Where can I find a tycho pom first feature project to build a P2 repository? - pom.xml

I want to generate a P2 repository from OSGI bundles that reside on maven central.
I have
defined a POM-first feature project using dependencies=consider
defined Maven dependencies with scope compile and type jar
defined a feature.xml with exact references to the bundle symbolic names and versions as declared in their manifest.mf
When I attempt to build the feature, I receive
No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable.": ["Unable to satisfy dependency from org.codehaus.jackson.feature.group 1.9.1.qualifier to jackson-mapper-lgpl [1.9.12,1.9.13).", "Unable to satisfy dependency from org.codehaus.jackson.feature.group 1.9.1.qualifier to jackson-core-lgpl [1.9.12,1.9.13).", "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable."]
Where org.codehaus.jackson.feature is the feature I am building and jackson-mapper-lgpl [1.9.12,1.9.13) and jackson-core-lgpl [1.9.12,1.9.13) are the specifications of the OSGI bundles I am trying to include.
When I switch on debug mode, I see that the components are being found, which makes the behavior more odd:
[DEBUG] P2Resolver: artifact org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-core-lgpl:1.9.12 at location /home/jsuess/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/jackson/jackson-core-lgpl/1.9.12/jackson-core-lgpl-1.9.12.jar resolves installable unit jackson-core-lgpl/1.9.12
[DEBUG] P2resolver.addMavenArtifact org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-lgpl:jar:1.9.12:compile
[DEBUG] P2Resolver: artifact org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-lgpl:1.9.12 at location /home/jsuess/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/jackson/jackson-mapper-lgpl/1.9.12/jackson-mapper-lgpl-1.9.12.jar resolves installable unit jackson-mapper-lgpl/1.9.12
[DEBUG] Registered artifact repository org.eclipse.tycho.repository.registry.facade.RepositoryBlackboardKey(uri=file:/resolution-context-artifacts#/home/jsuess/workspace/org.codehaus.jackson/features/org.codehaus.jackson)
I believe taking bundles from maven and creating P2 must be a common use case, so I wonder if someone can point me to a working sample POM that I can use as a template.

Note that every module in a Tycho build has a separate target platform.
So if you are using pomDependencies=consider, but you only configure this switch and/or the dependencies on an eclipse-feature module, the POM dependencies will only be in the target platform of the module. If you then try to package the feature into an eclipse-repository, the dependency resolution of that module will fail because of missing (transitive) dependencies of the feature.
In most cases, you don't need different target platforms per module, so in general you should put all target platform configuration and POM dependencies into the parent POM.
If you have done this, but one of your modules still seems to have a different target platform, make sure that the parent POM reference of that module is correct - and that you don't reference an older version of your parent POM.


dependency of dependency must be declared in root WORKSPACE?

I've written an example:
git clone git#github.com:rynz/test-app.git
bazel test //...
It will error, complaining that com_google_absl could not be resolved.
Edit WORKSPACE and uncomment com_google_absl dependency, now it will build and test successfully.
rynz_app only depends on rynz_protocol, however, rynz_protocol also depends on com_google_absl. Why do I have to redeclare com_google_absl within rynz_app WORKSPACE when it is already declared in rynz_protocol WORKSPACE?
Kind regards,
From the documentation:
Bazel only reads dependencies listed in your WORKSPACE file. If your
project (A) depends on another project (B) which list a dependency on
a third project (C) in its WORKSPACE file, you’ll have to add both B
and C to your project’s WORKSPACE file. This requirement can balloon
the WORKSPACE file size, but hopefully limits the chances of having
one library include C at version 1.0 and another include C at 2.0.

Why can't transitive dependency on Uber jar be achieved?

According to the concept of transitive dependency, if a project, say it A has dependency on X jar and is included in A's pom.xml. Now my second project, say it B has dependency on both project A and X jar. So now in my B's pom.xml I'll add only project A in its dependency, as X jar is served by A by concept of transitive dependency.
But instead of X jar if I have an Uber(shaded) jar then when I build project B, it fails saying packages included in Uber jar are missing. Means the concept is failing.
Please help me understand if I'm missing any concept or miss understanding transitive dependency.
The com.adobe.aem:uber-jar dependency typically has the <scope> set provided. This also the case for most AEM maven dependencies.
provided dependencies are not transitive, please read the maven doc on transitive dependencies: https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html
in the maven doc link above, please read the "Dependency Scope" section.
From the doc:
This is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide the dependency at runtime. For example, when building a web application for the Java Enterprise Edition, you would set the dependency on the Servlet API and related Java EE APIs to scope provided because the web container provides those classes. This scope is only available on the compilation and test classpath, and is not transitive.

