Azure Storage Emulator Error Accessing Blobs -

Just noticed a strange issue. I can no longer access the blobs (iamge files) that are stored in my Azure Storage Emulator. First noticed that my web role wasn't serving up my files from emulator when running in debug. I tried to access files using a third party app, cloudberry. cloudberry lets me browse the storage emulator container that I created, but when I try to access a file it fails. Both my app and cloudberry fail with
500 error
returned... not helpful.
Tried restarting storage emulator, no luck. Tried starting emulator from Azure SDK command prompt to see if there was an error. started successfully... no error reported, but still having my issue when i try and access my blobs. I have SQL Express installed and I verified that MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS service is running. I have made no recent changes to my web role configurations. I am using Azure Tools version: June 2012. Anyone have ideas on what else I should try?

Gaurav Mantri's comments were helpful for tracking down my error. Examining the error log I found that I'm experiencing a somewhat common issue where my azure storage corrupts itself. I found a informative but inconclusive forum thread on it (link below) if someone is looking for help on the same or similar issues.

This issue is also discussed in this SO thread:
Mysterious disappearing Azure development storage assets
In my experience, I've got this problem only the emulators that ships with Azure SDK 1.7 . As you can see from my answer, the problem disappears by using the updated emulator in Azure SDK 1.8 (I've used it for more than 4 months) -- you can upgrade it while continuing to use 1.7 libraries in your cloud projects.


Getting Error MISMATCH_HARDWARE_ID randomly

I am using a tool that use license4j. The tool was running fine for few days, then I got this MISMATCH_HARDWARE_ID error. I did not do any changes to the server. What could have caused this? The tool support have no idea, since they just use this licensing system as a service.

How can I fix the node.js tools "an unexpected error occurred" issue in Visual Studio 2022

I have a combined .Net Core / Vue app I created in VS2019.
I recently separated the app so I can run the API separate to the UI, with the UI project created in VS2022 as the project file as a .njsproj extension which is incompatible with VS2019.
When I try to load the solution now post launch in VS2022, it balks on the .njsproj project with the following error message;
I have tried updating and then repairing the VS2022 install to no avail.
I have reviewed the ActivityLog.xml file as suggested but I cannot see an error related to node.js tools, it appears to load those packages without issue.
The only recurring issue I do see is the following warnings, but they seem unrelated;
Request for "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Internal.SettingsManager (1.0)" from Process denied because the service is only exposed RemoteExclusiveClient, LiveShareGuest.
Request for proxy to "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Internal.SettingsManager (1.0)" is declined: ServiceAudienceMismatch.
I cannot find any other error messaging that contains a clue, and even an extensive Google search has not revealed anything related. I'm a bit stumped as to what I can do now short of recreating my solution anew (which I really don't want to do - and shouldn't have to frankly).
Has anyone else encountered this issue with visual studio 2022 and node.js tools?

Getting suddenly 403(.14) HTTP error after deplyoment ASP.NET MVC application over TeamCity

A few days ago I had to update our .NET Framework 4.8 web application. First it could not be builded because of some TeamCity error on the newest version, link here. After that it could be builded but since then it showed us a custom errorpage after deployment -> 403 - Forbidden. I just changed a string ("exec X" to "exec Y") so we can access a better and faster SQL procedure.
Removing the tiny piece of argument it suddenly succeded in building anyways but the HTTP error still was there.
Neither IIS, Server, Framework Version etc. was updated, only TeamCity and that small code and argument change.
Reverting the changes to the version which had been working fine did nothing.
After a while I found out that it is a 403.14 error and static files can be accessed, but Microsofts help page didn't help a bit, it just showed the directory -> look here.
After that, I decided to shutdown and backup TeamCity and install an older version of it -> Nope.
Searching google and stackoverflow for similiar problems I stumbled upon to this post especially where I tried every single answer. Before I answer further questions on about what I had tried, please read it.
Since nothing helped so far I decided to try something "dumb" and publish the project to the folder and copy the data manually to the server and voi la! It worked! But I don't know why
and also TeamCity still can't do it anymore.
No changes were done to AppPool or other settings, please keep that in mind.
Here are my build settings from teamcity:
Please don't mind missing build steps, since those are either uninteresting or disalbed because some of them I had created to test the failing deployment on our test system.
And also, when running it locally or copying published project works fine..
Problem was with the antivirus blocking some processes, so some Asax_global.dll was missing.

WSHLST app Error in Android

I have downloaded WSHLST from GitHub and followed the project setup in Azure mobile services. It's worked with Windows Phone, but when i build against Android throws the below error page.
Note: The errors are something related to 'Android.Content.Context' error.
For the below code it shows the error. Kindly find below the image for your reference. Kindly help me to execute the solution in android.
var picker = new MediaPicker(activity.Activity);
I think WshLst and the assemblies in that repo were built before the Xamarin 2.0 launch. During that launch, Xamarin changed their strong name signing key - so that is probably the problem you are hitting.
If you want to use that code, then you'll need to update several assemblies/dependencies to get that working - see some info on threads like:
That code is almost a year old now - and given the fast pace of development of all 3 of Xamarin, Azure Mobile Services and MvvmCross, then I expect you'll need to update quite a lot to make this codebase live again - but doing so could be very useful for others who follow you.

Connecting iOS with Azure Cloud

I'm sorry, I don't get this Azure Cloud thing working for iOS.
Has anyone had experiences with this so far? I don't get any useful results in google...
Up to now I downloaded the Azure Toolkit for iOS on and didn't really get it working. On every video/tutorial I found, they referenced to another github site which is now 404 error. I finally found the referenced project on another link but didn't get this working for me either.
For the Azure Toolkit on I didn't find where to put my namespace, user and key (so I got an error like "hostname not found").
For the "other" (older version?) Toolkit there are some "directory not found" errors while building.
Any help? I don't believe that there is nobody out there having connected iOS with Azure successfully!
Using the latest version from Github, you should open the watoolkitios-samples.xcodeproj in Xcode. Then, I think the is a bit out of date, you need to open watoolkitios-samples.plist in the "Supporting Files" folder in order to configure the client application. You have a number of configuration types to choose from, the simplest is "Direct", although probably not recommended for production use.
This library offers a rather spohisticated set of Web Services that you can call directly from the iOS client. I would try it out before starting building services from scratch!
