Scroll bars on DB grids - seeking a definitive approach - delphi

I see lots of DB scroll bar questions, but never seem to find a definitive answer to this one.
There is no option (property) to add/hide DB grid scroll bars, either singly or jointly. The simply auto-appear when needed.
If I don't have enough rows to scroll, I would like my columns to fill the entire grid.
If I design it so then when a vertical scroll bar is added at run-time a horizontal scrollbar is auto-added too (since I just covered the right part of the right most column with a vertical scroll bar, we now need a horizontal scroll bar to see what I am covering).
One option is to design my grid such that there is enough space at the right hand size (how many pixels?) to accommodate a vertical scroll, but that is unsightly until there are enough rows to trigger a scroll bar (if ever).
It seems to me that the most aesthetically pleasing way would be start with a grid which is filled with columns at X pixels wide and increase its width to X + width of vertical scroll bar (or decrease the width of one/some of the grids columns by a total of width of vertical scroll bar) pixels when adding a new row causes the vertical scrollbar to appear.
Am I missing something? Is there a “correct” way to do this, or an industry standard way (I am not asking for a “best” way or anything too subjective, so please don’t close. I believe that a lot of people need to know this).
Is there anything in the standard TDBgrid to facilitate this?
Bonus: I subscribe to TMS components, so if there is a way to do this simply with TAdvDbgrid, that would be fine for me, but a general solution with TDBgrid would be fine.
Non-subjective question: Given that
- I do not want to increase the width of my TDBgrid
- and that I do not want a blank white column at the right when no vertical scroll bar is present
- and that I am willing to decrease the width of my right-most column in order to avoid a horizontal scroll bar appearing when a vertical scroll bar appears
... how do I do so?
Ken was rightly awarded the answer becuse his solution is best for most users.
For those like me who already paid for a TMS subscription, I just noticed that their TDbAdvgrid component has a ScrollBars property and when I set it to ssVertical, it does what I want.
Now, if I could only figure out a good way to have fixed header row when it is the only row ...

TJvDBGrid (part of the JEDI JVCL) has this capability built in, and includes source code. It should be able to either do what you need, or give you the details needed to implement your own descendant.


Move Grid save and cancel buttons from far right, maybe left justify

Is there a way in Vaadin 7 or Vaadin 8 to move the save/cancel buttons to under the last editor column? Or maybe to left justify them? Right now they are right justified under the last column. I would even take left justifying them under this same column. Visually, it is far from the last thing the users edited, so some users get confused. The way I am clarifying it for users right now is by making the Grid as narrow as possible, but it wastes screen real estate.
This will be very difficult in generic case, where column widths can be freely adjusted or their widths are automatically calculated by content. However if you set your columns fixed widths, so that you can make assumptions based on that within your specific application, there is a solution.
Just noting, that the Editor has div, with class name "v-grid-editor-footer", which has the same width as the Grid. So the editor footer does not have logical cells, that would be aligned with Grid's cells. And that is the challenge here. Furthermore the buttons you are refering to are wrapped in a child div of the previous one, with class name "v-grid-editor-buttons"
However you can try to add css rules in your theme in the following way.
.v-grid-editor-buttons {
position: relative;
left: -300px; // Adjust this value experimentally so that it fits your need
Below is a screenshot the css applied to Vaadin's Sampler.

How do I change the scroll behaviour of TDrawGrid

The TDrawGrid component has a standard way of determining how much to scroll when you scroll to the right and left for example. I want the same behaviour as with a TScrollBox. The amount scrolled to the right and left is a lot less and you can control that. I was using a TScrollBox for this exact reason until I figured out that I can't have fixed Rows and Fixed Cols anymore because my ScrollBox determines the scrolling.
Is there a short way to do this without creating my own component?

