How to Handle Occlusion and Fragmentation - opencv

I am trying to implement a people counting system using computer vision for uni project. Currently, my method is:
Background subtraction using MOG2
Morphological filter to remove noise
Track blob
Count blob passing a specified region (a line)
The problem is if people come as group, my method only counts one people. From my readings, I believe this is what called as occlusion. Another problem is when people looks similar to background (use dark clothing and passing a black pillar/wall), the blob is separated while it is actually one person.
From what I read, I should implement a detector + tracker (e.g. detect human using HOG). But my detection result is poor (e.g. 50% false positives with 50% hit rate; using OpenCV human detector and my own trained detector) so I am not convinced to use the detector as basis for tracking. Thanks for your answers and time for reading this post!

Tracking people in video surveillance sequences is still an open problem in the research community. However particule filters (PF) (aka sequential monte-carlo) gives good results towards occlusion and complex scene. You should read this. There is also extra links to example source code after biblio.
An advantage on using PF is the gain in computational time towards tracking by detection (only).
If you go this way, feel free to ask for better understanding about the maths behind the PF.

There is no single "good" answer to this as handling occlusion (and background substraction) are still open problems! There are several pointers that can be given that might help you along with your project.
You want to detect if a "blob" is one person or a group of people. There are several things you could do to handle this.
Use multiple cameras (it's unlikely that a group of people is detected as a single blob from all angles)
Try to detect parts of the human body. If you detect two heads on a single blob, there are multiple people. Same can be said for 3 legs, 5 shoulders, etc.
On the area of tracking a "lost" person (one walking behind another object), is to extrapolate it's position. You know that a person can only move so much in between frames. By holding this into account, you know that it's impossible for a user to be detected in the middle of your image and then suddenly disappear. After several frames of not seeing that person, you can discard the observation, as the person might have had enough time to move away.


