How to create a Nested Collapsible widget? - jquery-ui

How can i create simple nested collapsible widget ?
This is what i've tried :
<div data-role="collapsible" data-theme="b">
<table border="1">
<td>Week number</td>
<td>Total demand</td>
<td>Average daily on demand</td>
<td>Quantity on hand</td>
<td>Days stock on hand</td>
<tbody id="warehouseList" padding="0">
<div data-role="collapsible"></div>
Any help will be hihgly appreciated.

<div data-role="page">
<div id="accordion">
<div data-role="collapsible">
<h3 data-role="header"> Some top level contents </h3>
<ul data-role="listview">
<li> contents </li>
<div data-role="collapsible">
<h3 data-role="header"> Some top level contents </h3>
<ul data-role="listview">
<li> contents </li>
$('#accordion').accordion({header: 'h3'});
$('#accordion').accordion('activate', 2);


Nokogiri split nested elements that has same class

I'm scraping a blog which has post and comments. Comments also have nested replies. I need to fetch all replies as a separate comment. But all nested comments and replies have the same classname.
Example html that i want to scrape :
<div class='post'>
<p>bla bla.</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Comment1 <p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 1</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Comment2 <p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 1</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 2</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Comment3 <p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 1</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 2</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 3</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 4</p>
How can i split all nested comments and replies and save all of them as comments. When i do like :
comments = doc.css('.comment')
comments.each do |comment|
I can't get replies in a comment as a separate record. According to the above example, my code gives me just 3 comments including replies.
You can search nested p tags like css('.comment p')
html = <<~HTML
<div class='post'>
<p>bla bla.</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Comment1 <p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 1</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Comment2 <p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 1</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 2</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Comment3 <p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 1</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 2</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 3</p>
<div class='comment'>
<p>Answer 4</p>
Just parse this way
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
comments = doc.css('.comment p')
Using this code you will get empty tags <p>\n </p>, you can delete them.
comments.css('p').each { |p| comments.delete(p) if p.content.strip.empty? }
puts comments.to_html
<!-- will print -->
<p>Comment1 </p>
<p>Answer 1</p><p>Comment2 </p>
<p>Answer 1</p><p>Answer 2</p><p>Comment3 </p>
<p>Answer 1</p><p>Answer 2</p><p>Answer 3</p><p>Answer 4</p>

List showing the last 3 items

I use this code for my slider in my view
but I want to show the last 3 items
<div class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
#foreach (var item in
<a href="#">
<img src="#item.postImage" width="100%" alt="PostImage" style="margin-bottom: 10px;" />
<p class="flex-caption">#item.postTitle</p>
<div class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
#foreach (var item in ((List<your Model>)<your Model>)ViewBag.list).Count-3))
<a href="#">
<img src="#item.postImage" width="100%" alt="PostImage" style="margin-bottom: 10px;" />
<p class="flex-caption">#item.postTitle</p>

MVC5 Bootstrap collapsible with dynamic class

I am having my view bound to datatable as follows
#{int i = 1;}
#foreach (var item in Model.Rows)
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading bg-info">
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse#(i)">
<div class="col-lg-3">
<img style="width:50px" class="float-left p-l-5" src="" /> <div class="float-left p-l-10">
<h4 class="m-t-0">#item["First_Name"]</h4>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<h4 class="m-t-0">#item["Leave_Description"]: #item["No_Of_Days"] days - <span class="blue_heading">#item["Start_date"]</span></h4>
<h4 class="m-t-0">#item["Leave_Purpose"]</h4>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<div id="collapse#(i)" class="panel-collapse collapse">
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="center_table">
<div class="border_table">
<table class="table table-hover table-expandable table-striped">
Leave Type: #item["Leave_Description"]
Days : #item["No_Of_Days"]
From : #item["Start_Date"]
To : #item["End_Date"]
<td colspan="2">Reason : #item["Leave_Purpose"]</td>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="well text-center p-10"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Accept Grant</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Reject</button></div>
I am getting the required output but when clicking on first row the second row is also showing as collapsed. My scenario is when there are multiple rows on clicking a particular row other rows collapse should be hidden.
Can someone tell what change do I need to achieve the scenario?
Can you try
Sometime foreach confuses with ++ operator
Also you can try collapse-#i instead of #collapse#(i)

how to close left side menu from code in a intel xdk hybrid app using appframework 3

