Rails Factory Girl "Create" not saving record? - ruby-on-rails

I have two capybara tests that are testing the signup process on my rails application, both using factory girl. One is just using Factory Girl build command and saving it with the form:
it 'should create a user and associated customer_info', js: true do
visit signup_path
user = build(:user)
customer = build(:customer_info)
sign_up user, customer
page.should have_content 'Welcome back, ' + customer.firstname
Whereas the other is using the create command, and then attempting to sign in with that info.
it 'should be able to sign in', js: true do
user = create(:user)
customer = create(:customer_info, user_id: user.id)
visit new_user_session_path
fill_in 'user_email', with: user.email
fill_in 'user_password', with: user.password
click_button 'Sign in'
page.should have_content 'Welcome back, ' + customer.firstname
The first one passes and saves in my test database. The second one fails, saying "invalid email or password," but also when I check my database after each test, the first one saves a record but the second one doesn't (which I'm assuming is why it's saying invalid email/password).
Any ideas why my FactoryGirl create function isn't actually saving my record in the database?
I have a sequence in my FactoryGirl definition for the email, and build AND create both increase the sequence, so it shouldn't be creating dups, right?
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
sequence(:email) { |n| "foo#{n}#example.com"}
password "secret"
password_confirmation "secret"

The problem is you are trying to create duplicate user. Sign up creates user in test database and now when you are trying to create a new user with FactoryGirl it would raise validation error because the same user is already there in test database. You should do something like this:
def create_user
#user ||= create(:user)
it 'should create a user and associated customer_info', js: true do
visit signup_path
#user = build(:user)
customer = build(:customer_info)
sign_up #user, customer
page.should have_content 'Welcome, ' + customer.firstname
it 'should be able to sign in', js: true do
customer = create(:customer_info, user_id: #user.id)
visit new_user_session_path
fill_in 'user_email', with: #user.email
fill_in 'user_password', with: #user.password
click_button 'Sign in'
page.should have_content 'Welcome back, ' + customer.firstname
May be you can use the different approach to solve it. but main focus is on to use the single user object for sign up and sign in.
Hope this would help you.


Testing Devise Using capybara rspec and factory girl

i'm new at rails and i'm testing my devise gem User with capybara rspec and factory girl.
Here's spec code:
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe User, type: :request do
it "displays the user's email after successful login" do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user, email: 'test#test.com', password: 'password')
visit root_url
fill_in 'Email', with: 'test#test.com'
fill_in 'Password', with: 'password'
click_button 'Log in'
expect page.has_content?('jdoe')
The problem is in
expect page.has_content?('jdoe')
No matter what i put instead 'jdoe' test works perfectly without any errors.
Here's factory:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
email 'test#test.com'
password 'password'
password_confirmation 'password'
Maybe I missed something or going with a wrong way. How should I test here?
# spec/features/sessions_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.feature "Sessions" do
scenario "displays the user's email after successful login" do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
visit root_url
fill_in 'Email', with: user.email
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
click_button 'Log in'
expect(page).to have_content("Signed in successfully")
# will give a false postitive if form is rerended?
expect(page).to have_content(user.email)
A few things here:
Use a feature and not a request spec for end to end testing.
Don't hardcode object attributes. The whole point of factories is that the factory takes care of generating unique data so that the tests don't give false positives due to residual state.
Use expect(page).to instead of expect page.should. expect(page).to sets a subject and uses a RSpec matcher which will show you the text of the page in an error message if it does not match.

How do I make a Capybara Rails TestCase run as a single transaction?

