MVC web app not compatible with iPad -

I'm currently maintaining a web-app built on ASP MVC framework and last few days, I've been trying to solve one weird bug & I haven't resolved basically nothing about it.
Web-app is named & it's some kind of local community based grouping of small workmen to help find them part-time jobs.
What seems kind of weird is the fact, that when I log in with an iPad, I'm not able to interact with the app at all. Every click on any of links logs me out & I really don't know why this happens. In Safari it works good, but when I use Chrome for iPad it does this weird thing.
Do you have some kind of an idea why this should be happening or how to try debug this more effectively as opposed to what I've done until now (basically nothing & don't know where to start :/ ).
Thanks all in advance!


Launching EPIserver website from Visual Studio takes at least 5 minutes

I do not know if this is a Visual Studio, ASP.Net-MVC, IIS Express or EPIserver issue.
The problem is that in Visual Studio, when I click on what looks like a play icon, it takes at least 5 minutes until my local EPIserver development website loads in the browser.
I have tried selecting different browsers from within Visual Studio: Firefox, Chrome, MS Edge.
We have also tested this on 2 identical laptops, and 2 identical desktops. All running the latest Windows 10.
What happens is that about 4-5 seconds after I click on play, a browser instance will be launched. This is pointing to localhost. It then takes at least 5 minutes for the website to start loading in the browser.
This is making it really hard to work efficiently.
I would be very thankful for any tips on what to try, what to check, etc..
I am a relatively new users when it comes to all of the above mentioned components, so I would be very thankful for step by step tips on what to check/test.
Enable log4net logging (usually config file called EPiServerLog.config in the site root) using a relevant appender with debug-level logging.
The logs can probably show you what happens after the site has started. I have seen examples where poor implementations have, for example, iterated all content on a site on startup, causing a ton of database traffic as the cache is populated. Needless to say that takes a long time. :)
If the logs don't give anything away, I would suggest attaching the VS debugger to do some basic profiling on startup.
Example on configuring log4net, albeit an old post.

Web Config Issue with IIS 7.5 MVC 5 App

So I have an MVC 5 application which has been running fine and is published to two individual servers, with the same configuration, however one gives http status 500, the other works perfectly. Both servers are exactly the same windows release, and patched up to 4.5.1.
Browsing the site locally gives the source of the problem as the web.config file, with the relevant config source lines being -1: and 0: Both showing blank lines.
I've no idea what's going on with this one. I have copied the app in its entirety back from the working instance to the none working instance no avail.
I'm a bit stumped.
To note, i've also removed IIS and reinstalled as i thought that could be the cause of the issue.
So after much headscratching it turns out that some clown removed URL Rewrite module from this box. After reinstalling using the web platform installer all is well. I hope somebody finds this useful in future.
Nicolas Carlo, your response pushed me down an alternate route of diagnosing the problem and was helpful in this instance, thank you.

Composite C1 admin system stuck on initializing, the site works fine

My client just updated me that they are facing some issues with the CMS today so tried to login as admin however could not, it gives me the login page but then is stuck on initializing page.
Composite C1 3.2 Build 3.2.4497.34793
.net 4.0
IIS 6.0 (I know old :) )
Steps taken
Restarted the site in IIS.
Same issue on all the browsers.
We have several sites built using Composite C1 the rest are working
fine, they are same version same build. In fact the preview
version of this same site works fine.
Similar issue reported here - However my build is already updated to the version informed here.
It would be great help if anyone has faced a similar issue and knows how to proceed with trouble shooting this issue.

