Submitting different screenshots - ios

I am submitting my app in the app store with different language. Is there a way to add different screenshots for different language or appstore? for like if I want to submit different images in france app store and different in US?

yes,you can choose another language in Version Information page, select that you want to add , then will get to add it.


Is it possible to change an iPhone app description wording depending on the country

I would like to release an iPhone app to several countries. However I would like to change the wording of the App Store description depending on the country (Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia). How can I do that?
The answer to your question is no. You cannot change the language based on territories. Here you can find all App Store territories:
You can translate or localize your app only into different languages. Basically there are two parts of the equation:
1) App Store page: Add your additional languages directly in App Store Connect. This is only possible when your app is in an editable state. You can check out all languages over here.
2) Actual app: Done in Xcode

How to add the languages in the app store listing - We are not able to see more languages on iTunes Page of our Game

For Ex:
We have been trying yo figure out various ways to show our languages (localized) listing on the store page - not able to get any source to list the languages on Apple App Store.
Please help.
If you want your App Store entry (iTunes page) to display more than one localisation you need to add localised assets to iTunes connect. This is separate to the app's localisations you would add within Xcode.
Take a look at Apple Devloper Docs - Displaying on the Store in More Than One Language
It covers things like:
Adding New Languages
Viewing and Editing Metadata for Supported Languages
Changing the Primary Language

Add localized language app descriptions on app store

I have an app, written in JavaScript and built into Objective C by
In other words, I can not edit the C files of the build. Now, I want to do the simplest thing on the world - to add translated app description in multiple languages. On the play store all I need to do is to select and add a new language from the drop down menu and add the corresponding description.
On apple, however, from what I read, I need to set the list of languages available in the drop down from the build. I can't express enough how silly is this!!!
In the iTunes store on the "Localizable Information" language drop down I have only and only English.
Any workaround about this?
As far as I understand your question, you just want to add localised App Store descriptions for your app. This works similar in iTunes Connect as it would with the Google Play console. (It's different if you want to localise your app itself. For more info check the official guide.)
1) Log into iTunes Connect and choose your app
2) Click on the languages dropdown on the right - default shows your primary language - and click on the little blue "+" to add languages.
3) You can now add specific/translated metadata for the new languages. (App description, keywords, marketing URL, support URL; even screenshots if you wish)
Few notes:
There is no "automatic" translation service integrated into iTunes
Connect. You need to manually get the metadata translated and insert
it on iTunes Connect.
You can only add new languages, when your app
is in an editable state. If your app is currently on the store, you need to add a new version to add new languages to it.
Find more information on what you can localise and which languages are available at the iTunes Connect Developer guide:

Is it possible to change an app icon depending on the market?

I have an app published in the U.S and in several countries, including Japan. I'd like to change the icon in Japan. I couldn't find anything on iTunes related to this issue.
Is this possible?
You cannot have different icons for the same app.
You will need to release two versions of your app - one in the Japanese store and one for all other territories.

Screenshot language for AppStore

When submitting screenshots of multilanguage application to AppStore, which language my screenshots have to be? Do they have to be in default language or any language?
You will submit a different set of screenshots for every localization of your app.
You can upload different screenshots for different app stores, and if at all possible, you should localize the screenshots for each language you support. You can upload new screenshots in the metadata, in the same place you'll edit the descriptions and keywords for different app stores.
