I'm new to Rails and have been writing a simple app to post to Tumblr. I got all my oauth stuff working, and decided to use the tumblr_client gem to facilitate posting. I can get it to post just fine through the console, but the same code does not do anything in the controller. It doesn't throw any errors, it just does nothing. Any suggestions? (I censored the blog with {blogname}, but it is correct in my code)
def post
#user = Tumblog.find_by_user_id(5)
#client = Tumblr::Client.new(:consumer_key => #key, :consumer_secret => #secret, :oauth_token => #user.oauth_token, :oauth_token_secret => #user.oauth_secret)
#client.text("{blogname}.tumblr.com", :body => "test", :state => "draft")
redirect_to "http://www.tumblr.com/blog/{blogname}/drafts"
It turns out that it was a conflict with my instance variable name. Changed #client to #clients and it worked just fine.
I am relatively new in Ruby on Rails programming, and I got this error when trying to use the mail_form gem.
The error is in the create function as can be seen
I think I got all setup the correct way:
My model is like this:
class Contact < MailForm::Base
attribute :name, :validate => :true
attribute :email, :validate => /\A([\w\.%\+\-]+)#([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})\z/i
attribute :message, :validate => :true
attribute :nickname, :captcha => :true
def headers
:subject => "Contact Form",
:to => "(my email)",
:from => %("#{name}" <#{email}>)
I don't know if matters that I'm trying to create a site with only one page, so I have the form to create a new contact in the welcome.html.erb of the pages controller, but I am defining the contact:
def welcome
#admin = Admin.find(1)
#projects = Project.all.order('created_at DESC')
#contact = Contact.new
Also I think that matters, that the create function (that is throwing the error) is in the contacts controller, I don't know if there was ok or it will be better at the same controller as the Contact.new (in the welcome function of pages):
def create
#contact = Contact.new(params[:contact])
#contact.request = request
if #contact.deliver
redirect_to(root_path, :notice => "Thank you for contacting me. I will reply shortly!")
flash.now[:error] = 'Cannot send message.'
I haven't tested in production yet, only in development maybe this won't happen in production, but I want to know why is this happening to me because I am following a tutorial of Mackenzie Child and this didn't happen to him, and we have the same code(except for the fact that I am trying to make this in only one view). I don't know if it helps, but this is what I have in my config/environments/development.rb:
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :letter_opener
So in development I'm using the gem letter_opener for displaying the messages instead of sending mails, although this affects nothing in the error because the error was showing up way before I installed the gem.
I have searched in many places and in all the questions on stack overflow but I found nothing. If you can help me that would be grate.
I have tested in production with heroku and returns the same error :(
I asked in the gem's github page and I could resolve the issue. It was that in the validation of the attributes on the Contact model I was declaring the :true as an object when it has to be only a boolean true (without colon before). Good to know for avoiding silly mistakes.
I'd like to add a custom filter field to "Add News" page in Redmine,
so that when I add a new news I could select group of users the email should be sent to.
The field itself is a list of Redmine User groups and every user is assigned to at least 1 of them.
Has anybody done this? Any suggestions would be appreciated
I've located the 3 files related to the issue:
Redmine version 2.2.1.stable.11156
Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.11
Environment production
Database adapter MySQL
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed
So far I've done only 1 modification in Redmine, which sends added news to all registered users.
File: /app/modelsmailer.rb
EDIT: Following your advice I moved mailer function to the controller:
def create
#news = News.new(:project => #project, :author => User.current)
#news.safe_attributes = params[:news]
if #news.save
if params[:group]
mail :to => GroupsUser.find(params[:group][:ids]).joins(:users).select("users.mail").compact,
:subject => "[#{#news.project.name}] #{l(:label_news)}: #{#news.title}"
render :new
But I'm getting error: NameError (uninitialized constant NewsController::GroupsUser): pointing to line
mail :to => GroupsUser.find
def new
#news = News.new
#groups = GroupsUser.all
<%= label_tag :group_ids "Groups"
<%= collection_select :group, :ids, #groups, :id, :name, {}, multiple: true %>
I'm going to have to take a few guesses on what your controllers look like, but I'll give you something close. Based on the mailer function you provided, I'm assuming that was called out of the create controller after the News was saved. I would call the mail function after that. Something like this:
def create
news = News.new(params[:news]
if news.save
send_mail_to_groups(params[:group][:ids]) if params[:group]
redirect_to ...
