video calling in iPhone application - ios

I'm new to iPhone.I'm developing an application which contains video calling facility, For reference I have downloaded sample from
I have added OpenTok framework. I'm running it im simulator but the application crashes with error
Program received signal:SIGABRT.
It is not being able to establish connection
can any one suggest me how can i do this using other framework?

Without any logs, I can only guess what the problem might be. It would be more helpful if you posted some logs.
Like 0x7ff... said, OpenTok needs a device to work properly because it needs the camera to be able to publish
invalid credentials should not be causing crashes, but you should still make sure your sessionId and token are valid. Keep in mind that tokens expire after 24 hours unless specified otherwise
Make sure you are deploying to a device that is supported
If you are cloning from the basic tutorial, simply downloading the zip file will not work because the sdk is not downloaded with it. You would have to download the OpenTok SDK and place it in the appropriate folder.
Alternatively, you can run `git clone --recursive' in your terminal.
These are all the reasons I can think of


pkpass not downloading on physical iOS device

Background: I'm learning Apple Wallet by creating a barebones sample app and am trying to automatically update a pass. In order to do so, I understand I need to run a web server that sends push notifications to the device when it's time for the pass to update. I'm using Apple's sample code and running their Ruby webserver via localhost. It correctly generates a .pkpass file, which I can add to Apple Wallet in the simulator by visiting the localhost site or by dragging in the .pkpass file.
Problem: This process doesn't work on my physical iPhone. When I go to the localhost on my iPhone, it shows a 200 response code but comes with the popup "Safari cannot download this file." Even if I try just emailing the generated .pkpass file to myself, it won't open in Wallet.
For anyone who may be wondering, I got it to work by changing the web host to https. Then I ran into another problem getting automatic updates to work, solved here: How to allow HTTP webServiceURL in apple wallet's pass.json file

Ionic 2 Storage does not work on iOS

I am using #ionic/storage as it looked quite promising after reading about it in the V2 Docs.
I use Chrome on my Windows 10 laptop so things appeared to be working perfectly fine at first. However, when I tested it on iPad, or even Firefox on my laptop, I was surprised to find out it did not work.
I was able to resolve the issue on Firefox by removing the sqlite plugin (I thought I will add it when I am ready for native testing):
cordova plugin remove cordova-sqlite-storage --save
Sadly, storage still doesn't work on the iPad. I tested it on Safari and Chrome. I am unable to debug this given the lack of developer tools or console.
I am quite frustrated how Apple makes you dependent on using a Mac to develop on their devices.
How do I go about fixing and debugging this?
I first import storage in Ionic 2:
import { Storage } from '#ionic/storage';
Then to save the data, I do this:, JSON.stringify(reportObj));
Where pk is just a unique key, and reportObj is an object that I stringify before storing. Again, keep in mind this just doesn't work in iOS.
So I managed to run the app in Safari and found out that .set actually works and the data gets stored in WebSQL. However, the get does not seem to work and I wasn't able to get any useful errors in the console.
OK, so after a lot of trial and error, I found out that the problem is not really with Storage. There appears to be some other issue with my UI, where it doesn't seem to work on iOS.
I decided to answer the part about testing the app on iOS while in development if you are not a Mac user. The best way for this appears to be to use Ionic View. You can use this simply by typing:
ionic upload
Make sure you create your account. In your iPad or iPhone, you can then download Ionic View app from iTune, sign in, and the app will appear there.
As you upload your code, simply upload again and almost instantly the app would upload on the device as you click Sync.
Hope other Windows users benefit from this.

Google play game service Saved Games API data cannot be sync to other devices

I want add Google play Saved Games API to my game, to sync game data to different devices, but when I run sdk sample(“SavedGames” and "CollectAllTheStars2",I found the data just can be sync at local device,when uninstall the app or install app to another device and use same account to login,the game data can not be sync, the sample's data select page just show message:
"there are no saved games at this time"
I don't know what's going on.
ps: I'm using eclipse,so the sdk library what I using is get from the path:
I Extract the jar files manually from .aar file(eg. play-services-base-9.4.0.aar)
so finally I use these jar files:
I don't know where is the problem,why the data cannot be sync when I use the same google account to login at different device
someone please help me?
Be aware that Eclipse is no longer officially supported for Android Development. Using Eclipse may be preventing you to quickly creating apps and finding the necessary resources to build a project. So I recommend you to not use Eclipse in doing Android project. So maybe it is one of the reason that you encountered this problem.
Also, make sure you read this documentation about Adding Saved Games to Your Android Game, it explains here all the things you need to do in order to work your Saved Games in your project. It includes sample code that you can copy or follow.
NOTE: Make sure you enable the Saved Games service in the Google Play

