Setting profile pic from an upload OR an external URL using Paperclip - ruby-on-rails

I would like to let my users set their profile picture by either:
Providing a remote URL into a text box that I will use to grab the image into an S3 bucket
Uploading a file using SimpleForm's file_field method
I would love to know the cleanest way to allow users to do both of these from the same form. I have done some experimenting but not come up with anything particularly satisfactory yet. Thanks.

The following is a good guide giving a general idea how to do an upload via a url. Its very old but it gives a good general idea of what needs to be done.
After doing something like the above, first I would start with both the url and upload field disabled. Then I would just have some javascript, and a buttons that upon selecting url or upload un disabled the corresponding field by removing attribute disabled.


Best approach to Users Profile Images in Rails App

I am new to Rails and have been diving into many tutorials and online material. I am now beginning to plan/develop my own app. From all the reading I have done I am yet to come across an industry standard way of handling user profile pictures. I have bullet point what I intend to do (below) and would like some suggestions whether this is a good approach and on the right track or whether there is a much better/secure/standard way:
add a 'ProfilePhotoPath' column to my User Model/Table of type String, which will hold the location path/name of the photo
on sign-up form implement an image upload functionality to upload profile pic and store at specified location (reference in step 1 above)
note: I have come across the 'paperclip gem' and 'imagemagick', is this a better easier approach to what I want to achieve?
There are two better ways to upload profile image using Carrierwave or Paperclip.
If you want to use Carrierwave then refer this tutorial Image Upload using Carrierwave
And if you want to go for Paperclip, then refer this links Upload image using Paperclip video tutorial
Another link with steps is Upload profile image using Paperclip
Most people use Paperclip or a more robust solution would be Carrierwave.
Both are really good. I would tell you to learn Paperclip first.
It's fairly easy if you're just starting out.
Edit: checkout this link. Click the green 'run' button to see the app.

can i use input type = file in my single page application

I'm writing my first single page application and have a requirement by where the user is going to need to upload documents and/or images.
Is this a show stopper for using a spa or is there a work around?
I seem to be able to find very little on this on the net so I'm wondering if this requirement would mean creating a normal mvc site?
Its possible to upload files using ajax, so no show stopper there. you might need a controller to accept the file though, but that shouldn't be an issue.
Check out this tutorial on an ajax upload
or you can check out uploadify, i think that does file upload via ajax too

Creating a table entry while using CarrierWaveDirect

Is it possible to use something like CarrierWaveDirect to upload directly to S3 and still be able to gather some data on the files being uploaded?
For instance, is it possible to change the filename, and save the size in a table before/after the upload? I don't need to do any kind of manipulation to the file either (I was reading some documentation regarding the use of Resque).
I realize that this is a very novice question but I couldn't find the answer anywhere.
After a lot of fiddling, I found out that the S3 secure upload form that the hidden field success_action_redirect returns so params on the uploaded file.

Best way to display non-public images in a rails view

I am trying to find the best way to render confidential images in a view, without storing the images within the rails application flat-filesystem, as I have no idea where to place the images. I am storing the image data binary as :text in a sqlite3 database table and successfully display the images using
<% s = "data:image/png;base64,#{ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64(#my_image)}"%>
<img style = 'width:100%; height:600px' src = '<%= s %>'/>
This works for me in Firefox and Chrome, but my client cannot get the images to display. I'll find out in an hour or two what browser they are using. Client says they want the image src url to look like a relative path within a controller's folder, which seems to contradict the notion of not storing the image in the flat-file system.
I think I am missing something very small here, but I would like to know the proper way to store images and documents in an application that are not public to all users. If my question is not clear or you need information, please let me know and I will provide more information.
I have read of attachment_fu and paperclip, but they appear to allow attachment downloads, and I just need to display an image inline on a page. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you much in advance.
You can keep files in non-public repositories and have controllers action with send_file(path, options = {}) It allows you store files somewhere on the hard disc and keep access logic inside your controller.
Have you tried the paperclip gem? You can upload images to amazon and amazon allows you to set permissions for files...if you want to do it that way.
As Artem says, Amazon is a great way to achieve this. But if I get you right, they want to see an URL to the image directly (i.e. be able to type the source into the address-field if they want to).
You need to decide wether everyone should be able to access the image (given they know the name/path), or to have authentication, in which case I don't think a relative path is worth anything.
Can't you just have an image-folder containing all images (not accessible by URL), and a table to lookup wether userX is allowed to see imageY?

Testing SWFUpload with Cucumber

In a project, I recently replaced a simple form-based file upload with SWFUpload. When SWFUpload returns a success, I generate a form to add tags to the uploaded asset.
I'd like to be able to test inputting data into the tags textbox, but to do that I (think I) need to fake out SWFUpload.
Has anyone done this in the past? I haven't been able to find anything via google, and there doesn't seem to be anything in the cucumber docs re: testing Flash.
I dont think you need to fake flash at all, because all swfupload is doing for you is simulating a simple http post.
If you do a manual http post to the same action/controller that your swfupload is posting to and make sure the file field of your post is named the same as the swf parameter which swfupload passes (params[:Filedata]) you should get the same effect.
Also to answer Swanand's comment above you need to hack CGI::Session. Try
I recently stumbled upon this plugin which may be able to help you with what yo need to do. You can read more here.