render :new
The mailing part should be removed from news_added
def news_added(news)
redmine_headers 'Project' => news.project.identifier
#author = news.author
message_id news
#news = news
#news_url = url_for(:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => news)
in favor of its own new routine:
# Woo: Sent to all users, despite their email settings
mail :to => GroupsUser.find(group_ids).joins(:users).select("users.mail").compact,
:subject => "[#{#news.project.name}] #{l(:label_news)}: #{#news.title}"
You might want to add a where clause to only include active users.
I think that's about right. I'm doing it off the top of my head so there's probably a typo or error or two in there. Hopefully it points you in the right direction though.
I've been using the Twitter gem in my latest Rails app, and so far have had no problems. I've registered the app, have set the API tokens in config/initializers/twitter.rb, and have tested that it works in a custom rake test that requires the gem. The problem, however, is that when I try to send a tweet form a controller, nothing happens. My initializer looks like so:
require 'twitter'
Twitter.configure do |config|
config.consumer_key = '###'
config.consumer_secret = '###'
config.oauth_token = '###'
config.oauth_token_secret = '###'
The ### are filled in correctly in my app, obviously. In my rake file, I require the gem at the top of the file, and am then able to send a test tweet with Twitter.update(tweet) however, the same syntax does not work from my controllers.
What am I doing wrong here? Do I need to re-initialize the gem from the controller?
After some tinkering, this is the simple solution:
#twitter = Twitter::Client.new
Adding that to my controller method worked perfectly, since the Twitter client had already been authenticated when the app started. This is the app sending out tweets, by the way, not users sending tweets through the app, so I didn't need to re-authenticate.
I am also using the Twitter gem and I use and authorizations controller for my oath, direct messages controller for Twitter DMs, and ajax on the front. The AppConfig is just a yml file that has my creds in it.
class AuthorizationsController < ApplicationController
def new
render :update do |page|
page.redirect_to #oauth.request_token.authorize_url
def show
#oauth ||= Twitter::OAuth.new(AppConfig['consumer']['token'], AppConfig['consumer']['secret'])
#oauth.authorize_from_request(session['rtoken'], session['rsecret'], params[:oauth_verifier])
session['rtoken'] = nil
session['rsecret'] = nil
session['atoken'] = #oauth.access_token.token
session['asecret'] = #oauth.access_token.secret
redirect_path = session['admin'] ? admin_tweets_path : root_path
redirect_to redirect_path
class DirectMessagesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authorize
def create
#client.update("##{AppConfig['user']} #{params[:tweet][:text]}")
render :update do |page|
page.replace_html 'tweet_update', "Your tweet has been sent to #{AppConfig['user']} and should be updated momentarily."
- form_remote_tag :url => direct_messages_url, :method => :post, :loading => "$('tweet_update').hide();$('loading').show()", :complete => "$('tweet_update').show();$('loading').hide()" do
%div{:class => "subheader float_left"}Tweet to Whoever
- if session_set?
%input{:type => "image", :src=>"/images/sendButton.jpg", :class =>"float_right", :style=>"margin-bottom: 4px"}
- else
%div{:class => "float_right", :id => "twitter_login_button"}= link_to_remote image_tag('twitter-darker.png'), :url => new_authorization_url, :method => :get
- textarea_options = {:id => "tweetbox", :style => "overflow: auto", :rows => "", :cols => ""}
- textarea_value = nil
- unless session_set?
- textarea_options.merge!(:disabled => "disabled")
- textarea_value = "Please login to tweet Whoever!"
