how to fill MVC dropdownlist via javascript -

Good morning, i have a view that is connected to a view model, it has 3 parts a general information that is a simple model, a address model that is a List<> and a telephone model that is a list too, on the view model. My problem is that on the new customer view, the above view, the address and telephone model is empty, when i give the user the opportunity to add address and telephone the model is empty, so when i need to fill 2 dropdownlists with the above data the page is already loaded. So my question is how can i "refresh" the dropdownlist data to fill from a ViewBag that holds the above data?
Thanks in advance

When the user clicks on the Add New Address button you could perform an AJAX call to a controller action that will return a partial view containing the template of an address that will get added the DOM. Steven Sanderson illustrated the concept in his very excellent Editing a variable length list in ASP.NET MVC blog post.
As an alternative to using AJAX you could also do this using a pure client side approach. For example you could use a templating javascript framework such as knockoutjs. Steven Sanderson also covered this approach in his blog post.


MVC, Updating a Model, Razor

I have a view, model and a controller, I want the user to start editing the page of a new contact.
They will
Enter the First and Last Name
Click Save
The Controller commits the save.
Expand the page to Show display name for editing.
In forms I stick the Primary Key of the Saved record in the view state so on the next save, I do an update vs. an Insert.
How do I do that in MVC, Razor? I have seen examples using a Hidden Field but I would think there is a better way. I would prefer it not shown at all, or at least encrypted but I do not want to build the encryption or decryption routines.
User HiddenFor() method of Html helper class. #Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Id). By the way, ViewState is stored in a hidden field in ASP.NET.
If you are really wanting to encrypt the data like in viewState, you can use Html.Serialize()method which serializes and encrypts entire model in view and you will then have to De-serialize it in the controller after it's posted. Have a look at this article mvc implicit population of input fields

In our mvc I've created view with two partial views inside.
That view accepts model of some type, for example Customer.
First partial view doesn't have model because it is search form with empty field.
Second form is form with populated fields.
What I found out that on first view, if I have called input fields like properties in model and if I don't provide value for them, mvc implicitly binds values from model to the fields.
First I was thinking is some of kind of mistake, but then I've expiremented little bit with a code:
-I've added native input element with id and name called the same like model, input field is empty in browser
-If I try the same thing with Html.TextBox helper and don't provide value, mvc gets that value from my model object(by name of property/field) and in browser that field is populated.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
That's by design.
I'd recomend reading:
and last but not least:
especially mix10 has a tonn of sessions about mvc
all are good read and watch (-:
That is by design. If you send a model to a view and you're using the HTML input Helpers that come with ASP.NET MVC, they'll implicitly populate themselves from the model.
This is helpful in many situations. If you don't want this behavior, you can always NOT use the helpers or write your own simple helpers.

ASP.NET MVC ViewModel to Hold Lists & "Images or YouTube URL's"

I'm posting this question because I do not know the best/correct way of doing the following.
My team-mate (the designer) sent me a good looking design that includes a wizard for adding new items (for auction). The user has to fill in all the required details which include the title, description, starting price...etc AND a list of tags (up to 4 tags - chosen from the database, will use auto complete) as well as a list of up to 3 images/youtube url's (for the sake of better explanation check this image out:
Ok so I figured out how I should do the wizard ( reference: how to make a wizard with ASP.Net MVC) but I'm not sure about how to collect the lists and the images/url's. Here's what I'm thinking:
For the images/url's, I should create a parent view model from which two sub-classes (ImageViewModel & YoutubeUrlViewModel) would inherit from and then in the controller action when I parse the post data, I would check to see the instance of the parent view model and act accordingly.
Now about the lists, I'm not sure whether I should include a List in my view model or whether I should include 4 string properties representing the tags (the same will apply to the list of images/url's).
So what's the best way of doing this?
And Haacked to the rescue:

How to update Model in MVC

I'm wondering how you keep a constant value of the Model in an ASP.NET MVC framework. Like when adding something to the Model through the view. You go back to an action in the controller but where do you keep the Model? Is it a private in the controller? or is it passed back and forth from the view to the controller because if it gets big then you are passing alot of data back and forth to add/delete a single item from the Model.
Also any small examples to show this?
What are you referring to? Are you meaning a database table loaded up into an object such as Ruby on Rails's ORM -- typically the 'Model' is a series of interfaces or domain objects that load data into objects from the database .. or more simply just the database period.
Please be more specific. There are many MVC frameworks and many different kinds of 'Models'
I think you should check out a ASP.NET MVC tuturial like NerdDinner (from "Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0"). Scott Guthrie has posted a html version of the tutorial on his site. It's a fairly simple site that they build in the tutorial, and is a great intro to ASP.NET MVC (in my opinion).
There are also some good tutorials on the ASP.NET site.
Hope these help you with .NET MVC, it's a great framework to use!
You can pass the model to the page and you can then use UpdateModel(model name) within your controller.
Each member in the model must be a property with a getter and a setter.
On the page you can hold the data in say a hidden field if you need to maintain the value outside of state.
If you have problems using UpdateModel then you can use the following in your controller;
public ActionResult MyAction(int? id, FormCollection collection)
string commentText = collection["myFieldName"];
This will normally get your values from the model.
Hope this is what you were asking.
Think of the model as a data transfer object. In a list, display only or edit page, you pull it out of a data layer as a single object or a list of objects. The controller passes it along to the view and it gets displayed.
In the case of an insert, a new data transfer object is instantiated upon post back and is updated with the posted values. Then sent back to the the data layer for persistence.
In the case of an edit, it comes from the data layer on the HTTP GET request and is used to pre-populate the HTML form. Then on post back, the data transfer object gets updated with the posted values and sent back to the the data layer for persistence.
Definitely checkout NerdDinner or Stephen Walther's samples.

Data entry screen in MVC

You may thick that it is a silly question but I am confused!
I have a situation that I have a Lecture table.
And I want to store attendance of who have registered for it.
I have master table of People who will register, lecture table, and Important one table is attendance that stores P.k. as f.k. of rest of the table.
On Index view of lecture operator will select Attendance and enter attendance information.
My problem It show only one page for attendance entry and that page can also open open in EDIT mode, for editing attendance.
So what would be the design of the page and process flow of taking attendance?
Some of the ways:
You can use same page for editing and listing if you define block where are you rendering partial/dynamic block(user control). You need to extend HtmlHelper so you can pass name of a UserControl and you have to from controller pass to view(with ViewData) name of user control you want rendered. This way you can use same template(View/Page) with different actions and different response.
You can have editing on client. You can use jQuery UI library to popup dialog box for editing. For posting editing information back, you can use jquery .ajax method. As things happening on client and you request different actions on controller, it doesn't matter how you will approach this in design sense. You can use dialogs, you can transform existing elements on page etc.
Hope this helps
