Project does not compile after update of thinktecture.identitymodel 2.6 -

I have updated my project yesterday with IdentityModel 2.6, and I can't find why it does not compile anymore with this error.
error ASPRUNTIME : The pre-application start initialization method Start on type
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Web.Configuration.AppStart threw an exception with the
following error message: Value cannot be null.
I have just updated the package, no code change.
The problem comes from missing web.config section described here
This seems mandatory and all attributes must be filled otherwise it throws...
sessionTokenCacheType for exemple must be filled...
It would be great to have more information on this.

That's a bug in 2.6. Please upgrade to 2.6.1

This was a bug and has been fixed in 2.6.1. Update from NuGet again. Sorry for the inconvenience.


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/core/TSFBuilder

I'm using maven and dropwizard, getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/core/TSFBuilder error when I initiate an Object Mapper.
Tried to override the dependency by adding com.fasterxml.jackson.core version 2.10.0 to POM (also tried a few other versions), but still getting the same error.
Any suggestion?
Resolved. Check out below:
Use jackson.core version higher than 2.10.x
Whether your code also uses org.codehaus.jackson and it causes dependency conflicts

fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt

i am beginner in using opencv.i have tried with simple a program of reading an image. the build was unsuccessful with following error:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
i am using opencv 2.4.2 ,visual studio 2010.(windows 7 user). i checked my property sheet many times as per the instruction.please anyone help me in this. thanks in advance
I find out that I have the same problem. The problem is that my project setting is debug version, and the lib I include in the linker-->input is release version. After changing the project to release version, the problem disappear. After changing project to release version, you need to edit all the properties again.

Weird circular dependencies after updating to AngularDart 0.10.0

After updating from AngularDart 0.9.9 to 0.10.0 I encountered weird error messages:
Cannot resolve a circular dependency! (resolving ElementProbe -> ElementProbe -> ElementProbe...
The stack trace doesn't contain any method or class of mine, except applicationFactory().run();
What has happened, and how to fix it?
This is a known bug
You need to ensure you have di version 0.0.40 which contains a fix.
No idea whether it's a good idea what I did to fix the error, but here is my solution:
I suspect pub update didn't delete every old class. So I deleted the every package in the packages folder, and ran pub get again.

Umbraco unit tests failing

I am trying to follow Jorge Lusar's suggestion on unit testing Umbraco. I could not get GetRoutingContext method to work because the Umbraco.Web.Routing.UrlProvider constructor is getting a null reference exception (I had downloaded an umbraco 7.0.4 installation previously and compiled the Umbraco.Tests.dll).
As I was getting out of options, I decided to download a fresh copy of Umbraco, compile and run a test that would execute the UrlProvider constructor. To my surprise, I got the null reference exception in there too so apparently, this bug has nothing to do with my solution but Umbraco's instead.
The images speak for themselves. Can anyone plase help with this? Is this really a bug or there's something I can do here?
The solution to the problem was to copy the config settings (the ones in the UnitTests project of the Umbraco solution) to my test project.
Umbraco is dependendant on config files. Not ideal for unit tests but it worked.
Here it is explained how to stub Umbraco dependencies.
Checking over a web.config for a current v7 site I've been working on, the umbracoConfiguration/settings section is of type Umbraco.Core.Configuration.UmbracoSettings.UmbracoSettingsSection.
Another thing you're doing wrong is using as IUmbracoSettingsSection. As means if the cast fails you return a null object, rather than an exception telling you the cast failed - it fails silently. It is better to do:
var umbracoSettings = (IUmbracoSettingsSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("umbracoConfiguration/settings");
As mentioned, I think your base type is wrong, and you should actually use:
var umbracoSettings = (Umbraco.Core.Configuration.UmbracoSettings.UmbracoSettingsSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("umbracoConfiguration/settings");
This should cast the section into the correct type for you.

Why does the first step in the "Get Started With Web UI" tutorial cause an error and what does the error mean?

I'm going through the "targets" (tutorials) at I'm at Target 6: Get Started with Web UI and have run into an error at step #1 under the section "Set up background compilation in Dart Editor".
Could someone explain why this error is happening, or what I could do to resolve it? The error is below.
Error setting breakpoint at 'main': 'package:logging/logging.dart':
Error: line 250 pos 24: wrong number of type arguments in type 'Comparable'
class Level implements Comparable<Level> {
I have not changed anything in any logging package, nor messed with any Comparable class. What gives?
Take a look at this question. I actually don't know why is this happening(If someone of the dart dev team is reading this, please, explain us :D), but it seems that they changed the Comparable interface structure in M3, and forgot to update the logging package ;)
To solve your problem, go to the "logging.dart" file and make this change:
class Level implements Comparable<Level> {
class Level implements Comparable {
This is probably related to incompatibilities between the version of the SDK you are running and the version of web_ui. If you have the most recent version of both, they work together. If you don't want to use the most recent versions, then you have to explicitly manage the versions in your pubspec.yaml file.
I'm using Dart Editor version: 0.4.0_r18915 and web_ui version: 0.4.0
and it works fine.
Try getting the most recent version of Dart Editor, remove the pubspec.lock file, and run pub install again.
Meanwhile, I will figure out how to strengthen the language in the tutorial about managing versions.
Hope this helps.
