Changing DCT coefficients - image-processing

I decided to use libjpeg as the main library working with jpeg files.
I've read libjpg.txt file. And I was pleased that library allows DCT coefficients reading/writing in a convenient way. Since writing an own decoder will take a long time.
My work is related to the lossless embedding. Currently I need to read DCT coefficients from a file then modify some of them and write changed coefficients in the same file.
Well, I found jpeg_write_coefficients() function. And I naively thought that I could apply it to a decompression object (struct jpeg_decompress_struct). But it does not work and requires a compression object.
I can't believe that such the powerful library is not able to do this.
I think that most likely I'm missing something. Although I tried to be attentive.
Perhaps the writing coefficients can be done more sophisticated way.
But I don't know how to.
I will be very glad if you propose your ideas.

You can ue jpeg_write_coefficients to write your changed DCT.
The following information is avaliable in libjpeg.txt
To write the contents of a JPEG file as DCT coefficients, you must provide
the DCT coefficients stored in virtual block arrays. You can either pass
block arrays read from an input JPEG file by jpeg_read_coefficients(), or
allocate virtual arrays from the JPEG compression object and fill them
yourself. In either case, jpeg_write_coefficients() is substituted for
jpeg_start_compress() and jpeg_write_scanlines(). Thus the sequence is
* Create compression object
* Set all compression parameters as necessary
* Request virtual arrays if needed
* jpeg_write_coefficients()
* jpeg_finish_compress()
* Destroy or re-use compression object
jpeg_write_coefficients() is passed a pointer to an array of virtual block
array descriptors; the number of arrays is equal to cinfo.num_components.
The virtual arrays need only have been requested, not realized, before
jpeg_write_coefficients() is called. A side-effect of
jpeg_write_coefficients() is to realize any virtual arrays that have been
requested from the compression object's memory manager. Thus, when obtaining
the virtual arrays from the compression object, you should fill the arrays
after calling jpeg_write_coefficients(). The data is actually written out
when you call jpeg_finish_compress(); jpeg_write_coefficients() only writes
the file header.
When writing raw DCT coefficients, it is crucial that the JPEG quantization
tables and sampling factors match the way the data was encoded, or the
resulting file will be invalid. For transcoding from an existing JPEG file,
we recommend using jpeg_copy_critical_parameters(). This routine initializes
all the compression parameters to default values (like jpeg_set_defaults()),
then copies the critical information from a source decompression object.
The decompression object should have just been used to read the entire
JPEG input file --- that is, it should be awaiting jpeg_finish_decompress().
jpeg_write_coefficients() marks all tables stored in the compression object
as needing to be written to the output file (thus, it acts like
jpeg_start_compress(cinfo, TRUE)). This is for safety's sake, to avoid
emitting abbreviated JPEG files by accident. If you really want to emit an
abbreviated JPEG file, call jpeg_suppress_tables(), or set the tables'
individual sent_table flags, between calling jpeg_write_coefficients() and
So to change a single dct, you can use the following simple code:
To access any dct coeff, you need to change four index, cx, bx, by, bi.
In my code, I used blockptr_one[bi]++; to increase one dct Coeff
#include <stdio.h>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int write_jpeg_file(std::string outname,jpeg_decompress_struct in_cinfo, jvirt_barray_ptr *coeffs_array ){
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
FILE * infile;
if ((infile = fopen(outname.c_str(), "wb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", outname.c_str());
return 0;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfo, infile);
j_compress_ptr cinfo_ptr = &cinfo;
jpeg_write_coefficients(cinfo_ptr, coeffs_array);
jpeg_finish_compress( &cinfo );
jpeg_destroy_compress( &cinfo );
fclose( infile );
return 1;
int read_jpeg_file( std::string filename, std::string outname )
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
FILE * infile;
if ((infile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", filename.c_str());
return 0;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile);
(void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
jvirt_barray_ptr *coeffs_array = jpeg_read_coefficients(&cinfo);
//change one dct:
int ci = 0; // between 0 and number of image component
int by = 0; // between 0 and compptr_one->height_in_blocks
int bx = 0; // between 0 and compptr_one->width_in_blocks
int bi = 0; // between 0 and 64 (8x8)
JBLOCKARRAY buffer_one;
JCOEFPTR blockptr_one;
jpeg_component_info* compptr_one;
compptr_one = cinfo.comp_info + ci;
buffer_one = (cinfo.mem->access_virt_barray)((j_common_ptr)&cinfo, coeffs_array[ci], by, (JDIMENSION)1, FALSE);
blockptr_one = buffer_one[0][bx];
write_jpeg_file(outname, cinfo, coeffs_array);
jpeg_finish_decompress( &cinfo );
jpeg_destroy_decompress( &cinfo );
fclose( infile );
return 1;
int main()
std::string infilename = "you_image.jpg", outfilename = "out_image.jpg";
/* Try opening a jpeg*/
if( read_jpeg_file( infilename, outfilename ) > 0 )
std::cout << "It's Okay..." << std::endl;
else return -1;
return 0;

