jQuery UI dialog bug when dialog is resized then closed pushing X on IE9 - jquery-ui

I am creating a new jQuery UI dialog and then resizing it to a higher height.
When I click the close button (X), the dialog moves up to the top of the screen instead of closing itself.
This occurs only in Internet Explorer (IE9 in my case).
Any workarounds to this?
Here's the js fiddle reproducing this bug:
$('#dialog').dialog('option','height', '1000');
I managed to make it work by removing the vertical scrollbar using css overflow-y:hidden but I in my use case I definitely need the vertical scrolling activated.
Thanks for any help,

Ok here's the fix for those interested (applies only for jQuery UI version 1.9.1 and below):
var that = this;
$('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').on('mousedown', function({
FYI, binding the titlebar on the 'click' event will not work!! Mousedown does.


How to Fix JQuery UI Autocomplete in Combination with Touch Punch?

Selection of words in an autocomplete input field (within a dialog) is not working properly when using JQuery UI in combination with Touch Punch. It seems to work if the autocomplete field is directly on the HTML page, but not in a dialog.
Note that selection by mouse is working perfectly in all cases, but selection by touch (i.e. on mobile device) not.
I have reduced the whole case to a few lines of HTML and JavaScript code.
Once with JQuery UI Touch Punch, once without JQuery UI Touch Punch.
I am able to reproduce the error with all combinations of browser and OS, e.g. Chrome on an iPhone, Chrome on an Android mobile as well as with Safari on an iPad,
Would be nice if somebody knows a workaround.
I think this behavior is a result of the fact that on one the one hand Touch Punch developers are not that smart and on the other hand jQuery UI seems to be not very cooperative with Touch Punch.
There are two ways how mouse event might be triggered:
browser might simulate click events after touch events
some library might simulate click events after touch events
Your example without Touch Punch works because mobile browsers currently simulate click events.
So how Touch Punch works and how it messes things up? If you look at the source code https://github.com/furf/jquery-ui-touch-punch/blob/master/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js you'll see that it wraps $.ui.mouse.prototype._mouseInit with its own code and the main intention is to attach various touch-related listeners for all widgets that inherit $.ui.mouse. So far so good. But what exactly those listeners do? The _touchStart handler runs a check using $.ui.mouse internal API:
to check if it needs to simulate mouse events. The logic is: if there is no click handler in the widget, there is no need to simulate click. It looks OK at the first glance but what's going wrong? The autocomplete widget puts its dropdown menu to the outside context of the containing dialog and thus touch events on the menu items actually hit listeners registered by touch-punch for the dialog (or rather for its draggable and resizable sub-components). But the dialog subcomponents have no click listeners and thus events are not simulated by the library. Moreover, draggable in your version (see https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/blob/1-11-stable/ui/draggable.js) calls
this._blurActiveElement( event );
unconditionally and this seems to stop browser from generating mouse events. So now neither browser nor library simulate click event.
It seems that in the development branch of jQuery UI the bug is fixed https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/commit/8c66934434214ab92cbcf46240beb739154fdfbf but for a bit different reason. This fix seems to be available in the jQuery UI 1.12.1 but not in your 1.12.0
So the simplest solution seems to be to upgrade jQuery UI to 1.12.1
See working demo with jQuery UI 1.12.1 at https://jsfiddle.net/cjvgv102/1/ and http://jsfiddle.net/cjvgv102/1/embedded/result/
Ugly hack (stop here unless you really have to)
If for some reasons you can't upgrade jQuery UI, you can do a hack by explicitly creating a fake mouse object on the dropdown and calling its _mouseInit so event will not be handled by dialog's sub-components.
$( "#demoDlg" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Close": function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
open: function(event, ui) {
$( "#words" ).autocomplete({
source: ["these", "are", "some", "words"]
// super-hack
$( "#words" ).autocomplete("instance").menu.element.mouse().mouse("instance")._mouseInit();
See full demo at

jquery mobile + knockout hide issue

I am stuck on this, I am trying to unhide / hide jquery mobile flip switches using knockout. When knockout action is applied the jquery mobile controls stopped working. Could you please help me on this
here is the code
return target;
and jsFiddle where the third control would hide if female selected but when male selected again the control disabled and not working
When inspecting the rendered DOM of the following element:
<div data-bind="if: isMale">...</div>
you can see that after the radio button is changed to female, then the entire rendered HTML of that DIV is removed. Then, when switching back to the male, the content of that DIV is rendered back, but is this means that events are still attached to those slider HTML elements? I'm not sure how the way jQuery mobile attached the events, but it seems to me that this is the problem, cause you are clicking on the slider, but no action is taken. You can workaround this by recreating the Slider again:
Eventually this can be a bug in jQuery mobile. Sorry for suggesting this as an answer, but I don't have enough points, just to comment on your question.

