Web deployment failing due to file in use - asp.net-mvc

I'm using Microsoft's Web Deploy Remote Agent service to allow me to easily publish code to the server from within Visual Studio.
The web site I am deploying is using log4net to log messages to log files, and every time I try to deploy a new version of the code, I get this error in Visual Studio stating that the current log4net log file is in use:
An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote
computer. The file 'Web.log' is in use.
The process cannot access 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Logs\Web.log' because it
is being used by another process.
I can solve this by going onto the server and doing an iisreset before publishing... but that is kind of defeating the point of 'easy' publishing from Visual Studio :)
Is there some way I can get the publish task to issue an iisreset automatically, or some other way I can work round this?

I kept poking around and found some tidbits around the file being locked in a few other forums. Have you tried adding
<lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
To your <appender> element in the web.config file? From the Apache docs
Opens the file once for each AcquireLock/ReleaseLock cycle,
thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of
locking is considerably slower than FileAppender.ExclusiveLock but
allows other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging
As far as the performance considerations, I suppose you would need to test if this will affect you or not as I am assuming it really depends on how often you are writing to the log file as to how much this will impact performance. I can't believe that getting/releasing a lock could take all that much time though.

There is a MSDEPLOY provider called recycleApp which is used exactly for this. You can include this in your deployment manifest.
Another option is to use ignoreOnErrors flag which will skip the file in use and continue with the deployment.


Delphi - ISAPI DLL Application hanging on Fastreport

Found this this post ISAPI web application hanging if FastReport.PrepareReport is called
It helped solving my problem partially. As well I´ve turned Wisiyng property to False on frxRichView. Since I'm retunrnig a base 64 string I've also tryed switched loading from StrToStream/LoadFromStream to LoadFromFile. The problem persist with multiple acess, 2 out of 10 process can finish loading my Pdf file. All the others requests hangs until timeout. Does anyone have an idea what else can I do? is there anyother way to retunr rtf format into Fastreport report Thanks.
I could only get time-out error using Selenium to test multiples request from the client side.
Update: I've figured that just having a TfrxRichView component in the report causes the hanging, it doesn't even need to have a rtf text on it. Replacing it to a memo all request are answered.
UPDATE: Got a answer from fast report and I wold like your opinion.
I had similar problems, and it is not easy to find out the reason, but maybe you can find your solution in between my considerations..
1) Stack Size
When ran in IIS your ISAPI is only a DLL called by a process, you are not the main process so you have to pay attention to stack dimension.
Normally a Delphi application have a default stack size of 1Mb, in ISAPI DLL you will have only 256Kb of stack.
Maybe you are facing a stack overflow exception.. it can explain why it does not occurr always but only in some circumstances..
2) Trapped Exception
In general you get some error during the preparation of report (aka all the job of working with data, expressions, variables, formulas etc etc..) can bring to a trapped exception. You may be unable to see it from outside but code execution was broken somwhere and report preparation had not finished.
3) MessageBoxes and/or standard Exceptions
when running in ISAPI you should not output anything to user interface,
maybe a message dialog (or an exception) can bring to unexpected behaviour.
4) Global Var
You should avoid global var because in ISAPI they will be common across threads
So, if you have sources, debug the application.. at first exception you should understand where is your problem..
If you have not sources.. chek the above list.. I hope you can find some useful information.
You have two ways to solve this:
1- Try to recreate this behavior while debugging your ISAPI DLL. If you are lucky, you can identify the thread that is hanging your application. Sometimes this is hard or even impossible to recreate.
2- If you have access to the hung ISAPI application instance, use a tool like SysInternals Process Explorer to create a minidump file. Your application must be built using full debug symbols and you should have the corresponding map file. With one (or more - even better) dump files obtained from your hung application plus the map file, you can use another tool, WinDbg to analyze it and find the cause. (Sometimes) WinDbg can show exactly which thread is hanging the whole application and the line of code that causes it.
If you have never done that, I must warn you that this kind of analysis is almost a gamble... You have to use several different tools with little
or no documentation, read heaps of technical info in various places. In the end, sometimes it works wonderfully and sometimes it fails miserably.
Because debugging ISAPI is not obvious, but also because I wanted to be able to switch easily between more different hosting solutions — and wanted to update my website on the fly without a restart of the web-server/service — I created xxm. It has a singular interface to the HTTP context, your DLL gets loaded by either a IIS ISAPI handler, or a HTTP.SYS handler, or an Apache httpd module, or for debugging locally you can just set xxmHttp.exe as host application to get IIS out of the way.

TFS build error - process cannot access

When I am trying to buid on TFS build server I got the following error:
Error CS2012: Cannot open 'xx.dll' for writing -- 'The process cannot access the file 'xx.dll' because it is being used by another process.'
Could anyone please help out with that?
If you are developing a web application or anything of the like make sure that your server process (usually IISExpress or something) is not being run.
Kill all the processes that maybe consuming your compiled code.
Alternatively, you can download Lockhunter and see which program is locking that file.