You should really take a look at transupp.h and sources for jpegtran that comes with the library.
Anyway, here is my dirty code with comments, assembled partially from jpegtran. It lets you manipulate DCT coefficients one by one.
#include "jpeglib.h" /* Common decls for cjpeg/djpeg applications */
#include "transupp.h" /* Support routines for jpegtran */
struct jpeg_decompress_struct srcinfo;
struct jpeg_compress_struct dstinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jsrcerr, jdsterr;
static jpeg_transform_info transformoption; /* image transformation options */
transformoption.transform = JXFORM_NONE;
transformoption.trim = FALSE;
transformoption.force_grayscale = FALSE;
jvirt_barray_ptr * src_coef_arrays;
jvirt_barray_ptr * dst_coef_arrays;
/* Initialize the JPEG decompression object with default error handling. */
srcinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jsrcerr);
/* Initialize the JPEG compression object with default error handling. */
dstinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jdsterr);
FILE *fp;
if((fp = fopen(filePath], "rb")) == NULL) {
//Throw an error
} else {
/* Specify data source for decompression */
jpeg_stdio_src(&srcinfo, fp);
/* Enable saving of extra markers that we want to copy */
jcopy_markers_setup(&srcinfo, JCOPYOPT_ALL);
/* Read file header */
(void) jpeg_read_header(&srcinfo, TRUE);
jtransform_request_workspace(&srcinfo, &transformoption);
src_coef_arrays = jpeg_read_coefficients(&srcinfo);
jpeg_copy_critical_parameters(&srcinfo, &dstinfo);
/* Do your DCT shenanigans here on src_coef_arrays like this (I've moved it into a separate function): */
moveDCTAround(&srcinfo, &dstinfo, 0, src_coef_arrays);
/* ..when done with DCT, do this: */
dst_coef_arrays = jtransform_adjust_parameters(&srcinfo, &dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, &transformoption);
//And write everything back
fp = fopen(filePath, "wb");
/* Specify data destination for compression */
jpeg_stdio_dest(&dstinfo, fp);
/* Start compressor (note no image data is actually written here) */
jpeg_write_coefficients(&dstinfo, dst_coef_arrays);
/* Copy to the output file any extra markers that we want to preserve */
jcopy_markers_execute(&srcinfo, &dstinfo, JCOPYOPT_ALL);
(void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&srcinfo);
And the function itself:
void moveDCTAround (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo, JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays)
size_t block_row_size;
//Allocate DCT array buffers
for (JDIMENSION compnum=0; compnum<srcinfo->num_components; compnum++)
coef_buffers[compnum] = (dstinfo->mem->alloc_barray)((j_common_ptr) dstinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, srcinfo->comp_info[compnum].width_in_blocks,
//For each component,
for (JDIMENSION compnum=0; compnum<srcinfo->num_components; compnum++)
block_row_size = (size_t) sizeof(JCOEF)*DCTSIZE2*srcinfo->comp_info[compnum].width_in_blocks;
//...iterate over rows,
for (JDIMENSION rownum=0; rownum<srcinfo->comp_info[compnum].height_in_blocks; rownum++)
row_ptrs[compnum] = ((dstinfo)->mem->access_virt_barray)((j_common_ptr) &dstinfo, src_coef_arrays[compnum], rownum, (JDIMENSION) 1, FALSE);
//...and for each block in a row,
for (JDIMENSION blocknum=0; blocknum<srcinfo->comp_info[compnum].width_in_blocks; blocknum++)
//...iterate over DCT coefficients
for (JDIMENSION i=0; i<DCTSIZE2; i++)
//Manipulate your DCT coefficients here. For instance, the code here inverts the image.
coef_buffers[compnum][rownum][blocknum][i] = -row_ptrs[compnum][0][blocknum][i];
//Save the changes
//For each component,
for (JDIMENSION compnum=0; compnum<srcinfo->num_components; compnum++)
block_row_size = (size_t) sizeof(JCOEF)*DCTSIZE2 * srcinfo->comp_info[compnum].width_in_blocks;
//...iterate over rows
for (JDIMENSION rownum=0; rownum < srcinfo->comp_info[compnum].height_in_blocks; rownum++)
//Copy the whole rows
row_ptrs[compnum] = (dstinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)((j_common_ptr) dstinfo, src_coef_arrays[compnum], rownum, (JDIMENSION) 1, TRUE);
memcpy(row_ptrs[compnum][0][0], coef_buffers[compnum][rownum][0], block_row_size);


