How to display "This video is playing on ..." when Airplaying with AVPlayer? - ios

Does anyone know how to display a "This video is playing on ..." screen when Airplaying with AVPlayer? Example from the VEVO iPhone app:
By default, AVPlayer just displays a black screen. Do I have to implement such a screen myself or is a default component available for this?

May be this is a little late, but I figured out or at least a workaround for this. I added a UILabel, and to obtain the name of the selected device by using doing something like this:
CFDictionaryRef description;
UInt32 dataSize = sizeof(description);
if (AudioSessionGetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRouteDescription, &dataSize, &description) == kAudioSessionNoError) {
CFArrayRef outputs = CFDictionaryGetValue(description, kAudioSession_AudioRouteKey_Outputs);
if (outputs) {
if(CFArrayGetCount(outputs) > 0) {
CFDictionaryRef currentOutput = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(outputs, 0);
NSLog(#"%#", currentOutput);
CFStringRef outputType = CFDictionaryGetValue(currentOutput, kAudioSession_AudioRouteKey_Type);
if (CFStringCompare(outputType, kAudioSessionOutputRoute_AirPlay, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
NSDictionary *desc = (__bridge NSDictionary *)(currentOutput);
NSLog(#"%#", [desc objectForKey:#"RouteDetailedDescription_Name"]);
There should be a better way, but this is a good approach. Also, AudioSessionGetProperty is deprecated, and this can be done using AVAudioSession.
Hope this helps

That image is displayed by default when using the MPMoviePlayerController. Since AVPlayer doesn't have an UI, that image is also not available if MPMoviePlayerController is not used.
Also, I don't think that the image is available as a component outside of the MPMoviePlayerController.


RTCVideoTrack shows stretched WebRTC

I am using core WebRTC framework and rendering my local stream in IPhone full screen mode. Unfortunately, my video shows stretched, doesn't show like video view in camera app.
I tried to add aspect ratio in RTCMediaConstraints and also used adaptOutputFormatToWidth method to fix the output.
NSDictionary* mandatoryConstraints;
/* want to calculate aspect ratio dynamically */
NSString *aspectRatio = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",(double)4/3];
if (aspectRatio) {
mandatoryConstraints = #{ kRTCMediaConstraintsMaxAspectRatio:
RTCMediaConstraints *cameraConstraints = [RTCMediaConstraints alloc];
cameraConstraints = [cameraConstraints initWithMandatoryConstraints:mandatoryConstraints optionalConstraints:nil];
RTCAVFoundationVideoSource *localVideoSource = [peerFactory avFoundationVideoSourceWithConstraints:mediaConstraint];
[localVideoSource adaptOutputFormatToWidth:devicewidth:devicewidth fps:30];
In below link, the difference between camera video view and my app call video view is shown
I believe you are rendering your video in RTCEAGLVideoView, which require adjustment for size, you can use RTCMTLVideoView in place of RTCEAGLVideoView.
and if you want to use RTCEAGLVideoView, use RTCEAGLVideoViewDelegate method.
- (void)videoView:(RTCEAGLVideoView *)videoView didChangeVideoSize:(CGSize)size;
this method will give you correct size of the video.
(For Swift) -> Use RTCMTLVideoView and set videoContentMode
#if arch(arm64)
let renderer = RTCMTLVideoView(frame: videoView.frame)
renderer.videoContentMode = .scaleAspectFill
let renderer = RTCEAGLVideoView(frame: videoView.frame)

How to get the available video dimensions/quality from a video url iOS?

I am creating custom video player using AVPlayer in ios (OBJECTIVE-C).I have a settings button which on clicking will display the available video dimensions and audio formats.
Below is the design:
so,I want to know:
1).How to get the available dimensions from a video url(not a local video)?
2). Even if I am able to get the dimensions,Can I switch between the available dimensions while playing in AVPlayer?
Can anyone give me a hint?
If it is not HLS (streaming) video, you can get Resolution information with the following code.
Sample code:
// player is playing
if (_player.rate != 0 && _player.error == nil)
AVAssetTrack *track = [[_player.currentItem.asset tracksWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo] firstObject];
if (track != nil)
CGSize naturalSize = [track naturalSize];
naturalSize = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(naturalSize, track.preferredTransform);
NSInteger width = (NSInteger) naturalSize.width;
NSInteger height = (NSInteger) naturalSize.height;
NSLog(#"Resolution : %ld x %ld", width, height);
However, for HLS video, the code above does not work.
I have solved this in a different way.
When I played a video, I got the image from video and calculated the resolution of that.
Here is the sample code:
// player is playing
if (_player.rate != 0 && _player.error == nil)
AVAssetTrack *track = [[_player.currentItem.asset tracksWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo] firstObject];
CMTime currentTime = _player.currentItem.currentTime;
CVPixelBufferRef buffer = [_videoOutput copyPixelBufferForItemTime:currentTime itemTimeForDisplay:nil];
NSInteger width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(buffer);
NSInteger height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(buffer);
NSLog(#"Resolution : %ld x %ld", width, height);
As you have mentioned the that it is not a local video, you can call on some web service to return the available video dimensions for that particular video. After that change the URL to other available video and seek to the current position.
Refer This