I have a rails app that includes a blog feature.
In one single feature test (using Capybara::Rails::TestCase, with ruby tests (asserts/refutes) i.e, not spec) for the blog, I want to test adding a post, adding comments, editing the post, etc. as individual tests - each of these tests builds upon the last one, as the post created in the first test is commented on in the second test, and so on.
I have seen posts which show workarounds for doing this in a unit test (global variables, use setup/teardown), but I wondered if there is a more direct way to do it in a feature test, since it is likely more common here.
Ideally, I want the login session to persist, as well as database records created in previous tests to persist across each test in the TestCase. Setup and teardown could be used to login each time, but not the intermediate records created for posts, comments, etc.
I want something like:
class BlogTest< Capybara::Rails::TestCase
test 'can sign in' do
user = User.create!(name: "user",
email: "user#example.com",
password: "passw0rd!", password_confirmation: "passw0rd!")
visit new_user_session_path
fill_in('Login', :with => user.email)
fill_in('Password', :with => user.password)
check('Remember me')
click_button('Sign in')
test 'can create post' do
visit new_post_path # how can I have user logged in?
fill_in "Title", with: "My first post title!"
fill_in "Body", with: "My first post body!"
click_button "Publish"
test 'can comment on post' do
visit post_path(Post.first) # should go to post created in last test
click_button "Add comment"
I have heard that this may be possible in Cucumber, but chose not to use Cucumber for other reasons, so want it to work with Minitest and Capybara.
Capybara::Rails::TestCase inherits from ActiveSupport::TestCase. One of ActiveSupport::TestCase's main features is that it runs each test in a database transaction. There are ways to work around this, but I would not recommend them.
Instead, I suggest you work with the behavior of the rails test classes. In this case, you want to share actions between tests. I recommend you extract those actions into methods and call those methods in your tests. Here is how I would implement this with your test code:
class BlogTest< Capybara::Rails::TestCase
def user
#user ||= User.create!(name: "user",
email: "user#example.com",
password: user_password,
password_confirmation: user_password)
def user_password
def sign_in(email, password)
visit new_user_session_path
fill_in('Login', :with => email)
fill_in('Password', :with => password)
check('Remember me')
click_button('Sign in')
def create_post(title = "My first post title!",
body = "My first post body!")
visit new_post_path # how can I have user logged in?
fill_in "Title", with: title
fill_in "Body", with: body
click_button "Publish"
def comment_on_post(post, comment)
visit post_path(post)
click_button "Add comment"
# ...
test "can sign in" do
sign_in(user.email, user_password)
# add assertions here that you are signed in correctly
test "can't sign in with a bad password" do
sign_in(user.email, "Not the real password")
# add assertions here that you are not signed in
test "can create post when signed in" do
sign_in(user.email, user_password)
# add assertions here that post was created correctly
test "can't create post when not signed in" do
# add assertions here that post was not created
test "can comment on post when signed in" do
sign_in(user.email, user_password)
post = user.posts.order(:created_at).last
comment_on_post(post, "I can comment because I'm signed in!")
# add assertions here that comment was created correctly
test "can't comment on post when not signed in" do
post = Post.first
comment_on_post(post, "I can't comment because I'm not signed in!")
# add assertions here that comment was not created
Each action has a good name, and you can reuse those actions for different types of tests. Each test is executed within a database transaction, so each time the each test method is run the database looks the same.

Trouble with refactoring code for rspec feature tests in rails 4

I am trying to give the user of my web app the ability to login with a password. I am rolling my own authentication instead of using a gem. I read this article about refactoring Rspec/Capybara tests:
I liked what I read and decided to give refactoring a try. I created a session helper file for my feature tests.
module Features
module SessionHelpers
def sign_in
user = create(:user)
visit '/authentications/new'
fill_in 'Login', with: user.name
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
click_button 'Sign in'
I then called the sign_in function in my login tests. Here is a little sample.
require 'spec_helper'
feature "signing in" do
before :each do
User.create(:name => 'user#example.com', :password => 'caplin')
scenario "user who logs in with correct credentials" do
expect(page).to have_content 'Hi user#example.com'
Unfortunately, I keep getting this error message:
2) signing in user who logs in with correct credentials
Failure/Error: sign_in
undefined method `create' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_3:0x007ffc85012438>
# ./spec/support/features/session_helpers.rb:4:in `sign_in'
# ./spec/features/user_logs_in_spec.rb:13:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Basically, I need some way to grab the user I created and pass it into the sign_in function. Any hints?
I'm guessing your first issue is a different test configuration than the one the ThoughBot example has. create is not to my knowledge a default method available in RSpec; I'm going to guess they've added every FactoryGirl method to the testing scope. If you're using FactoryGirl, you can get the same behavior by just namespacing the create command:
def sign_in
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
visit '/authentications/new'
fill_in 'Login', with: user.name
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
click_button 'Sign in'
However, this won't quite get you everything that you asked for, since you still won't be able to add a custom user. An easy way for this would allow for a user to be passed in:
def sign_in(user=nil)
user ||= FactoryGirl.create(:user)
This will create the user for you if you don't pass one in on the sign_in call.
Going back to the spec you posted, you'd want to change it to this:
feature "signing in" do
before :each do
#user = User.create(:name => 'user#example.com', :password => 'caplin')
scenario "user who logs in with correct credentials" do
expect(page).to have_content 'Hi user#example.com'
You'd need to attach the user you created to a variable (#user), then pass it to the sign_in as needed.
Problem in you model
module Features
module SessionHelpers
def sign_in
user = create(:user) # <- this method allow only in FactoryGirl
visit '/authentications/new'
fill_in 'Login', with: user.name
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
click_button 'Sign in'
i use another way. Create a class and include FactroyGirl methods and Capybara::DSL like this
class Features
include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
include Capybara::DSL
def sign_in
user = create(:user) #<- FactroyGirl
visit '/authentications/new' #<- Capybara
fill_in 'Login', with: user.name #<- Capybara
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password #<- Capybara
click_button 'Sign in' #<- Capybara
self #<- return page
in spec
feature "signing in" do
let(:login_user) { Features.new }
scenario "user who logs in with correct credentials" do
page = login_user.sign_in
expect(page).to have_content 'Hi user#example.com'
You can accomplish this by including FactoryGirl in your tests. Your RSpec configuration block (in spec_helper.rb or in the new version of RSpec rails_helper.rb) should look like this:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods

