SBJson displays null - ios

I am trying to parse some json data with SBJson to show the current temperature. The example code from this tutorial works perfect: Tutorial: Fetch and parse JSON
When I change the code to my json feed i get a null. I am kind of new to JSON but followed every tutorial and documentation I found. The json source i used: JSON Source
My code with sbjson:
NSString *responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
self.responseData = nil;
NSArray* currentw = [(NSDictionary*)[responseString JSONValue] objectForKey:#"current_weather"];
//choose a random loan
NSDictionary* weathernow = [currentw objectAtIndex:0];
//fetch the data
NSNumber* tempc = [weathernow objectForKey:#"temp_C"];
NSNumber* weatherCode = [weathernow objectForKey:#"weatherCode"];
NSLog(#"%# %#", tempc, weatherCode);
and of course I have already implemented the other sbjson code.

There is no current_weather key in the JSON data you posted. The structure is:
{ "data": { "current_condition": [ { ..., "temp_C": "7", ... } ], ... } }
Here's a visual representation:
Therefore, to get to temp_C, you'd need to first obtain the top-level data property:
NSDictionary* json = (NSDictionary*)[responseString JSONValue];
NSDictionary* data = [json objectForKey:#"data"];
then, from that, obtain the current_location property:
NSArray* current_condition = [data objectForKey:#"current_condition"];
and finally, from the current_location array, get the element you're interested in:
NSDictionary* weathernow = [current_condition objectAtIndex:0];
Also note that temp_C and weatherCode are strings, not numbers. To transform them to numbers, instead of:
NSNumber* tempc = [weathernow objectForKey:#"temp_C"];
NSNumber* weatherCode = [weathernow objectForKey:#"weatherCode"];
you could use something like:
int tempc = [[weathernow objectForKey:#"temp_C"] intValue];
int weatherCode = [[weathernow objectForKey:#"weatherCode"] intValue];
(or floatValue / doubleValue if the value is not supposed to be an int, but rather a float or a double)
You would then use %d (or %f for float / double) as a format string:
NSLog(#"%d %d", tempc, weatherCode);

Provided link returns json without current_weather parameter. There is only current_condition parameter, please review this.

Use NSJSONSerialization instead of JSONValue.
NSData* data = [responseString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary* jsonDict = [NSJSONSerialization
In your link, there is no current_weather key.
NSString* tempc = [[[[jsonDict objectForKey:#"data"] objectForKey:#"current_condition"] objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:#"temp_C"];


string handling in ios

I am getting String data from server in the format below. I want to get the value for every tag like phonenumber and name etc. I am able to convert it in array by comma separator. how to get individual values?
Company:Affiliated CO,Organization:TECHNICAL EDUCATION
SOCIETY,Organization:SINHGAD,Organization:National Basketball Association,Person:Parikshit N. Mahalle,PhoneNumber:81 98 22 416 316,PhoneNumber:9120-24100154,Position:Professor,SportsEvent:NBA.
Say your original string is stored in rawString.
You need to :
1) split the string by ,
NSArray *pieces = [rawString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
2) for each item in this array, split it by :, and add it to a dictionary :
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary new];
for (NSString *piece in pieces) {
NSArray *splitPiece = [piece componentsSeparatedByString:#":"];
// key is at splitPiece[0], value is at splitPiece[1]
dict[splitPiece[0]] = splitPiece[1];
Then you'll have a dictionary of what you wanted in the first place.
But as suggested in the comments, it would be far better (and more flexible) for you to receive JSON data.
Edit: your original string shows there are multiple fields named Organization. The code I've given is not designed to handle such cases, it's up to you to build upon it.
If this data is not being returned as a JSON object then you'll have to go with #Clyrille answer. But if it is JSON then NSJSONSerialization:JSONObjectWithData:options:error: will be the way to go.
NSDictionary *json = [NSJSONSerialization
JSONObjectWithData:/*urlResponse*/ options:0 error:nil];
NSString *company = [json objectForKey:#"Company"];
NSString *Organization = [json objectForKey:#"Organization"];
NSString *Person = [json objectForKey:#"Person"];
NSString *PhoneNumber = [json objectForKey:#"PhoneNumber"];
NSString *Position = [json objectForKey:#"Position"];
NSString *SportsEvent = [json objectForKey:#"SportsEvent"];

Parse from JSON response

I am getting the JSON response
Response = success;
UserId = 287;
I tried to parse the user id with below code
NSDictionary *dataDictionary = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:receivedData options:0 error:&e];
NSLog(#"%#", dataDictionary);
NSString *useridstring=[dataDictionary valueForKey:#"UserId"];
But am getting the user id ( 287 ).
Please suggest me that how to get user id without paraparentheses
Your response is not a dictionary, it's an array. So your code should look like this:
NSArray *dataArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:receivedData options:0 error:&e];
NSLog(#"%#", dataArray);
NSDictionary *dataDictionary = dataArray[0]; //Same as objectAtIndex:
NSString *userIDString = dataDictionary[#"UserID"]; //Same as objectForKey:
//If you're still getting parens try this:
//int userIDInt = [dataDictionary[#"UserID"] intValue];
You need to fetch integer value from your JSON response.
int userid = [[dataDictionary valueForKey:#"UserId"] intValue];
If getting parentheses in integer response too, then it is problem with JSON response recived. for a workaround you can use -
NSString *useridstring=[dataDictionary valueForKey:#"UserId"];
int userid = [[useridstring substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, useridstring.length - 2)] intValue]
You are getting an array in response, for this you have to use -
int userid = [[dataDictionary valueForKey:#"UserId"] firstObject];