GRUB memory map gives me weird values

I am trying to use grub in order to get the memory map, instead of going through the bios route. The problem is that grub seems to be giving me very weird values for some reason. Can anyone help with this?
Relevant code:
This is how I parse the mmap
void mm_init(mmap_entry_t *mmap_addr, uint32_t length)
mmap = mmap_addr;
/* Loop through mmap */
printk("-- Scanning memory map --");
for (size_t i = 0; mmap < (mmap_addr + length); i++) {
/* RAM is available! */
if (mmap->type == 1) {
uint64_t starting_addr = (((uint64_t) mmap->base_addr_high) << 32) | ((uint64_t) mmap->base_addr_low);
uint64_t length = (((uint64_t) mmap->length_high) << 32) | ((uint64_t) mmap->length_low);
printk("Found segment starting from 0x%x, with a length of %i", starting_addr, length);
/* Next entry */
mmap = (mmap_entry_t *) ((uint32_t) mmap + mmap->size + sizeof(mmap->size));
This is my mmap_entry_t struct (not the one in multiboot.h):
struct mmap_entry {
uint32_t size;
uint32_t base_addr_low, base_addr_high;
uint32_t length_low, length_high;
uint8_t type;
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct mmap_entry mmap_entry_t;
And this is how I call mm_init()
/* Kernel main function */
void kmain(multiboot_info_t *info)
/* Check if grub can give us a memory map */
/* TODO: Detect manually */
if (!(info->flags & (1<<6))) {
panic("couldn't get memory map!");
/* Init mm */
mm_init((mmap_entry_t *) info->mmap_addr, info->mmap_length);
This is the output I get on qemu:
-- Scanning memory map --
Found segment starting from 0x0, with a length of 0
Found segment starting from 0x100000, with a length of 0
And yes, I am pushing eax and ebx before calling kmain. Any ideas on what is going wrong here?
It turns out that the bit masking stuff was the problem. If we drop that, we can still have 32-bit addresses and the memory map works just fine.