Struts dev.mode for a live site

In the struts documentation they are saying that by setting
<constant name="struts.devMode" value="true" />
This will cause the site to load fastly.
So my question is is it possible to put this constant in live site so that it will load the live site fastly. Is there any problem with that?
You took it all wrong,struts.devMode when enabled, acts much friendlier, which can significantly speed up development.
When you have made the devMode=true in your config file this will help you in following steps
Struts 2 will reload your resource bundles on every request (meaning you can change your .properties files, save them, and see the changes reflected on the next request).
It will also reload your xml configuration files (struts.xml), your validation files, etc, on every request. This is useful for testing or finetuning your configuration, without having to redeploy your application every time.
it will raise the level of debug or normally ignorable problems to errors.
In Short it is a weapon for the developer for enhance his development process by figuring out any error, as when enabled it will show yo much friendly and detailed error underlying the cause and any suggestion.
Here are more details for devMode
Struts2 Development mode
It is never recommended to enabled this in your production as enabling this means you are reloading your configuration file /any other property files on each request which will definitely slow down the overall portal.
By default, the development mode is disabled, because it has a significant impact on performance, since the entire configuration will be reloaded on every request.
The development mode is only suitable in a development or debugging environment. In a production environment, you have to disable it. It will cause significant impact on performance, because the entire application configuration and properties files will be reloaded on every request and extra logging and debugging information will also be provided.

How to profile an ASP.NET web service on a remote server by EQATEC profiler?

I am thinking the modified dlls will create a log file some where in the remote system so I can open it later after load test but all I found was a log file in $(SystemRoot)\Temp\EQATECProfilerLogs saying nothing other than app started. Do I need to install EQATEC profiler on the remote server?
This scenario is adressed in this EQATEC forum thread:
A profiled app needs to be told when we want it to produce its profiling report. For plain apps this is simple and has therefore been automated: when Main exits. But your web-service has no similar "exit point" - it just keeps on running until you kill it.
Therefore you have to explicitly/manually tell the profiled web-service to take a snapshot. The easiest way is to simply run the profiler on the same machine as the web-service is running on: when the web-service is starting up it will automatically connect to the profiler and you can then run your tests and control/dump timing info at will using the "take snapshot" and "clear counters"-buttons.
Alternatively, you can make a reference to the supplied runtime-module from within your code and make explicit calls to the API (TakeSnapshot etc) precisely where you want in your code. The runtime-modules reside in C:\Program Files\EQATEC\EQATECProfiler\RuntimeDLL.

Starting a windows service fails with error 1053

I have a windows service that is failing to start, giving an error "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion".
Running the service in my debugger works fine, and if I double click on the the service .exe on the remote machine a console window pops up and continues to run without problem - I can even see log messages showing me that the program is processing everything the way it should be.
The service had been running fine previously, though this is my first time, personally, trying to deploy it with the most recent changes made to the program. I've evaluated those changes and cant figure out how they might cause this problem, particuarly since everything runs fine when not started as a service.
The StartRoutine() method of the service impelmentation is empty, so should be returning in a "timely fashion".
I've checked the event logs on the computer, and it doesn't give any additional information other than it didn't hear back from the service in the 30 second requisite time frame.
Since it works on my machine, and as a double-clicked executable, how would I go about figuring out why it fails as a service?
Oh, and it's .NET 2.0, so it shouldn't be affected by the 1.1 framework bug that exhibited this symptom (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/839174)
The box is a windows server 2003 R2 machine running SP2.
This is a misleading error. It's probably an unhandled exception.
Empty your OnStart() handler then try this in your constructor...
public MainService()
// All your initialization code goes here.
// For instance, my exception was caused by the lack of registry permissions
catch (Exception ex)
EventLog.WriteEntry("Application", ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error);
Now check the EventLog on your system for your Application Error.
Could be a number of things and it might help to get a stack trace on the machine exhibiting the problem. There are a number of ways to do this but the point is that you have to see where this is failing in the code.
You can do this with remote debugging, but a simple thing might be to just log to the event logger, or file log if you have that. Literally, putting "WriteLine("At class::function()") throughout portions of the code to see if you've made it there.
This will at least get you looking in the right direction (which ultimately is the code).
See Microsoft's How to Debug Windows Services article for details in troubleshooting startup problems using WinDbg.
This related question details nice ways to debug services that are written in .NET.
I agree with Scott, the easiest way to find out what's happening is to put some traces in the start-up code (maybe it doesn't even come to your start-up code).
If this doesn't help, you can post your code here so others can take a look.
perhaps lacking some dependence, try this :
- deregister your service
- register again
If fail at register means that lack an module.
If the StartRoutine is empty, you are probably starting it somewhere else.
IIRC you need to fire off a worker thread, and then return from StartRoutine.
One of the problems which may lead to this error is if windows service which needs to be deployed consists of some error i.e it may be simple authorization error or anything as in my case I have referenced some folders and files for logging which were not existing, but when provided the right path of those file and folders it solved my problem.
I ran through every post on this particular subject and none of the responses solved the problem, so I'm adding this response in case this helps someone else. Admittedly this only applies to a new service, not this specific case.
I was writing a File listening service. As a console app, it worked perfectly. When I ran it as a service, I got the same error as above. What I didn't know (and many of the MSDN articles about services conveniently leave out) is that you need to have your class executed from within ServiceBase.Run( YourClassName());. Otherwise, your app executes and immediately terminates and because it terminated, you get the error above even if no error or exception occurred. Here is a link to an article about this. It actually discusses setting up your app for dual use - Console app and service: Create a combo command line / Windows service app
I had that issue and the source of my problem was config file. I edited it in notepad and notepad added one special character which cause service not to run properly because config file was ruined. I saw that special character in notepadd++ and after delete it, service started to run successfully as previous did.
In my case, the correct .NET framework was not installed on the server that I was installing the Windows service on.
One other reason is If you copy the DLL in 'debug' mode to installation folder this issue will come.What you need to do is Run the project in 'Release' mode copy the DLL or directly form Release folder rather than Debug folder,,and copy that DLL in to installation folder,it will work.You can see the reduction in size of DLL ,it will not contain any debug symbols and like that
