VideoJS: Videosize on an iPad - ios

I am using VideoJS to show a video. It works great in all browsers on each and every system. Exception is the iPad (iOS 5 and iOS 6, both tested on Safari and Chrome). The video resizes to about 300px width.
When i delete videoJS from the page, the video is shown correctly. But i need videoJS for skinning purposes and because it makes HTML5 video work in jQuery sliders.
I tried several things:
Manually entering width and height in video.js or JS.
Adding CSS (including !important) to the videotag and even all tags (param) below.
Tried some vague techniques i found on stackoverflow. Like -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; in the video-tag.
Tried to play with wmode.
Nothing seems to work. Does anyone have an idea?

First, if you haven't yet, you may want to upgrade to v4.0, released at the beginning of May (2013).
With 4.0, you can see a few examples of setting the width height, that are at least working for me on my iPad:
Width/Height 100%:
Width 200px/900px (weird dimension for example)
To walk you through the vjs code...
The width height settings are grabbed from the tag here:
Removed from the video tag (because it's wrapped by a container div and made to fill the container)
Applied to the container div
And then handled by the UI component code
If you have different results on your page, you may want to set up a reduced test case to help narrow it down.


Iframe automatically goes full screen using Ionic 3.9.2 on iOS

Iframe automatically goes full screen using Ionic 3.9.2 on iOS.
I've tried removing all the fullscreen tags. I notice that it is not happening anywhere else. Only happens on iOS. On other devices, I have to manually make it full screen.
Why does Iframe automatically go full screen on iOS?
<iframe src="" height="655" width="100%"></iframe>
A while ago I would have been able to provide you with a spot-on answer. Unfortunately I no longer have access to the resources I would need to do so... meaning my answer won't be a complete solution.
IFRAME, on iOS, works slightly differently than on Android. Getting an IFRAME to take only the height you want is not simply a matter of setting the HEIGHT property on the tag as the rendering engine works differently. You'll have to play around with CSS both in the container of the tag and in the contents of the body itself.
Try proceeding as follows:
prepare a mock target page that doesn't take all the height, make
its background red and see how much space it takes
make the mock page longer than the height of the screen by adding lots of text and images to it and observe the change
wrap the IFRAME in a DIV and set the style=height: xxx of the div, as well as its overflow.
wrap the contents of the mock page in a div, setting its height, overflow, position and display style
properties to control its appearance.
repeat step (4) with both the HTML and BODY tags of the mock page.
Playing with these in real-time using Safari to alter their values will prove most useful. It was to me at least, when I had the problem over an year ago.

iOS Safari calculated value does not match accepted css rule

Using css !important rules to override inline styling for Google DFP injected iframes. it's been working fine for the last couple years, but since a recent iOS update, mobile safari is failing to calculate the proper width of the iframes. The iframes are set to size to 100% of the parent block (both width and height). The parent is sized correctly and the calculated value for the parent is correct. Safari's inspector shows that my width: 100% !important rule is being accepted/applied, but the calculated value for the iframe is completely different. Using responsive design mode on my desktop to preview the page shows everything working perfectly (huh?!).
I read another similar question that was answered by applying transition: none, but that's not working in my case.
I'm out of ideas and really don't want to resort to a javascript solution. Any wisdom?

