Accessing Enviroment Variables in PHP Script while using suPHP - environment

I'm able to setup suPHP successfully and its running fine. But I'm facing a problem in accessing my environment variables which I was setting in /etc/init.d/httpd. Before using suPHP I was able to access them in my PHP scripts using variable order EGPCS option.
I do not want to use setEnv() inside my scripts because I have plenty of variables and changing them inside all the scripts is not what I'm liking.
Kindly suggest way to access these variables.

Related deployment on Vercel: process not defined error

I have deployed a remix application on Vercel. Further, I have defined some environment variables in Vercel and want to perform some checks and use env variables in my app:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
path: process.env.prod_path,
It gives me error, process is not defined. I even tried adding process && in the if statement, it did not help.
Second, I am unable to even set the env variables locally. I followed remix docs but it gives me undefined every time when I console.log as mentioned in the docs.
Any guide/pointer towards using environmental variables in remix would be really helpful.
I was able to solve this problem. I was using loader/useLoaderData to access server side environment variables. The problem was that I was trying to call these at component level. Apparently, we can only call them at the route level.
I'm not sure, but the name of the function (setXXX makes me think this is the setter of a hook), makes me think you are trying to use process.env in the browser, but process.env is only available in server-side code, if you want to use env variables in your react app you can use this guide to send the variables from the server side to you react app. If this code is server side code, maybe it's worth making a reproduction in stackblitz so we can have a better look at it.

How do I get a Replit secret key to work using Svelte?

I'm stuck on what seems like a simple task. I want to run a weather app I built in Svelte and run it on Replit. The app uses an API with a key, so I added my key to Secrets in Replit and gave it the name MY_API_KEY.
In the file that calls the API, I used the following:
const MY_API_KEY = process.env.MY_API_KEY;
Unfortunately, that doesn't work. My app doesn't load. When I change the variable in my file to include the key itself, the app runs fine, so I must not be calling up the environmental variable right. Does anyone know how this works in Svelte? I'd appreciate any help.
The base Svelte template on Replit uses Vite for building it's apps. This means you can do it the Vite way:
Call your environment variables something like VITE_ApiKey=123
And in your code use import.meta.env.VITE_ApiKey
Note that this only works for environment variables prefixed with VITE_

Export environment variables to JupyterHub users, without using Docker?

JupyterHub has various authentication methods, and the one I am using is the PAMAuthenticator, which basically means you log into the JupyterHub with your Linux userid and password.
However, environment variables that I create, like this (or for that matter in those set in my .bashrc), before running JupyterHub, do not get set within the user's JupyterLab session. As you can see they're available in the console, with or without the pipenv, and within python itself via os.getenv().
However in JupyterHub's spawned JupyterLab for my user (me):
This environment variable myname is not available even if I export it in a bash session from within JupyterLab as follows:
Now the documentation says I can customize user environments using a Docker container for each user, but this seems unnecessarily heavyweight. Is there an easier way of doing this?
If not, what is the easiest way to do this via Docker?
In the file, you may want to add the environment variables which you need using the c.Spawner.env_keep variable
Additional information on all the different configurations are available at
Unfortunately, unlike a single-user Jupyter notebook/lab, Jupyterhub is for a multi-user environment and the customization along with setting security is not some concrete area. They provide you some default settings and a ton of ways to customize the use, alas they provide only a handful amount of examples. You need to dig into documents, check for similarities to your use case, and make adjustments in a trial-error process.
Fortunately, other than using configuration files used to configure Jupyterhub and Jupyter notebook servers, namely and, we can use environment reading packages per user. This flexibility comes from the use of a programming language kernel.
But this needs being able to install new packages, having them already installed, or asking admins to install them on the current kernel.
Here is one way to use customized environment variables in the current workspace.
Create a new file and give a clear name to show it is an environment file. You can have as many different files as you need. Most production exercises use the .env name but jupyter will not list dot files in file view so avoid doing that. Also, be careful about quotes; sometimes you need them, sometimes you get errors depending on what library you use and where you use them.
NAME="My Name"
TEST=This is test 42
Install and use your preferred environment file reader then read from the file(s) you want. you can use `pip install`` in the notebook when needed, just use it cautiously.
#package already installed, so installation commented out
#%pip install python-environ
import environ
env = environ.Env()
env.read_env(env.str('ENV_PATH', 'test.env'))
print(NAME," : ",TEST)
If you are an admin of the hub, then beware of the use cases for libraries such that some may break your restrictions. So keep an eye on what permissions you give to your users. If you use custom docker images though, there should not be a leakage as they are already designed to be isolated from your system.

How to store api keys as variables via the terminal - Rails 4

i am trying to store my api keys in a variable via the terminal but i am unsure why it is not saving/storing my api keys.
for example, in the terminal when i type the below:
then when i type in env i can see the varaibale has been stored:
but when i restart my terminal the variable GMAIL_USERNAME="" is no longer there
could one tell me where i am going wrong? all i would like to do is
store in development my api secret keys in a variable. your help would
be much appreciated
While you can persist environment variables by adding them to a script that gets called on shell startup, that approach has a few problems.
The biggest problem is that they are available globally across your shell, and not scoped to a project.
What happens if you have another project, and want to use a different gmail account?
A better solution is using dotenv or direnv and set those environment variables for the current project only.

Why my system is detecting only system environment variable path?

I don't know why my system is only detecting environment variable of system and not user.
For instance, when I put "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin" as first environment variable in user environment variable , I was not able to run "javac" command.
But when I pasted it to system variable it started working.
I know about the dependency issues if I would have placed the path in user variable at the end so I put it at the beginning but still it didn't work..
I searched but found no real solution except dependency issue if I put it at the end.
Have you restarted the CMD?
Maybe you have to logoff & logon to refresh the user variables.
It least on my Windows 7 I have the same behavior, new user variable is not available.
