Tinkerpop Blueprints Vertex Query - neo4j

I've been researching the Tinkerpop stack for quite a while. I think I have a good idea of what it can do and what databases it works well with. I've got a couple of different databases I'm thinking about right now, but haven't decided on a definite. So I've decided to write my code purely to the interfaces, and not take into account any implementation right now. Out of the databases I'm looking at, they implement TransactionalGraph and KeyIndexableGraph. I think that's good enough for what I need, but I have just one question.
I have different 'classes' of vertices. Using Blueprints, I believe that's best representable by having a field in each vertex containing the class name. Doing that, I can do something like graph.getVertices("classname", "User") and it would give me all of the user vertices. And since the getVertices function specifies that an implementation should make use of indexes, I'm guaranteed to get a fast lookup (if I index that field).
But let's say that I wanted to retrieve a vertex based on two properties. The vertex must have className=Users and username=admin. What's the best way to go about finding that single vertex? And is it possible to index over both of those properties, even though not all vertices will have a username field?
FYI - The databases I'm currently thinking of are OrientDB, Neo4j and Titan, but I haven't decided for sure yet. I'm also currently planning to use Gremlin if that helps at all.

Using a "class" or a "type" for vertices is a good way to segment them. Doing:
graph.getVertices("classname", "User");
is a pretty common pattern and should generally yield a fast lookup, though iterating an index of tens of millions of users might not be so great (if you intend to grow a particular classname to very big size). I think that leads to the second part of your question, in regards to doing a two property lookup.
Taking your example on the surface, the two element lookup would be something like (using Gremlin):
So, you narrow the vertices to just "User" vertices with a key index and then filter those for "admin". But, I'd model this differently. It would be even less expensive to simply do:
graph.getVertices("username", "admin");
or in Gremlin:
If you know the username you want, there's no better/faster way to model this. You really only need the classname if you want to iterate over all "User" vertices. If you just want to find one (or a set of vertices with that username) then key indexing on that property is the better way.
Even if I don't create a key index on it, I still include a type or classname property on all vertices. I find it helpful in global operations where I may or may not care about speed, but just need an answer.

graph.getVertices() will iterate through all vertexes and look for ones with that property if you do not have the auto-index turned on in your graph implementation. If you already have data and cannot just turn on the auto-indexer, you should use is index = indexableGraph.getIndex() and then index.get('classname', 'User')
It's possible to perform a query over multiple objects, but without specifics, it's hard to say. For Neo4j they use Lucene, which means that query() will take a lucene query, such as className:Users AND username:admin, but I cannot speak for the others.
Yeah of those DB is good for playing with, I personally found neo4j to be the easiest, and as long as you understand their licensing structure, you shouldn't have any problems using them.


why wrong to store a dictionary/map in neo4j as a property

I have a data structure in the form of a tree. So it has vertices within vertices. Neo4j would be a perfect match but alas someone has made a decision that a property can not be a dictionary/map.
I find this strange. Neo4j is all about vertices. So why not accept tree shaped data?
It would seem so intuitive.
I guess it must be for a good reason. Can it be difficult to manage updates? Or handling memory?
Does anyone know?
And does anyone know an alternative to Neo4j that can store a tree-structure? Or maybe an addon or something that handles that?
The presence of a map in your properties implies that the data structure is not fully converted to a graph. The node (:N {p: map}) implies the structure: (:N)-->(:P {map}). With the former structure you'd need to query items in the map using something like match (n:N) where n.p.k = v which I imagine would be a nightmare for indexing, etc. With the latter you can simply match (:N)-->(p:P) where p.k = v.

When should inferred relationships and nodes be used over explicit ones?

I was looking up how to utilise temporary relationships in Neo4j when I came across this question: Cypher temp relationship
and the comment underneath it made me wonder when they should be used and since no one argued against him, I thought I would bring it up here.
I come from a mainly SQL background and my main reason for using virtual relationships was to eliminate duplicated data and do traversals to get properties of something instead.
For a more specific example, let's say we have a robust cake recipe, which has sugar as an ingredient. The sugar is what makes the cake sweet.
Now imagine a use case where I don't like sweet cakes so I want to get all the ingredients of the recipe that make the cake sweet and possibly remove them or find alternatives.
Then there's another use case where I just want foods that are sweet. I could work backwards from the sweet ingredients to get to the food or just store that a cake is sweet in general, which saves time from traversal and makes a query easier. However, as I mentioned before, this duplicates known data that can be inferred.
Sorry if the example is too strange, I suck at making them. I hope the main question comes across, though.
My feeling is that the only valid scenario for creating redundant "shortcut" relationships is this:
Your use case has a stringent time constraint (e.g., average query time must be less than 200ms), but your neo4j query -- despite optimization -- exceeds that constraint, and you have verified that adding "shortcut" relationships will indeed make the response time acceptable.
You should be aware that adding redundant "shortcut" relationships comes with its own costs:
Queries that modify the DB would need to be more complex (to modify the redundant relationships) and also slower.
You'd always have to add the redundant relationships -- even if actually you never need some (most?) of them.
If you want to make concurrent updates to the DB, the chances that you may lose some updates and introduce inconsistencies into the DB would increase -- meaning that you'd have to work even harder to avoid inconsistencies.
NOTE: For visualization purposes, you can use virtual nodes and relationships, which are temporary and not actually stored in the DB.