Validation failed error in Rails application and Cucumber with Factory Girl

I have the following error: "Validation failed: Email address is already used" while trying to run feature for Devise user signing in.
I suspect the problem is in Factory generated user, which somehow being created twice with the same email address. I tried to run rake db:test:prepare in order to reset test database, unfortunately, with no results.
my user_factory.rb
Factory.define :user do |user|
user.email "user_#{rand(1000).to_s}#example.com"
user.password "password"
user.confirmed_at nil
Steps, which are failing with validation error are "Then I should be registered and signed in" and "And user signs in". my signing_in.feature
Feature: Signing in
In order to use the site
As a user
I want to be able to sign in
Scenario: Signing in via confirmation
Given there is an unconfirmed user
And I open the email with subject "Confirmation instructions"
And they click the first link in the email
Then I should be registered and signed in
Scenario: Signing in via form
Given there is a confirmed user
And I am on the homepage
And user signs in
Then I should see "Signed in successfully"
my user_steps.rb
def unconfirmed_user
#unconfirmed_user = Factory(:user)
def sign_up user
visit '/users/sign_up'
fill_in('Email', :with => "unique#unique.com")
fill_in('Password', :with => user.password)
fill_in('Password confirmation', :with => user.password)
click_button('Sign up')
def sign_in user
visit 'users/sign_in'
fill_in('Email', :with => user.email)
fill_in('Password', :with => user.password)
click_button('Sign in')
When /^I'm signing up$/ do
sign_up unconfirmed_user
Given /^there is an unconfirmed user$/ do
Given /^there is a confirmed user$/ do
Then /^I should be registered and signed in$/ do
page.should have_content("Signed in as #{unconfirmed_user.email}")
Given /^user signs in$/ do
sign_in unconfirmed_user.confirm!
When /^I open the email with subject "([^"]*?)"$/ do |subject|
open_email(#unconfirmed_user.email, :with_subject => subject)
What it can be?
Thanks in advance for your help.
You should be clearing the database between tests, mostly using database_cleaner. Check the manual because configuration varies between setups. We are using this one (in env.rb):
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation
Before do
Also, you should remove the rand directive in the factories file and use the goodies FactoryGirl provides:
u.sequence(:email){|n| "user_#{n}#example.com" }

Cucumber + Webrat doesn't submit forms?

I'm new to Cucumber and totally lost as to why this integration test is failing. I have the following scenarios:
Scenario: User changes profile
Given I have an account
When I change my profile
Then my profile should be saved
Scenario: User changes login
Given I have an account
When I change my login information
Then my account should be changed
And these step definitions:
Given /^I have an account$/ do
#user = Factory.create(:user)
visit login_path
fill_in "Email", :with => #user.email
fill_in "Password", :with => 'secret'
click_button "Sign in"
When /^I change my profile$/ do
visit edit_user_profile_path(#user)
fill_in "First name", :with => "John"
fill_in "Last name", :with => "Doe"
click_button "Update Profile"
Then /^my profile should be saved$/ do
#user.profile.first_name.should == "John"
#user.profile.last_name.should == "Doe"
When /^I change my login information$/ do
visit edit_user_path(#user)
fill_in "Email", :with => "foo#example.com"
click_button "Update Login Information"
Then /^my account should be changed$/ do
#user.email.should == "foo#example.com"
And I fail the "Then" condition on both scenarios with this message:
# Scenario 1
expected: "John"
got: "Test1" (using ==) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
# Scenario 1
expected: "foo#example.com"
got: "test2#example.com" (using ==) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
So, in both cases the factory information is still present after submitting the form to update the user login or profile. However, if I test this in a real browser it works perfectly. So, why is this test failing???
Thanks for the help!
#user is just a variable which lives inside your cucumber code block. It will not be changed. What will be changed in the test is the database record. To check that it was changed indeed you have to visit some page where user name is displayed.
(Just as you do in your real life test)