Getting app containing framework containing OpenCV into TestFlight

I find myself in a situation which may be unique. Please be patient, because this is going to be complex.
I am charged with creating for iOS 1) an SDK, which has taken the form of a framework , 2) a demo application, and 3) a reference application.
The SDK uses OpenCV, and so the OpenCV framework is automatically embedded inside it.
The project for the demo application at compile time automatically builds the SDK and includes a copy within itself. The demo application also links directly to the copy of OpenCV within the SDK.
The reference application is an example application meant to show people how to use the SDK framework.
So far all of this somehow works. <TAKE A BREATH>
The latest version of the demo application, however, has a problem. I need to get a copy of it into TestFlight. Despite it working fine on actual iPhones AND Xcode archiving it with no problems, nothing I have done has gotten it all the way through the App Store/TestFlight submission process. The furthest I've managed is to coerce it is that it got through validation, but when I tried submitting the app, after uploading Xcode complained:
ERROR ITMS-90034: "Missing or invalid signature. The bundle
'org.opencv' at bundle path
is not signed using an Apple submission certificate."
I have indeed verified that OpenCV (at least version 2.4.9 downloaded from the Website is not signed. I made an attempt to sign OpenCV with codesign, but I couldn't make that work.
The question is: What do I need to change to make the App Store happy enough that I can get my app into TestFlight? Is there some way to hide the lack of code-signing of OpenCV? Is there a way to get OpenCV properly code-signed such that the App Store is happy with it? (I have a strange vision of compiling the source of OpenCV directly into my SDK, but the size and complexity of OpenCV is such that I'd rather not try such a thing except as a measure of last resort.)
Alternatively, I find myself wondering about whether it is workable to not embed OpenCV in my SDK, but embed it within the app instead. This is what I did with the last release of the demo app in TestFlight. However, when I created the reference app, the system failed to work, leading to the current oddity of a framework within a framework.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.

BlackBerry ButtonField not found

I have a Blackberry application. This application downloads then plays a video file.
I am trying to switch to a model where the video is bundled in with the application inside the res/media/ folder.
The only chane in the application was making the input stream that gets displayed on the Player come from the file in res/media/ rather than the file stored in the media storage of the device. I did not change anything else related to any View components.
But now when I try to start the application I get an error dialog that says:
"Error starting [myAppName]: Class 'net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField' not found."
Since I did not change anything related to a ButtonField why would I be getting this error now that the video is bundled in?
By adding the video file it made it so that my project had many additional files that needed to be signed. They all get signed correctly. But when the application is launching I get messages in the console that say something like
CMM: [MyAppName] no sig from 0x33
which I did not get when the video wasn't bundled with the resources. Is this somehow related to my problems?
My application does not even get a chance to begin. I have log statements at the beginning that I never see. It fails before it even begins.
The error you are receiving indicates that your app is too large. In my experience there is a practical limit of around 5MB for an application, any more than this and you will run into these strange 'class not found' errors.
Try adding a smaller video file to see whether the problem goes away.
CMM: [MyAppName] no sig from 0x33 means that [MyAppName] has not been signed with a code signing key identified by 0x33. This key is only available to applications produced by RIM, and can be ignored by your application. Dont worry about it.we see it all the time.
I suspect you are trying to test your app in the emulator. try your app in device and see what happens.
Also i dont think its a good idea bundling a video in your app as it will increase the size of the app significantly. You can download the app on startup and save it in filesystem. There is a limit of about 15 MB for a blackberry app. check this
Have you changed the JDE you use in this project? Newer JDEs are not compatible with previous OS. I have encountered same problem before, some UI components are not available after I changed JDE to 4.7.
