NHibernateUtil class If you know you need have access to related objects of the order entity you can use the NHibernateUtil class to initialize the related objects (that is: to fetch them from the database)."
public void Can_initialize_customer_of_order_with_nhibernate_util()
Order fromDb;
using (ISession session = SessionFactory.OpenSession())
fromDb = session.Get<Order>(_order.Id);

Where to store logged user information on ASP.NET MVC using Forms Authentication?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC and Forms Authentication on my application. Basically I use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie to login and FormsAuthentication.SignOut to logout.
In the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity I have stored the user name but I need more info about the logged user. I don't want to store my entire User obj in the Session because it might be big and with much more infomation than I need.
Do you think it's a good idea to create like a class called LoggedUserInfo with only the attributes I need and then add it to the Session variable? Is this a good approach?
Or do you have better ideas?
I use this solution:
ASP.NET 2.0 Forms authentication - Keeping it customized yet simple
To summarize: I created my own IPrincipal implementation. It is stored in HttpContext.Current.Cache. If it is somehow lost, I have username from client side authorization cookie and can rebuild it. This solution doesn't rely on Session, which can be easily lost.
If you want to use your principal in your controller and make it testable, you can do this:
private MyPrincipal _myPrincipal;
MyPrincipal MyPrincipal
if (_myPrincipal == null)
return (MyPrincipal)User;
return _myPrincipal;
_myPrincipal = value;
In your test, you will set object prepared for testing. Otherwise it will be taken from HttpContext. And now I started thinking, why do I use Ninject to do it?
Store it server side in the session.
// Make this as light as possible and store only what you need
public class UserCedentials
public string Username { get; set; }
public string SomeOtherInfo { get; set; }
// etc...
Then when they sign in just do the following to save the users info:
// Should make typesafe accessors for your session objects but you will
// get the point from this example
Session["UserCredentials"] = new UserCredentials()
{ Username = "SomeUserName", SomeOtherInfo = "SomeMoreData" };
Then whenever you need it fetch it:
UserCredentials user = (UserCredentials)(Session["UserCredentials"]);
I have written a couple of question/answers regarding doing custom authorization in MVC:
How to implement authorization checks in ASP.NET MVC based on Session data?
How does the Authorize tag work? - Mvc
I actually like to use a CustomPrincipal and CustomIdentity which I set in the logon action method like
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && _authService.IsValidLogin(username, password))
User objUser = _userService.GetUserByName(username);
if (objUser != null)
//** Construct the userdata string
string userData = objUser.RoleName + "|" + objUser.DistrictID + "|" + objUser.DistrictName + "|" + objUser.ID + "|" + objUser.DisplayName;
HttpCookie authCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(username, rememberMe.GetValueOrDefault());
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
FormsAuthenticationTicket newTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(ticket.Version, ticket.Name, ticket.IssueDate, ticket.Expiration, ticket.IsPersistent, userData);
authCookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newTicket);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Absence");
return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account");
return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account");
Then in the custom principal you can have methods that access specific information you passed in to the constructor like
where the DisplayName property is declared in the CustomIdentity class.
Well you will have to store these somewhere. Two main possible places though:
The server
You can either put them into Session. I suggest you do create a separate class that will hold only data that you actually need to avoid of wasting too much memory. Or you can also store into Cache that can end up in having many DB calls when there are huge amounts of concurrent users.
The client
In this case if you can limit the amount of data with a separate class, to that and use whatever way to serialize it and send it to the client. Either in a cookie or in URI (if length permits and cookies are disabled)...
Outcome of these thoughts:
the main thing here would be to create a separate class if you gain much memory resources this way. So that's the first thing you should do.

Rhino UnitOfWorkApplication + Castle Automatic Transaction Management application does not flush automatically on request end

I'm building ASP.Net MVC aplication based on UnitOfWorkApplication and I'd like to use Castle ATM facility. At the moment I've problem with flushing the session on request end. My service class (which is called in my controller action method) looks like this:
public class UserAdminService : IUserAdminService
public User CreateNewUser(string username, string password, string firstName, string lastName)
var u = new User(username)
PasswordHash = GetPasswordHash(password),
FirstName = firstName,
LastName = lastName
return u;
When I uncomment the "UnitOfWork.CurrentSession.Flush();" row everything works fine - new user is persisted in DB. But nothing is persisted if I don't flush the session explicitely.
The UnitOfWorkApplication + ATM should flush changes on request end AFAIK - is that right? Does anybody have an advice what should I try to make it work without the explicit session.Flush() call?
I just registered RhinoTransactionFacility instead of original Castle ATM facility + DefaultTransactionManager and everything started to work.