Jenkins Pipeline - Workflow CPS plugin JAR dependencies

I'm implementing unit tests for code used in a Jenkins Pipeline Shared Groovy Library. Specically, I need to mock the steps object available in the Jenkinsfile, which is an instance of org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL. In my Gradle build I've specified a dependency like so:
testCompile group: 'org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow', name: 'workflow-cps', version: '2.30', ext: 'jar'
which is the project hosting the class above. Without specifying the ext as a JAR, Gradle retrieves the .hpi file since this is the packaging defined in the project's pom.xml; obviously I need to override this and fetch the JAR for my project. However, in doing this Gradle does not download the transitive dependencies of the workflow-cps JAR and I find myself having to populate my build.gradle with all the dependencies determined via trial and error. Is there a way to retrieve the transitive dependencies, or is this a limitation of the workflow-cps project and how it defines its pom.xml?
The CPS class you're wanting to mock won't contain methods/variables introduced by plugins or your workflow lib, so this approach probably won't be fully satisfying.
Facing the same challenge I took the pragmatic approach of making my own TestScript interface in my test sources and Mock that, and not typing the script reference in classes.
The drawbacks are not having IDE code inspection for stuff referencing the script, and having to manually add signatures to TestScript as I add tests (which is also error-prone, since I have manually ensure that those signatures match).
But it works, and avoids getting dragged into plugin dependency hell.

Grails Dependency Resolution

I'm a bit of a Grails newbie. I have an app which works fine in Eclipse but when I deploy in production falls over because of missing dependencies.
When I run the dependency report it shows all the dependencies are automatically present for 'build' but absent for 'runtime'.
What's the neatest way to migrate the dependencies from to runtime so (I hope) they get copied into my war file?
Also, I'm using the sanitizer plugin. This runs fine in development but has the dependencies missing from 'runtime' so falls over. If I manually add, for example, one of the dependencies into BuildConfig.groovy ("org.owasp.antisamy:antisamy:1.4.3") then grails falls over with this error:
loader constraint violation: loader (instance of ) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/xml/sax/SAXParseException"
I'm assuming that this is a classpath issue but I'm not sure why this only happens when I manually add the dependency - surely it's present all the time?
You're right, you have to add missing runtime dependencies to BuildConfig.groovy. The simplest thing would be to copy them from the plugin's BuildConfig.groovy to your app's one. You should also raise a JIRA for the respective grails plugin to get this fixed upstream.
Lots of jars out there in the Maven repositories have their dependencies not correctly defined in their pom file.
There is a way to fix that in BuildConfig.groovy, by switching off transitivity:
runtime('org.owasp.antisamy:antisamy:1.4.3') {
transitive = false
Instead of 'transitive=false' you might also experiment with excluding only specific dependencies using e.g.
excludes "xml-apis", "xerces"
inside the 'runtime' closure.

Gradle fails injecting dependencies into subprojects using fileTree

Maybe I'm missing something about the way Gradle works. What I have here is a parent project, which only contains configuration, i.e. there won't be any artifact being built when building it, it merely manages and builds all its subprojects.
Now the subprojects share some dependency configuration, so I figured what I would do in the root project's build.gradle is:
subprojects {
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'lib', includes: ['*.jar'])
that, however, does not work, it fails with a rather obscure error message:
A problem occurred evaluating root
project 'qype-android' Cause: No
signature of method:
is applicable for argument types:
values: [file set 'lib'] Possible
solutions: module(java.lang.Object)
after some trial and error, I could "fix" this issue by applying the 'java' plugin to the parent project.
How come? I don't see anywhere from the Gradle docs that a fileTree dependency requires the Java plugin. Even so, why would I need it on the project that is injecting the configuration, as opposed to on the project that is being configured (note that the subprojects all apply the Java plugin themselves)?
Does this mean that if I have N different subprojects that are all of varying natures, and apply different plugins, that the parent projects must always apply the set of all plugins beings used somewhere to itself, too?
It is not the fileTree that requires 'java' plugin.
The error message is complaining about undefined compile dependency configuration. Java plugin defines this configuration for you, so that you can add dependencies (including your fileTree) to it.