after navigate to a subpage i would like to close the left menu, but the app throw the "uib_sb is not defined".
how do i close the menu?
this the code to navigate:
$(document).on("click", ".uib_w_5", function(evt)
this is the menu:
<nav class="af-sidemenu outer-element uib_w_2" data-side="left" id="uib_w_2" data-uib="app_framework/side_menu_area" data-ver="2">
<div class="view active">
<header class="container-group outer-element uib_w_3" data-uib="app_framework/header" data-ver="3" id="af-header-1">
<div class="widget-container wrapping-col single-centered"></div>
<div class="widget-container content-area horiz-area wrapping-col header-left"></div>
<div class="widget-container content-area horiz-area wrapping-col header-right"></div>
<div class="pages">
<div class="panel active">
<div class="col uib_col_1 single-col" data-uib="layout/col" data-ver="0">
<div class="widget-container content-area vertical-col">
<ul class="list widget uib_w_4 d-margins" data-uib="app_framework/listview" data-ver="2">
<li class="widget uib_w_5" data-uib="app_framework/listitem" data-ver="2"><a>ricerca per produttore</a>
<li class="widget uib_w_6" data-uib="app_framework/listitem" data-ver="2"><a>ricerca per scheda</a>
<span class="uib_shim"></span>
i found this:
$.afui.drawer.hide ("#uib_w_2", "left");

