how to swipe across UINavigationController tree leaves without pushing? - ios

This app provides 6 screens of detail form input that are accessed through a master table view using a UINavigationController.
So the user starts are the master screen used as a menu, and drills down each of the detail view in turn. The depth of the tree is 2: at level 1, there is the master view (the menu). At level 2, there are all the 6 detail views.
Now, the most common workflow is to go through each of the 6 detail screens in turn, in a linear fashion. Having to go back to the menu each time is cumbersome at best.
I would therefore like to offer the user the possibility to go from one detail screen to the next or previous with a swipe gesture.
How can I do that?
I can set up 2 UIGestureRecognisers. No problem. I even linked them to a push segue, and it works, but this is not the behaviour I'd like: I want the depth to stay at 2. In other words, I would like the segues to replace not push the view at the top of the navigation stack.
What would be the best way?
Second: the views switch one the swipe gesture is over. I would rather have the animation start during the swipe, with the user having the opportunity to change her mind when watching the next/previous view partially appear, exactly as the photo app handled swiping from one photo to the next/previous.
Is that even possible?
Thanks for any insight.

It looks to me that you are looking for something like UIPageViewController with UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll.
You can segue to that UIPageViewController from your master tableView and add your 6 detail VC to it as pages.
Here is a tutorial on how to use a UIPageViewController in a storyboard.
Please note that this scroll style is only available on iOS6.0+.


Changed segue animation to "Show" but it's stuck in "Modal"

After creating ViewController informational pages which use UISwipeGesture to swipe left and right between 4 different UIViewControllers, I first selected "Modal" as the segue animation. But modal animation is contrary to the left/right swipes which should have "Show" segues which better match the user action. When changing the segue types in Interface Builder to "Show" the animations did not change. When de-selecting the "Animates" checkbox, XCode WILL eliminate the animation entirely, but then when selecting "Show" it goes right back to a modal segue animation.
Would show a picture of the set-up, but don't know how in StackOverflow
Tried embedding whole stack into a NavigationController and that didn't work.
Tried deleting segue and reforming it as "Show" from the getgo, that didn't work.
Shut down XCode and Simulator and restarted-- that didn't work.
Yet in another part of the same storyboard, "Show" segue works fine.
The problem was my segues were selected with Show Detail (replace) instead of Show (eg Push). When in interface builder you'll see you get presented with both of those as the top two selections. When using a UINavigationController, it expects Show (eg Push) to be selected which will put a Navigation header at the top of your UIViewControllers with a back button. In the case above, I'll simply write a short amount of code to hide the nav-header at the top of all my informational pages. I will keep the UIGestureControl left/right swipe code as a novelty item, but there are other ways to allow the user to swipe left and right to new pages (lookup PageViewControllers).
UINavigationControllers and Show (eg Push) animation go hand in hand, and you have to be wary of Apple UX/UI guidelines which protect the sanity of users before you go getting experimental with animations in segues.
Show (eg Push) arranges previous, current, and future ViewControllers like a stack of pancakes, so when you move from one to another you're pushing the top off like the top card of a deck of cards. Whereas Show Detail (Replace) acts like you're removing the card and replacing it with the next card. Best way to think of the difference between those two segues.
Not sure why compiler kept the modal segue after I changed it to Show Detail (replace)-- could be a bug with UINavigationControllers?

For swift iOS app dev, how do I segue to a view that takes up part of the screen only?

GroupMe is a good example. I want to implement something similar to this..
when you press the top left icon it'll bring you to the view on the left hand side, and when you click the right hand side of that view (the chats) it will bring you back
As the documentation says:
Use segues to define the flow of your app’s interface. A segue defines
a transition between two view controllers in your app’s storyboard
file. The starting point of a segue is the button, table row, or
gesture recognizer that initiates the segue. The end point of a segue
is the view controller you want to display. A segue always presents a
new view controller, but you can also use an unwind segue to dismiss a
view controller.
As said by Apple© segues are for changing View Controllers only and cannot be used to move single views. I suggest using animations to achieve the effect you are searching, however segues are definitely not what you are looking for. Maybe this question on may help you.
And please be sure to check for information by yourself first, I got this information in less than 5 minutes by searching on
Regards -Jorge

UISplitViewController should be root, so how to "push" the real starting view on top?

My app design is very simple, at least with respect to describing the intended user-facing views:
The starting view is initially empty. Pressing a "Select" button in the navigation bar transitions to a split view. On the left (master) are the photo albums on the device. On the right (detail) are the images in a given album. The user can select up to 6 images across all albums. Pressing a "Done" button in the navigation bar transitions back to the starting view, which now displays the selected images in a grid. And that's it.
In my head, this should be as simple as embedding the starting view in a navigation controller and adding a segue from the "Select" button to the split view. But of course, it doesn't work that way. According to the Apple docs:
Although it is possible to install a split view controller as a child
in some other container view controllers, doing is not recommended in
most cases. Split view controllers are normally installed at the root
of your app’s window.
If at all possible, I would like to retain my user-facing design without any shady business. I strongly suspect that there are one or more "sanctioned" ways to accomplish what I want, but I am too inexperienced with iOS development to know what they might be. Any help is appreciated!
If all you want is to pass back to the starting view controller the array of images, than why not just declare a protocol in the Split ViewController that the starting controller can adopt?

master controller with buttons needs to load pageviewcontroller. master buttons not accessible after first load

I am new to xcode and IOS (and this board. First post).
I am completely flummoxed by a design problem and unsure how to approach.
I have three buttons, each of which calls a new array of pages that need to navigate horizontally with swipe gestures and have their own buttons.
The three buttons in the parent work exactly like a tab bar except they have to be bigger and higher than a tab bar would be. The called page arrays mostly work like a pageviewcontroller except that the pages need to have a button/indicator below to allow non sequential navigation. The target HAS TO LOAD WITH A SEGUE.
The problem I'm encountering is that using a modal segue to load a pageviewcontroller and prepareForSegue to keep the master/parent view controller visible results in my buttons being inaccessible. I assume its because I cant click thought the child view controller.
Secondly, I don't know if its possible to customize the page indicator dots of a pageviewcontroller so they can look like a bar with graphics.
Here are my specific questions:
Is it possible to load a view controller with a modal segue and still access my buttons? Can the child be resized?
can i customize the buttons/indicators in a pageviewcontroller. Can you point me to some code?
should navigation like this be done with some completely different approach? What about a view controller container?
Here's a diagram (cant post images directly yet)
I've found the answer to my second question: It seems that pageViewController's indicators are not customizable in any way. This rules out pageViewController for what I need.
9 Views in 10 hours. Is this not the best forum for questions like this or is there something wrong with my post?

iPad UI navigation - split view with horizontally scrolling views

I'm looking for suggestions to implement a specific UI navigation pattern on iPad. It's not radically different from standard behaviour, but I'm unsure of the best approach to use.
Picture a standard split view, with a master view on the left, detail on the right. I want an action in the detail view (e.g. button press) to navigate to an additional detail screen by scrolling from right to left. The result is that the original detail view is on the left (with its width unchanged), and the new detail view on the right. A back button in the nav bar reverses the process. When the master view is visible, the back button is replaced by a menu button in the nav bar (show/hide slide out menu).
I've seen a few similar implementations in existing apps. One that's easy to reference is Shopify's
online demo. Adding an item to the cart and pressing the total button triggers the navigation behaviour.
Any pointers on the best way to implement this would be much appreciated.
Creating a custom container view was a good solution.
