Drawing and Animation in iOS - ios

My background is Processing and HTML5 Canvas. Now I want to write an iOS app, and include some kind of canvas, where I can draw shapes and images on, similar to a sketch in Processing (2D).
What's the common / most simple way to do that in iOS development? I would also appreciate links to good tutorials to get started, if you know some.

The simple way is, assuming you are not using any Java Libraries in Processing, use processing.js and your .pde file in something like PhoneGap so that you can compile it to native code for iOS. I have done this and it works well although the performance is simular to what you would get in mobile safari with a html5 app.


How do we implement great animations we see on dribbble to an ios app?

I'm a brand identity and ui/ux designer, i've been wondering how to implement these animations we see on dribbble on to native ios/android and hybrids. I do interaction animations on after effects and figma.
Any libraries for react native and native ios /android?
I have spent a lot of time to convert Dribble interactions to real world apps.
Both React Js and React Native.
There are two ways.
You can develop them for lottie animations. using adobe after effects or so. But the animations won't have that control.
Second, You can use react-spring for ReactJs, It is based on react-motion.
It has a very powerful interpolation, which support a lot of inputs. It also supports React-Native(Partial).
On React-Native you can use the animated api and Pan Responder. It's bit hard to get hands on both in starting, but when you do. You could implement a lot.
You can combine, scroll events with Animated Api. etc etc.
For references I would give you some links.
Mostly are done with GSAP that is one of the best js libraries for web animations, I suggest you to read this article ;)

iOS Resizable GUIs with JUCE

I'm using the JUCE framework to make my first few iOS apps, mostly just proofs of concepts for my Github account for job recruiters.
I've got my first app compiled and working on iOS, but I'm having tons of issues with the GUI.
I can't seem to find the right resolutions to fill the screen. I'm testing with an iPhone 7 Plus, and I figured I could just type in the resolution of that screen to the Projucer, but it doesn't work correctly.
Then I realize I'd probably just want one that fills the screen automatically, but dont know which function calls to use or where its located in the Projucer (haven't found it yet).
Also, I'm entirely new to GUI developing as of December, so I'm still learning all of this. I would greatly appreciate keeping it simple. Thank you to anyone who is able to help.
Try this in MainComponent.cpp
Rectangle<int> area = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay().totalArea;
centreWithSize (area.getWidth(), area.getHeight());

How to implement/import graphic design in iOS apps

I've developed a iOS application for a customer and now it's time to make it nicer by implementing/importing the graphic design provided by the graphic designer.
Here is the problem:
the graphic designer gave me just some PNG pictures which show how the application should look like.
I was thus wondering:
What's the best way to implement the graphic design or import it into XCode?
Is there a way for the graphic designer to provide some material I can directly use to implement the graphic design?
Is there any tool (either free or professional) for helping iOS designers and developers to cooperate?
You can use a UIImageView and place it on the background of a uiview so you can layout native buttons and objects to best imitate the graphics they sent you using native controls or you can use other helpers online such as these.
Honestly, IMO it's generally better to use their graphics as a template then recreate what they are wanting to achieve using native controls to adhere to the HIG Apple provides. Giving the user a nice at home feeling while also giving the client the look they are wanting to achieve is the general idea to a successful app. Each OS has it's own "look and feel" that the users come to expect.

UI very distorted using jquery Trigger.io apps

I have couple of questions:
1) I am creating apps using Trigger.io and trying to make a search form that loads listview and shows data. However the UI is very distorted when i tried on android simulator and i also tested on my android tablet.
All the rounded borders and icons in list view looks very messed up. Does anyone have any solution to this?
2) How can i add ads in my apps? Can i use admob?
3) How can i scale YouTube video according to screen size?
1) Is your HTML displaying properly in browsers? Unfortunately, we don't control the HTML rendering, so you'll need to write your markup in a webkit-compatible way.
2) We have an AdMob integration in our medium-term plans
3) If you want full-screen video playback, see forge.media. For inline video, we should behave in the same way as the stock browser - if not, let me know!
1) Android 2.x has f'ugly rendering of CSS rounded corners, combined with older 2.x handsets having lower res displays leads to some really freaky looking borders, shadows and bevels. Also slows down the page a lot - I would avoid these css effects if possible if you want to target these devices.

Website for iPad Mobile Safari

While creating a website for iPad Mobile Safari, I have a few questions;
Does the orientation happen automatically or do we have to write code for that ?
What is the best approach in terms of CSS/JS..I mean create separate copy of the web CSS for iPad and just update for iPad specific. Also what about JS?
What is the best way to detect for iPad (CSS/JS) and how?
Any online references which specifically covers iPad Mobile Safari development will also be great.
Thank you.
The orientation happens automatically, but you can write code to intercept the event and do things.
I highly recommend using an existing JS library such as Sencha Touch to handle the UI for you; they automatically detect the client and will display the appropriate scale of the app.
I just added a few meta tags to my current project, based on this page - http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2010/04/06/ipad-web-development-tips/
It made a huge difference. The orientation media queries work great. I madea simple example by setting the body background colour different based on orientation.