YTPlayerView - Autorotation support to YTPlayerView

I am using YTPlayerView classes to play YouTube videos. Below is the code i am using to load video according to device screen size (large size for iPad and small size for iPhone). And it is working fine.
Problem --
When i change device mode to landscape, i want larger YTPlayerView then in portrait mode. For now video has same size for both screen modes.
- (BOOL)loadWithPlayerParams:(NSDictionary *)additionalPlayerParams {
NSDictionary *playerCallbacks = #{
#"onReady" : #"onReady",
#"onStateChange" : #"onStateChange",
#"onPlaybackQualityChange" : #"onPlaybackQualityChange",
#"onError" : #"onPlayerError"
NSMutableDictionary *playerParams = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[playerParams addEntriesFromDictionary:additionalPlayerParams];
if([UIDevice currentDevice].userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
[playerParams setValue:#"551px" forKey:#"height"];
[playerParams setValue:#"768px" forKey:#"width"];
[playerParams setValue:#"250px" forKey:#"height"];
[playerParams setValue:#"320px" forKey:#"width"];
I can not use this check to give larger size to view, because above code does not called in-between video play.
if([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation] == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscape)
Do you people have any idea how to fix this problem? Or if there is any other solution using JavaScript and css as html string to webView.
YTPlayerView actually uses webview to play the viedo, so you can only use css or javascript to change the size. There should be an html file named "YTPlayerView-iframe-player.html" in the Assets folder.
here is the css sample:
body { margin: 0; width:100%%; height:100%%; }
html { width:100%%; height:100%%; }
I have used YTPlayer in my story board and have put proper contraints on it as i'm using autolayouts in my project. It's working fine for me in both landscape and portrait mode.. I think the solution to your issue is autolayouts

IOS opening PDF

I am trying to open PDF file into my application with a custom UIBarButtonItem into the UINavigationBar, two options to open pdf into IOS
in IOS6 i have found this posts with prove that we cant customize the UINavigationBar
Custom navigationItem button with QLPreviewController in iOS6
QLPreviewController remove or add UIBarButtonItems
Custom "Email" action in UIDocumentInteractionController
"iOS6 Update This technique of overriding the QLPreviewController will no longer work in iOS 6. I have contacted Apple about the situation, but they simply stated that it is no longer supported and it is considered a private API"
is there is any other way to open PDF in IOS without Using UIWebView and to customize the UIBarButtonItem.
I don't know what exactly you want to do with the PDF, but you can open a PDF file from the bundle using some code like this:
CGPDFDocumentRef pdfDoc;
CGPDFPageRef pdfPage;
NSURL* pdfURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"filename" withExtension:#"pdf"];
CFURLRef urlRef = (__bridge CFURLRef)pdfURL;
pdfDoc = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(urlRef);
if (pdfDoc == NULL) {
// Not good
if (CGPDFDocumentIsEncrypted (pdfDoc)) {
if (!CGPDFDocumentUnlockWithPassword (pdfDoc, "")) {
if (!CGPDFDocumentUnlockWithPassword (pdfDoc, "password")) {
// Not good, document is locked
if (!CGPDFDocumentIsUnlocked (pdfDoc)) {
} else {
pdfPage = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(pdfDoc, 1);
// ...
From this point on the documentations from Apple should help you:
Quartz 2D Programming Guide
Core Graphics Framework Reference

Change lock screen background audio controls text?

I have an iOS app that streams background audio using AVAudioSession. It is working correctly, but I am curious, is there any way to change the text on the lock screen audio controls? Right now it simply displays the name of my app, but I would like to change it to the name of the track.
Additionally, the multi-tasking bar has no text under the controls- is there a way to add the track name there, as the iPod app does?
iOS 5 now supports setting the track title as well as an album art image in both the lock screen and the remote playback controls (the controls you get when you double-click the home button and swipe right). Take a look at the
MPNowPlayingInfoCenter class. Of course, to maximize compatibility, you'd want to test whether MPNowPlayingInfoCenter is available, by doing something like:
if ([MPNowPlayingInfoCenter class]) {
/* we're on iOS 5, so set up the now playing center */
UIImage *albumArtImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"HitchHikersGuide"];
albumArt = [[MPMediaItemArtwork alloc] initWithImage:albumArtImage];
NSDictionary *currentlyPlayingTrackInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Life, the Universe and Everything", [NSNumber numberWithInt:42], albumArt, nil] forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle, MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration, MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork, nil]];
[MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter].nowPlayingInfo = currentlyPlayingTrackInfo;
here it is in swift! (no need to check for iOS 5 and up anymore)
let albumArt = MPMediaItemArtwork(image: UIImage(named:"HitchHikersGuide"))
let albumDict = [MPMediaItemPropertyTitle: "Life, the Universe and Everything", MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration: 42, MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork: albumArt]
MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.defaultCenter().nowPlayingInfo = albumDict
