Instagram image posting with UIDocumentInteractionController - ios

I am using UIDocumentInteractionController to post images to Instagram iOS App and it is working well. But, when the image appear in Instagram, it is not possible to crop it. The first cropping step is skipped. I tried to post "non squared" images but the cropping is still impossible.
Is there a way to post images to Instagram App and allow the user to crop it like other imported images?

I don't think that's possible right now.
Libraries like DMActivityInstagram include a resize viewcontroller of their own to cope with this.


iOS Image Viewer like Photo app

I am developing an app that has an internal gallery with some images.
What I want to achieve is exactly a result that behaves and looks like the Apple Photo app image viewer.
With a collection view I implemented the gallery images with thumbnails and now I would like to show the image on fullscreen on press.
The image viewer should have exactly the Apple's Photo behavior:
Full screen on single tap,
Delete, Share button etc...
Pinch to zoom, double tap zoom...
My question is. Is that really possible that such a common feature is not already given by iOS? Is there maybe a view controller already build in that we can use but I am not aware of?
I know there are some libraries around that make such thing, but I'm wondering if there's already something given.

Adding "allowsEditing" to custom UIImagePickerController

I integrated a so called OLFacebookImagePicker into my application.
From Here.
For my app I need images to be cropped to squares like the allowsEditing
of the native UIImagePickerController does.
My Question is:
Is it possible to integrate this feature in a custom PickerController?
I've got the idea to MAYBE get the images from the OLFacebookImagePicker
into the app and manipulate them afterwards. But I want to give the users the chance to customize their pictures by themselves.

How to preserve photo square aspect ratio in facebook share with link (similar to instagram)

I am trying to create a mobile app for photo sharing similar to instagram like this:
Notice 2 things:
Original image aspect ratio of the square photo is preserved (nothing is cropped out)
Link "Instagram" points to the instagram page of the photo
I am really not clear and based on the documentation from here (checkout point no.4):
"We've also redesigned link page posts so that the aspect ratio for images is the same across desktop and mobile News Feed. Try to keep your images as close to 1.91:1 aspect ratio as possible to display the full image in News Feed without any cropping."
So it says that best is to make sure the shared image is 1.91:1 to prevent anything cropped out.
In practice with Instagram is possible but documentation says otherwise. Can someone provide a clear guideline/doc on how to share a "square" photo and preserving the aspect ratio displayed in facebook timeline (and provide a specific link to the photo page)? If answer with code for web/ios/etc would also be great.
Based on the discussion in FB Dev Community (mentioned by FB guys themselves), it is clear that it is not allowed even they not officially stating it.
Facebook owns Instagram, they have monopolistic behaviour over how Facebook gives access to Instagram.
In wish of some fairness, openness and anti-monopolistic behaviour of facebook, If you guys really wish to have this feature, vote up more on this and put in comments to support it, hope they will hear out on such a critical feature needed for photo-sharing apps (just like instagram)

iOS How to create a custom image picker/browser

I have been looking around and haven't found a good answer for this.
Instagram uses an image browser/picker like . As you can see above the images from the photo gallery are displayed in a grid below and you can directly choose image from there instead of using the default image picker layout.
The Groupme app also does something similar..
Where images are displayed in a horizontal scrollable list and you can just choose from this.
I have been reading up on the image picker and the documentation says that subclassing is not support.
So my question is:
How do you create something like this?
If this is just a custom view that loads the images stored on the device. How do I access those images?
I just need a starting point and what to specifically look for (custom browser/image picker etc).
Thanks in advance.
You use the ALAssetsLibrary APIs, docs here.

iOS iTunes Album Cover type (or similar) Image Display

Is there any tutorials that show how to make a Image display similar to the Album Art diaply in iTunes? Or anything similar. I followed code posted here, but I just cannot seem to get it working in the new XCode. Opening his project works fine, but using it in my own, the UIImageView renders the images beyond it's borders, making them appear over each other.
Any help would be appreciated.
I assume you're talking about CoverFlow?
I wrote a free, very easy to use CoverFlow library. It's modelled on the way that UITableView works, so if you can use that, you can use this. You can get it from here:
