iOS XMPP client disconnects after some time - ios

Am using open fire server and iOS xmpp client with Robbie Hanson's framework. My clients runs fine in background, as i have set the voip flag and everything. But after few hours around 15-20, it automatically gets disconnected. Am not sure why it's happening and why it is taking such long duration. I am not sending any messages or receiving any. The ping interval is 360 secs to which my client responds with an error, which is acceptable form of response to remain connected to the server. Anyone got the same issue ?
Openfire server: 3.8.1
iOS version: 6.1.2

Did you try using the setting "Do Not disconnect clients that are idle" available in Server Settings> Client Connections in Openfire server?


Twilio Chat websocket closes after long idle time

I'm writing a chat app using Twilio's Programmable Chat JS SDK. The app works fine, but I noticed after some long time (maybe 30+ minutes) where the browser tab is inactive, when I return to the browser tab the websocket connection is closed. These are the messages that appear in the console after switching to the inactive browser tab:
WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error
in connection establishment: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
twilio-chat.min.js:204 WebSocket connection to
'wss://' failed: WebSocket is closed before
the connection is established.
1) Is this normal? Does it have to do with the fact that I'm still on the Twilio Free Plan?
2) How to manage socket connections in these cases? Also if the internet connection is lost then reestablished, how to ensure the web socket reconnects?
I tried to listen to the connectionStateChanged event as per the SDK docs here:
but when the user's device is sleeping (e.g. laptop in sleep mode) the event will not fire and therefore the socket will close.
Was a known bug from Twilio. Solved by updating to the JS SDK 3.2.

Secure Signals between iOS and PC

I have a PC and an iOS device. the iOS device is using alljoyn 15.04 and the PC is using alljoyn 15.09. Both implement the same secure interface. We have secure signals as a part of this.
Our strategy includes joining a peer's session as soon as we discover them, then forcing authentication by calling a method on the remote device - using auth mechamism: ALLJOYN_ECDHE_PSK
This all works great!
Now, I can send a secure signal just fine from one ios device from another.
I can also send a secure signal from the iOS device to the PC just fine.
The PC can send a secure signal to another PC, but it cannot send a secure signal to the iOS client
We've compared everything - session options, interface names/options, bus connection options, etc. and everything is the same. Then I found this error in the alljoyn log on the iOS side:
145.449 ****** ERROR ALLJOYN iodisp2_2 .../src/ | Failed to read message on :wYxt8HAP.73: ER_OS_ERROR
I have no idea what to do about this. Can someone help?
I was hoping to not run into any lower level bugs like this with alljoyn. Dang.
Thanks for any help!
This error can occur if you are trying to send a secure signal out on session 0 (sessionless) instead of a valid hosted session. This is because the other end cannot decrypt the signal with your group key for the session. If you are hosting the session then try sending the signal out on ajn::SESSION_ID_ALL_HOSTED and see if that works.

How to reliably keep a voip app alive in ios?

I have a voip app for ios, based on webrtc. I also have a signaling server made with nodejs. I can connect to the server and make calls without a problem. But tracking presence (online/offline) accurately is a problem.
Just for the record, here is a list of everything I did to ensure a stable connection:
Set the background mode "Voice over IP"
Flag the inputstream as a voip stream with "[inputStream setProperty:NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP
Turned on persistent wifi by setting "UIRequiresPersistentWiFi" to YES in the plist file
I implemented "setKeepAliveTimeout:handler:" and I use it to send a ping to the server (unnecessary, but you never know...)
I created a small test app that does nothing more than connect to the server and respond to "ping" with the message "pong". This app sends "ping" to the server when the keep alive timeout handler fires and the server replies with "pong". I also created a simple test server that does nothing more than let clients connect, send "ping" to a client when I send "send_ping" to it via telnet and responds to "ping" with the message "pong".
Here is my client code
What I expect is the following:
Starting the app and signing in should create a persistent connection to the server (works)
Telnetting into the server and typing send_ping makes the server send "ping" to the client and the client should send "pong" back (works)
Putting the device in standby should have no effect on the above ping-pong mechanism (doesn't work)
Putting the device in standby and unlocking it after a few hours, then sending a ping to it should make the client send a pong back (works)
Turning off wifi on the client (without cellular enabled) should be detected on the server-side and kill the socket (doesn't work)
I log all messages from the server in a textview on the client with a timestamp, and sometimes when I put the device in standby the pings I send from the server just don't arrive at all. Sometimes it takes over a minute for the app to receive the ping message, sometimes it responds immediately. I don't understand why it is so random. Sometimes this undesired behaviour starts after mere minutes in standby mode, sometimes it goes alright for a while but breaks after 20+ minutes, sometimes all messages from the server arrive at once as soon as I unlock the device.
Push notifications and voip push notifications could be a solution, but they are also slightly unreliable. There should be a way to make this work 100% of the time.

XMPP client network failure and Openfire offline message

I have configured XMPP client (iOS) and Openfire , everything works just fine except that i am not able to handle the following situation.
iOS client disconnects because of network failure.
User is still logged in on the server because there is no way to disconnect(no network).
Further messages are not stored in server because server thinks that the user is still logged in. Hence the messages are lost.
Unable to send push notification by sender because the receiver(User) status is still online ( no network to send presence ).
How can i solve this issue?
I found a solution, not sure if it is efficient.
In Openfire admin portal, under Client Connection Settings->Idle Connections Policy, there is an option to disconnect the client if it is idle for x seconds. By default it is 360 seconds, i have changed it to 5 seconds so that the messages won't get lost.
I am not sure if its a good idea to ping the clients every 5 seconds.

Openfire Server sending empty packets

I am using Openfire server to implement XMPP communication between multiple clients, but in iOS background mode we can not afford to read useless packets. Here as I observed from iOS logs & other client logs, Openfire server is sending some kind of empty packets to client every 2-3 seconds. I have verified this with Wireshark also.
Do anyone seen this before? how can I stop this behavior of Openfire server for sending empty packets?
Setup used for openfire:
Openfire server version : 3.8.2
TLS enabled
Client ideal duration kept at 60 seconds, in Openfire server settings.
Got the issue, it was one jsp "session-summary" page of openfire server which on refresh, calls a method which in turn sends the whitespace ping to the clients. And I was using that page to check connectivity of my clients.
