DrawRect not called due to active main thread - ios

I have an architecture that takes input from the mic and then performs some calculations and then should render to screen.
The issue is that calling setNeedsDisplay never triggers a call to drawRect because the main thread is running the calculations.
What would be the best way to thread this?
Create a single serial queue and dispatch the work to this background queue using GCD and dispatch the final setNeedsDisplay back to the main queue, or is there a more efficient way of doing this?

keep everything long running off the main thread. that is best in my opinion. Long running calculations are also something
try to never block the UIThread

...work to this background queue using GCD and dispatch the final
setNeedsDisplay back to the main queue, or is there a more efficient
way of doing this?
Based on your pretty vague description, I'd say what you suggested is the best approach.
And if you do this with GCD, your code will be easy to read since the blocks of work you perform are inline in your code making it easy to understand what is going on.

Create a single serial queue and dispatch the work to this background queue using GCD and dispatch the final setNeedsDisplay back to the main queue, or is there a more efficient way of doing this?
You should use the highest level API available to you. In this case, it's NSOperation or one of its subclasses. Probably, NSBlockOperation is the one you want. You should
create a block operation with the block you want executing
Set its completion handler to invoke setNeedsDisplay
Stick it on an NSOperationQueue.
The completion handler needs to invoke setNeedsDisplay on the main thread. You can do this by sending performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: to the view e.g.
[myViewThatNeedsUpdating performSelectorOnMainThread: #selector(setNeedsDisplay)
withObject: nil
waitUntilDone: NO];
I think this is a better approach than using GCD directly because it is more in the Objective-C idiom, it separates the work you are doing from the notification at the end and gives you many more options for how things get done than raw GCD. For instance, if you want several of these things to happen sequentially, you can make some operations dependencies of others without having to write lots of code.


How to build UIActivityIndicatorView

When using a UIActivityIndicatorView, it is possible to add this view to your view hierarchy and start animating it.
After that you are completely save to block the main thread (not that this is a good approach), there is basically nothing that I know of, that could stop the activity indicator from spinning.
My question is:
How is this done? It seems like UIActivityIndicatorView uses its own thread for rendering.
Is this something that can be achieved with my own views?
I have a CoreAnimation animation that I want to keep playing while the main thread might be blocking for a couple of milliseconds.
How to do that? Thanks for any help or ideas!
//EDIT: To clarify my question: I want to know what Apple does to get UIActivityIndicatorView animating even when you block the main thread. When I trigger my own CoreAnimation and I block the main thread, the animation itself stops. Furthermore to the question what Apple does to achieve that under the hood, I want to know, if I can achieve this myself, with public API.
You best solution is to use a background thread for long processing while keeping the main thread only for display purpose. That way, you will be able to display your view without blocking and run your long precessing at the same time.
You can use Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) dispatch_async to run your long processing code on another thread and then call dispatch_async on the main thread to refresh your UI.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
// Your long processing code
// Refresh UI here

How to schedule an asynchronous task every 'x' seconds when main and background thread need same data?

I have an iOS application that has an NSTimer which fires every 5 seconds. This then posts a notification, telling several controllers that they must now recalculate some data and then update their UI.
When this all happens on the main thread, scrollviews can become jittery as the data is processed.
Using GCD, I have wrapped the code called when a notification is posted:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// Code here
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(){
// Reload tableviews and UI
Unfortunately, this leads in certain cases to several threads accessing the same instance variables. This causes my application to crash as sometimes it ends up mutating an array being enumerated in another thread.
Wrapping the code in a synchronised block prevents this.
When the user scrolls the tableview, several methods are called to calculate the height etc, on the main thread. The code within the background thread is working on the code needed by the main thread. As such, this can usually further cause crashes
I have tried setting the variables to 'atomic', but this doesn't solve the issue. Ideally, I don't want to have the main thread waiting on the background thread, but I am not sure how to best resolve this issue given that they need the same data?
This is pretty classic multithreaded programming issues. There are a number of ways to solve it with basic locks (#synchronized blocks), reader/writer locks, etc but the problem is often that you can't control when the user is going to scroll or take other action. If you #synchronize, you have to do it anywhere that data is touched, including your UITableView data source methods. That can lead to stuttering if the background processing happens to be in the middle of something.**
Personally, I would use an immutable snapshot mechanism.
Have the background thread produce the results, then include just the data the UI needs to display in the notification data as an immutable snapshot (copy). That way the background thread never modifies the data the UI is currently reading for display. How you would implement this is highly dependent on how much data you are talking about and the form it takes, but the safe way would be to have copies of your classes with readonly properties. Alternatively, you can use a "frozen" flag. Make a copy, then set frozen = YES on the copy. The UI thread will only ever see "frozen" or readonly objects coming from the background thread.
The benefit is the UI never causes the background thread to stall and there are no locks required. The downside is increased memory usage, though if the amount of data is large you can use copy-on-write mechanisms to allow the background thread and UI thread to share the data, even though logically the UI thread has a completely separate copy.
** Note: In most applications, you don't have this sort of continuous background processing going on so those apps can use simpler mechanisms. This is typically a form of message passing where the background thread finishes its task and "passes the message" to the UI thread (passes the results). At that point the background work is finished so there is no concurrent modification happening.