What is the best method to break this into usable strings

Whats is the best way to parse this out?
I get this back from the web service as one big long string. Each of the variables are listed then they have a = sign then what I need to populate the variable with.
I need to get all of this data into variables to check them.
So, how should I go about breaking it down.
Use this kind of code:
NSArray* components = [veryLongString componentsSeparatedByString:#"&"]; // array of strings like "x=y"
NSMutableDictionary* parsedResult = [NSMutableDictionary new];
for (NSString* keyValuePair in components) {
NSArray* keyAndValue = [keyValuePair componentsSeparatedByString:#"="];
NSString* key = keyAndValue[0];
NSString* value = (keyAndValue.count>1) ? keyAndValue[1] : nil;
// remove percent escapes in case we have URL-encoded characters in the value like '%20' and the like
parsedResult[key] = [value stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] ?: [NSNull null];
NSLog(#"dictionary of parameters: %#", parsedResult);
You will end up with a dictionary containing the keys and values extracted from your string.
NSString* firstPass = [sourceString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"&" withString:#"\",\""];
NSString* secondPass = [firstPass stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"=" withString:#"\":\""];
NSString* grandFinale = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"{\"%#\"}"];
NSData* jsonSource = [grandFinale dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8Encoding];
NSError* error = nil;
NSDictionary* theBiggie = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonSource options:0 error:&error];
I think NSJSONSerialization will automagically fix up the percent encoding. If not, run grandFinale through stringByRemovingPercentEncoding.

Json Response parsing

I got json reponse in the following way...i have tried to parse in many ways all went ruin.
events = {
id = 1;
name = "Event One";
events = {
id = 2;
name = "Test 2";
events = {
id = 12;
name = "vivek 11";
NSDictionary *jsonDictionaryResponse = [response JSONValue];
NSString *name=[[[jsonDictionaryResponse objectForKey:#"events"]objectAtIndex:0]valueForKey:#"name"];
json response:
Login response :[{"events":{"id":"1","name":" Event
11"}},{"events":{"id":"13","name":"Baby's Day
7"}},{"events":{"id":"69","name":"vivek event for
tests"}},{"events":{"id":"102","name":"chinees food mela"}}]
first transform your response string to NSData. then try this:
NSError *error;
NSArray *jSONArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:kNilOptions error:&error];
for (NSDictionary *dict in jSONArray) {
NSDictionary *event = [dict objectForKey=#"events"];
NSString *name = [event objectForKey:#"name"];
The easiest way to understand a JSON object in Objective-C is to understand how it breaks things up into Arrays and Dictionaries. Every time you see a "[" think Array. Every time you see a "{" think Dictionary.
An Array can have Dictionary or other Array objects as part of the collection and a Dictionary can have Array or more Dictionary objects which can contain more Arrays or Dictionaries.
If you remember that "[ ]" means Array and "{ }" means Dictionary, you will know JSON in Objective-C.
Check that result coming as JSON. it is not aDictionary check it
PLease find the code here
NSArray *jsonArrayResponse = [response JSONValue];
NSDictionary *firstDic = [jsonArrayResponse objectAtIndex:0];
NSDictionary *secondDic = [firstDic objectForKey:#"events"];
NSLog(#"The values in the events dictioanry is %# ",[secondDic allValues]);
NSString *stringNAme = [secondDic objectForKey:#"id"];

Understand and use this JSON data in iOS

I created a web service which returns JSON or so I think. The data returned look like this:
To me, that looks like valid JSON.
Using native JSON serializer in iOS5, I take the data and capture it as a NSDictionary.
NSError *error;
NSDictionary *json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[request responseData] options:kNilOptions error:&error];
NSLog(#"json count: %i, key: %#, value: %#", [json count], [json allKeys], [json allValues]);
The output of the log is:
json count: 1, key: (
), value: (
amount = "1139.99";
checkoutCompleted = 1;
checkoutStarted = 1;
id = 44;
number = 42;
So, it looks to me that the JSON data has a NSString key "invoice" and its value is NSArray ({amount = ..., check...})
So, I convert the values to NSArray:
NSArray *latestInvoice = [json objectForKey:#"invoice"];
But, when stepping through, it says that latestInvoice is not a CFArray. if I print out the values inside the array:
for (id data in latestInvoice) {
NSLog(#"data is %#", data);
The result is:
data is id
data is checkoutStarted
data is ..
I don't understand why it only return the "id" instead of "id = 44". If I set the JSON data to NSDictionary, I know the key is NSString but what is the value? Is it NSArray or something else?
This is the tutorial that I read:
Edit: From the answer, it seems like the "value" of the NSDictionary *json is another NSDictionary. I assume it was NSArray or NSString which is wrong. In other words, [K,V] for NSDictionary *json = [#"invoice", NSDictionary]
The problem is this:
NSArray *latestInvoice = [json objectForKey:#"invoice"];
In actual fact, it should be:
NSDictionary *latestInvoice = [json objectForKey:#"invoice"];
...because what you have is a dictionary, not an array.
Wow, native JSON parser, didn't even notice it was introduced.
NSArray *latestInvoice = [json objectForKey:#"invoice"];
This is actually a NSDictionary, not a NSArray. Arrays wont have keys. You seem capable from here.
Here I think You have to take to nsdictionary like this
NSData* data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: jsonURL];
NSDictionary *office = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:kNilOptions error:nil];
NSDictionary *invoice = [office objectForKey:#"invoice"];
