I am setting up a new project (java backend + dart frontend).
On client side I plan to use stagexl as a gaming framework. On server side I will use Google App Engine. (Plus Gradle and GIT ...)
Yesterday I followed http://blog.dartwatch.com/2013/01/integrating-dart-into-eclipse-and-your.html for installing the dart eclipse plugin but I get lots of error popups all the time.
Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.tabbed".
org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: null argument:
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isNotNull(Assert.java:85)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isNotNull(Assert.java:73)
at org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.ResourcePropertySource.<init>(ResourcePropertySource.java:134)
at com.google.dart.tools.ui.DartElementAdapterFactory.getProperties(DartElementAdapterFactory.java:204)
at com.google.dart.tools.ui.DartElementAdapterFactory.getAdapter(DartElementAdapterFactory.java:140)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.adapter.AdapterFactoryProxy.getAdapter(AdapterFactoryProxy.java:80)
My setup:
Dart Editor for Eclipse 0.4.5.r21094 com.google.dart.eclipse.feature.feature.group dartlang.org
Eclipse EGit org.eclipse.egit.feature.group Eclipse EGit
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers epp.package.jee null
Google App Engine Java SDK 1.7.7 1.7.7 com.google.appengine.eclipse.sdkbundle.feature.feature.group Google, Inc.
Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.2.2.v201303261859-rel-r42 com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite.e42.feature.feature.group Google, Inc.
Gradle IDE org.springsource.ide.eclipse.gradle.feature.feature.group SpringSource, a division of VMware, Inc.
A beer or two to the one who helps me!
Instead of installing Eclipse and then installing the Dart plugin, I recommend you to download the Dart Editor from their page
That is an already fully functional Eclipse instance prepared for dart usage.
From there, you can create a new project and they will give you some pre-defined templates.
While trying to run the Google cloud dataflow Wordcount example in eclipse referenced here https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/quickstarts/quickstart-java-eclipse
I am getting the following error:
An internal error occurred during: "Update Hierarchy".
Tried to create a TypeHierarchyPipelineOptionsHierarchy for a Java Project 'my project name' where no PipelineOptions type exists
This issue was also faced by somebody else as per the following stackoverflow link:
Eclipse: An internal error occurred during: "Update Hierarchy"
I tried the solution above, the project compiles but it does not run even after Force Update of Snapshots/Releases as explained above.
Based on my research of the problem it looks like google-cloud-dataflow-java-sdk-all-2.0.0-beta1.jar does not have the PipelineRunner class, which is causing the error. The 1.9.0 version of the same jar had those classes.
I cannot use 1.9.0 version of the jar directly because it causes other compilation errors e.g. package change to 'org.apache.beam' instead of 'com.google.cloud.dataflow'
Indeed, there's an issue in the older versions of the Google Cloud Dataflow plugin for Eclipse -- older versions are not forward-compatible with Dataflow SDKs 2.x series, but the project generation may still automatically create a project using the newest 2.x SDK.
To solve the problem, please upgrade to the newest version of the plugin.
Projects generated with versions 1.1.2 of the Dataflow Plugin for Eclipse and earlier will generate projects using the most recent archetype. With the release of Dataflow 2.0.0-beta1, the generated project will use the Apache Beam SDK as an underlying dependency. Modifying the project version to 1.9.0 or earlier will not modify the generated code, which causes the compilation failures you're experiencing.
Version 1.1.3 of the plugin will ensure that any generated project remains within the Dataflow namespace. Future versions will also work forwards-compatibly with Apache Beam. Version 1.1.3 should be available - in Eclipse, go to Help -> Check for Updates (possibly running Perform Setup Tasks to clear the cached current version) should make the updated plugin available.
We have published version 1.1.3 of the Dataflow Plugin for Eclipse; the quickstart example should now function. The project you've generated will not work until a future release of the Dataflow Plugin for Eclipse. Updating the plugin and re-running the quickstart should succeed.
I created a sample Cloud Dataflow Java project using dataflow Eclipse plugin, I wanted to create a pipeline for DatastoreIO with namespace support, but i couldn't find the withNamespace() in the DatastoreIO class.
UPDATE: DatastoreIO namespace support is available in Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java, version 1.2.0 released this week.
DatastoreIO namespace support is available if you build the development version of the SDK from GitHub, however this version has not yet been released on Maven.
If you would like to use the DatastoreIO namespace support before that release happens, you can install the development version of the SDK using following the Getting Started instructions. The Eclipse project should then automatically pick up the new version, and if it does not you can edit the project pom.xml to manually specify the desired 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT version with these changes.
See also: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowJavaSDK/issues/63 (You do not normally need to post both places :).
this plugin requires plugin Editor Library to be installed.
The plugin Editor Library is requested in version >= (release version 2) but only (of release version different from 2) was found.
The following plugin is affected: Struts2 Support
Now i have resolved another plugin for Struts 2 support. This plugin is called Netbeans Struts2 Plug-in and its a re-pack for the plugin i was trying to install. Though this plugin in not certified but it is working good. The developers have tested it on netbeans 7.4 but i'm using it not netbeans8 and i have not suffered any issues.
I have found another way, that is using maven. That is also a good way but i would not recommend it if you have slow internet connection.
I am using NetBeans 7.1, which comes with Groovy 1.6 support. I have to do a Grails project, but with Groovy 1.8 support. So I downloaded Groovy 1.8 installer, installed it and added the Library in Netbeans -> Tools -> Libraries (and removed Groovy 1.6 library).
Now whenever I use some stuff added in Groovy 1.8 within my Grils project, it still underlines it and throws "cannot resolve" error... I was googling it for last 2 hours and everything I find seems I have already done... it starts to give me a headache... Any suggestions on how to solve it?
NetBeans support from Groovy has -- until recently -- stagnated.
The Groovy support (as you say) is for Groovy 1.6.X, and the Grails support is similarly old.
There has very recently been some activity in trying to improve this, but at the current time you are probably better using Eclipse, STS (both free) or IDEA (paid) if you want proper IDE support for up to date Grails development.
More often when I install a plugin, doesn't recognize it.
For example using Joda Time, I have a variable LocalDateTime date (i'm importing joda library) and eclipse says unable to resolve class LocalDateTime, though the application works.
Or I have installed the grails icepush plugin but after the installation taglib files were missing.
It's a SpringSource problem?
You should upgrade to SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) which is Eclipse bundled with a suite of plugins. It has great support for Groovy and Grails. 2.5.0 was recently released and it has a plugin wizard for installing, updating, and uninstalling plugins, although it supports plugins installed from the commandline too. I find I sometimes need to manually refresh it but that's simple - just right-click on the project and select Grails Tools | Refresh Dependencies.
After installing you'll need to add support for Groovy and Grails - that's available from the Dashboard.
Download from http://www.springsource.com/developer/sts
You are not doing anything wrong, chances are the eclipse toolset is still behind the competition. As mentioned by #Burt, you can get the STS from SpringSource directly or you can get IntelliJ IDEA which also has a very good clean interface to Grails applications. The latest 9.0.3 works very well with large, complex Grails applications, and seems to have a very advanced intellisense (autocomplete) capabilities.