Is it necessary to use — and – in XHTML or HTML5? - character-encoding

It seems that it is best to use the & escape, instead of simply typing the ampersand (&).
However, should we be using X/HTML character entity references for dashes and other common typographical characters when writing blog posts on CMSs like WordPress or hard-coding websites by hand?
For example:
– is an en dash (–)
— is an em dash (—)
What is the risk if we do not?
Why is the hyphen (-) never written as - but simply typed directly from the keyboard in HTML? (Assuming that it the hyphen, and not a minus sign.)

The W3C released an official response about when to use and when not to use character escapes which you can find here. As they are also the group that is in charge of the HTML specification, I think it's best to follow their advice.
From the section "When to Use Escapes"
Syntax characters. There are three characters that should always appear in content as escapes, so that they do not interact with the syntax of the markup. These are part of the language for all documents based on XML and for HTML.
< (<)
> (>)
& (&)
They also mention using characters that might not be supported in the current encoding.
From the section "When Not to Use Escapes"
It is almost always preferable to use an encoding that allows you to represent characters in their normal form, rather than using character entity references or NCRs.
Using escapes can make it difficult to read and maintain source code, and can also significantly increase file size.

Those entities are there to help you, the author, with characters not usually typable on your average keyboard. (The em dash is an example —, as well as © and ).
You only need to escape those characters that have meaning in (X)HTML < > and &.


Is there known URI scheme or URN namespace for Unicode characters?

I need to reference to a Unicode character with a URI. Following IANA references list multiple schemes and namespaces but do not mention anything about identifiers for the Unicode characters. Does anyone know if something like this exists already?
I hoped to find something like
for the greek capital letter delta Δ.
If someone wonders, this is for a semantic web like application that uses URIs as identifiers for concepts, including concepts of the Unicode characters.
I’m afraid there is no URL or URN for referring authoritative information on a Unicode character in general. In the Unicode Standard, information about individual characters is partly in the so-called character database (mostly plain text files in specific formats), partly in the Code Charts (PDF files). Neither of them offers a way to point at an individual character. Moreover, the information there is not exhaustive: there are important remarks on individual characters information scattered around the standard.
The Decodeunicode site has individually addressable items, such as
but its information content varies a lot and is generally very limited. It is not official, and it currently contains Unicode 5.0 only.
The site is much more systematic, but it, too, is unofficial. It is basically limited to formal properties and data derivable from them, plus comments extracted from the Code Charts, plus instructions on typing the character in Windows, plus information about support in fonts—but that’s quite a lot! Example:
[ EDIT ] : found this URL matching your needs :
Well, there is an URL referencing the authoritative information on the Unicode database, even though it does not describe (as said in the other answer) all the information on one specific character.
You have the following URL, pointing to the latest Unicode database. This is a simple list of existing valid Unicode characters. Some upcoming characters are missing (㋿), and you should expect it to be mutable.
The contents looks like the following, which isn't so practical to use as-is.
$ grep -ai kangaroo UnicodeData.txt -C 7
1F992;GIRAFFE FACE;So;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;
1F993;ZEBRA FACE;So;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;
You could build up a hacky « hash-based » namespace with a suffix like this, but that's definitely non-standard.
Since this is also tagged semantic-web, I will try to pick URIs that are easily (and permanently) dereferenceable and cannot be mistaken for a document describing that character: the data: scheme. Not only can that refer to a character in Unicode, but any encoding, and also any string thereof.
Attempting to open this URI should result in a text/plain file with the single character as its content.
If the system accepts IRIs (as many semantic web applications do), the character can be included directly:
This is mapped to the same URI as shown above, and your browser may convert it directly. Specifying UTF-8 is necessary in this case, since the mapping is not defined for other encodings.

