HelloFacebookSample not working as expected, making facebook app to crash - ios

I'm using sample codes (HelloFacebookSample) from "facebook-ios-sdk-3.5.2.pkg".
When I try to post status update, it fails and shows me alert.
with text "Beta Feature", "This feature is not available presently"
And at the above stage, if you lock your phone and unlock it, tada! facebook app crashes.
Side note:My device is running 6.1.2. And I dont understand when how/what/when app decides to show native sharing dialog or facebook app sharing dialog or just safari.

The Share Dialog (the one you're seeing) is currently in limited beta. So you're probably hitting that scenario where the dialog is presented by the SDK but the server flags you as not being in beta when you submit the share. The native share dialog is presented by the HelloFacebookSample app if you have the latest Facebook for iOS app (6.0+).
You can check this doc for more pointers on sharing and how you can use it in your app:
The HelloFacebookSample app is primarily showcasing the Share Dialog.
That said, if you want to successfully run the sample for now, I suggest you temporarily modify:
FBAppCall *appCall = [FBDialogs presentShareDialogWithLink:urlToShare
FBAppCall *appCall = nil;
In the postStatusUpdateClick: method. This will post a status update using the either iOS6 Share Sheet or using a Graph API call.

This is a beta feature. Facebook lets you enable beta features in debug mode using:
[FBSettings enableBetaFeature:FBBetaFeaturesOpenGraphShareDialog];
[FBSettings enableBetaFeature:FBBetaFeaturesShareDialog];
But it looks like Facebook just took the share dialog out of beta:


Not seeeing "Reply" link to app in Facebook Messenger Platform integration

I was implementing optimized integration for Facebook Messenger Platform for my iOS app using the SDK and am facing a few issues. When I share content from my app to Facebook Messenger, I always see the "Install" link alongside my app link, even though the app is installed. Also, I never see the "Reply" button on the content shared from my app, just Install.
Both the sender and receiver have Admin access to the corresponding Facebook app. (The FB integration features are currently in dev, even though the app is live).
Followed all the sequence of steps mentioned in the documentation - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger/ios
FBSDKMessengerURLHandler callbacks are implemented for FBSDKMessengerURLHandlerReplyContext and FBSDKMessengerURLHandlerOpenFromComposerContext as well.
Not sure how to proceed to test the features. Anybody else faced the same problem? Any help would be much appreciated.
I had the same issue. Find any valid iOS App Store ID and fill it in on the developers.facebook.com page (near where you enter the Bundle ID info).
Relaunching Messenger made the Reply button start to show up on new messages.
The developer community at Facebook is pretty awful.

Open my app from facebook app

I have an application on IOS, which posts photos and location on facebook.
I want my app to open once user tap on link(When viewing facebook from facebook app). Is this possible?
It's not possible using the built in iOS sharing but Facebook will open your app if you are using their SDK and posting with a Facebook app. (as in an app setup in their developer portal) You need to have deep linking turned on and your app profile setup to point back to your app store id. They also have a new app links thing they announced which is worth checking out. In any case your app will have to support custom URL schemes.
Sorry I can not get clearly but if I am not wrong then do you want to open your iOS app when user click on link on FB ?
If I am right then simple and sort answer, it is not possible because apple iOS dose not provide any such types of feature/API so it is better to stop fighting.

Unity FB SDK on iOS: Problems with FB.Feed function

We started using Facebook's SDK in our game which was made with Unity.
We are trying to post "brag posts" when people win against their friends, and we use FB.Feed with the friend's ID in the "to" parameter.
In iOS devices running with an older FB app version, a small popup opens up inside the game - and it works perfectly well.
However on devices running the newest FB app version, when we call this function the FB app is opened, completely losing focus from our game, and an incorrect brag post is shown and attempts to post it on the user's wall (instead of on the friend's wall).
Anyone else had this problem and figured out how to fix it?
I'll look into whether the feed dialog changed in newer version of the facebook app. In the meantime here's a workaround. In the exported xcode project, open FbUnityInterface.mm and go to line 46.
You should see the code
self.dialogMode = NativeDialogModes::FAST_APP_SWITCH_SHARE_DIALOG;
change that to
self.dialogMode = NativeDialogModes::WEBVIEW_DIALOG_MODE;
This will force the sdk to use webview dialogs instead of the one from the facebook app.

Titanium iOS - Facebook SSO not returning to App

I've recently added Facebook Single Sign On within my application using Appcelerator' Titanium. Which is working nicely but is failing to redirect back to my application automatically when presented with the "Already Authorized" facebook page.
If the user clicks the "Okay" button within facebook the Application re-opens and works as per usual. I'm just looking to get rid of that extra step for users.
Any suggestions? I've come across Objective C solutions such as : Does the Facebook iOS SDK require the user to authenticate every time they use the app?
I believe the issue was related to the Facebook App not being setup properly and not directly testing on a device instead of the simulator.
The following settings should be applied within you Facebook Application.
Enable : Native iOS App
iOS Bundle ID: com.yourcompany.yourapp
iPhone App Store ID: 24242423
Configured for iOS SSO: Enabled
Testing on the simulator will trigger Safari to open and show the Authorization dialog due to the Facebook App not being installed (hence why you need a real device). Pushing your app to the device and triggering the SSO within your application will then redirect back to your application if an error, already authorized or success occurs.
Hope this helps anyone that's had this occur.

ios - integrating facebook with ios5 app

I'm trying to integrate facebook in my iOS 5 application.
As mentioned in facebook documentation, i'm doing everything as they mentioned.
Usually when facebook is initiated to authorize, it will take the user to browser opening facebook website and asks to authenticate. but in my case, it opens browser and immediately it goes back to the app. I didn't understand what's happening.
Here's the video of the issue that I'm facing
I noticed that if the facebook app is installed on iphone, above mentioned problem is noticed
Is your app ID on your project .plist?
Look at "Modify the app property list file" on the Facebook iOS tutorial