Store the ADC stream on µSD Card without loss on STM32H743ZI

I am working on a project in which I have to store the datas of an ADC Stream on a µSD card. However even if I use a 16 bits buffer, I lose data from the ADC stream. My ADC is used with DMA and I use FATFS (WITHOUT DMA) and the SDMMC1 peripheral to fill a .bin file with the datas.
Do you have an idea to avoid this loss ?
Here is my project :
I use a nucleo-h743zi2 Board, CubeIDE, and CubeMx in their last version.
I tried to implement Colin's solution, it's better but I have a strange things in the middle of my acquisition. However when I increase the maximal count value or try to debug, the HardFault_Handler appears. I modified main.c file by creating 2 blocks (uint16_t blockX[BUFFERLENGTH/2]) and 2 flags for when adcBuffer is half filled or completely filled.
I also changed the while(1) part in main function like this
if (flagHlfCplt){
res = f_write(&SDFile, block1, strlen((char*)block1), (void *)&byteswritten);
memcpy(block2, adcBuffer, BUFFERLENGTH/2);
flagHlfCplt = 0;
if (flagCplt){
res = f_write(&SDFile, block2, strlen((char*)block2), (void *)&byteswritten);
memcpy(block1, adcBuffer[(BUFFERLENGTH/2)-1], BUFFERLENGTH/2);
flagCplt = 0;
if (count == 10){
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD1_GPIO_Port, LD1_Pin);
I modified my program. I set block 1 and block 2 with the length of BUFFERLENGTH and I added a pointer (*idx) to change the buffer which is filled. I don't have HardFault_Handler anymore but I still loose some datas from my adc's stream.
Here are the modification I made:
// my pointer and buffers
uint16_t block1[BUFFERLENGTH], block2[BUFFERLENGTH], *idx;
// init of pointer and adc start
HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)idx, BUFFERLENGTH);
// while(1) part
while (1)
if (flagCplt){
if (flagToChangeBuffer) {
res = f_write(&SDFile, block2, strlen((char*)block2), (void *)&byteswritten);
flagCplt = 0;
else {
res = f_write(&SDFile, block1, strlen((char*)block1), (void *)&byteswritten);
flagCplt = 0;
if (count == 150){
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD1_GPIO_Port, LD1_Pin);
Does someone know how to solve my matter with these loss?
Best Regards

how to use collect-view in Cooja in my own application

i have a question about collect-view. Can collect-view be used in other applications? i simulate some applications by cooja, and want to collect information about network,such as network map,ETX and so on. how can i use collect-view to collect information about my own applications?
In the apps/collect-view or in your application you can add your own information to be sent by collect by redefining collect_view_arch_read_sensors, check for example how it is done for the Z1 mote in the collect-view-z1.c:
#include "collect-view.h"
#include "cc2420.h"
#include "dev/leds.h"
#include "dev/i2cmaster.h"
#include "dev/tmp102.h"
#include "collect-view-z1.h"
static uint16_t
/* XXX Fix me: check /examples/z1/test-tmp102.c for correct conversion */
return (uint16_t)tmp102_read_temp_raw();
collect_view_arch_read_sensors(struct collect_view_data_msg *msg)
static int initialized = 0;
if(!initialized) {
initialized = 1;
msg->sensors[BATTERY_VOLTAGE_SENSOR] = 0;
msg->sensors[BATTERY_INDICATOR] = 0;
msg->sensors[LIGHT1_SENSOR] = 0;
msg->sensors[LIGHT2_SENSOR] = 0;
msg->sensors[TEMP_SENSOR] = get_temp();
msg->sensors[HUMIDITY_SENSOR] = 0;
Notice that collect_view_arch_read_sensors(msg); is called by collect-view.c when you call collect_view_construct_message(...) from your application. This is how it is done in the examples/ipv6/rpl-collect/udp-sender.c example:
/* Collect structure */
struct {
uint8_t seqno;
uint8_t for_alignment;
struct collect_view_data_msg msg;
} msg;
/* Create the collect structure */
collect_view_construct_message(&msg.msg, &parent,
parent_etx, rtmetric,
num_neighbors, beacon_interval);
/* Send over UDP */
uip_udp_packet_sendto(client_conn, &msg, sizeof(msg),
&server_ipaddr, UIP_HTONS(UDP_SERVER_PORT));
When contiki calls the Call back function, for example the recv() function in rime-protocol, The sink node should use printf() to print out the sensor data. This output then will be read by Collect View GUI per-line.
take a look at
The handleIncomingData() called by serialData(), then checks if it's a sensor data or not in SensorData.parseSensorData().
It will ignore if empty, incorrect format, comment, or annotation
sensor data will be displayed in Collect View GUI if meets some condition. for example, the data length calculated match with datalen implisit on its sensor data.

how to write a read DICOM file using VTK or ITK libraries?