How to obtain an always fixed header in jQuery Mobile?

I have implemented a fixed header in jQuery Mobile, and it's working great for the most part. When I scroll, the toolbar remains visible. When I tap the screen, the header does not disappear. Great. The only annoyance I see is that when you tap into an input field that's towards the bottom of the page, the header then reverts to position:static so it disappears. You can see that by scrolling back up to the top. Once you unfocus the input box (hit done on the keyboard), then it goes back to position:fixed. I would like it to always be visible no matter what.
<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
I'm using jQM 1.4.0 RC1 and in the change log it states:
- Fixed Toolbars are now an extension on the toolbar widget
Sounds relevant, but I'm not sure what exactly that means.
Thanks. :)
This actually a fix for many issues raised on fixedtoolbar widget.
Issue #4410
Issue #4724
jQM hides fixed toolbars once focus is triggered on select, textarea and select; to give more working place when screen width less than 1025.
I have tried the below solution but the results were ugly.
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
$(document).on("mobileinit", function() {
$.mobile.toolbar.prototype.options.hideDuringFocus = "";
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.4.0-rc.1/jquery.mobile-1.4.0-rc.1.min.js"></script>
For more details, check fixedToolbar.js widget on GitHub, go to line 243.
Demo (1)
(1) To be tested on Mobile browsers, not desktop.

jQuery UI & Content Editable in Modal dialogs

Are there any issues surrounding the use of contenteditable div elements in jQuery UI that lead to the caret not appearing. Here is a bit of code to show what I mean
<div id='diaHTMLEd' style='display:none'>
<div id='divRTE'></div>
<!--iframe src='xrte.html' height='300' width='500'></iframe-->
function openHTMLEditor( {
function addRTE() {
$('#divRTE').html("<div contenteditable='true'>Testing</div>");
Explanation - I am opening up a modal jqUI dialog and in its :open event am adding a contenteditable div element to an inner div in the dialog. The text shows up but it does not become editable when clicked. If I replace that code and use the commented out iframe instead which contains an contenteditable drive everything works just fine.
It looks like there is something that stops content from becoming editable inside the dialog.
This question may be lacking in some detail but given the complexity of my application I am not really in a position to provide more representative code. Any help would be much appreciated.
A note for anyone running into this thread. After much work I eventually discovered the issue. Using contenteditable with jQuery UI dialogs is not by itself a problem. The problem in my case came down to some sort of conflict with the excellent jstree plugin which I am using.
As a general rule - in complex applications that use multiple plugins you are probably better off sandboxing contenteditable content inside an iframe

jQuery mobile fixed footer, iOS web view, and scrollTop issue

I have a mobile application running Backbone.js and jQuery mobile. Because I have Backbone.js and for performance reasons I have disabled all the JQM routing and transitions. I understand that storing scroll location is a feature available in JQM, but I am unable to utilize that (as far as I know).
I have a list view with a potentially long list of items. When the user taps one on the mobile device, it stores the current scroll position and renders a new view. When the user taps the "back" button, it goes back one in the history.
clickLink: ->
window.lastScroll = $(window).scrollTop()
render: ->
if window.lastScroll
$.mobile.silentScroll window.lastScroll
window.lastScroll = undefined
This works as desired on desktop Safari, but when I try it using it on iOS Safari (both simulator and the real thing), there is an issue with the fixed footer navbar.
If the user taps back, the listview is scrolled down as intended, but then if they tap the footer navbar, it is as if they tapped under it, whatever list item is under it will be activated instead. If the user scrolls a little bit before tapping the navbar, everything works fine.
Does anyone have any ideas? Perhaps there is a better approach that would avoid this issue all together.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Could it be related to this bug?
Form elements can lose click hit area in position: fixed containers
(linked from here JQuery Mobile 1.1.0 docs )
I see there is a workaround in the first link - worth a try?
Chad Smith Answered this Mobile Safari bug on fixed positioned button after scrollTop programmatically changed...?
His method worked best for me. Here is his response:
I got around it by adding a 101% high div then (almost) immediately removing it.
.iosfix {
height: 101%;
overflow: hidden;
and when you scroll:
window.scrollTo(0, _NEW_SCROLLTOP_);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
It also works with jQuery.scrollTo.
See an example here.