Navigation broken in Sitecore Page Editor during Edit related item

After updating Sitecore 6.3 to 6.6, the Main Navigation is broken in the Sitecore Page Editor when "Edit related item" is clicked.
It looks like this:
It even stays like this when closing the "Edit related item" frame.
Here is the text from that screen:
{"commands":[{"click":"chrome:common:edititem({command:\"webedit:open\"})","header":"","icon":"/~/icon/SoftwareV2/16x16/cubes_blue.png.aspx","isDivider":false,"tooltip":"Dieses Item im Content Editor bearbeiten.","type":"common"}],"contextItemUri":"sitecore://master/{78EBD797-ACA9-40BC-9ACE-961CD2296CDC}?lang=de-CH&ver=1","custom":{},"displayName":"Title","expandedDisplayName":null}KATA {"commands":[{"click":"chrome:common:edititem({command:\"webedit:open\"})","header":"","icon":"/~/icon/SoftwareV2/16x16/cubes_blue.png.aspx","isDivider":false,"tooltip":"Dieses Item im Content Editor bearbeiten.","type":"common"}],"contextItemUri":"sitecore://master/{F195AD36-86EE-4C13-883B-761E300C23AF}?lang=de-CH&ver=1","custom":{},"displayName":"Title","expandedDisplayName":null}REA {"commands":[{"click":"chrome:common:edititem({command:\"webedit:open\"})","header":"","icon":"/~/icon/SoftwareV2/16x16/cubes_blue.png.aspx","isDivider":false,"tooltip":"Dieses Item im Content Editor bearbeiten.","type":"common"}],"contextItemUri":"sitecore://master/{63438A98-FC6F-461D-89BB-7497B12FBAEF}?lang=de-CH&ver=1","custom":{},"displayName":"Title","expandedDisplayName":null}Patientensicherheit {"commands":[{"click":"chrome:common:edititem({command:\"webedit:open\"})","header":"","icon":"/~/icon/SoftwareV2/16x16/cubes_blue.png.aspx","isDivider":false,"tooltip":"Dieses Item im Content Editor bearbeiten.","type":"common"}],"contextItemUri":"sitecore://master/{FB9B0590-E933-4141-BA2B-F82C83A3343E}?lang=de-CH&ver=1","custom":{},"displayName":"Title","expandedDisplayName":null}Prozesse {"commands":[{"click":"chrome:common:edititem({command:\"webedit:open\"})","header":"","icon":"/~/icon/SoftwareV2/16x16/cubes_blue.png.aspx","isDivider":false,"tooltip":"Dieses Item im Content Editor bearbeiten.","type":"common"}],"contextItemUri":"sitecore://master/{0F1334E0-9BB7-4657-9DC4-884F6E1133C9}?lang=de-CH&ver=1","custom":{},"displayName":"Title","expandedDisplayName":null}Dokumente {"commands":[{"click":"chrome:common:edititem({command:\"webedit:open\"})","header":"","icon":"/~/icon/SoftwareV2/16x16/cubes_blue.png.aspx","isDivider":false,"tooltip":"Dieses Item im Content Editor bearbeiten.","type":"common"}],"contextItemUri":"sitecore://master/{8D18489B-B7F3-442B-9958-7D1FDBDC9010}?lang=de-CH&ver=1","custom":{},"displayName":"Title","expandedDisplayName":null}Telefonlisten
Anyone knows what this is and how I can fix it?
Thanks in advance :)
Code of .ascx:
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeBehind="Header.ascx.cs" Inherits="ZGKS.Intranet.WebApp.Frontend.sublayouts.Header" %>
<%# Register Src="NavLayer.ascx" TagName="NavLayer" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
<%# Register Src="~/Frontend/sublayouts/SearchBox.ascx" TagName="SearchBox" TagPrefix="ZGKSControls" %>
<div class="head">
<div class="line">
<div class="unit sizeCol">
<!-- mod NavService -->
<div class="mod modNavService skinNavServiceHome">
<div class="inner">
<div class="bd">
<asp:Literal ID="litWelcome" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
<asp:Literal ID="litUsername" runat="server"></asp:Literal></span></li>
<li class="last"><span>
<asp:Literal ID="litDate" runat="server"></asp:Literal></span></li>
<!-- /mod NavService -->
<!-- mod NavService -->
<div class="mod modNavService">
<div class="inner">
<!-- tpl NavService-navservice -->
<div class="bd">
<asp:Literal ID="litNaviLinks" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
<!-- /tpl NavService-navservice -->
<!-- /mod NavService -->
<!-- mod Favourites -->
<div class="mod modFavourites">
<div class="inner">
<!-- tpl Favourites-favourites -->
<div class="hd">
<li>Meine Favoriten
<div class="favnavcontainer">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="list">
<asp:Label ID="lblFavoritesDescription" runat="server" />
<table class="highlight">
<asp:Repeater ID="rptFavorite" runat="server" OnItemCommand="RptFavoriteItemCommand">
<tr class="favoritemark">
<a href="<%# Eval("Url") %>">
<%# Eval("Title") %></a>
<td class="delete">
<asp:ImageButton ToolTip="Löschen" AlternateText="Löschen" ID="btnDeleteFav" runat="server"
CommandName="delFav" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ID") %>' ImageUrl="~/Frontend/Images/icons/clear.png" />
<td class="edit" title="Editieren">
<a class="close" title="" href="#">Schliessen <span>|</span> X</a>
<li>Meine Systeme
<div class="favnavcontainer">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="list">
<asp:Label ID="lblSystemDescription" runat="server" />
<table class="highlight">
<asp:Repeater ID="rptSysteme" runat="server">
<tr class="">
<a target="_blank" href="<%# Eval("Url") %>">
<%# Eval("Title") %></a>
<div class="modContent" style="padding: 0;">
<div style="margin: 10px 0; margin-left: 10px;">
<a target="_self" href='<%# MySystemLink %>' class="icon back" title="Zurück">
<span>Meine Systeme bearbeiten</span>
<a class="close" title="" href="#">Schliessen <span>|</span> X</a>
<li>Meine Alerts
<div class="favnavcontainer">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="list">
<asp:Label ID="lblAlertDescription" runat="server" />
<table class="highlight">
<asp:Repeater ID="rptAlert" runat="server" OnItemCommand="RptAlertItemCommand">
<tr class="alertmark">
<a href="<%# Eval("Url") %>">
<%# Eval("Title") %></a>
<td class="delete">
<asp:ImageButton ToolTip="Löschen" AlternateText="Löschen" ID="btnDeleteAlert" runat="server"
CommandName="delAlert" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ID") %>' ImageUrl="~/Frontend/Images/icons/clear.png" />
<td class="edit" title="Editieren">
<span> </span>
<a class="close" title="" href="#">Schliessen <span>|</span> X</a>
<div class="bd">
<!-- /tpl Favourites-favourites -->
<!-- /mod Favourites -->
<div class="unit sizeCol lastUnit">
<div class="line">
<!-- mod Logo -->
<div class="mod modLogo">
<div class="inner">
<!-- tpl Logo-logo -->
<div class="bd">
<a href="/" title="">
<img class="screen" src="/Frontend/Images/logo.gif" width="291" height="27" alt="ZGKS"></a>
<!-- /tpl Logo-logo -->
<div class="line">
<ZGKSControls:SearchBox ID="SearchBox" runat="server" />
<div class="line">
<div class="unit size1of1">
<uc1:NavLayer ID="NavLayer1" runat="server" />
The issue is due to changes in the webedit.css stylesheet in Sitecore 6.6 from previous versions.
Make sure that /website/webedit.css is present in your inetpub folder, that you do not have it checked into your Visual Studio project, i.e it is not overwriting with a previous version of the file from your source control.