I used vtkDICOMImageReader to read the DICOM file. I used the vtkImageThreshold to threshold a CT image. And now i want to write it back to my hard disk before further processing.
I tried vtkImageWriter library to write it back. But it is not working when i try to open the file using 3D slicer. I am much grateful if anyone can suggest me a methodology for writing Dicom files.
i have included my code here and i am trying to threshold a dicom image and viewing it. Then i would like to save the thresholded image as a dicom file. But i could not succeed in doing that. please help me.
thanks in advance.
#include <itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h>
#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <vtkImageData.h>
#include <vtkImageThreshold.h>
#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
#include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
#include <vtkRenderer.h>
#include <vtkImageMapper3D.h>
#include <vtkImageActor.h>
#include <vtkImageCast.h>
#include <vtkNIFTIImageWriter.h>
#include <vtkImageMandelbrotSource.h>
#include <vtkImageViewer2.h>
#include <vtkDICOMImageReader.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::string folder = argv[1];
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDICOMImageReader> reader =
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageViewer2> imageViewer =
// threshold the images
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageThreshold> imageThreshold =
// unsigned char lower = 127;
unsigned char upper = 511;
// Create actors
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageActor> inputActor =
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageActor> thresholdedActor =
// There will be one render window
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow> renderWindow =
renderWindow->SetSize(600, 300);
// And one interactor
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> interactor =
// Define viewport ranges
// (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
double leftViewport[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0};
double rightViewport[4] = {0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0};
// Setup both renderers
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer> leftRenderer =
leftRenderer->SetBackground(.6, .5, .4);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer> rightRenderer =
rightRenderer->SetBackground(.4, .5, .6);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkNIFTIImageWriter> writer =
// writing the thresholded image to the hard drive.
//this is the part i am not able to code. Please can somebody help me please?
First, do you want to save out the thresholded image or just the image as read in? If not replace reader with imageThreshold
From looking at the VTK tests of NIFTI readers and writers the following options may be required...
I would test with adding these options and then see what you get
I think VTK is a little bit confused to process image. I only use it to display image.I wrote a piece of code for you. The code which read , threshold and write dicom image is below.It use only itk. I think it fills the bill.
#include "itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter.h"
#include "itkImageFileReader.h"
#include "itkGDCMImageIO.h"
#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
#include "itkImage.h"
int main () {
typedef unsigned char InputPixelType ; //Pixel Type of Input image
typedef unsigned char OutputPixelType; //Pixel Type of Output image
const unsigned int InputDimension = 2; //Dimension of image
typedef itk::Image < InputPixelType, InputDimension > InputImageType; //Type definition of Input Image
typedef itk::Image < InputPixelType, InputDimension > OutputImageType;//Type definition of Output Image
typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader< InputImageType > ReaderType;//Type definition of Reader
typedef itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType > FilterType; // Type definition of Filter
typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType> ImageWriterType; //Definition of Writer of Ouput image
typedef itk::GDCMImageIO ImageIOType; //Type definition of Image IO for Dicom images
//Starts Reading Process
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New(); //Creates reader
ImageIOType::Pointer gdcmImageIO_input = ImageIOType::New(); //Creates ImageIO object for input image
reader->SetImageIO( gdcmImageIO_input ); // Sets image IO of reader
reader->SetFileNames( "example_image.dcm" ); // Sets filename to reader
//Exceptional handling
catch (itk::ExceptionObject & e)
std::cerr << "exception in file reader " << std::endl;
std::cerr << e << std::endl;
// Start filtering process
FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New(); //Creates filter
filter->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
filter->SetOutsideValue( 0); // Set pixel value which are out of lower and upper threshold value
filter->SetInsideValue( 255 );// Set pixel value which are within lower and upper threshold value
filter->SetLowerThreshold( 25 ); // Lower threshold value 25
filter->SetUpperThreshold( 150 );// Upper threshold value 150
//Starts Writing Process
ImageWriterType::Pointer imageWriter = ImageWriterType::New(); // Creates writer
ImageIOType::Pointer gdcmImageIO_output = ImageIOType::New(); // Creates Image IO object for output image
imageWriter->SetImageIO( gdcmImageIO_output ); // Set image IO as dicom
imageWriter->SetInput(filter->GetOutput() ); // Connects output of filter with to input of writer
imageWriter->SetFileName(example_image_thresholded.dcm); // Sets output file name
//Exceptional handling
catch ( itk::ExceptionObject &exception )
std::cerr << "Exception in file writer ! " << std::endl;
std::cerr << exception << std::endl;