Storing text in Neo4j

We're using Neo4J and liking it. We do all sorts of graphy things in it. However, some of what we do is not graphy. For example, we keep a log of all changes to a certain type of node:
(n)-[:CHANGE]->(c1)-[:CHANGE]->(c2) etc etc
This list of changes can get to be 20 or 30 c1 nodes long. While it looks weird, I don't have a real problem with it. (Of course, I am smarter now, and since each :CHANGE relationship has a date in it, I could porcupine all the c1 nodes right from n. But whatever.)
But what if I wanted to store large amounts of text, or images. Is there a problem with storing large amounts of data in a node? I could use a different database for these things, but this just increases the skill set required to run the business. And of course, joining data in two disparate databases is always a PITA.
So I need to worry about storing large amounts of text in a single property? Do I need to avoid creating logs in the way I did above?
Creating linked lists of events, whatever they may be, is fine. It'd even say it is graphy! We use this approach a lot, in the case of ChangeFeed for something similar to what you're doing.
In Neo4j, such a linked list is actually better than a "porcupine", because you have to traverse all the relationships anyway, if you're looking for all changes. But in the linked list case, you don't have to look at properties to order them. In fact, the best approach is a hybrid approach, like the TimeTree.
As for storing large amounts of text or images, Neo4j is not the best place for it. Another database would be best, especially if the volume of these is large ( > hundreds of thousands).
But if you do want to store them in Neo4j, one thing to keep in mind is that Neo4j will load all the properties of a node/relationship once a single property is accessed. So in order to achieve good performance even with text/images in Neo4j, I would store them in a node of their own. That way, you can only load them if you really need them, but not during regular traversals.
For example:
CREATE (b:BlogPost {title:'Neo4j Rocks', author:'Tony Ennis', date:".."})-[:HAS_BODY]->(:BlogPostBody {content:'..'})

Query templating in cypher? How to avoid repeating myself

My group has many queries that tend to refer to a class of relationship types. So we tend to write a lot of repetitive queries that look like this:
match (n:Provenance)-[r:`input to`|triggered|contributed|generated]->(m:Provenance)
where (...etc...)
return n, r, m
The question has do to with the repetition of the set of different relationship types. Really we're looking for any relationship in a set of relationship types. Is there a way to enumerate a bunch of relationship types into a set ("foo relationships") and then use that as a variable to avoid repeating myself over and over in many queries? This repetitive querying of relationship types tends to create problems when we might add a new relationship type; now many queries distributed through the code base need to all be updated.
Enumerating all possible relationships isn't such a big deal in an individual query, but it starts to get difficult to manage and update when distributed across dozens (or hundreds) of queries. What's the recommended solution pattern here? Query templating?
This is not currently possible as a built-in feature, but it seems like an interesting feature. I would encourage you to post this to the ideas trello board here:
Perhaps suggesting something like allowing parameters for relationship types:
MATCH (n)-[r:{types}]->(p)
Of course, that makes it much harder for the query engine to optimize queries ahead of time.. A relationship type hierarchy could work, but we are incredibly hesitant to introduce new abstractions to the model unless absolutely necessary. Still, suggestions for improvements are very welcome!
For now, yes, something like you suggest with templates would solve it. Ideally, you'd send the query to neo containing all the relationship types you are interested in, and with other items parameterized, to allow optimal planning. So to do that, you'd do some string replacement on your side to inject the long list of reltypes into the query before sending it off.

Create Unique Relationship is taking much amount of time

START names = node(*),
MATCH names
WHERE NOT names-[:contains]->()
AND HAS (names.age)
AND (names.qualification =~ ".*(?i)B.TECH.*$"
OR names.qualification =~ ".*(?i)B.E.*$")
CREATE UNIQUE (names)-[r:contains{type:"declared"}]->(target)
RETURN names.name,names,names.qualification
Iam consisting of nearly 1,80,000 names nodes, i had iterated the above process to create unique relationships above 100 times by changing the target. its taking too much amount of time.How can i resolve it..
i build the query with java and iterated.iam using neo4j and java 1.7 .
I edited your cypher query because I think I understand it, but I can barely read the rest of your question. If you edit it with white spaces and punctuation it might be easier to understand what you are trying to do. Until then, here are some thoughts about your query being slow.
You bind all the nodes in the graph, that's typically pretty slow.
You bind all the nodes in the graph twice. First you bind universally in your start clause: names=node(*), and then you bind universally in your match clause: MATCH names, and only then you limit your pattern. I don't quite know what the Cypher engine makes of this (possibly it gets a migraine and goes off to make a pot of coffee). It's unnecessary, you can at least drop the names=node(*) from your start clause. Or drop the match clause, I suppose that could work too, since you don't really do anything there, and you will still need a start clause for as long as you use legacy indexing.
You are using Neo4j 2.x, but you use legacy indexing instead of labels, at least in this query. Without knowing your data and model it's hard to know what the difference would be for performance, but it would certainly make it much easier to write (and read) your queries. So, that's a different kind of slow. It's likely that if you had labels and label indices, the query performance would improve.
So, first try removing one of the universal bindings of nodes, then use the 2.x schema tools to structure your data. You should be able to write queries like
MATCH target:Target
WHERE target.target_name="TARGET_1"
WITH target
MATCH names:Name
WHERE NOT names-[:contains]->()
AND HAS (names.age)
AND (names.qualification =~ ".*(?i)B.TECH.*$"
OR names.qualification =~ ".*(?i)B.E.*$")
CREATE UNIQUE (names)-[r:contains{type:"declared"}]->(target)
RETURN names.name,names,names.qualification
I have no idea if such a query would be fast on your data, however. If you put the "Name" label on all your nodes, then MATCH names:Name will still bind all nodes in the database, so it'll probably still be slow.
P.S. The relationships you create have a TYPE called contains, and you give them a property called type with value declared. Maybe you have a good reason, but that's potentially very confusing.
Reading through your question and my answer again I no longer think that I understand even your cypher query. (Why are you returning both the bound nodes and properties of those nodes?) Please consider posting sample data on console.neo4j.org and explain in more detail what your model looks like and what you are trying to do. Let me know if my answer meets your question at all or I'll consider removing it.
