Need to setup heroku app on my domain server - ruby-on-rails

Let me explain my needs.
I have an apps on
Now I have my own domain on
Need to setup these heroku app on my domain.
means when I visit on url, its use heroku app not redirect on just work with my links.

Heroku provides detailed docs on how to setup custom domains for your apps.
In a nutshell, you'll want to setup a www subdomain, redirect your naked domain to the www subdomain ( ->, add a CNAME to the www subdomain pointing at your app ( ->, and add the www subdomain to the Heroku app (heroku domains:add
There are other ways to set up a custom domain on a Heroku app, which the docs go into detail about. But the above is the most common.


How to allow users to point a custom domain to a subdomain of me app

I have an app where when users sign up, their content resides on a subdomain of my app, something like:
Now I want them to be able to point their custom domain to this subdomain, so that when you visit you see the content that was on
The app is a Ruby on Rails app, currently hosted on Heroku. I'm happy to move it to AWS if I can't do what I need on Heroku.
Can you please advise on how this would be accomplished?
Heroku requires you to configure your account ahead of time with the domain(s) you want to serve. If your app was running on an EC2 server on AWS you could configure your server to accept any domain, at which point the user could point CNAME records to their subdomain.

CloudFlare SSL + Heroku custom domain not working

It's been more than 48 hours after I update my CloudFlare DNS setting to point to my Heroku app. The custom domain works fine now without https://.
But when I try the https:// version, I get this:
This is my Heroku custom domain setting:
This is my CloudFlare DNS setting:
This is my CloudFlare SSL setting:
And lastly, this is my CloudFlare page rules setting:
I follow this CloudFlare guide and not skip any step of it.
What am I missing here?
My app (http):
My app (https):
My Heroku app: OR
I want my app only available at and force SSL sitewide.
Please help.
Seems like you added the CNAME record to Cloudflare but not enabled it. You need to click on the cloud icon placed on the right of your Cloudflare DNS record row. It should turn to orange when it is enabled.
Hope it helps.

Custom domain not working correctly on heroku rails app

I have a domain on godaddy and i want to put it in action on my heroku application i followed this video and it worked correctly but the problem is that i can only access my website at and when i call for it takes me to a godaddy page saying:
"You've registered your domain.Now put it to work."
and when i tried or it got me error
Any help?
By default is an independent domain from
What you need to do is set up a static redirect or domain forwarding from to
You should be able to do this in your GoDaddy's administration panel. Here's a tutorial.

Rails Heroku custom domain with Facebook login - Given URL is not allowed

I'm having trouble getting Heroku custom domain to play well with the Facebook oauth login
I am getting the error
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
which is examined in various threads including the Facebook one
So far, my setup is this
the root is redirect to to
The cnames have been changed for so it is an alias for my heroku app. Shows up fine. There does say
"Zone apex domains (aka “naked”, “bare” or “root” domains), e.g.,, using conventional DNS A-records are not supported on Heroku. However, there are alternative configurations that allow for root domains while still being resilient in a dynamic runtime environment."
but I don't know how this effects FB login
When I click the facebook login, it'll throw that error. I've tried various setups in my app settings including with and without the www
Right now, I've left it as
App domain:
Site URL:
Mobile site URL:
Embedded browser OAuth Login is enabled
(I've tried www for all the options above, but maybe there is a combination I haven't tried. I'm really just doing it randomly not knowing why one would work over another)
If I can't resolve this, I might try opening an issue on Facebook tomorrow.
This final combination seemed to work as my site is coming from
App domain:
Site URL:
Mobile site URL:
Embedded browser OAuth Login is enabled
Redirect uri in Advanced setting also added

heroku multiple subdomains with ssl possible?

I have this app on heroku the main part of it is called for which I have custom domains on heroku, and added endpoint ssl to it. it's all working. By the way, the original is very old, and it is hosted somewhere else not on Heroku.
On heroku, I just
heroku domains:add
Now, we have an order form for user to order stuff before they get to use the app. and the client wants to have its url as instead of I looked up routing constraint in Rails from RailsCasts to handle this subdomain redirect, so all's good. then I add it to heroku's custom domains
heroku domains:add
then I change the CNAME on the original host of to have it point to (or something). And now accessing does bring me to the order form! Just that the https part is showing the usual non-verified cert warning.
So I went ahead and got myself another godaddy certificate, but now when I try to add the certificate to heroku (I have done this once before for's https)
heroku certs:add ~/ssl/combined.crt ~/ssl/nopass.key
Adding SSL endpoint to order-dev... failed
! only one SSL endpoint allowed per app (try certs:update instead)
So it seems like I can't actually have more than one SSL certificate per app, does that mean I can actually use what I have for certificate for for also? If so, what do I have to configure? Or am I doing this all wrong, if so, what should I have done instead?
Thank you for helping out here!
You should buy wildcard certificate for * as opposed to multiple certs.