is it ever appropriate to localize a single ascii character

When would it be appropriate to localize a single ascii character?
for instance /, or | ?
is it ever necessary to add these "strings" to the localization effort?
just want to give some people the benefit of the doubt and make sure there's not something I didn't think of.
Generally it wouldn't be appropriate to use something like that except as a graphic element (which of course wouldn't be I18N'd in the first place, much less L10N'd). If you are trying to use it to e.g. indicate a ratio then you should have something like "%d / %d" instead, and localize the whole thing.
Yes, there are cases where these individual characters change in localization. This is not a comprehensive list, just examples I happen to know.
Not every locale uses , to separate thousands and . for the decimal. (However, these will usually be handled by your number formatter. If you do so yourself, you're probably doing it wrong. See this MSDN blog post by Michael Kaplan, Number format and currency format are not always the same.)
Not every language uses the same quotation marks (“, ”, ‘ and ’). See Wikipedia on Non-English Uses of Quotation Marks. (Many of these are only easy to replace if you use full quote marks. If you use the " and ' on your keyboard to mark both the start and end of sentences, you won't know which of two symbols to substitute.)
In Spanish, a question or exclamation is preceded by an inverted ? or !. ¿Question? ¡Exclamation! (Obviously, you can't fix this with a locale substitution for a single character. Any questions or exclamations in your application should be entire strings anyway, unless you're writing some stunningly intelligent natural language generator.)
If you do find a circumstance where you need to localize these symbols, be extra cautious not to accidentally localize a symbol like / used as a file separator, " to denote a string literal or ? for a search wildcard.
However, this has already happened with CSV files. These may be separated by ,, or may be separated by the local list separator. See What would happen if you defined your system's CSV delimiter as being a quotation mark?
In Greek, questions end with a semicolon rather than ?, so essentially the ? is replaced with ; ... however, you should aim to always translate the question as a complete string including question mark anyway.

’ is getting converted as "\u0092" by nokogiri in ruby on rails

I have html page which has following line with some html entities like "’".
#Here I am not pasting whole html page content. just putting issue line only
html_file = "<html>....<body><p>they’re originally intended to describe the spread of of viral diseases, but they&#146;re nice analogies for how web/SN apps grow.<p> ...</body></html>"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
body = doc.xpath('//body')
body_content = body[0].inner_html
puts body_content
These terms come from the fields of medicine and biology they\u0092re originally intended to describe the spread of of viral diseases, but they\u0092re nice analogies for how web/SN apps grow.
I want to leave these entities as it is instead of changing it to unicode.
Any thing, Am I missing?
is wrong and should be avoided. If you want to use a close-single-quote there, to reproduce the typographical practice of rendering apostrophes as a slanted quote, then the correct character is U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK, which can be written as ’ or ’. Or, if you're using UTF-8, just included verbatim as ’.
’ should refer to character U+0092, a little-used and pointless control character that typically renders as blank or a missing-glyph box. And indeed in XML, it does.
But in HTML (other than XHTML, which uses XML rules), it's a long-standing browser quirk that character references in the range € to Ÿ are misinterpreted to mean the characters associated with bytes 128 to 159 in the Windows Western code page (cp1252) instead of the Unicode characters with those code points. The HTML5 standard finally documents this behaviour.
The problem is that Nokogiri doesn't know about this quirk, and takes character reference 146 at its word, ending up with the character 146 (\u0092) that you don't really want. I think Nokogiri is using libxml2 to parse HTML, so ultimately the proper fix would be to libxml2's htmlParseCharRef function, to substitute characters 128–159.
In the meantime you could perhaps try ‘fixing up’ character references manually with crude string substitution like ’->’ before parsing. It's a bit wrong, but at least in HTML the only other place you can have the markup sequence ’ without it being a character reference would be in a comment, so hopefully it wouldn't matter if you changed the content there accidentally too.
Have you tried changing
i think the parser parses the ampersand first then concats it with "#146" and then parse them both. it's just an opinion though..I want this to be just a comment IDK
Well I got the idea from focos in his answer post here, and the unicode from here.