= text_area_tag 'tweet[text]', textarea_value, textarea_options
My before filter 'authorize' just checks session:
def authorize
session_set? ? set_client : redirect_to(new_authorization_url)
Hope this helps.
I am developing my Rails 3 application that uses Twitter OAuth and I am getting troubles because apparently I can't get the access_token, after clicking 'Allow' and Twitter redirecting me back to my application url, when I go to twitter.com/settings/connections I can't see my app there as authorized. I guess there is something wrong in my controller, I hope you can point them:
class OauthController < ApplicationController
def start
request_token = client.get_request_token(:oauth_callback => 'http://localhost:3000')
session[:request_token] = request_token.token
session[:request_token_secret] = request_token.secret
redirect_to request_token.authorize_url
def callback
#access_token = client.get_access_token(:oauth_verifier => params[:oauth_verifier])
render :json => access_token_get('https://api.twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.json')
def client
#consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(
:site => 'https://api.twitter.com',
:authorize_url => 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize',
:access_token_url => 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token'
Please help, tell me where is my mistake, thanks for the attention!
Rodrigo Alves Vieira.
I'm not exactly sure what part of your code isn't working, probably something to do with the access_token_get method, but I'll show you how I did it--maybe it'll help..
after the line where you initialize #access_token, I do something like this:
#response = client.request(:get, "/account/verify_credentials.json", #access_token, { :scheme => :query_string })
case #response
when Net::HTTPSuccess
user_info = JSON.parse(#response.body)
unless user_info['screen_name']
# authentication failed, error handling
# We have an authorized user, save the information to the database using #access_token.token and #acess_token.secret
# error handling
(oh, and i was using the json gem, so make sure to gem install json and require 'json' at the top)
Hope that helps!
I am having a bit of an issue with getting tumblr working within a rails app.
This is the snippet of code which results in a 400 error (meaning that there was an incorrect parameter)
#postcontent = #post.content.gsub(/<\/?[^>]*>/, "")
post = Tumblr::Post.create(:email => 'valid#email', :password => 'mypassword', :type => 'video', :embed
=> #post.video_html, :caption => #postcontent)
I have checked the API docs and checked my code and code content being rendered, and it still does not want to work.
The funny thing is that it worked previously. It was working about a week ago. Has something changed with tumblr?
Update: I have also posted this on github in the issues section, and discovered that it's only with one of my posts that this method is not working, AND I have sent it over to the good people at tumblr. Has anyone else had this issue?
for anyone finding difficulty in this here is a solution.
Firstly, there was an error with the gem itself. Some code needs to be modified.
Check out this version of the gem:
Secondly, as Tumblr allows html, I am calling sanitize within the controller to make my content nicely formatted and clean.
class PostsController < ApplicationController
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
def tumblrsubmit
tumblruser = Tumblr::User.new('valid#email', 'validpass', false)
Tumblr.blog = 'blogname'
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
unless #post.movie_id.nil? #checks if there is a movie ID
#tags = #post.tags.join(', ')
post = Tumblr::Post.create(tumblruser,
:type => 'video',
:embed => #post.video_html , #fetches the stored embed code
:caption => "Read Full Article & More at: <a href='http://www.mywebsite.com/posts/#{#post.slug}'>#{#post.title}</a> <p> </p>#{ActionController::Base.helpers.sanitize(#post.content)}",
:slug => #post.slug,
:tags => #tags )
post = Tumblr::Post.create(:tumblruser, :type => 'regular', :title => #post.title, :body => ActionController::Base.helpers.sanitize(#post.content), :slug => #post.slug)
#post.update_attributes(:tumbler_id => "#{post}") #updates the database with the new tumblr post id
flash[:notice] = "Successfully sent <strong>#{#post.title}</strong> to tumblr. with post id = #{post}"
flash[:error] = "You are unable to post <strong>#{#post.title}</strong> to tumblr at this time"
redirect_to :back
I know this seems like alot, but it does the job.
Hope this helps anyone else out there.