Finger/Hand Gesture Recognition using Kinect

Let me explain my need before I explain the problem.
I am looking forward for a hand controlled application.
Navigation using palm and clicks using grab/fist.
Currently, I am working with Openni, which sounds promising and has few examples which turned out to be useful in my case, as it had inbuild hand tracker in samples. which serves my purpose for time being.
What I want to ask is,
1) what would be the best approach to have a fist/grab detector ?
I trained and used Adaboost fist classifiers on extracted RGB data, which was pretty good, but, it has too many false detections to move forward.
So, here I frame two more questions
2) Is there any other good library which is capable of achieving my needs using depth data ?
3)Can we train our own hand gestures, especially using fingers, as some paper was referring to HMM, if yes, how do we proceed with a library like OpenNI ?
Yeah, I tried with the middle ware libraries in OpenNI like, the grab detector, but, they wont serve my purpose, as its neither opensource nor matches my need.
Apart from what I asked, if there is something which you think, that could help me will be accepted as a good suggestion.
You don't need to train your first algorithm since it will complicate things.
Don't use color either since it's unreliable (mixes with background and changes unpredictably depending on lighting and viewpoint)
Assuming that your hand is a closest object you can simply
segment it out by depth threshold. You can set threshold manually, use a closest region of depth histogram, or perform connected component on a depth map to break it on meaningful parts first (and then select your object based not only on its depth but also using its dimensions, motion, user input, etc). Here is the output of a connected components method:
Apply convex defects from opencv library to find fingers;
Track fingers rather than rediscover them in 3D.This will increase stability. I successfully implemented such finger detection about 3 years ago.
Read my paper :)
I have done research on gesture recognition for hands, and evaluated several approaches that are robust to scale, rotation etc. You have depth information which is very valuable, as the hardest problem for me was to actually segment the hand out of the image.
My most successful approach is to trail the contour of the hand and for each point on the contour, take the distance to the centroid of the hand. This gives a set of points that can be used as input for many training algorithms.
I use the image moments of the segmented hand to determine its rotation, so there is a good starting point on the hands contour. It is very easy to determine a fist, stretched out hand and the number of extended fingers.
Note that while it works fine, your arm tends to get tired from pointing into the air.
It seems that you are unaware of the Point Cloud Library (PCL). It is an open-source library dedicated to the processing of point clouds and RGB-D data, which is based on OpenNI for the low-level operations and which provides a lot of high-level algorithm, for instance to perform registration, segmentation and also recognition.
A very interesting algorithm for shape/object recognition in general is called implicit shape model. In order to detect a global object (such as a car, or an open hand), the idea is first to detect possible parts of it (e.g. wheels, trunk, etc, or fingers, palm, wrist etc) using a local feature detector, and then to infer the position of the global object by considering the density and the relative position of its parts. For instance, if I can detect five fingers, a palm and a wrist in a given neighborhood, there's a good chance that I am in fact looking at a hand, however, if I only detect one finger and a wrist somewhere, it could be a pair of false detections. The academic research article on this implicit shape model algorithm can be found here.
In PCL, there is a couple of tutorials dedicated to the topic of shape recognition, and luckily, one of them covers the implicit shape model, which has been implemented in PCL. I never tested this implementation, but from what I could read in the tutorial, you can specify your own point clouds for the training of the classifier.
That being said, you did not mentioned it explicitly in your question, but since your goal is to program a hand-controlled application, you might in fact be interested in a real-time shape detection algorithm. You would have to test the speed of the implicit shape model provided in PCL, but I think this approach is better suited to offline shape recognition.
If you do need real-time shape recognition, I think you should first use a hand/arm tracking algorithm (which are usually faster than full detection) in order to know where to look in the images, instead of trying to perform a full shape detection at each frame of your RGB-D stream. You could for instance track the hand location by segmenting the depthmap (e.g. using an appropriate threshold on the depth) and then detecting the extermities.
Then, once you approximately know where the hand is, it should be easier to decide whether the hand is making one gesture relevant to your application. I am not sure what you exactly mean by fist/grab gestures, but I suggest that you define and use some app-controlling gestures which are easy and quick to distinguish from one another.
Hope this helps.
The fast answer is: Yes, you can train your own gesture detector using depth data. It is really easy, but it depends on the type of the gesture.
Suppose you want to detect a hand movement:
Detect the hand position (x,y,x). Using OpenNi is straighforward as you have one node for the hand
Execute the gesture and collect ALL the positions of the hand during the gesture.
With the list of positions train a HMM. For example you can use Matlab, C, or Python.
For your own gestures, you can test the model and detect the gestures.
Here you can find a nice tutorial and code (in Matlab). The code (test.m is pretty easy to follow). Here is an snipet:
%Load collected data
training = get_xyz_data('data/train',train_gesture);
testing = get_xyz_data('data/test',test_gesture);
%Get clusters
[centroids N] = get_point_centroids(training,N,D);
ATrainBinned = get_point_clusters(training,centroids,D);
ATestBinned = get_point_clusters(testing,centroids,D);
% Set priors:
pP = prior_transition_matrix(M,LR);
% Train the model:
cyc = 50;
[E,P,Pi,LL] = dhmm_numeric(ATrainBinned,pP,[1:N]',M,cyc,.00001);
Dealing with fingers is pretty much the same, but instead of detecting the hand you need to detect de fingers. As Kinect doesn't have finger points, you need to use a specific code to detect them (using segmentation or contour tracking). Some examples using OpenCV can be found here and here, but the most promising one is the ROS library that have a finger node (see example here).
If you only need the detection of a fist/grab state, you should give microsoft a chance. Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Interaction contains methods and events that detects the grip / grip release state of a hand. Take a look at the HandEventType of InteractionHandPointer . That works quite good for the fist/grab detection, but does not detect or report the position of individual fingers.
The next kinect (kinect one) detects 3 joint per hand (Wrist, Hand, Thumb) and has 3 hand based gestures: open, closed (grip/fist) and lasso (pointer). If that is enough for you, you should consider the microsoft libraries.
1) If there are a lot of false detections, you could try to extend the negative sample set of the classifier, and train it again. The extended negative image set should contain such images, where the fist was false detected. Maybe this will help to create a better classifier.
I've had quite a bit of succes with the middleware library as provided by They provide several gestures (including grabbing, pinching and pointing) and 6 DOF handtracking.
You might be interested in this paper & open-source code:
Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking
YouTube Video:
Paper PDF:

How do I detect multiple people and track them in opencv/emgucv

I have been trying to detect multiple people in a small space and hence track them.
Input: CCTV feed from a camera mounted in a small room.
Expected Output: Track and hence store the path that people take while moving from one end of the room to the other.
I tried to implement some of the basic methods like background subtraction and pedestrian detection. But the results are not as desired.
In the results obtained by implementing background subtraction, due to occlusion the blob is not one single entity(the blob of one person is broken into multiple small blobs) hence, detecting it as a single person is very difficult.
Now, consider the case when there are many people standing close to each other. In this case detecting people using simple background subtraction is a complete disaster.
Is there a better way to detect multiple people?
Or maybe is there a way to improve the result of background subtraction?
And please suggest a good way for tracking multiple people?
that's a quite hard problem and there is no out-of-the-box solution, so you might have to try different methods.
In the beginning you will want to make some assumptions like static camera position and everything that's not background is a person or part of a person, maybe multiple persons. Persons can't appear within the image but they will have to 'enter' it (and are detected on entering and tracked after detection).
Detection and tracking can both be difficult problems so you might want to focus on one of them first. I would start with tracking and choose a probabilisic tracking method, since simple tracking methods like tracking by detection probably can't handle overlap and multiple targets very well.
I would try a particle filter, like
which is capable to track multiple targets.
Detection: There is a HoG Person Detector in OpenCV which works quite fine for upright persons
HOGDescriptor hog;
but it's good to know the approximate size of a person in the image and scale the image accordingly. You can do this after background subtraction by scaling the blobs or combination of blobs, or you use a calibration of your camera and scale image parts of size 1.6m to 2.0m to your HoG detector size. Otherwise you might have many misses and many false alarms.
In the end you will have to work and research for some time to get the things running, but don't expect early success or 100% hit rates ;)
I would create a sample video and work on that, manually masking entering people as detection and implement the tracker with those detections.

Algorithm for real-time tracking of several simple objects

I'm trying to write a program to track relative position of certain objects while I'm playing the popular game, League of Legends. Specifically, I want to track the x,y screen coordinates of any "minions" currently on the screen (The "minions" are the little guys in the center of the picture with little red and green bars over their heads).
I'm currently using the Java Robot class to send screen captures to my program while I'm playing, and am trying to figure out the best algorithm for locate the minions and track them so long as they stay on the screen.
My current thinking is to use a convolutional neural network to identify and locate the minions by the the colored bars over there heads. However, I'd have to re-identify and locate the minions on every new frame, and this seems like it'd be computationally expensive if I want to do this in real time (~10-60 fps).
These sorts of computer vision algorithms aren't really my specialization, but it seems reasonable that algorithms exist that exploit the fact objects in videos move in a continuous manner (i.e. they don't jump around from frame to frame).
So, is there an easily implementable algorithm for accomplishing this task?
Since this is a computer game, I think that the color of the bars should be constant. That might not be true only if the dynamic illumination affects the health bar, which is highly unlikely.
Thus, just find all of the pixels with this specific colors. Then you do some morphological operations and segment the image into blobs. By selecting only the blobs that fit some criteria, you can find the location of the units.
I know that my answer does not involve video, but the operations should be so simple, that it should be very quick.
As for the tracking, just find per each point the closest in the next frame.
Since the HUD location is constant, there should be no problem removing it.
Here is mine quick and not-so-robust implementation in Matlab that has a few limitations:
Units must be quite healthy (At least 40 pixels wide)
The bars do not overlap.
function FindUnits()
x = double(imread('c:\1.jpg'));
green = cat(3,149,194,151);
diff = abs(x - repmat(green,[size(x,1) size(x,2)]));
diff = mean(diff,3);
diff = logical(diff < 30);
diff = imopen(diff,strel('square',1));
rp = regionprops(diff,'Centroid','MajorAxisLength','MinorAxisLength','Orientation');
long = [rp.MajorAxisLength]./[rp.MinorAxisLength];
rp( long < 20) = [];
xy = [rp.Centroid];
x = xy(1:2:end);
y = xy(2:2:end);
figure;imshow('c:\1.jpg');hold on ;scatter(x,y,'g');
And the results:
You should use a model which includes a dynamic structure in it. For your object tracking purpose Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) (or in general Dynamic Bayesian Networks) are very well suitable. You can find a lot of resources on HMMs online. The issues you are going to face however, depends on your system model. If your system dynamics can easily be represented as a linear Gauss-Markov model then a simple Kalman Filter will do fine. However, in the case of nonlinear non-gaussian dynamics you should use Particle Filtering which is a Sequential Monte Carlo Method. Both Kalman Filter and Particle Filter are sequential methods so you will use the results you have at the current step to have a result at the next time step. I suggest you to check some online tutorials and papers on Multiple Object Tracking via Particle Filters. As far as I am concerned the main difficulty you will have is however, the number of objects you may want to track since you won't know the number of the objects you want to track and also a object you are tracking can just disappear as well (you may kill those little guys or they may just leave the screen) or some other guy can just enter the screen. Hope this helps.

single person tracking from video sequence

As a part of my thesis work, I need to build a program for human tracking from video or image sequence like the KTH or IXMAS dataset with the assumptions:
Illumination remains unchanged
Only one person appear in the scene
The program need to perform in real-time
I have searched a lot but still can not find a good solution.
Please suggest me a good method or an existing program that is suitable.
Case 1 - If camera static
If the camera is static, it is really simple to track one person.
You can apply a method called background subtraction.
Here, for better results, you need a bare image from camera, with no persons in it. It is the background. ( It can also be done, even if you don't have this background image. But if you have it, better. I will tell at end what to do if no background image)
Now start capture from camera. Take first frame,convert both to grayscale, smooth both images to avoid noise.
Subtract background image from frame.
If the frame has no change wrt background image (ie no person), you get a black image ( Of course there will be some noise, we can remove it). If there is change, ie person walked into frame, you will get an image with person and background as black.
Now threshold the image for a suitable value.
Apply some erosion to remove small granular noise. Apply dilation after that.
Now find contours. Most probably there will be one contour,ie the person.
Find centroid or whatever you want for this person to track.
Now suppose you don't have a background image, you can find it using cvRunningAvg function. It finds running average of frames from your video which you use to track. But you can obviously understand, first method is better, if you get background image.
Here is the implementation of above method using cvRunningAvg.
Case 2 - Camera not static
Here background subtraction won't give good result, since you can't get a fixed background.
Then OpenCV come with a sample for people detection sample. Use it.
This is the file: peopledetect.cpp
I also recommend you to visit this SOF which deals with almost same problem: How can I detect and track people using OpenCV?
One possible solution is to use feature points tracking algorithm.
Look at this book:
Laganiere Robert - OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook - 2011
p. 266
Full algorithm is already implemented in this book, using opencv.
The above method : a simple frame differencing followed by dilation and erosion would work, in case of a simple clean scene with just the motion of the person walking with absolutely no other motion or illumination changes. Also you are doing a detection every frame, as opposed to tracking. In this specific scenario, it might not be much more difficult to track either. Movement direction and speed : you can just run Lucas Kanade on the difference images.
At the core of it, what you need is a person detector followed by a tracker. Tracker can be either point based (Lucas Kanade or Horn and Schunck) or using Kalman filter or any of those kind of tracking for bounding boxes or blobs.
A lot of vision problems are ill-posed, some some amount of structure/constraints, helps to solve it considerably faster. Few questions to ask would be these :
Is the camera moving : No quite easy, Yes : Much harder, exactly what works depends on other conditions.
Is the scene constant except for the person
Is the person front facing / side-facing most of the time : Detect using viola jones or train one (adaboost with Haar or similar features) for side-facing face.
How spatially accurate do you need it to be, will a bounding box do it, or do you need a contour : Bounding box : just search (intelligently :)) in neighbourhood with SAD (sum of Abs Differences). Contour : Tougher, use contour based trackers.
Do you need the "tracklet" or only just the position of the person at each frame, temporal accuracy ?
What resolution are we speaking about here, since you need real time :
Is the scene sparse like the sequences or would it be cluttered ?
Is there any other motion in the sequence ?
Offline or Online ?
If you develop in .NET you can use the Aforge.NET framework.
I was a regular visitor of the forums and I seem to remember there are plenty of people using it for tracking people.
I've also used the framework for other non-related purposes and can say I highly recommend it for its ease of use and powerful features.