Valid URL separators

I have a long URL with several values.
Example 1:[]=0&search_period[]=1&search_min=3000&search_max=21000&search_area=6855%3B7470%3B7700%3B7730%3B7741%3B7742%3B7752%3B7755%3B7760%3B7770%3B7800%3B7840%3B7850%3B7860%3B7870%3B7884%3B7900%3B7950%3B7960%3B7970%3B7980%3B7990%3B8620%3B8643%3B8800%3B8830%3B8831%3B8832%3B8840%3B8850%3B8860%3B8881%3B9620%3B9631%3B9632
My variable search area contains only 4 number digits (example 4000, 5000), but can contain a lot of them. Right now I seperate these in the URL by using ; as separator symbol. Though as seen in Example 1, the ; is converted into %3B. This makes me believe that this is a bad symbol to use.
What is the best URL separator?
Moontear, I think you have misread the linked document. That limitation only applies to the "scheme" portion of the URL. In the case of WWW URLs, that is the "http".
The next section of the document goes on to say:
Thus, only alphanumerics, the special characters "$-_.+!*'(),", and
reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used
unencoded within a URL.
I'd personally use comma (,). However, plus (+) and dash (-) are both reasonable options as well.
BTW, that document also mentions that semi-colon (;) is reserved in some schemes.
Well, according to RFC1738, valid URLs may only contain the letters a-z, the plus sign (+), period and hyphen (-).
Generally I would go with a plus to separate your search areas. So your URL would become
As GinoA pointed out I misread the document. Hence "$-_.+!*'()," are valid characters too. I'd still go with the + sign though.
If there are only numbers to separate, you have a large choice of separators. You can choose any letter for example.
Probably a space can be a good choice. It will be transformed into + character in the URL, so will be more readable than a letter.
Example: search_area=4000+5000+6000
I'm very late to the party, but a valid query string can repeat variables so instead of...
http://x.y.z/list?type=0&period=1&min=3000&max=21000&area=6855+7470+7700 could also use...
"+" is to be interpreted as a space " " when the content-type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded (standard for HTML forms). This may be handled by your server software.
I prefer "!". It doesn't get URL encoded (at least not in Chrome) and it reserves "+" for use as a real space character in the typical case.

Why do you need to encode URLs?

Why do you need to encode urls? Is there a good reason why you have to change every space in the GET data to %20?
Because some characters have special meanings.
For instance, in a query string, the ampersand (&) is used as a separator between key-value pairs. If you were to put an ampersand into one of those values, it would look like the separator between the end of a value and the beginning of the next key. So for special characters like this, we use percent encoding so that we can be sure that the data is unambiguously encoded.
From RFC 2936, section 2.4.3:
The space character is excluded
because significant spaces may
disappear and insignificant spaces may
be introduced when URI are transcribed
or typeset or subjected to the
treatment of word- processing
programs. Whitespace is also used to
delimit URI in many contexts.
originally older browsers could get confused by the spaces (not really an issue anymore).
now, if someone copies the url to send as a link - the space can break the hyperlink - ie
Hey! Check out this derping cat playing a piano! cat plays piano.
See how the link breaks?
Now look at this:
Let's break down your question.
Why do you need to encode URL?
A URL is composed of only a limited number of characters and those are digits(0-9), letters(A-Z, a-z), and a few special characters("-", ".", "_", "~").
So does it mean that we cannot use any other character?
The answer to this question is "YES". But wait a minute, there is a hack and the hack is URL Encoding or Perchantage Encoding. So if you want to transmit any character which is not a member of the above mentioned (digits, letters, and special chars), then we need to encode them. And that is why we need to encode "space" as "%20".
OK? Is this enough for URL encoding? No this is not enough, there's a lot about URL encoding but here, I'm not gonna make it a pretty big, boring technical answer. But If you want to know more, then you can read it from here: (Credit goes to this writer)
Well, you do so because every different browsers knows how the string that makes up the URL is encoded. converting the space to %20, etc makes that URL/URI portable. It could be latin-1 it could be unicode. It needs normalized to something that is understood universally. Take a look at rfc3986