Media Queries issue in jQuery Mobile

We are working on an application by using jQuery Mobile Framework. So far app working really fine, and now we are thinking about to use "media queries" conditional CSS scripts for different size of browser window.
Our idea is that, when someone access our app form mobile browser like iPhone/Android/Windows phone - they can view full width and full height. But when someone access from a regular desktop browser and it's width more than 800 PX , we need to re-size our app both width and height.
Issue is that, we want to set re-sized app window over an iPhone background & currently background position is fixed. I'd tried thousands of time for re-sizing width and height and able to re-sized width but can't re-sized height. Also, I need to change the position of our apps over the background.
Can any one suggest me how to change the height of JQM window?
Waiting for expert opinion.
Check to see if it may have to do with the viewport setting. I think we need some more details. It's a bit confusing on what you are actually asking.
I think the Viewpoint will handle the width and the content should handle the height of the page. I think there is a default for height as well.
Viewport meta tag Note above that there is a meta viewport tag in the head to specify how the browser should display the page zoom level
and dimensions. If this isn't set, many mobile browsers will use a
"virtual" page width around 900 pixels to make it work well with
existing desktop sites but the screens may look zoomed out and too
wide. By setting the viewport attributes to
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1", the width will be
set to the pixel width of the device screen.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
These settings do not disable the user's ability to zoom the pages,
which is nice from an accessibility perspective. There is a minor
issue in iOS that doesn't properly set the width when changing
orientations with these viewport settings, but this will hopefully be
fixed a a future release. You can set other viewport values to disable
zooming if required since this is part of your page content, not the
Also there is a gradeA global config option but not sure if this will help:
gradeA function that returns a boolean, default: a function returning the value of $.support.mediaquery Any support conditions
that must be met in order to proceed.
jQM offers Media Helpers but it's been deprecated but you can still download it and use it yourself.
They suggest using response.js developed by Scott Jehl (jQM Team member)

