iOS Mountable file system DMG or ISO - ios

We are creating an iOS application which uses thousands of images, currently we are installing our app then copying the files to the apps document folder.
On a Windows Desktop we use an ISO or VHD file and then mount the storage.
Does anyone know of a mountable file system for iOS? I know they have DMG on OSX but I cant find any information about it being supported on iOS.
The reason I would like to use a mountable storage is that it allows me to copy the files faster as one large file instead of small individual files.
I've looked into copying the files as a zip file but decompressing the files takes to long.
Any ideas?


What is the difference between a package and container?

GitHub recently released a container registry alongside their package registry. What is the difference? When would it be better to use one or the other? Do we need both?
Packages are generally simple: they are essentially an archive (i.e. zip file) that contains contents (code libraries, application executables, etc.) and a manifest file (json document, xml file, etc) that describes those contents with a package name and version number (at a minimum).
ie:- npm,pip and composer packages.
Container images are also simple, but they're more like an archive (i.e. a zip file) than a package.
ie:- nginx, redis etc
Verdict:- if some libs repetitively used in any project then we can create package and use in project .while for all project based dependencies we need to choose container to run this. Yes we need both.
After debating this with a Docker-using friend for a while I think I've found a satisfactory explanation:
Packages are for modules of code which are compiled together into an
Containers are for Applications which are compiled together into a
This is a bit confused by the fact that a Package can contain a standalone Applications, and Containers will often use package managers like Apt to install these applications. I feel like this is an abuse of package management due to a legacy where we didn't have Containers. Eventually I would expect most Applications will be delivered in Container form.

Springboot running on Docker unable to read files from resources

I have a springboot project with default structure. I have an excel file under resources/data. My program need to load excel file and dump data into different tables from each sheet.
When I run from Eclipse, program loads excel file correctly and everything looks good. However, when I deploy the same App on Docker, it fails to read the File from resources.
Have anyone encountered this issues? How have you solved it?
First of all try to check whether the Docker is a reason, or there is an issue with java code. Spring boot creates an artifact that can be run with just java -jar <your-spring-boot-artifact.jar>
If this doesn't run even without docker, then you should change the way you access Excel files from spring boot application (your java code):
if the file is in resources folder, it should be packaged into the spring boot artifact.
In this case, you have to use getClass().getResourceAsStream() to access the file, and not rely on API, because File API doesn't allow working with files inside a Jar, its not a regular filesystem.

How to create folder and upload file inside openshift?

I'm using rhc client tools for openshift. and i want to upload it PhantomJS. So, I've Executable file and now i want to upload into my openshift server, So please let me know. How can i create folder? and how to upload it? I googled but fully confused with ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}.
Help would be appreciated!
If you are on Windows you can use winscp to do what you want. Use the equivalent for Mac or Linux. You will want to upload to the DATA directory in your gear. The data directory is already created for you.

xe6 - auto deploy output to AWS S3 using REST

OK, new to rad studio, and enjoying it.
We have a cross=platform product, and would like to configure XE6 to automatically deploy to compiled .exe & Dll files to specified buckets in S3.
We have looked at the cloud exploerer example which came with samples and can load the files manually using REST.
and have checked out how to specify an output folder
Where can I specify an output folder for DLLs?
As discussed we are not that familiar with XE6, and while they have something called a 'platform deployment manager' we don't want to setup up and EC2 instance to facilitate the process.
Does anyone have any sample scripts or advice on how to configure the output path to use the REST protocol to put the compiled files up on S3 automatically?

Packaging a custom DirectX redistributable installer

Following MS' advice we have stripped most files from the DX installer contents for our D3D9 application, getting it down to 5Mb in total.
But now I;d like to package these files into a single installer, like the redistributable installers MS themselves provide... so it can be run as part of our application install process, with /silent switch, without manually having to unpackage the files and delete them.
Is there a simple, standard way to do this so that the packaged DXSetup.exe is run?
Or is all this too complex and we should just unpack the files, run DXSetup.exe and then delete the files after installation?
Its better to use the installers that MS provide, usually is what Apps do, if the problem is space you could always use web installer its 300kb but will require the user to have an internet connection.
On the other and if you're using DirectX SDK
there is a folder "redist"
and in it there are setup's of DX,
you can distribute them with your app,
and your Setup has to call the dxsetup.exe
