Retrieving and displaying third party Facebook statuses in iOS app - ios

I'm new to Facebook development and I'm running into trouble with what seems like it should be an easy task. I am building an iOS app for a client, and that client wants to display a number of their most recent status updates in the app, along with a link to their Facebook page. These statuses should be displayed to the user of the app even if they are not logged into Facebook or do not have a Facebook account saved on their device.
My research so far seems to indicate that I'll need to make a request to the Graph API using a user access token (which I can do successfully in the app using a token copied and pasted from the Graph API Explorer), but it seems that the only way to get a user access token from within the app is to log the user of the app into Facebook using their account credentials. This is not a good solution because I need to be able to display the client's statuses to the user whether they have are logged into a Facebook account or not. Is such a thing possible, and if so, how? I've been all over the docs and can't find a conclusive answer either way.

I know that we would approach it quite differently. We would have our own web service periodically pull what we needed off of google and store it on our own server, then we would use AFHTTPClient to pull this information down to our app. That way we wouldn't have to spoof anything with FaceBook or put any requirments on our users, such as logging into facebook. It would require that you have a service that your client maintains (or you could easily contract that for a cost).


Twitter API Always using my account

I am having the strangest problem using Twitter API. I am using a Github package dg/twitter.php.
The problem: I am making an app that sends a status update to twitter and I store the status in my database, simple. But what is happening is it stopped asking me to login and always uses my twitter account, even from different computers and clearing all cache. The strange thing is that it seems like it has cached my account and there is no way to clear it. If i completely log out of twitter and go to the app, it no longer asks me to sign in, it just uses my account, so anyone who goes to the app submits tweets as ME.
I thought it had to do with my App settings so I reset everything, renewed tokens, but still the same problem. I uploaded files to another server using the same app tokens, and yet again the same problem. My twitter app only uses MY account and will not let me login because it acts like I am already logged in when I am not.
Does this make sense?
Since this app is a Facebook app, i realized I had a problem with the oauth creating a new token because FB uses an iframe which was conflicting with the authorize abilities twitter currently has.

Uploading to own YouTube account from iOS app

The app should be uploading videos from iOS devices directly to our own YouTube account (not user's account).
In every scenario I came across you need an Access Token that you can get only from user logging in through OAuth2 (window popping up). Obviously, we can't give everyone username and password from company account. I was imagining using some key that uniquely identifies the app and YouTube user account to use.
Any solution / pointer? Thanks.
I ended up using deprecated Client Login. We still need to figure where to store passwords (either in the client app, or fetch them from backend every time), but that's already a huge progress.
Unfortunately, Google says Client Login will be removed in 2015. We can just hope they'll come up with non-interactive auth method requiring no user interaction by then.

Retrieve facebook data in backend service

I'm currently working on an app (iOS 6) where the user will be signing in using their facebook account.
In regards to this I have a few questions:
a) Since the app asks the user for permission to access cetain data (like: basic profile info, friend list, access to post to wall etc), I assume that the app based on it's app id will be somehow authenticated to access this information as long as the user doesn't restrict access through their facebook account.
b) will it be possible for example via a service application to authenticate with the same app id as the mobile app, and hence be able to collect data from the facebook users who authenticated with the app?
The purpose of my question is, that I would like do some analysis on the users using the iphone app, but I don't want the app to first download the information from facebook, and then pass it on to my service for analysis.
If the above is possible, could anyone please guide me in the direction of what it is that I need to do? Perhaps links to tutorials that describes this setup, og simply tell me the right facebook terminology that I'm looking for to achive this.
Thanks in advance!
It's a bit late and you may have already picked a service. I have been using
(tutorial site). They're very good. They have SDKs and sample code for many platforms a RESTful service for others.
They have recently been acquired by FaceBook, and already have strong links to Facebook's SDK.

Sharing Facebook access token between iOS and website

I have developed a PHP website where users authenticate via Facebook and I get and store their auth_token.
On the other side, I have started developing an iOS app where users will be able to authenticate via Facebook too. The auth_token, as you know, will be different from the one that I got in the website auth process (same Facebook app as in the website)
My question is: can I use the auth_token that I got in the iOS app to make requests from the website? (same user, same app)
The reason is that sometimes I want some actions to be performed from the mobile device (ie. update status) while others to be performed from the web server (ie. checking which friends of the current user are already registered in my website)
Essentially, as long as you have a valid access_token for the specific user you can use it anywhere you want. Anywhere that you can execute an http request to Facebook and provide the correct parameters, you'll be able to make API calls on behalf of the user.
This call should work regardless of where you execute it from.

iOS Facebook SSO for Air app and web service authentication

we are developing an iOS App using Adobe Flex/Air. The app uses a web service that needs user authentication via facebook login. At the moment, we use server side authentication: There's a login URL displayed in a WebView where the facebook login is done. This way, we get an access_token that can be used on the server side.
This works perfectly but it would really be much better if we could use Single Sign-on with the facebook ios app. As far as I have read, this should work on the client side but I haven't found a way to authenticate the user on the server side.
facebook's access_tokens are valid either for use on the server-side or for the client side so an access_token from the client-side login won't work for the server side.
Thanks in advance for your ideas,
As far as I can see, you're making this far more complicated than it's really intended to be. Leverage the Facebook iOS SDK, and all of the heavy lifting involved with authenticating the user within your app is handled by the Facebook SDK. There's no need to independently provide sign-in sheets and manage access token exchange between the app's local storage and Facebook's servers without the convenience of the entire Facebook SDK.
This link shows you how to implement SSO natively within your iOS app. It's real simple.
Then, I understand that you're keeping authentication information or central user database information on an external server. The best way to synchronize the information between the FB client and your own servers is to simply check the login information returned by the FB SDK with your server after you receive it.
Here's a simple breakdown:
Log the user in using Facebook's standard SDK (see the link above).
In the -didLogin method (or whatever the equivalent is in your Adobe AIR environment), check the access token returned by FB with your server. Not sure what server architecture you're using, but it's safe to say that this will go on outside of the FB SDK. Also, save the access token in your app's user defaults so that the user won't have to login again next time. This whole process should (and inherently will) feel much quicker than it sounds.
If the check with the server returns successfully, notify the user of a successful login. If not, display an error view explaining the reason the user was rejected/not logged in.
Why do it this way? The reason is fairly simple. It's safe to assume that the reason you're having a user login to your app via Facebook is so that you can make requests for the user's Facebook information (i.e. feeds, photos, likes, comments, etc.). The easiest (and best) way to do this is through the FB SDK its self. The SDK takes care of a lot of stuff behind the scenes like access token validation over time, extension of token life, validity of token, and so on. This way, you won't have to worry nearly as much about syncronizing the server information and real-time client information when changes take place. Just authenticate via the FB iOS SDK, and do the rest of your own processing afterward.
Comment below if there's anything I should clarify or even if I missed the point of your question entirely--I tend to get on a roll and may stray from the point. :)
The Kraken