ASP.NET4.0 MVC4 IIS7.5 Error 403.14 I'm Literally Pulling Out My Hair

I want to get away from developing in PHP but doing that is proving to be a massive headache.
I am trying to set up a website with MVC 4, ASP.NET 4.0, on Win7 Professional (64-bit). The website is just the basic site that is set up with Visual Web Developer 2010 Express selecting New Project > C# > Website > ASP.NET MVC 4 Application.
After setting up the application in IIS7.5 I am getting an HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden. I've done a ton of research and tried multiple different suggestions on how to solve the problem but NOTHING is working. Here are some things I tried:
Install/Register v4 of ASP.NET. This has been the most annoying
thing because everyone else's issue is fixed when they do this but
mine is not.
Changing the application pool settings:
Set to classic/integrated mode
Change the user/permissions used by the application pool
Made sure 32-bit applications were enabled
Added security permissions to folders related to the website (on multiple accounts)
I can get a regular html document to show up if I add it to the websites root directory. It seems that the MVC stack is not being called at all. The server wants to display the directory, which I can enable/disable, but the website is not being displayed.
Please can I have more potential fixes before I resort to my last desperate act? A baseball bat.
p.s. I'm more than willing to do a skype conversation or a share screen kind of thing if someone wants to dig in deep. I am beyond frustrated with this.
So it seems, in my indefinite well of stupidity, I was pointing the webserver to the incorrect folder. I needed to point the webserver to the folder with actual files of the application rather than the folder containing the .SLN file. Sorry to waste your time!
try running the aspnet_regiis
open the command line in %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 and run
aspnet_regiis -ir
other possible solutions:
quit skype, or any other similar applications

help with troubleshooting a jQuery UI Tabs problem on iPad

I would be grateful for some pointers on how to troubleshoot this problem. Quick summary of the situation:
I have a large document (200K) divided into five main sections of inequal length, each of which corresponds to a jQuery UI tab.
The page works perfectly in Safari for Windows, Safari for Macintosh, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, and IE.
The page used to work on the iPad too but it no longer does, and it's the iPad that has changed, not the page.
On the iPad, the tab-content is now getting cut off. E.g. one of the pages is a glossary that runs from A-Z and the page cuts off at the letter -H-. It used to scroll all the way to -Z-. For some reason, iPad Safari is not giving each Tab the full amount of vertical space it needs for its content.
I've looked at the jQuery UI code for the show tabs and it appears to be changing CSS classes hide/show, but I'm no ninja javascript coder. How do I begin to figure out what's wrong on the iPad when my page works as expected on every other browser?
EDIT: The page seems to be working fine on the iPad2. It could be a caching issue and the page might stop working at some point even on the iPad2--I could only test at the Apple store. But I believe the markup and coding and jQuery ui are essentially OK, and it's a iPad Safari issue.
I can't trouble-shoot myself without the code, but the by far best way to trouble-shoot situations like this is to use a tool called Weinre. Obviously if one browser (the iPad's) is having trouble, you need to troubleshoot directly with it. That's difficult since the iPad doesn't have developer tools, but Weinre can actually give you (most of) that, over the network.
Follow the instructions here, but at the least you need to provide a ~/.weinre/ that contains this:
boundHost: -all-
httpPort: 8081
reuseAddr: true
readTimeout: 1
deathTimeout: 5
That will tell weinre to listen on every IP on the port 8081. Start Weinre (via the OS X runner or with java -jar weinre.jar on the command line.
Then you add a special script tag in the main page:
<script src="http://YOUR_IP_NUMBER:8081/target/target-script-min.js"></script>
After this you start Safari or Chrome and go to http://localhost:8081/client/. If everything went as planned you will see the Weinre interface, which is a subset of the WebKit developer tools.
Now connect to your development machine with the iPad or simulator. If the script tag is correct Weinre makes a connection to the iPad and you have a fairly large subset of WebKit's developer tools at your disposal for trouble shooting. Good luck!
I'm sure this isn't the answer you're hoping for, but it sounds like a bug that should be reported to Apple.
You have a page that works perfectly on every other browser and I think its in Apple's best interest that it works on the iPad as well.
There might be other pages out there that used to work, but now don't, so I would consider this bug to be pretty high priority.