Play a Video from MemoryStream, Using FFMpeg

I'm having a hard time, searching how to play a video file from a TMemoryStream (or a similar buffer in memory) using FFMpeg. I've seen many things, including UltraStarDX, expensive FFMpeg components for Delphi and so on.
One component called FFMpeg Vcl Player claims to play video formats from a memory stream. I downloaded the trial version and I guess it uses CircularBuffer.pas for that matter (maybe).
Does any one know how to do this?
Now the better question is how to play an encrypted video file, using FFMpeg or similar libraries.
To play video from memory stream, you can use custom AVIOContext.
static const int kBufferSize = 4 * 1024;
class my_iocontext_private
my_iocontext_private(my_iocontext_private const &);
my_iocontext_private& operator = (my_iocontext_private const &);
my_iocontext_private(IInputStreamPtr inputStream)
: inputStream_(inputStream)
, buffer_size_(kBufferSize)
, buffer_(static_cast<unsigned char*>(::av_malloc(buffer_size_))) {
ctx_ = ::avio_alloc_context(buffer_, buffer_size_, 0, this,
&my_iocontext_private::read, NULL, &my_iocontext_private::seek);
~my_iocontext_private() {
void reset_inner_context() { ctx_ = NULL; buffer_ = NULL; }
static int read(void *opaque, unsigned char *buf, int buf_size) {
my_iocontext_private* h = static_cast<my_iocontext_private*>(opaque);
return h->inputStream_->Read(buf, buf_size);
static int64_t seek(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) {
my_iocontext_private* h = static_cast<my_iocontext_private*>(opaque);
if (0x10000 == whence)
return h->inputStream_->Size();
return h->inputStream_->Seek(offset, whence);
::AVIOContext *get_avio() { return ctx_; }
IInputStreamPtr inputStream_; // abstract stream interface, You can adapt it to TMemoryStream
int buffer_size_;
unsigned char * buffer_;
::AVIOContext * ctx_;
//// ..........
/// prepare input stream:
IInputStreamPtr inputStream = MyCustomCreateInputStreamFromMemory();
my_iocontext_private priv_ctx(inputStream);
AVFormatContext * ctx = ::avformat_alloc_context();
ctx->pb = priv_ctx.get_avio();
int err = avformat_open_input(&ctx, "arbitrarytext", NULL, NULL);
if (err < 0)
return -1;
//// normal usage of ctx
//// avformat_find_stream_info(ctx, NULL);
//// av_read_frame(ctx, &pkt);
//// etc..
You can waste your time rewriting FFMPEG from C++ to Delphi, or mess with wrapper libraries.
Or if you're just interested in playing a video in Delphi, then check out Mitov's VideoLab components.
If you want play Stream from memory you can make a virtual memory. I suggest BoxedAppSdk.
This will help you to make a virtual drive with virtual files that you can write on it and then give the virtual path to the player component that you have.
BoxedApp is not free but it is really awesome and very simple in use!