How can I use computer vision to find a shape in an image?

I have a simple photograph that may or may not include a logo image. I'm trying to identify whether a picture includes the logo shape or not. The logo (rectangular shape with a few extra features) could be of various sizes and could have multiple occurrences. I'd like to use Computer Vision techniques to identify the location of these logo occurrences. Can someone point me in the right direction (algorithm, technique?) that can be used to achieve this goal?
I'm quite a novice to Computer Vision so any direction would be very appreciative.
Practical issues
Since you need a scale-invariant method (that's the proper jargon for "could be of various sizes") SIFT (as mentioned in Logo recognition in images, thanks overrider!) is a good first choice, it's very popular these days and is worth a try. You can find here some code to download. If you cannot use Matlab, you should probably go with OpenCV. Even if you end up discarding SIFT for some reason, trying to make it work will teach you a few important things about object recognition.
General description and lingo
This section is mostly here to introduce you to a few important buzzwords, by describing a broad class of object detection methods, so that you can go and look these things up. Important: there are many other methods that do not fall in this class. We'll call this class "feature-based detection".
So first you go and find features in your image. These are characteristic points of the image (corners and line crossings are good examples) that have a lot of invariances: whatever reasonable processing you do to to your image (scaling, rotation, brightness change, adding a bit of noise, etc) it will not change the fact that there is a corner in a certain point. "Pixel value" or "vertical lines" are bad features. Sometimes a feature will include some numbers (e.g. the prominence of a corner) in addition to a position.
Then you do some clean-up, like remove features that are not strong enough.
Then you go to your database. That's something you've built in advance, usually by taking several nice and clean images of whatever you are trying to find, running you feature detection on them, cleaning things up, and arrange them in some data structure for your next stage —
Look-up. You have to take a bunch of features form your image and try to match them against your database: do they correspond to an object you are looking for? This is pretty non-trivial, since on the face of it you have to consider all subsets of the bunch of features you've found, which is exponential. So there are all kinds of smart hashing techniques to do it, like Hough transform and Geometric hashing.
Now you should do some verification. You have found some places in the image which are suspect: it's probable that they contain your object. Usually, you know what is the presumed size, orientation, and position of your object, and you can use something simple (like a convolution) to check if it's really there.
You end up with a bunch of probabilities, basically: for a few locations, how probable it is that your object is there. Here you do some outlier detection. If you expect only 1-2 occurrences of your object, you'll look for the largest probabilities that stand out, and take only these points. If you expect many occurrences (like face detection on a photo of a bunch of people), you'll look for very low probabilities and discard them.
That's it, you are done!