What will be the best UI component to render array items horizontally

I have an array of 'n' number of items. I am displaying them in a horizontal stack view, having fixed width of the superview.
Issue is, when the number of items are more, then the horizontal stack view is not displaying all of them.
I need to display all the items of an array in some UI placeholder horizontally with some decent amount of spacing in between. If the items are more they should come in the next line.
Will horizontal stack view be suitable for my requirement ? If not, then which UI component should I use? Example will be appreciated.
Adding to the answer of #DrMickeyLauer, If you want to make your UI look better with some eye catching animation while viewing the items then go for iCarousal.
Take a look at this URL for the sample implementation
UICollectionView is exactly what you're after. Use it with the standard UICollectionViewFlowLayout in horizontal mode.
It will then display all its elements filling "lines" from top to bottom, thus achieving a grid layout, which seems like what you want.

Laying out subviews in a UITableViewCell dynamically

This is the most complicated UI related problem I've come across yet. I've been trying to find a solution for literally weeks but no avail. Let em explain.
In this app I'm working on, I need to display a certain list. It's actually a schedule. Here's how it should look like,
The fields circled by red circles don't change. To explain what change means I have to show you this.
Its a set of filters which the user can show/hide certain fields and the ones that are circled in the first image are static ones. They can't be toggled on and off.
Now the problem arises with the ones that can be toggled. Here's what it looks like if you turn off the Show Actions flag.
A new label with a blue background replaces the bottom one you can see in the first image.
Here's another one where you disable Show Time option and the time labels are gone (yes it affects only for some. Its expected).
If this filter list were an option list, it would have been easy. Just create a custom cell for each option and you're good to go. But unfortunately the user is able to toggle multiple filters! For example the user can turn off both Show Actions and Show Time and it'd look like the last image but the bottom label would have the blue label in the third image.
To top it all off, the cells' height is dynamic. In iOS 8 creating self resizing cells are easy enough from the IB when you could just add auto layout constraints and done.
But it seems to me that creating these cells from the IB isn't an available option to me. Simply because there are way too many filter combinations a user can make. So the cell's subviews need to adjust to it.
My question is how can I create a dynamic cell like that? My best guess is through code, right? I haven't written my UI in code before so I tried creating a test project to familiarize myself with it. But the problems I'm facing is setting fixed frame sizes makes the dynamic nature obsolete. And how can I move a view to fill up a removed view's space (Last image. Time labels are gone so the name and the id labels move to the left to fill that space).
I know this question is a little too broad. I'm not asking for a straight answer either. I'd really appreciate some pointers, or even a better suggestion on how to approach this because I'm truly at the rock bottom on this issue.
Thank you.
It's hard to give you any precise help since your question is so broad. First, I would recommend watching the 3 videos on Auto Layout from the WWDC 2012 (sessions 202, 228, and 232).
To answer your one example, how to move a view to replace a view that's removed. You would need to make two left edge constraints from the view with the text (Kund Alof...). One with a constant of 0 to the time label with a priority of 1000 (that's the default), and another to the left edge of the cell, also with a constant of 0, but with a lower priority, say 900. As long as the time label is present, the constraint to it will determine the position of the text label, but when it's removed, the lower priority constraint to the left edge will take over and move the label over to the left edge.

Smooth scroll string grid

I need a string grid which can scroll smoothly, as opposed to locking in the top row / left col positions. When you scroll a TStringGrid, the left visible column and top visible row snap into position along the top/left edges. I need the ability for the user to scroll smoothly, not locking these edges into place.
I wouldn't think this is possible to modify in the VCL TStringGrid (or TCustomGrid for that matter) because it relies on properties such as TopRow, LeftCol, VisibleRowCount, etc.. I'm pretty sure I'll need a third party control, but I'd love to use the TStringGrid if possible, because I already have a lot of code wrapped around it. If I do need a third-party grid, then I'm hoping it works closely enough like the TStringGrid.
The short answer is no, you can´t pixel scroll a TStringGrid. You can simulate a grid using a TScrollBox. You can put a grid inside the TScrollBox, make the grid large enough to fit all rows and cols, and turn off its scroll bars, but some things like keyboard navigation will not work.
Other alternative is to use the TVirtualTree in grid mode or TListView. Both have this pixel scroll you want.
I was looking for something similar. Unfortunately, you can't do it with Borland's code but Lazarus can do it
Scrolling the TStringGrid pixel by pixel
You may want to take a look in their code.