iPad Safari mobile seems to ignore z-indexing position for html5 video elements

I got a video element on a page that's working fine both in safari mobile and desktop.
I have a seme-transparent pull-down menu that's working fine. The problem is, when the menu is over the video element, on the desktop safari i can see the video under the menu (as desired), while on the mobile version the video element stay on the foreground (ugly) no matter what i tell the css. Is there any workaround?
The issue only occurs if the video element was dynamically created. If the element was just in the page as it loaded, z-index works fine.
You can fix z-index on dynamically created videos by giving the video element -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d.
Yep, it's as bad as haslayout on IE!
Unfortunately not.
Based on my experience and understanding of how iOS currently works, this isn't possible.
Mobile Safari on the iPad cuts a hole for a Quicktime window , which plays back the video using the built in hardware acceleration to improve battery life. (The iPhone and iPod Touch just open it up in a separate window to achieve the same effect.)
This window doesn't play nicely with the other HTML on the page. In fact, I haven't found a way to get mobile Safari to display anything on top of a tag. My guess is that this is because the hardware acceleration only allows for video scaling and positioning, and that it's only able to handle one video at a time.
I'm using flowplayer and a simple CSS dropdown menu and had the same problem.
I have drop down menu that, when tapped, covers part of the video area. The submenu shows up over the video as expected, but no touch events were being sent.
I fixed it by combining a couple of suggestions from others answering this question: I set visibility:hidden when opening the menu and visibility:visible when closing the submenu, AND set the -webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d CSS property on the video.
Here's the pertinent code. I left out the CSS for the menubar, but it does what you might expect - resulting in a menu that covers portions of the video.
menu and video HTML
<div id='nav'>
... <!-- bunch of ul/li stuff here for the menu and submenus -->
<div id='videoplayer'><!-- for flowplayer --></div>
video {
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
$("#nav li").hover(
function() {
$(this).find('ul:first').css({visibility: "visible",display: "none"}).fadeIn(300);
$(this).find('ul:first').css({visibility: "hidden"});
I have managed to place a menu div over a html5 video tag in mobile-safari on the ipad. To be honest I didn't have any problems and it just worked. It could be though because I was using CSS3 animations and therefore the GPU? You could try using a hack to add an element to the GPU. If you put -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); on the element it should force it to use the GPU...
When you have an element you want to be in front of your <video> in Safari, you need to set into that element the transform: translateZ(1px) or more pixels, as Safari is setting to your <video> element a 0 value for Z axis (transform: translateZ(0)).
This is the only thing it worked to me. No z-index, no transform-style:preserve-3d.
I ran into this also. The only thing that I could get to work for me was to add
to the video tag when showing a div over it that needed to be clicked on.
-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d and -webkit-transform:translateZ(0) didn't work for me.
Using Flowplayer with the ipad plugin and the controlbar plugin allowed me to remove the ipad created control bar and replace it with something that can be z-indexed below my modal windows.
You can fix z-index on dynamically created videos by giving the video element -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d.
This worked for me with a dynamically created video element. I also set the z-index of the over-laying div to z-index: 888; which may also have helped.
I had this problem which was occurring on mobile devices with an off canvas menu. When the menu was over the video you could not tap any of the menu items.
I fixed it my moving the video somewhere else when the menu was on by positioning it absolutely at -100000px when the menu was not displayed it set it back being positioned relatively.
I found using display none did not work as when you set it to block again the video would not work.
I also tried setting the height to 0 - this did not work as the video still seemed to take up the space even though you couldn't see it.
The final method seems a bit extreme but it is not really noticeable when it is being used.
This is the code that will work on both the iPad and iPhone. I tried removing the controls and then add them again, but this worked only on iPad not on iPhone. After remove the opacity and then add it again it worked on iPhone also.
$("video").prop("controls", false);
$("video").css("opacity", 0);
$("video").prop("controls", true);
$("video").css("opacity", 1);
Just ran into this issue today & had to cobble together a solution from multiple answers since none fully handled the problem ...
I have video elements in a collapsed "table view" style list that were capturing touch events on iPhone when trying to tap on other list items. On iPhone the videos would play when tapping other collapsed elements that happened to be occupying the same spot on screen.
Fixing this required all of the following:
1) Using this:
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
... didn't seem to have any effect, but I left it in anyway. Everything's working now so I don't want to screw with it further :)
2) Toggling visibility: hidden alone didn't work, and display:none didn't work as expected.
3) In addition to "visibility" the HTML5 video tag controls attribute also has to be added/removed dynamically. Either:
$("video").css({visibility:"hidden"}).removeAttr("controls"); or $("video").css({visibility:"visible"}).attr("controls", "controls");
4) Must set visibility/controls on document load based on initial browser/screen size
5) Although the main concern was the screwy iPhone behavior, I also had to account for responsive window size changes above my smallest media query breakpoint of 600px - otherwise the videos would appear/disappear at the wrong screen sizes.
if ($(window).width() > 600){
$("video").css({visibility:"visible"}).attr("controls", "controls");
Quite a pain to work around what's essentially a stupid mobile Safari bug... I sure hope it works on iPad when I test it later...
For anyone running into issues with this still, another fix that ended up working for me was to change the options in the embed code to not allow controls, suggested videos, and video title and player options. I added a simple Modernizr.MQ query to change the src for tablet and mobile, and included the following to the iframe src for mobile:
I never completely tracked down why this works, but my guess is that the controls have some user-agent style that gives them a high z-index and makes the element sit on top of everything.

fitExactly not working in r-436

I just recently upgraded to 436 from 419, and have found that fitExactly will no longer have any effect.
You can see an example here:
(With 419)
(With 436)
The javascript config is in the page head.
I checked the versions in between, and the latest it works with is 419.
I could adjust the width in the Javascript configuration, but then there would be a gap left on the side of the dropcap I'm using it on, and the fact that I'm integrating it with a Wordpress theme that automatically applies sifr (other than the one in the example), meaning that each can't be adjusted by changing the width or font size.
I would much prefer to use 436, especially due to there being less page shifting, so, is there a remedy?
Thanks for your time.
If you compare the width and height of the Flash movie on both pages, you'll see that it's the same. In other words, it looks like fitExactly works fine. I wouldn't know though why Flash is clipping the rendered text.
Just to test, could you open the r436 JavaScript file, search for '419' and replace by '436', and then use the r419 Flash movie? Perhaps that provides further clues.