How to create a timer in background thread in iOS

I need to create two timers. One is on the UI thread, the other one is on the background thread. These timers are independent from each other.
Scenario that I will be using; I basically need this to test the responsiveness of UI thread. TImer in uI thread updates lastUpdatedDatetime property every 200ms in UI thread. There is also a background thread that polls this lastupdatedDatetime property every 200ms.
Does anyone know how can I achieve this?
The point of NSTimer is to be able to schedule things to be run on a thread (usually the main thread) while it is handling other events on a run loop. If all you want to do on the background thread is to poll something every 200 ms, then it is far easier to not use an NSTimer and to instead just sleep the background thread. So setup an NSTimer as usual on your main thread and on the background thread do something like:
while (stillRunning) {
// Do something with lastUpdatedDatetime
This technique is wasteful of a thread but is probably more deterministic for testing purposes than using Grand Central Dispatch.
Keep in mind if lastUpdatedDatetime is an NSDate that it should be set as an atomic property so that when you access it on the background thread you are sure to receive a valid object.
look into dispatch_async and dispatch_after
dispatch_async will let you fire off a call to another thread, this is what I use to do main thread changes.
dispatch_after will let you delay a dispatch_async for a number of seconds.
These two in conjunction will let you go back and forth between threads.
here is the documents on Grand Central Dispatch

How do I prepare my UI in a background thread?

A UIViewController takes about half a second to load its contents and appear on screen. How can I make them all load in the background and appear when they're ready?
There is a LazyTableImages sample on the Apple developer site.
It shows how to perform the heavy lifting in a background thread and update the UI on the main thread.
PerformSelectorInBackground:withObject: is a possible solution, although a more modern method would be to use asynchronous blocks. You can run code on the main thread from within these blocks to update the UI Safely.
The Concurrency Programming Guide is a good place to find more information and examples of this.
A Background Thread cant update the UI,you can perform all the processing logic in background thread and call the main thread for UI update
Example to load a tableView with Data ,use the background thread to process everything and load the Data, call [tableView reloadData] using the main thread, see Grand central Dispatching to know how to Work with Threads in IOS..
Hope it Helps
Create a GCD queue to process your work in a background thread (read the docs, because my "create" label and options may not be what you want).
You send it to the queue asynchronously, meaning that the call to dispatch_async will make appropriate arrangements for the block of code you give it to run in another thread and it will then return back to you "immediately."
All the work in the block you give it will be executed on a separate thread. Note, at the end, you do another call, this time with the well know main queue. This arranges for that code to run in the main thread, which is mandatory for any UI work.
Also, you really should read the documentation on GCD and especially blocks, because there are memory and cycle considerations. Good luck.
dispatch_queue_t workQ = dispatch_queue_create("bgWorkQ", 0);
dispatch_async(workQ, ^{
// This code is now running in a background thread.
// Do all your loading here...
// When ready to touch the UI, you must do that in the main thread...
disptach_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Now, this code is running in the main thread.
// Update your UI...
The easiest way is to use NSObject's - (void)performSelectorInBackground:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)arg You just pass it a selector and it will happy in the background and not block your UI. Be aware however that there are rules to background threads.
You shouldn't update your UI from the background thread. And you need to make sure the methods you're calling are thread safe.

What Needs To Be on Main Thread?

I have written a little define called ensureInMainThread (and I use it quite a bit). However, I'm not sure exactly which user interface methods require being called on the main thread. What about setNeedsDisplay and setNeedsLayout? What is the rule of thumb for methods that need to be called on the main thread in iOS 5.x?
These questions are related (some low quality questions and answers, and some very case specific), but I would like a comprehensive, single good answer:
UIView setNeedsDisplay Not on main thread?
Does UIView's -drawRect: have to be called on the main thread?
Make UIImage From UIView but NOT in the main thread
As of iOS 4.0, some user interface updates can be performed on a background thread:
Drawing to a graphics context in UIKit is now thread-safe. Specifically:
The routines used to access and manipulate the graphics context can now correctly handle contexts residing on different threads.
String and image drawing is now thread-safe.
Using color and font objects in multiple threads is now safe to do.
David Duncan confirms this in his comments here.
Beyond that, pretty much everything else regarding UIKit is not considered threadsafe, so you should make sure you are interacting with it on the main thread in those cases.
As an aside, I do prefer my block-based implementation of a "always run on the main thread" function over the macro you link to, because I like the explicit wrapping of code that needs to be run on the main thread.
Rule of thumb: Anything that updates the interface must be on the main thread.
With iOS 12, if you call setNeedsDisplay from a background thread, you get the following assert:
Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UIView setNeedsDisplay]
